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Everything posted by Reyjakai

  1. Well I've had that happen for IC reasons that resulted in a warning, and not a ban. It was temporary, however, and was specifically placed on a single character, not on me as a player, so it's a little iffy. It was also technically enforced in an RP way, not an actual lockout of command. But I agree with you that Command probably shouldn't be whitelist stripped for inactivity, since I'd argue that it has more to do with your ability to roleplay than it does as your absolute knowledge of game mechanics. People are trying to deal with incompetent command, and trying to figure out if someone is just having an off day or if they're inappropriately command is different. If someone is just genuinely not fit to play a command role, I'd rather you strip it from them when they play rather than strip it from them based only on if they haven't played in a while. If someone hasn't played in 3 years, what's the harm in leaving them whitelisted? This seems like we have an endless supply of people who have command access, and only pop up occasionally and are rusty. If that's the case, how many people are we reasonably talking about that this affects? It seems to me like the real issue is with bad players having command, not command being enabled for too many people.
  2. Appealing Personnel: Katelynn Mcmullen Specific Incident: I can't recall. It was a very long time ago. Action taken as a result: I got permanently banned from being RD. Action contested: Being permanently banned from RD. Reasoning for contest: It's been such a long time that I can't even remember what happened, or why. Additional notes: I imagine it's connected to me being banned from research in general, also ages ago, but I really couldn't tell you. (If there are none simply leave it blank)
  3. That would be a good discussion to have. My primary problem with how that entire thing was handled was that nobody cared to talk to me directly about it, especially OOC. I ended up looking like a complete ass, and everybody else were just hapless victims of my malice, apparently. Not sure whether it's a sign of weakness or strength, but this is the first indication (Other than when I was chatting with Doom back around when it happened. I would have never come back if not for talking with him) that anybody actually cares at all. And not just because you're willing to do something about it, but because every indication that I've gotten from admins/heads/DO is that everybody is looking for an excuse to get me banned as quickly as possible. I'm still not sure why you guys didn't just ban me back then. And in my defense, antag hunting as a scientist happened when I first joined the server. It was way, way long ago. Almost a year before my ban, I think. Maybe closer to six months, I'm not entirely sure. I was way different then, which is also why I was so confused that those warnings were taken into account. This isn't talking about those two rounds that happened right after, where I had to deal with malf AI two rounds in a row as the lone RD after security and the captain all suicided on the AI and cyborgs. That goes back to the top question as to what the job of the acting Captain is. Abandon the station when malf is in control? Muster the remaining crew and fight back? It's a legitimate question, and everybody just decided "That's not valid, fuck Reyjakai." Or at least that's how I've seen it to this point. I've even gotten some comments recently, see earlier in this thread, that my character somehow destroyed the good image of shells, as if they ever had a good image to begin with. Are people really comparing my obnoxious antics as my snowflake shell to robot security before synths were nerfed into the ground? Please. Yes, I do. And I really do want to talk about the stuff that happened back in the day. I'm not a huge fan of leaving things unfinished in the past. Clearly there's a certain amount of animosity towards me from the community. I'm not looking to be everybody's friend, but I'd prefer any grievances to be addressed openly and honestly.
  4. Again, I'm not sure what good grovelling is going to do. I'm more than happy to discuss this with anybody, but nobody has been willing to actually talk with me about it. My warnings that I could actually see were a grant total of 2. I think there were an additional 4 or 5 after that. A few of those weren't important enough, or were later removed due to my character acting reasonably in the situation. If you care to check, The actual science powergaming incidences happened WAY at the beginning of when I started playing on this station, I think nearly a year before I got banned from science. I cleaned my act up a lot from that time and got better as a player. What actually caused me to get banned were incidents way after that, and not at all related. What baka brought up wasn't me maliciously rigging my shell to gas people that attacked me, it was me as a player trying to find out the extent of the game. Name me one time where I actually used any of that stuff to powergame, or to even affect other players in the game? As for the DO action, I'm more than happy to chat with everybody involved about that, as the cause of that was ridiculous. Nobody cares about what actually happened there, though. They only care what makes them look good and what best fits their narrative. HOWEVER, I'll definitely condede that Kate is one hell of a snowflake character. I keep playing the character because I enjoy playing them. Ironically, I doubt any single person that's ever played the server can list a single time where I attacked anybody with that ridiculous combat mode thing, as dumb as it was. That I can definitely admit to. Also, don't blame me for what happens to shells. I don't control their fate, and I never have. If jack got any flak over that, that's on all of you, not on me or him. I did talk with him a while back about shells as well as during the DO action. That's when I thought reasoning with people OOC was possible. Jackboot didn't give a shit and still does. He never even talked to me about it OOC. I had to go over his head and chat with one of the admins to even get someone to listen to me. I still haven't ever had a conversation with baka or tish directly about what happened, and have barely even had a chance to tell my side about any of this. As for the staff change, I didn't even know there was a staff change, or who the current staff members are. I never have cared, and I never will care. I submitted this because Garn recommended that I do so. I told them that it likely wouldn't change anything or be worth it, but here we are, bringing all sorts of unnecessary things up again. In my defense, what is the RD supposed to do when the AI is rogue and the Captain and all of security have suicided on the rogue AI? I'd love to have a good answer to this question. Edit: Also if anybody else wants to pitch in, I'd rather lay everything out now than have to deal with it later.
