Oh! I think I remembered this, yeah, Shane was trying his best to defend the dock, and I can fully own up to the part at the combat, that I had accidentally gotten the way when I was trying to leave the command dock when I was going to try to fight it. I'm going to throw my two cents in and say that it was late at night, and my decision making isn't particularly great, but I'm willing to own up for messing up at the end. But otherwise Shane was just trying to do the right thing and help out the best he could. And Shane had felt like if there was enough people they could overwhelm the changling. I'm sorry that I might've caused trouble outside of that round.
I definitely shouldn't have gone in there, but I did, and that's what I can own up to honestly. Although the reason for Shane to do it would be that he was kind of in the rush of the moment. But rules still apply and I can still say that it's not a valid reason for him to go in there, thus I'm going to say you're right to be upset about this, from a reasonable observation.