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Everything posted by furrycactus

  1. I'd still be interested! That said, I'm going in for a minor surgical procedure this Friday, then have an expected week or two of recovery. In the event you guys are willing to take me on for trial, would it be alright if we postponed such until after that?
  2. Ckey/BYOND Username: Furrycactus Discord Name: Joshie Position Being Applied For: Mapper Past Experiences/Knowledge: I was a mapper on Aurora in the past circa 2019 to 2021, but I left the team and the server for a time due to a mixture of burnout and to prioritise my studies. Prior to that, I did a lot of mapping with TG code for a private server I had with friends. In the time since coming back to Aurora, I've kept my toes in the water through the occasional contributor PR or project. Examples of Past Work: For anyone still around that played back then and might remember, my biggest projects in the past were departmental remaps of the Engineering sublevel and the Medical main level on the NSS Aurora, and updating the NSS Exodus map to the modern (at the time) standards for the anniversary event where we returned to the map for a weekend. My more recent work has consisted of various contributor PRs, mostly for smaller scope QoL changes and bug fixes on the Horizon or various ghost role off-ships. Probably the biggest one of these that I've done was a total redesign of the IAC Rescue Ship. Attached pictures are an example of the smaller PRs I've put out recently, here, here, and here. Additional Comments: I'll be completely candid, while I enjoy the mapping process very much, I understand very little in the way of code. Any code that I've managed to get working in the past has been haphazardly reverse-engineered in a very Frankenstein-like manner, and if it worked it was because of duct tape and prayer. I've tried, but my brain just doesn't get it. So if that's something that would pull the brakes on this app then I totally get that.
  3. This smacks of the "NSS Aurora shouldn't be the most important research station anymore" and subsequent conception of the Upsilon which became the #1, time is a flat circle, history is always doomed to repeat itself, etc. etc. That's not a bad thing though, imo. I think these are all very good points and that it's overall a very good idea. I think the fact that we already basically did the same thing in the past with the NSS Aurora/Upsilon is a big tell that it's a good move. It explains away all the pitfalls that come about by nature of the game being a game we all play and sometimes get a little silly in. (Plus I think it'll be very funny if any remaining former-Aurora crew start seething about it happening to them a second time, a bigger-and-better facility/ship one-upping their workplace once again.)
  4. It always just sounds like a smart idea to let the Bridge know that you're headed off. With the manifest program coming on miner and scientist PDAs now it's also easier than ever to fill that out, so I'm generally supportive of the idea. That said, I don't think we should make it require permission to depart on anything short of Red alert. Playing a job where you rely on going away on a shuttle and being told to sit on your hands in your department instead sucks a lot, and Blue alert happens so frequently that it'll just be a headache. Honestly a big thing I wish was possible was the ability to adjust your planned return time while away from the Horizon. Plenty of times I've seen detours from space hazards drastically cut into the amount of time you had planned for an expedition, and then you either have to rush the actual exploration or run over time and cause someone else to come check on you. That might be out of the scope of this suggestion though.
  5. Reporting Personnel: Ladoria Lotami Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Scientist Game ID: cvR-aSDg Personnel Involved: Ladoria Lotami, Scientist - Witness Opal Lotami, Xenoarchaeologist - Witness Titus Shaner, Shaft Miner - Offender Secondary Witnesses: Reed Calom, Corporate Representative - Witnessed and engaged to an extent in the exchange with Shaner on Hailing and Common communications. Yiorgis Castellanos, Executive Officer - Witnessed and engaged to an extent in the exchange with Shaner on Hailing and Common communications. Time of Incident: Approx. 0650-0730. Real Time: Approx. 1700 GMT+10, 24/09/2024 Location of Incident: Expedition Away Site Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [x] - Destruction of Property [x] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ ] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: Myself, Opal, and our assistant pAI for the shift (Nyoom) were conducting an exploration of an abandoned facility that appeared to be a derelict dining establishment. The site had still-functional electricity and atmospheric systems, so we were cautiously surveying the site. Opal made mention of seeing another person skulking about on the outside hull, putting us all on edge. Stepping away towards the Intrepid's dock for just a moment, I heard a commotion and people yelling about venting. Coming back with my suit engaged, I saw Opal and Nyoom arguing with Shaner, only to be informed he had recklessly entered through a window or wall instead of any of the functional docks or airlocks, and had begun repeatedly kicking and damaging our pAI assistant for the shift - who was helping us with administrative and clerical duties - because it warned him off of recklessly entering an area. We asked him to leave, as we were currently investigating the site and his presence was causing difficulties with that given his lack of regard for safety, or for what his own job as a Shaft Miner entails, but he refused, stating it was part of his job to be present. I then witnessed him begin to grab crates from the facility's storage room and start pillaging them. He then said over radio that we had a stick stuck up "somewhere special" for being upset over his careless barging through and looting of an expedition site when we'd hardly been there a few minutes ourselves. When I suggested that breaking into and looting abandoned sites as a Shaft Miner perhaps wasn't part of the job description, he insisted up and down that it was, that it was called "prospecting", and that he had full right to be here, despite, again, the site actively being chosen for a research expedition. Shaner was chastised by Calom on the Common frequency and instructed to cease by Castellanos on the Hailing frequency, but I am unaware as to what he actually did from that point forward, as Opal and I were requested back on the Horizon immediately after to assist with other matters, and so we promptly departed. Submitted Evidence: The statements made over radio channels will be available in the ship's stored telecommunication logs. Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: The XO (Yiorgis Castellanos) was briefly made aware of the situation over Hailing communications by the Xenoarchaeologist. Actions taken: The XO told Shaner to cease his activities. Additional Notes: ((OOC: From our return onward, the round became a lot heavier with antaggery, so there wasn't any opportunity for in-round follow up for the situation. Otherwise we would've sought further resolution that way.))