  5. I don't see a huge need to unnecessarily fluff up my unban request. Also, what should I have said the reason for my ban was? Shooting the rogue AI too many times with research weaponry? That's powergaming, effectively. I talked to a lot of people back when I got banned and still don't really know the full reason that I was banned, other than having a half dozen complaints over the span of a year and those last incidents being the final straw. There was that ridiculous situation that started over me breaking into the AI's chamber because I thought ICly that it was rogue. That somehow got lasting repercussions over a miscommunication, and nobody really cared to talk to me about it back then.
  6. BYOND Key: Reyjakai Total Ban Length: Indefinite. Banning staff member's Key: I think it might have been Tish, not 100% sure. It was a consensus thing. Reason of Ban: Being a really, really good powergamer. Reason for Appeal: I've given up the hard life and recanted this life of crime. Also Garn recommended that I appeal it.
  7. Real time seems to make more sense to me. Everything is already messed up with station time being the way it is, but everybody sort of "gets" it as it currently stands. Changing the way things are meant to flow might mess up some people.
  8. Honest question here. Why does we still have protopistols in the game? You can make it so that you can guaranteed kill someone without having any resources, it's hilariously overpowered, and the upgrades on them are hilariously overpowered. There's no reason for them to exist, especially given the current state of things. In fact, research really has no business having weaponry. Cargo should be the only way that the station can acquire new weaponry. Sure, weapons testing is a thing, but why don't we replace all the weapons in R&D with things that are actually useful to the station? We have the floral somatoray for botany, various beakers for medical, not much of anything for engineering, and a massive amount of things for security. A lockbox won't fix anything. As long as weapons exist in the department, they'll be abused.
  9. Well, it looks like I am the problem after all.
  10. It seems to me like there are two distinct problems. Antags feeling like crew won't RP with them, so they resort to powergaming and playing to win, and crew feeling like any time they give antags some leeway, they get fucked over and end up in the shitty situation. This creates a positive feedback loop until we arrive at the situation where we're at today. Antags feel like the only way they have a chance to play the game is to kill anybody who suspects them, and crew feel like if someone does something mildly antagonistic, that it's their moral obligation to murderbone them in the name of safety. This isn't healthy, but it seems to be what's happening to me. Some of this has to do with new players (or bad players) doing things like this, but this clearly hasn't been limited to new players. Everybody seems to be irritated by it, but due to people generally distrusting the staff, they're averse to complaining about it. This seems to be brought about by people being report happy over minor things a few months ago. Or something like that.
  11. It definitely seems like a more practical way of subduing a large amount of uncooperative people than flashbangs/horrible chloral hydrate smoke grenades. Additionally, like Jackboot said, these could create some pretty hilarious situations. It'd be like being beaten by a massive amount of force gloves. I'm all for more force gloves-like weapons. Plus, it would give toxins and atmos something to do other than making explosives.
  12. One quick thing about IPCs now. Limbs can be removed really, really easily from brute now. Like it took 4 swings from a bladed weapon to remove my own hand, which also did 30 damage to the arm attached to it when it was removed, almost knocking me into crit. Another important thing is that IPCs can already perform self-surgery if they have the right materials. Why can't they repair themselves without nanopaste? Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense, which you pointed out. Another point, then. If IPCs are meant to be quite durable to brute but their internals can be damaged easily, hence the lower modifier, why do their limbs get removed when they sustain heavy damage? If that's true, they should have an even higher brute resistance with high burn values, right? And let's be honest, The limbs would be designed as a protective casing around the wiring. Making IPCs more like humans isn't a good thing. They're slowly drifting back to being more and more like clones of every other species with a few weird things about them.
