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Everything posted by SatinsPristOTD

  1. That is literally not circumventing rules. Also, the INDRA exploding isn't said if it's canon or not in the rules. I just rechecked it, again. It does state that all conflict events are canon unless agree'd upon by all players. Is it an unwrote rule?
  2. We never did. We were saying the antags were glitches in the records WELL before the explosion.
  3. You are being incredibly hateful towards me. I never once told security to "sicc" an antag. I sent exactly what I said about it being sabotage in this complaint. This is, partially, incorrect as well. MY XO does have a Naval EOD degree, as well as an office adminstration degree from the Naval University on Dominia
  4. Actually, I just came back and know next to nothing about the INDRA. I took quite a long break, and didn't play the Horizon until starting in late October. Being here for "years" doesn't change the fact that I don't know anything about the INDRA. IIRC Command backpedaling was because some of them had ahelped it as engine griefing and then backed down once they were made aware of what happened so as to not further jump onto the antags, though I don't remember perfectly. This is also incorrect. We were doing this before the explosion. Logs can show we were. Also, hearing "the the INDRA has been sabotaged" and then seeing an explosion on cameras does heavily weigh in on me using my previous IC (I wasn't aware it wasn't canon. I've heard INDRA accidents being talked about on the relay and assumed they were.) knowledge about how the INDRA explodes.
  5. Actually says "not allowed". The lore team did not like my name.
  6. Removing them from non-uniforms does feel like it punishes creativity, more than it helps antags. It's a major debuff, and makes half the load-out unable to be tracked on suit sensors. And let's not just pigeon hole suit sensors into antags. They're important for many "minor" station events, like gremorians, vents blasting out acid, and even people accidentally falling down the elevator shaft. Also, Antags can use suit sensors to find specific people. It's not difficult to get your hands on a sensor monitor and see "Ah, Mike, my target, is in the warehouse." I'm just not sure removing them from non-uniforms is a goood idea.
  7. BYOND Key: Ben Aflek is an OK Actor Staff BYOND Key: Lancer and ReadThisNamePlz Game ID: cq9-dy0J Reason for complaint: I was told, in the middle of a round, that my IPC Z.I War (A Warden) had to have it's name changed because the "lore team didn't like it." Well, I have a few issues with that. First of all, my name doesn't break any rules, nor does it go against any IPC naming rules. IPC's have always had quirky names. It's one of the few pro's to being an IPC. My chef, FAMINE, has never had an issues and a lot of players really like the concept behind it. When I asked Read (who was the messenger for this lore decision why it had to be changed, they didn't have a reason behind why they were implementing Lancer's order. They just went with it. I understand Lancer's "in charge", but you should at least tell me why in the world this is going on. Lancer had gone to bed almost immediately after giving their hammer to the name, and I was left entirely confused, a little upset, and quite a bit targeted towards something that makes no sense. Read mentioned it wouldn't make sense for Zavod to purchase an IPC named War for security detail, but... why purchase ANY IPC with any quirky name then? We just had an IPC named Turing, which is the literal test to see if a machine is intelligent. There's IPC's named COFFEE, and FLAK (Which is literal type of ammunition). None of these IPC's get name changes. You're telling me WAR, which is half the name of WARden is unacceptable for a Zavod IPC? Knowing Zavod is a company that (and I'll rip this right from the wiki) focuses on military and police equipment in recent years would have issue with an IPC named War, that is fitted to be a WARden? Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks:
  8. Ckey/BYOND Username: Ben Aflek is an OK Actor Position Being Applied For: Wiki Maintainer Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? Yes I have! Past Experiences/Knowledge: I was on the Wiki team before I left! Examples of Past Work: I reorganized the Food and Drinks wiki pages. (Actually, I'm the one that split them up and caught them up to date a year and a half ago!) Additional Comments:
  9. Medici the new intern
  10. BYOND Key: BenAflekisanOkActor Staff BYOND Key: RoosterCat Game ID: cqR-drbO Evidence/logs/etc: Let me preface this with saying I don't mind a warning because I did do something based on RP I wasn't aware canon. We had a round where the INDRA had a small, relatively contained, explosion. The AI makes an announcement that it was sabotaged, so I (The XO) check the cameras on the bridge and notice that it's not really the INDRA that's exploded, but rather a small breach in the containment wall of the INDRA. I comment that it was a "contained and controlled explosion", and the Captain asked me if it was for sure sabotage, to which I said "I don't see how it can't not be." My reasoning for this was (and this is where I don't mind having a warning), I wasn't aware the past two times I've had the INDRA blow up (For non-antag related reasons).. wasn't canon. Thinking on it now... it's kinda stupid of me to think it was, but I am not a smart person some times. That, and the AI literally made an announcement saying it was sabotage and then gave no further details regarding it. I received an admin bwoink and was accused of metagaming and "ruining the antag gimmick". Neither of those are true, in the slightest. As a command member, I often times bend over backwards to make sure antag gimmicks go through. I wouldn't deviate from my well-established code for something like this, nor do I even know how the INDRA works OOCly. I was going entirely off what I knew ICly (and we've established that my actual mistake is not knowing the previous INDRA explosions weren't canon). I suppose that could fall under accidental metagaming, but I never intentionally tried to ruin an antag gimmick, especially when part of my reasoning was based on something said during the round about sabotage. This warning note has almost nothing to do with anything I said. My sabotage comments came from another player and a simple pure misunderstanding. Also, the antags later said in OOC the gimmick had nothing to do with the INDRA. Command was already aware of the "visitors not on the manifest" and were already RPing it off as a glitch on the manifest and records system. We weren't connecting the two. Additional remarks:
  11. I've worked Command under Burns (and I did Command with you under that complete CHAOS extended round with the bunker base expedition). Honestly, I like the way you approach Command characters. Burns is approachable. Burns makes mistakes. Burns can sometimes kick some major ass. You've made a 2d spessman... feel like a person, and that's best compliment I can give any roleplayer on Aurora. Command players (and their characters) will never be perfect. You're gonna make mistakes. Burns is going to make enemies. So far? You're doing a bang up job at handling this whitelist. It's a +1 for me. I'd like to see you pass this whitelist.