  6. All very cool ideas and I'll be very excited to see what you manage to accomplish. Best of luck with the application! 😄
  7. Hazel has worked extensively on mapping projects as of late, which is especially evident with the track record they've provided above. Additionally, they're an incredibly creative person who I've extensively bounced ideas back and forth with for mapping projects, so the development team would only stand to benefit with her addition to it. Just a question of curiosity moreso than anything else, but do you have any notable projects planned in your head, potentially working on Odyssey stuff aside?
  8. Oh yeah I'm working on this one btw. Except as a large derelict instead
  9. Would the comets be visible on sensors the moment they spawn, regardless of the hazards in the way? Sometimes the Horizon spawns boxed in or in really tricky to navigate spots, surrounded by dust or carp or meteors on all sides. I can imagine it might be pretty tricky to try and escape a comet if the Horizon is stuck in an unfortunate spot from the start.
  10. These could definitely be a lot of fun, and I wouldn't be opposed to taking a crack at trying to map one of these sometime maybe.
  11. I think keeping stock parts based on research levels would be handy (manipulators/micro-lasers/scanning modules/capacitors) as they're vital for literally building machines you make with circuit boards, almost anything you can think of that counts as a machine in the game - and it allows Machinist to go around with RPEDs and actually upgrade the machines around the ship if they care to. Other than that though, voidsuits/roller beds/stun batons sound like some great ideas. Some other potential suggestions could include things like: - Custodial Carts (plastic?) - Mop Buckets (plastic?) - Atmos Pipe Dispensers - Disposals Pipe Dispensers - Fire Extinguishers - Fire Extinguisher Refill Cartridges - Empty Reagent Tanks (Welding Fuel/Water/Fire Foam/Lube) - Steel/Plastic Cargo Crates/Freezer Crates/Lockers/ID Lockers, Gas Canisters, etc. (perhaps with more resource efficiency compared to building them by hand) - Empty Internals Tanks (of all the various kinds) Perhaps even on heightened alert level, maybe they could produce ammunition similar to an autolathe but in slightly higher quantities? Not sure about that one though.
  12. I think Hydroponics is in a pretty good place currently, as someone who occasionally no-lifes the role in week long stints. My only real complaint about the current layout is the number of trays available to grow things. A lot of people might think the current amount is just fine, and honestly, it's hardly a game breaker - but a lot of new produce and recipes have been added over the last few months, and sometimes it feels hard to keep up when you have excited chefs that have a pretty varied menu. That said, I understand space is at a premium, and I can't much imagine for the life of me where extra trays could go. Otherwise, the only other (very minor) gripe I have is the three trays in the downstairs part. They're so out of sight and it's very easy to forget you have stuff growing in them until they die from lack of care. Perhaps the beekeeping supplies could be kept downstairs? That could also help eliminate the "oh my god are those bees???" panic that often grips the crew if a single swarm escapes the hive? Not sure, but just a thought. Otherwise, I really really like the proximity they get to the Kitchen, and the public garden. Makes you feel reasonably involved in all the commotion when people are socializing at the kitchen. EDIT: Just thinking - a destination tagger and some wrapping paper like the kitchen has could be great for mailing produce to Ops for bounties.