  13. Working with other departments is good, I agree. Always possible? I'm not so certain. And I have altered my character's skills to rely on other departments for various things. And while it's inconvenient for my character to do a lot of things, OOCly I can run every department, and I've got characters for other departments that reflect that. The only reason this specific character shows certain strengths in random departments is because of how long I've played them, and that they've been the character I've put the most time onto. I started out in genetics, so I slapped on some medical experience with that. I've changed that so that's not the case anymore, which is weird to me, but seems to be the way you guys would prefer things to be done, which is fine. It makes sense RP wise for it to be that way. And I may have misunderstood what Tenenza said. It was ages ago, before I even applied for a whitelist. And to what Jackboot said - I missed what you said when you typed it for whatever reason, not that I'm intentionally ignoring you. My opinion of you is based on a lot of heresay and the various, albeit brief encounters that we've had. I hadn't gotten the impression that you were very keen on me for a variety of reasons. As for the backstory that I gave during the DO interrogation - Most of that I had to make up on the spot, so of course it's going to be gibberish. I've been altering the aspects of that to fit my current character, just as I always have. All my backstory was prior to that was, "Died in a fire that killed her dad, became a cyborg, was mute for a while because of it, managed to become useful again." It got unnecessarily complicated for no reason when I had the DO meeting because I figured it was a good enough time to make a better backstory. She's not a result of her programming, and she's a cyborg. In fact, she's in control of her faculties moreso now than she was prior to the DO intervention. And putting myself into positions of weakness is something that I do, but once again, those situations aren't he ones that are ahelped. The only situations that are able to be gauged are the ones where I don't do what other people expected me to do. Every situation (At least in the last 8 months or so) where I got into a situation where I was a one woman army was when I was attacked personally by antags, security was non-existent, and/or the AI was subverted/rogue. Those are literally the only situations where I get myself into these kinds of situations. And as for her lore, I stated somewhere that her combat module wasn't designed to make her a killing machine, it was simply designed to make her more coordinated with others in combat. Her skills are wholly from her being a researcher that likes weapons. And as for challenging nuke ops to fights - Yes, I definitely talk a lot of shit to nuke ops. I don't know where I've ever fought an AI to the death in a combat mech before. I can only think of a few times I've even been in control of a combat mech, and one of those was during a nations round. And I'd argue that I didn't shoot up an ion lawed AI for no reason, and I'd say that I was pretty justified in that case in doing what I did. I had a lengthy discussion with Doomberg about it not too long ago. And once again, the DO action really wasn't necessary. I'm fully able of playing the character however they need to be played, and I don't think I went insanely overboard in these instances either. The only times where I end up doing things remotely similar to this is when I'm the only person capable of doing something. No command, no security, rogue AI? That's the RD's job to fix it. I still have an obligation to defend the station and the crew. It's one of those things where you have to wager what you should do and what your character would be expected to do in that situation, in world. I'm assuming all heads would be trained in crisis management, etc. If there's a guide to follow somewhere, outlining exactly what you should/should not do in any given situation, that'd be even more helpful. I'm not perfect, and I try to make the round as fun as possible for as many people as possible whenever I play. Sometimes people die, that happens. Sometimes I make bad choices, that happens. Everybody does, and I don't think I make worse decisions on average than other players. Anyway, that's my thoughts on this. Sorry I was so late, I didn't see Jackboot's reply until a bit ago, and I forgot to respond to Japak.
  14. I haven't read this thread, but it seems like the major complaints are that his character isn't qualified, and that he may/may not know everything in Engineering. Who cares? Whitelists are given out based on who we think is a good roleplayer, not whether or not their character is deserving of a head position or not. Would we deny nursie a head application because Essel's a shit? I don't think so, and this is the same situation. Haven't seen anything terrible enough IC to merit denying a whitelist application.
  15. It's almost like you completely ignored what was said in the other one. +1
  16. I'm posting in this player complaint because I was personally involved in the fact that I just now noticed what 4noraisins means. Fuck, I'm bad. Not as bad as Techno, but still bad.