  12. Played with Bucket as a crew member for several shifts, and several shifts with bucket when I was AI. Player shows decent understanding of how cyborgs/robots work, as well as RP and how to engage with it accordingly. +1 Recommend
  13. No beef taken! I suffer from "Resting bitch face" in text so I gotcha. I can see it if these said.... casual players act highly irrational and don't look at the bigger picture. Surely you don't mean to tell me there's someone out there that will take it as an attack on their personal character for us to remove their whitelist for inactivity in the community. Maybe I'm older now, and I have a disconnection to younger players. I can't see getting worked up and upset over something that was done with sound reason, and isn't a permaban or even a ban ban for that matter. There's no warnings, notes, or bans in place. Someone logical would hear the reason behind their lost WL and go "Oh, well, that's unfortunate, but I get it. I'll reapply."
  14. This is entirely irrelevant to the discussion at hand and bordering on a Strawman tactic. Don't do that to people just because they agree with a policy proposal. It's not proper etiquette. The strip is for anyone that hasn't even peeked into this community in a year. The only argument against it is "It's a hassle for someone to redo their Command application." Fine, put forth some effort into the community one day out of 365 days and avoid the hassle. Also, Applications aren't a hassle. They're just a necessary process. Weakening down the word "hassle" is a bit much. The "old Command players" that we're gatekeeping here already have to do the "hassle" of catching back up on the community. A trial, which isn't that difficult to manage, wouldn't be any more of a "hassle". And to answer your strawman: I'm fine with having my whitelist put back on trial for the sake of this silly argument. It's not that big of a "hassle".
  15. Oh, shoot, go for it. It's a one time thing. NBT is a HUGE deal for Aurora and we need Command to be primped and proper for it to go smoothly ICly.
  16. Okay, before I answer. I need this put in very dumb words (Because I am a very dumb person) This would be a ONE TIME thing to prepare us for the NBT, right? It's not a "Oh, it's December, so time for the Culling!" vote, right? Mom brain is your brain on drugs, kids. Don't do kids. 🤣
  17. Yikes on a Bike, Mike.

  18. ALSO, Let me snip this: You didn't just insult me, you did it over a public form, AND it wasn't just me you insulted. This thread is toxic to players, and honestly.... it's complaint worthy. You literally just accused me and all other vamp antaggers of not respecting consent and that we're better off on some sex roleplay server. It's really not okay........
  19. Ehhhhhh......... This is a rather odd thing to read on the forums. Vampire RP doesn't trigger my gaslighting PTSD (Something I had to deal with for a solid five years). It's also not that easy to get thrall on Aurora, given vampire's are probably one of the most "role play heavy" antags we have. It takes quite a BIT to get thrall on my end, and do it well enough to have a storyline established. I also don't see how "Dominate" even equals ERP. Does some ERP include domination? Yeah, but the word "dominate" isn't specifically a sex word. In fact, it's about as sexual as a carrot with a top hat. Honestly, I think you should look deeper into what's triggering these thoughts and not project them onto the server or it's players. It's a bit of an odd thing to do to those of us that actually antag Vampire, and NGL... I don't really appreciate being lumped in to "eRP/Dominate" logic. It's a decent antag. There's a lot of story building elements involved. It's in the same catagory as cult when cult is done well. Also, if we're going to talk about mind control, yikes on three bikes... cult's probably worse at it than Vampire will ever hope to be.
  20. I generally enjoy Karl as a character, so that alone wants me to plus this. But, I have to express to you that Command can't just "ghost" or drop out of a round when an antag gimmick doesn't go their way. Command's meant to be a driving force with them. So if you're aware of that, shoot. Go for it. +1
  21. Faye is phenomenal. There's no denying that. I expect moderators to be approachable and Faye is the type of person I know I can drop into DM's, tell them something/ask for advice/vent to and not be judged. Hell, I'll walk away with guidance towards a solution,crafted of gentle guiding. As for Faye's strong idea of how things should be done... Well yes, we all have that. I do, you do, Faye does. Alb does. Each admin/mod brings their own special flavor to the staff, and it's that wild unbalance that balances things out. I won't get the same response from Abo that I get from ShesTrying, and that's okay. If Faye does something that's too "severe" or "out of line" then we have a system of checks and balances that'll ensure it's taken care of. And I have complete faith that *if* that happened, Faye would take it in stride. Admit fault (if it's ruled that way) and push forward.
  22. I don't know a lot about Tajaran lore, so I can't give any sort of feedback on that. What I CAN give you feedback on is Funkifan's OOC/IC nature, and they're such sweethearts. ICly, I can't say I've ever seen anyone RP a "plus sized" person actually sticking to their limitations, but I've seen Funki make Hogg struggle to climb over tables, or suffer from body positivity when putting on a bathing suit at the pool. It's very well done, and it's a dynamic worth investing time in to ICly if you get a chance to interact with that character. OOCly, I've had nothing but pleasant experience with them. I can't think of a single bad blip on my radar.
  23. OH MY GOD! HEY VAL! It's OperationTangoDown/BourbonCrow! YEah, Valendr is a TOP notch RP'er. Like, one of the best I've came across. So I'd for sure Plus this app!
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