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Everything posted by TronHoward

  1. Being on the shit end of that experience is frustrating for me too. I had a bit of time to think about this on the way home. maybe we could add a RNG mechanic to the forgetfulness, so hypothetically one in X succs will result in the victims memories being intact, and then from there, you could add an RNG for the vampire noticing the victim being lucid, forcing their hand one way or another.
  2. I kinda feel like I asked for the wrong BC Item now, lol. a flight suit would be awesome. I already have my loadout peacoat with the flavor text filled in anyways.
  3. A Bridge Crewmans Peacoat in SCC colors with the gold shoulder pads would be cool.
  4. I'm in now! I made the mistake of closing the DM from Borealis before I sobered up. I'm sorry for my behavior, and I'm gonna buckle down to make sure it doesn't happen again.
  5. DiscordKey: (This is your Byond login/Ckey) : TronHoward#9092 Total Ban Length: Hopefully not permanent Banning staff member's Key: Cyberspy was their discord nickname. Reason of Ban: (You can see this when you attempt to log in to the server) Being Drunk and disorderly, and disrespectful when asked to stop. Reason for Appeal: (State your reason for why you think you should be unbanned) That time of year I was banned is never easy for me, but that is no excuse for my behavior. I definitely forgot my place in the community, as it were. I would appreciate any mercy Cyberspy and the rest of you all would have on me. -Tron
  6. I've never really been interested in playing R&D characters, given the current mechanics, but Marlon's suggestions are pretty neat. I would definitely give em a try.
  7. Interesting. What would the delay before delivery be? and where would the delivery be to? could it be beamed in? cargo delivery? etc
  8. +1. I havent played with em ICly in a long time, but theyre a good person and I think they'll make a good addition to the Command team.
  9. I can only speak for their OOC behavior, which is always top notch. Always! +1
  10. I'm not sure if I've played ICly with Danse, but I've known them for a while through the discord. They seem to have a good temperament for command level positions. +1
  11. Three things from me Would the combined area take up the whole footprint that they took up separately? Having a wait staff would be pretty epic, though I'm sure some people would say "But muh research station, not a resort." The layout of the tables in the bar always bugged me, so this is a perfect time to get that right as well.
  12. (Appealing a discord ban from 2018 roundabouts) BYOND Key: TronHoward Total Ban Length: Permanent (I assumed) Banning staff member's Key: I'm not sure anymore. it was either Alb or Skull. Reason of Ban: Being purposefully obnoxious for no reason that was warranted on their part. I'm not sure who I was directing my words towards, Reason for Appeal: I miss the community. not that it excuses my reasons for being banned, but Ive resisted making an appeal for some time because I realize that I was being intentionally hurtful in the first place, and deserved the ban.
  13. Overall, I think this is a great idea. We should have a brainstorming session or something after furrycactus does their thing. I wonder if burger has any input on this as well? TBH the evidence room could be a LOT smaller. I think that is my only thought on the remap, besides how wide the hallway between investigations and the break area should be.
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