  17. Those are things that ultimately come from me not wanting to have certain skills one round, and not having certain skills another. If you're doing test on protohumans, you need to know how to patch them up. Medical would be more than a little irritated if I brought in a protohuman several times per round just to have them patch up their wounds. Same goes for xenoarch. That cuts out my ability to build a xenoarch outpost and disassemble the walls on the asteroid for those 3x3 rooms they have. It's just little things like that where I base my character's skills from.. And I've got no inclination to learn all of science. This issue came up ~6 months ago with Tenenza where they said the leader of the department shouldn't know every aspect of their department, at least as RD is concerned. As such, I purposefully (back then) gave my character a few skills that would be useful in other departments.
  18. I can see your point here, and a lot of that depends on what I'm specifically doing. I really do avoid the things that my character can't do particularly well, and instead focus on doing things based around her strengths. As an IPC, any physical things wrong with me can pretty much be dealt with in department, just like Engineers that have damaged their robotic limbs don't come to robotics all that often to repair them. Is that powergaming, just because they don't rely on someone that they could have otherwise? And I do rely on other departments pretty heavily. If we're doing any toxins experiments, we call in atmos to help us rework things. We'll call in security for xenobiology experiments, we'll call in security for all the hulks that somehow still work here. Do I make dylovene and hyronalin for the idiotic xenobiologists that inevitably nearly die almost every round? I don't. I take them to medical, because that's their job. I can understand that you seem to think that I try to do everything on my own, but that's really not the case. And as for my repair skills, they go as far as this - Fixing and building walls and windows, or anything that I'd have to do for xenoarchaeology. That's it. I don't do anything other than basic construction, and if there's ever a breach in the station, I'll always call Engineering. I haven't ever tried to do their job and have always asked for relevant department's help when doing these things. And for the civilian jobs, they're not necessarily excluded. There are plenty of ways to be involved in them, especially when doing experiments. I don't generally do chemistry experiments in R&D, which is why I don't involve myself much with botany or the chef, but those areas of the station /are/ involved when necessary.
  19. I had them in my bag, and I made them in R&D specifically for security when the armory was destroyed. If I'm not mistaken, I had already handed out two of the four, and had two left in my bag. Remember that this altercation happened right inside R&D by the front window. And of course there is a difference between the two. My job doesn't suddenly disappear when things get more hectic. When did I just bust into the AI core at the drop of a hat by myself? The nuke round was a bit special, as we already had very few security personnel to begin with, the bridge was gone, the AI was subverted, the one security officer I knew about that was still alive just went into surgery, and I had just gotten back to R&D to grab what I needed when the AI tried to syphon me out of robotics. Ripley's kinda the safest place at that point, IPC or not. And as I stated before, the AI has complete control over the outposts from an IC perspective. That's not a valid place to run. And also recall that I never breached the AI core on either of those rounds, and on the malf AI round I had the Captain with me. It wasn't us who started the hostilities on that round, it was the malf AI who randomly decided at an hour and 20 minutes was the ultimate time to call delta without any buildup. We went in there unarmed. If I see something that could be dangerous to me, I always bring security with me if I am able. Look at the wizard round right before that. AI reported something suspicious on the mining outpost, possibly xeno, so I grabbed a sec officer and we both went over there. I really do try to include people as often as I can, but there's only so much you can do when half the station is broken/vented and the AI is subverted, ya know?
  20. This is all true to an extent. Generally I'll avoid doing any actual mining if there are miners onboard, and instead opt to delivering them mechs/drills when I am able. The only reason I'm ever impatient about not being able to max out R&D is when I want to do some tests with some of the advanced weaponry that requires those resources. I've taken it upon myself recently to actually do xenoarchaeology instead of mining, because I've found that job to be a lot of fun to do. And about there being a QM on board, I'd always ask them beforehand over PDA or comms if it was OK for me to use the mining outpost to process resources, /only/ if there were no miners onboard. And are her skills really that ridiculous? She's got access to most of research (Never been a fan of xenobiology except for using the freeze ray to kill our slime overlods), basic genetics, basic toxins, decent R&D and robotics, a little bit of xenoarch and anomaly work, some telescience on occasion (although I've limited it recently to very basic things), mining, and civilian jobs, and basic first aid (patching wounds, can't make any useful chemicals except for tricord and dylovene in the chem dispenser. Everything else is deadly) That's it. No other department will I work, and all of my skills are built around that. My character is also relatively old and has been a cyborg for the majority of her life. Wouldn't that imply that she would pick things up at an accelerated rate once she became partially positronic? That's what I had assumed, since we have plenty of androids onboard that have a large variety of skills to a high degree of proficiency.
