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Everything posted by SatinsPristOTD

  1. Wait, is this the Valendr from Hypatia? I only ask because that determines if I plus this or not.
  2. Honestly, I wasn't aware vamp was nerfed like that, so that is now moot in this complaint. But I will say I went from 50u of blood to 260u when I drained him. The only indicator of how much blood your taking is by how much your "usable blood" goes up, so that's what I reference. I'm not wrong in say I almost took half their blood, but at least I know the mechanic better of it now. And yes, something to correct the 500u of blood that I wasted would have been nice, and I'd have been able to complete the vamp gimmick instead of ending lamely.
  3. BYOND Key: Ben Aflek is an Ok Actor Staff BYOND Key: RoosterTeeth Game ID: cfH-dKTW Reason for complaint: This has to be a staff complaint and not a player complaint because I did ahelp it and it was handled. However, the result was... less than stellar. Round: Vampire, I'm the HOP Cordia Caladius. I don't take my RP lightly when I do antags. In fact, my RP can heavily hinder my ability to antag. I did allow Karl Voigt to remember I drank from them, to help "Push" the antag round into action. I get into Cargo (and bear in mind it's a manhunt for me after I've done what I've done), and Karl calls out over Comms that I'm in Cargo and he needs Security. (Totally valid to do. No complaints.) ICly, however, Cordia does have an issue with this and she chases after him to teach him a lesson for ratting her out. We get into the refinery and I get him down with a glare. I feed on him, and not LIGHTLY either. I take a SIGNIFICANT amount of blood from Karl Voigt. Enough that the character is suffering decent blood loss. As soon as he's let go, he SLAMS me into a wall, SHOVES me down, and STOMPS on my chest enough times to crack my ribs. This is where my first complaint comes in. I don't care if you fight back against my antag. It's good RP to do a fight or flight. I DO care if you fight back against an antag with that much force and you're *suffering from extreme blood loss*. Imagine, will you, losing half your blood, and still managing to throw a 6'6 woman down on the floor and stomp her chest enough times to break rib. I get up, because I'm a full power vampire at this point. Blood heal. Give chase. I screech, grab him when he's down, and thrall him, to teach him a lesson for what he just did to me. He GHOSTS AS SOON AS I FINISH THRALLING HIM. It's a SIGNIFICANT blood nerf that he just did to me. The blood heal, scream, and thralling put me back so far at that point, I was passive for the rest of the round. So... I ahelped the ghosting, and pointed out the poor RP. I was hit with a "Well, he ahelped about not wanting to be a thrall, and I spoke to them about it. Also, the RP was fine. The mechanic let him do it." No.... Mechanics can let us do a lot of things in game, but we suspend it for proper RP, that's what makes us different from MRP and LRP servers. Mechanics allow us to do some crazy exploitable things, but we don't because they don't actually promote roleplay or.. any role play for that matter. So I'm contesting the ruling against the "mechanic let him do it", as well as just speaking to him for thrall ghosting. I'm sorry, that was poor sportsmanship, and I wasn't compensated in the slightest bit for that sort of behavior. The player being "spoken to, but it's kinda okay because they ahelped it" doesn't sit right. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks:
  4. I'm best at adding chunks of data, like lore updates and such. I took a minor in English, so I can also proofread. I main Chef on station, and some of the directions seem REALLY off. I'd also like to re-design/Re-work Xenobiology. I use the wiki, and I know how to fix the wiki so I should pull my weight and fix something everyone uses.
  5. Ckey/BYOND Username: BenAflekisanOKActor Position Being Applied For: Wiki Maintainer Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? Yep, I have Past Experiences/Knowledge: I did Wiki work for Hypatia Station, as well as my own (Babylon). That HAS been about 5 years, so I may be a little rusty. Examples of Past Work: Well, I can't show you HYpatia's wiki, as it's gone. Deleted. But I do develope websites so would you like some (rather obscure) references to that work? https://lpweddings101.weebly.com/ https://sororitywars101.weebly.com/ Additional Comments:
  6. Had the pleasure of experiencing this player ICly and OOCly. They're great at character development, and a supportive player outside the game. I'd trust them with any whitelist. +1
  7. Absolutely! I look forward to seeing them in game! I might practice spriting and do it for Aurora. I'm not terrible at it.