  13. I'm more in favour of keeping the Janitor's closet there. It's right by Service and Medical which are generally the two messiest places already. Security is also just around the corner already, while the main Janitorial office is a whole deck down and tucked away in a corner out of sight, which would just be made more worse if their auxiliary closet was moved to the dock. Security can already hang out and stand in the hall like everyone else. I do think the xenofauna guns should get moved tho.
  14. I definitely understand the intent, but this does sound a lot like pointless tedium. Consider that the average shift is around two hours. I've had plenty of cooking sessions IRL that have surpassed that timeframe without the oven or stovetop catching fire, and that's with a decade old electrical stove/oven. I'd imagine the cooking facilities on the SCC's flagship vessel in 2466 are probably much better and safer to operate. For example, I've always just assumed the stovetops work via induction, which doesn't actually generate heat on a hotplate or produce flame, but induces a magnetic current in the base of the cooking pan/pot/etc. to heat up just the pan itself. It's incredibly safe. And that's by today's technology, let alone four-hundred years in the future. Many modern ovens also come equipped with safeties and circuit breakers that trip if an oven gets too hot and cut the power automatically so fires don't happen. But even then, most ovens can already run for much longer than 2 hours without any ill-effects. By ALL means, don't leave your FOOD unattended on ovens or stoves for hours on end, sure, that can definitely lead to a fire. I wouldn't be opposed to unattended burnt food eventually catching alight. But with how long already it takes for the stoves and ovens to heat up, it would add some really un-fun tedium to the role if I have to keep turning my devices off to let them cool down. Empty and unattended cooking implements, while not ideal, I don't see a reason they should spontaneously combust because they got a tiny bit too hot after only half an hour (provided food hasn't been left to smoke and burn). Also remember this should probably be viewed as more of an industrial-scale kitchen, given that it's responsible for feeding the ENTIRE ship, and not a humble home-cook's hobby kitchen. It should definitely be able to handle running hot for several hours. I could definitely understand if these devices heated up the room though (gradually, and slowly, and not to dangerous levels, or Tajara chefs would suffer), Kitchens can be very warm places after you've been cooking for a while. Maybe smoking/burning food starts to produce CO2 as well? If anyone's ever burnt food before you know how quickly your kitchen can be visually choked up with smoke. EDIT: Actually I think if you put water or ice in the deep fryer it should have a huge slippery foam reaction that gives you severe burns.
  15. I've worked under Jackdaw a few times in Engineering now. Not only are they an effective CE, they're also a very responsive and engaging character entirely separate from their job role. They've been thoroughly enjoyable to have in-round! +1
  16. Oh awesome, don't worry about what I said then in that case! Really awesome idea and I'm glad to see it.
  17. Shore leave is a really great idea and it's been really good to see it's actually happening as of late. The only thing is, it being on Sundays for our American and European friends has left southern hemisphere players in a spot where attending is pretty much impossible. I know for me being on Australia's east coast, shore leave happens around 7am on a Monday morning, which is also 4am for the west coast. Ghastly hours, but if someone is determined enough to make them on a weekend it would be possible. But with them being the northern hemisphere's Sunday, it's a Monday morning and people tend to have to have to attend classes or go to work. I understand it probably has to rely on the availability of staff, but would there be any possibility at all they could be ran on NH Saturdays, which would be very early SH Sunday mornings?
  18. I don't have much input beyond agreeing that Orion Engineering would be pretty based.
  19. I'd be interested in doing any of the above! I might like to start with a small thing or two first, just to get my bearings with wiki formatting again, but would be more than happy to work on overhauling or making new pages. I'm incredibly familiar with Engineering and Atmospherics in particular, otherwise I have a varying, average amount of knowledge in most other departments. Security and combat related things are what I'm by far the least versed in however. Good luck with your finals! 😊
  20. Ckey/BYOND Username: Furrycactus Position Being Applied For: (Wiki Maintainer, Lore Developer, Deputy Lore developer): Wiki Maintainer Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? Yes. Past Experiences/Knowledge: I used to be on the Development team as a mapper, and while code was not my strongest point, I can passably read it for the purposes of transcribing things like recipe ingredients. I was also a part of the Lore Team as a deputy for Human lore, so I'm relatively familiar with wiki formatting, if a bit rusty. Examples of Past Work: I wrote the wiki page for the planet Amon during my tenure on Human lore, but it does not exist anymore so I unfortunately cannot provide a link for reference. Additional Comments: My time on the Lore and Development teams ended because I became very busy with my studies IRL, among other things, but those time constraints have since ended, so my available time to work on projects has increased once again. I've been noticing parts of the wiki that seem outdated or knowledge that's seemingly missing entirely, so I want to do my part to help out.
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