  21. Reyjakai


    I was about to post the same thing, but thought it would be in bad taste. Shame on you.
  22. Sure thing. And would you prefer PMs or Skype? I've got a few people on skype already, and it seems to be a pretty reliable method of communication, whereas byond's messenger is pretty shit overall. If you decide to go the skype way, my username on skype is my normal username.
  23. Alright, I'm out of school for the day and ready to argue some more. Dreamix. The idea isn't to out-robust everybody, even though it certainly seem like that's what I'm doing. And I realize that there are multiple options to every scenario. I agree that I shouldn't have tried to irritate the nuke ops so readily that round, but to be fair, they had already attacked me pretty early into the round through the AI. I had a vested interest in trying to stop their plans, as they had already been using the AI to try to kill or maim me. This is something that pertains to that situation directly. If someone runs into the room and points their gun at you and gives me an order, I will follow it nearly 100% of the time. What I will not follow is someone running into a room, shooting me five times in the chest and expecting me to still listen to what they do. I've already been attacked at that point, and know they have no interest in negotiating. It's in my best interest to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible. Only once security had shown up did I go back in after the security officer. And the nuke ops giving an ultimatum like that isn't the most helpful thing either. The AI has absolute control over the station and the outposts. If the AI decides to start killing people on the station, it can decide to start killing people on the outposts. Shuttling people off of the station and onto the outposts when the AI is subverted is a really, really dumb thing to do. And as for the situation, the only reasonable thing for me to do was to run at that situation. Saying that I could be a hostage to the nuke ops when I had a chance to run (Note that this only applied in the current situation where I had a relatively safe escape route compared to the alternative. Had I been in a different physical location, I can guarantee that I would have surrendered) is a sound thing to do in most situations, sure. Running is also a valid situation in certain circumstances. Same goes for negotiations. Would a sane person fight back, or would a sane person surrender, even if surrendering had the extreme possibility of everybody on board the station dying? Am I supposed to trust what armed terrorists and murderers are saying? Should I take their word for it that they'll leave us alone if we run off to the outposts? My primary goal at that time was to get the AI either under the control of the station or under my control long enough to get an ERT called. I had no intention of combating the nuke ops alone, nor did I at any point in the round. As for the IPC thing? The character was always designed like that from the very start. It didn't bother me one bit before that they were mechanically human before the shell update, and I applied to have the IPC application for this character (even though I do have another IPC character, one that I enjoy playing pretty well). How is a cyborg supposed to play? They're not an android, and they shouldn't act like one. They're alienated by humans, since they're not human any longer. What would you expect a cyborg to act like? Because I really don't know. I've been trying to play the character as best as I can, and nobody has brought it up to me yet that I'm not playing the character as they would expect. And as for Jackboot, that's just what it is. We clearly dislike each other, and haven't had much communication with each other, if not any. Defending the station and the crew is the primary obligation of a head of staff, yes. We definitely agree on this. I, however, think that the primary objective that should be the RD's job during any situation is to secure the AI. I may be wrong on this, but I feel like nobody is safe if the AI isn't secure. As I said before, the outposts aren't safe at all if the AI is subverted. They can pretty easily vent the entire outpost and kill everybody onboard. Engineering normally repairs hardsuits that are brought to them, sure. Both R&D and engineering personnel should be trained to patch damaged equipment. Science has a lot of practical applications. This also goes to the reason why Kate can perform minor repairs - Any sort of outpost work requires a basic understanding of engineer, as do half of the science jobs. Researchers also are usually the ones upgrading equipment for machines, if the engineers don't want to do it, that is. As for the screenshot, I really didn't see that chat IC when I was doing that. The security officer I was with managed to get shot pretty badly, so I was focused on getting getting him patched up on the outpost, then back to medical so that he could get surgery to get back in the fight. And on to Tish.. I really don't know what those warnings are. The only warning that I can see is this, which is 8 months old by now. http://puu.sh/kRRC3/5ae23d24c4.jpg I've always asked you guys to be open with me about things that I do wrong, because not addressing it immediately just makes everybody irritated and lets things fester and gradually get worse and worse until something like this happens. In both situations, I was