  8. Yep ^_^ Compromises make the world go around. I'm pleased with it!
  9. I've spoke to ShesTrying and I have decided two of them should be AI displays for everyone. As for why "these shouldn't be added for everyone".. Well, really, that's the argument for every custom item. I just want the one that's meant to mimic a neon "borealis light show" for the AI it's named after. And even then, I'm still sorta okay with it being for everyone's use, just as long as it stays named "Borealis"... as it's a custom thing she spent time making. (When she's not holo-knitting horrible scarves)
  10. Happy Holidays, Aurora!

  11. I've been damn stubborn on not playing Infinite until I finish the Halo series, but I hate playing by myself. I left off on 4 if anyone wants to SUFFER 4 and 5 with me.
  12. This is a pretty minor one, but I just saw it recently used and the sheer.... hilarity/LRP of it made me realize it needs a timer. The electric clippers are almost INSTANT on "Long hair to Gr3yt1d3r". I watched someone slip someone with a bar of soap and ZOOM, snipped off their hair. Even if it was RP'd right, the razor still needs a timer. Shaving a head isn't that quick, sadly.
  13. It won't let me quote the "Red dick candle" photo BUT I BROUGHT PROOF THIS TIME
  14. Oh My Stars. Your criticisms are SPOT ON for every complaint I have with our current lore. So I'm BEGGING you, even if you do withdraw this application, please let it be a beacon of light for the next applicant to look to. We'll never fix it with additions. We need foundation repairs and guidance towards the teams.
  15. You're correct. Uriel Evans is played by LordPwner (and I think he's left the community( and the warform was uh... Probably Alb. I'm 60% it was Alb. You were Jawdat on a canon Lii'dra event that sparred the whole IR, Complaint about lying on the IR, and then the IC harassment.
  16. So! I did some forum digging (because I'm still a +1'er to this application, and I wanted it to be in good faith) The past problems with Marlon (and, unfortunately I have to call you Jackboot here so others can search the forums for that name), do.... bring up some past drama I had ENTIRELY forgotten about. There's a good... reason why I bring it up, too. Recently, Campin's CCIA application was DENIED based on part of the event that came from this whole debacle, so I guess we need to decide exactly where "the past is the past" ends, and "What's been done can't be forgiven" begins. This was in 2018. It's where we see the feud between the two appear. I can't deny, rereading this (and checking Discord chats from that date) reminded me that Jackboot's.... roleplay at the time was damn near questionable. This was the era of the warform on Aurora. The era of Uriel Evans as Captain. The era of your HOP Tajaran being perhaps the worst Command member we've had in a very long time. It's also the era where I, in my head, write you off as being so close to the sun, your wings aren't just melting, Icarus. You're falling, hard. Burnt out. You did weaponize an IR against Campin Killer, and when you didn't get the result you wanted, you made a complaint about him. You did, and I remember this rather vividly, log on as a throw away character and harass him ICly. I remember this throw away journalist because you were so HASTY to make it, that you forgot to even change the gender to fit right, and I remember asking in IC about the mixup. Look, I still think you can write. I'm still happy to see a trial put in place with the stipulation that you get thrown out by the seat of your pants if we witness stuff like this again. But I still think you can write... and I still think I'd like to see a second chance. (I'd also like to see a revision to the whole "The past is the past/what's been done can't be forgiven" half-rule we've got running around but that's another topic for another day) I hope this removes cobwebs from everyone's brain!