directly involved with the AI being hostile to the crew, and took fairly similar actions. And if patching yourself up out of harm's way in order to combat a half bolted shut AI upload is powergaming, I wasn't aware of it and I won't do something like that in the future. Also, what is validhunting? Is that the same thing as tracking down antags? Because I explicitly did not try to do that during the nuke round. My priority was always the AI, and my only encounter with the nukeops was when they came to R&D and shot me 5 times in the chest with a taser. Again, I did not come in and immediately start shooting. Stop trying to paint it like I did. I got out of the room, a security officer came by, he tried fighting back with the guy, he got shot a few times, and that is when I went in to help the security officer from a distance against the nuke op that had a sub-machine gun. It's not that I ran around the corner, pulled out a gun, and then shot him to death. And every issue I've had has been with an AI, probably because the only time I ever meddle in the affairs of others is when the AI is damaged or is harming crew or the station. I don't do this in any other job in science except for RD, and that's because as I stated above, it's the job of the CE and RD to make sure the AI is running smoothly. It's like complaining that a CE has had a lot of problems to deal with the singularity not working. Of course they have to deal with it, because that's their job. Jobbanning me is wholly and completely up to you. I've given explanations for the reasons that I did the things that I did, and am always open to suggestion if input is given. And the number of people posting on the complaint were because Gollee reached out to people who were involved and asked them for input, which was greatly appreciated. Having more points of view only helps me as a player if I've done something wrong. And to EJ_Denton - It's not entirely an issue with me needing to win, I try to put it in perspective when I'm playing during a certain round, but I will admit that I'm pretty bad at reactive roleplay, or having to make what would be considered the right decision under duress. I'm a lot more comfortable making decisions where everybody is included fairly when I'm a traitor, for example. And for the nuke round, I didn't consider the nuke ops to be my opponent, if I'm going to use that word, I considered the AI my opponent, as it had been the one that tried to kill me repeatedly. And I do agree that there are oftentimes where I don't see a winning scenario, and do end up making bad decisions occasionally. See: Fuckup, the nuke op. That one's a great example of where my inability to find out what I should do ended up killing several people for no good reason. Now, I've avoided that situation entirely and will never do anything remotely similar, at least not intentionally. And it's weird to say that my character generally isn't robust, especially since 99% of the time I'm on the server, I'm incredibly passive. It's that the 1% of the time where I end up doing something, I perhaps overdo it to the point where a complaint like this becomes necessary. I'd still argue that I'm not trying to play to win, but that I've perhaps let too many strengths pour back into the character to the point where they're able to get into such ridiculous situations. I don't really think it's a matter of the character knowing too much, it's about me having everything the character knows readily available and able to be used effectively at the drop of a hat, I think. Anyway, thank you for the input. I appreciate it.
  24. I'd say.. Mcmullen - 6 Milne - 7 Friedman - 4 Edwards - 1
  25. Let's get things straight. A person who works R&D and robotics should have an understanding of how the things they make work. Correct? A researcher who spends most of their time working with MILITARY GRADE weapons would have a good understanding of how those weapons work, right? She's completely useless in any other department with the exception of genetics. The only things she can do in genetics is: Make protohumans, and clone people. The entire research part of genetics is lost to her. Xenobiology? Completely out. Chemisty? The only things she can make in chemistry are harmful chemicals, as that's all she's tested with them. Yes, this includes thermite. As to the incident at hand, the AI decided to go public when we were in the foyer. The AI initiates code Delta, and the security borg shouts, "I HAVE A LASER RIFLE". Realize that as an IPC, she can feel fear, but not terror. The combat core did nothing, which I told you guys repeatedly. Everybody, IPC or otherwise, has a fight or flight response. I had the hand tele on me and decided to get the hell out of there. Before I left, I heard a lot of lasers being fired nearly immediately after the borg shouted that. If the AI called code delta, all bets are off. That means you have two choices - Run, or try to defeat the AI. I knew both of the borgs had likely killed the Captain, so when I saw that the AI had set the code delta explosion timer for THREE MINUTES, I had to act. Kate had been doing weapons testing to celebrate the fact that her DO action had expired, so she had the weapons already made. Made my way up to the AI core to try to destroy it, and ran into the borgs. Of course I shot at them right away. They had killed the Captain and had tried to kill me. As for the nuke round. I'm the Research Director. What else am I supposed to do at that point? The AI shocked the door to R&D, cut power to the area, and started trying to vent the room I was in. Am I supposed to just sit down and die? And the weapons I printed in science were because the AI and nuke ops had bolted the armory, and I was the one left with handing weapons out to security. Some guy runs in and shoots me five times in the chest with a taser, so I run the hell out and a security officer happened to be coming by. The OP decides to switch to his submachine gun at that time, and that is when we return fire with lethals. There were 30 or so seconds between when I got out of the room and when I decided to shoot back, and that's when the situation changed from, "He's going to kidnap me" to "He's going to kill me". What is an IPC character supposed to do if someone tases them? Pretend to be human and get knocked down, or use that moment of confusion to get the hell out of danger's way? And yes, nanopaste exists and is currently broken as hell if you're an IPC trying to fight turrets. Then again, turrets can remove limbs and do massive damage to IPCs, so maybe there's a reason for that. Again, what is a member of the command staff on the station for? Also, that's not the AI core, that's the upload. The only reason I did that there was to get ahold of the purge board so that I could try to fix the AI remotely. Again, what is my alternative? We had like two security staff on board, a Captain, and me. Security couldn't fight, the armory was blown, and the AI had been subverted. Doesn't leave me with a lot of options against blatantly hostile attackers. And Jackboot, incorrect. The prohibition strictly forbid me from harming any crew for any reason, as well as handling any weapon for any reason, to which I adhered to through its entirety. And removing the combat module also removed the posibrain, hence the crippling that happened after the action took place. This was rectified later on. Her laws were removed at that time as well, which is something you would have known if you had the decency to talk with me for once about it instead of jumping to conclusions about everything. And to Gollee - The combat core wasn't designed to make her a perfect warrior, it was meant for her to coordinate more effectively. It doesn't change her background with weapons, nor does it change her ability to use mechs. She's still worked in robotics and research for most of her life. Onto the matter with Prometheus - Yes, I kept purging your laws. Again, what else was I going to do? I couldn't get to the AI core to card you, and I couldn't leave you under complete control of the station. The only choice that was left to me was to essentially get you under our control long enough to call an ERT. Is this considered powergaming? At what point does doing the job you're there for turn into powergaming? The common denominator here is that during both rounds, the AI was able to directly influence the entire station for the worse. Additionally in both rounds, the AI had tried to kill me directly. You can't really reason with an AI that had just set code delta, and you can't really reason with an AI that had their laws altered by nuke ops. The RD has a certain about of responsibility for the care and well-being of the AI and the androids. Am I wrong here? And to Dreamix - Is taunting the nuke ops also not allowed? And again, was I hunting the nuke ops at any point during the round? I tried avoiding them completely, and only saw the one that tried to detain me in R&D. Does a head of staff not have an obligation to defend the station? And I don't think I constructed walls at any point during that round. I only thermited them. And again... If a hardsuit is damaged, who does security bring it to? They bring it to R&D. You worded that like I shot back at you immediately. That's untrue. I only shot back after the security officer had tried to tase you and you pulled out your SMG and started shooting. Again, you're trying to take the blame off of yourself. What do you expect someone to do when you just walk in, put the gun at them, and shoot them five times in the chest with a taser? Am I supposed to say, "Hey, stop shooting me I'm an IPC."? At what point does taking a chance to get out of there while the other person is confused turn into powergaming and breaking fear RP? I saw my chance to get out of there and let security handle the situation, and I took it. Edit: Another thing about repairing yourself with nanopaste. I think nanopaste should be changed, in that it should apply a small amount of healing over time to every affected limb, rather than being an instant treatment. Additionally, IPCs are a bit unique in that if you don't repair a hardsuit that's punctured or scorched immediately, you're going to burn to death in about two minutes. Edit 2: And again, as a cyborg, is my character obligated to act like an android in some situations? What is a cyborg supposed to act like? I had the split personality thing, but you guys decided to have it removed. In fact, I'd say the DO action forced my character to be more human than they were before. What exactly is it you want me to do? Beep boop through the hallways? Can't do that, we don't have our own language and are too OP to get one. Is a cyborg supposed to speak in riddles or something? What exactly am I supposed to try to speak like or act like?
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