  17. They're animated, so not successfully, No.
  18. I mean, I was standing right there when you did it. It went on for a bit, actually. Like, the entire length we were standing there in that airlock area, waiting to be let in. I actually just turned my LOOC off instead, because I wasn't in the mood to listen to someone complain in LOOC about an IC thing regarding a tophat of all odd things. And my initial point is, Ryver's not wrong that you take IC things too personally in OOC. I've seen it from you this past week regarding antag gimmicks and such. It's still a general no from me. Once, twice, sure. We all have bad days. But I've officially registered your ckey as "Oh great. this guy" in my head because all I've really seen from you in an OOC manner is... well.... what my complaint is about.
  19. I watched you do Ryver's complaint literally yesterday during the Christmas event about a top hat. You took it to LOOC instead of either a)rolling with it RPly, or b)ahelping it. And it wasn't a good look. As for Farson as CMO, I can't say they're good or bad at Medical. It's not the character I have a complaint with. It's you. -1
  20. I'm closing free art commissions until January. I'll still draw randomly and pester the absolute fuck out of you for flavor texts, but I won't be doing requests until Jan 1st. Sorry!

  21. +1 Because I stan Shadow always and forever. Fantastic RP'er and a well balanced player!
  22. I... think this is the sprite files? I'm really not sure how to export them TO people. Here's 3 AI Status's for everyone to hate/love/ or be mildly annoyed by. It's been like, 7 years since I've done it. ai_borealis.dmi ai_colorful.dmi ai_emergency.dmi
  23. I can probably make some for the AI status's, and I'd be happy to have them for public use. We really... really need new ones. Give me until tomorrow afternoon!
  24. CCIA Staff Application Basic Information Byond key: Ben Aflek's an OK Actor Character names: Well, this is a long list... Calanthia Demos Poppy Wolfe Borealis Silas Saint Yves Asclepius Carolina Depthcharge FAMINE Kaiqi Xilqi Cordia Caladius Azizel Volvalaad Age: 30 Timezone: CST What times are you most available?: 8am CST-11pm CST Experience How long have you played SS13?: Since 2012 How long have you played on Aurora?: Four years? I think Four years is right. How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? Quite a bit, to be honest. Sometimes my server play can be a few days in between, but I always check the Discord and Forums. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never been banned. Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: OH. HAHA Well, YES. I was a Host for a ss13 server. I was a Game Master for Hypatia station. I did a Trial Mod for Aurora. Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: More than I'd like to admit. I created... CCIA. Not Aurora's, mind you, but Hypatia's, and if memory servers, that one came before Aurora's. CCIA was born from a desperate need to bridge the gap in OOC punishment and IC punishment for HRP servers. Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: Honestly, I miss it. I was digging through my old Google Doc's regarding CCIA and it reminded me just how much I enjoyed it. What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: A little (lot) of humanity goes a long way. ICly you need a character that'll listen and judge fairly, but OOCly you ALSO need to think "Shit, this is someones character they've put a LOT of time in to." It's important to put yourself in their shoes. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: Answer faxes, primarily if they aren't A)In The Antag gimmick or B)On Station doing interviews. Now, the fax part is a lot more important than we play it out to be. Your fax needs to make SENSE for the situation, but also ultimately put most of the power back into the players hands. The gimmick shouldn't be shut down because Big Daddy Central put their foot down. Some gimmicks are hard to give a work-around. If it's a ling, you do sorta have to control that "outbreak" of whatever the crew's calling it (A virus, Xenobiology gone wrong, etc etc). If it's mercs, or wizard... Ultimately your response is to just reassure Command they have this, and to light the beacon if needed. CCIA shouldn't be used as a crutch of power, but more as a reassurance to the RP. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: This is where CCIA shines. They handle the trickier HR complaints one finds while browsing the darker parts of this forum at 3am. They more or less make sure complaints that don't get handled on Aurora, do get seen to in a reasonable and timely bureaucratic manner. How do you handle stress?: Extremely well. I'm a mom of 2. Stress is just my middle name, and I own it like a boss babe. How well do you work autonomously?:Better than I think I do. I always want a rigid structure, but once that's in place, I'm a lone wolf working like a well oiled machine. Additional Notes:
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