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Everything posted by Neinbox
[Declined] DrHobo2k15's dionae whitelist application
Neinbox replied to DrHobo's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
No problem [mention]DrHobo[/mention], and I hope the trip was enjoyable! Just let me know when you do edit it, or if I should close this one until you are ready to post a new, updated one when you're more active because it's been taking a while. Generally we try to have these wrapped up within two weeks, but this one has been going on for quite some time (partially my fault, yes, I'll admit). -
[Declined] DrHobo2k15's dionae whitelist application
Neinbox replied to DrHobo's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hello, [mention]DrHobo[/mention] ! I've spotted your application! So far, a lot of the things look pretty good, but then when we get to the background there's a few things that should be looked at. So let's get to it! Now, the first thing I've noticed is that the pod was dormant next to a star. Dying or not, the star has enough energy, basically radition to give off in unprotected space to provide a LOT energy to the Nymph. They do not need biomatter if they have radiation, although growth via only radiation can be a little slow. The lore should state this. If not, then I apologize. Basically, the Nymph should have grown out of the pod and been dandy either way. Another thing: supernovas. Those are incredibly cataclysmic events, and Dionae or not, anything that close to one would perish. You should probably look into some space science and read a little about stars and eneryg/radiation. On top of that, despite everything being spcace-aged now, the chances of a Nymph being flung onto a derelict (which would be a waste of money/resources, depending) is nigh impossible. Space is a vast expance with free-floating objects scattered about. The thing about space is that there is a lot of space. Next up: Gestalt stage. If you've read the lore, a Gestalt is considered a person and not an animal, and as such it would be considered illegal to sell a Gestalt unless these were shady operaitions, which is possible. Now we get to the story of it actually growing up. It seems pretty good. I take it the Nymph had began to take an interest in engineering once it saw the man working? Now the biggest part: emotion. Dionae cannot, or rather should not, feel lonely. As a Gestalt, they are a collabration of other Nymphs and so are always surrounded by company. A Dionae should also be aware that they are more often than not going to outlive their alien friends, and that's just the way of how life's going to be. They are also naturally nomadic and should be used to drifting from place to place in the company of their own in search of knowledge. This isn't to say that they can't miss interacting with others, but they would more or less have a philosophy of "this is life" and will keep the memories that they have created with their other friends. In that way they live on, like the words of a long-dead author in a book. The Dionae are the book, and the words are the memories. It is a much more plausable conclusion for something more than having some sort of immortal being being depressed and weeping for an eternity. Hell, that's not good for anyone and a lot of people will often tell you to move on and make the best of things with what you have for your sake. P.S., advertising your application once per round in the OOCchat in game or once in a while on the main Discord servers or otherwise is a good way to get reviews- which aren't needed but can help warm a lore developer cozy up to your application a bit more! Hope to see your reply soon! -
[Declined] Elyk21 Dionaea Whitelist Application
Neinbox replied to Elyk21's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hello again, [mention]Elyk21[/mention] ! I see that you've updated your application, but unfortunately there's still a few things missing. Please re-read my previous post that I've made to you; specifically the third and fourth paragraph in my previous reply about your "what makes oplaying this species different"; you still state personal opinions on something that asks you about the lore. As for the background, you have only provided a paragraph when two is required per formatting. It has definately improved however- sometimes less detail can be better- but requirements are requirements. It's scattered a little vaguely throughout the application, but from what i've gathered you've decided to keep them a Chaplain of sorts that preach symbiosis back on the Aurora from where it came after merging with other young, like-minded Nymphs. But there is something important missing; what made the Dionae decide to follow up this pursuit? How did it come about to thinking about how everyone should become symbiotic with one another and spread the word? What spurred this interest? -
Judgement day. So, you may have been wondering why I haven't written any replies, poking you for answers or clarifications and wanting to know more. It's mostly because I have no questions to ask. You know the lore. You know the character. You know what you want to do with them. You're known by the community positively. Any conflicts was already handled between you and the community. Even though some may see this one as "mundane", this character is a real wholesome, slice-of-life character that's a bit difficult to find nowadays, and both you and your characters are much the same way making interactions pleasant and making them feel "real". By the time the interactions are over, everyone leaves happy and satisfied. This was one of those "gold buzzer" applications, and despite the fact that I could have approved it from day one (and wanted to after having finished reading it all), I wanted to leave it up a little longer to see if there was anything the community could add to it. Overall, it was a solid application. Now let's see how well you do playing one! Application Accepted.
That my friend, is for another suggestion thread. But that's definately something to keep in mind!
Yep, you heard it. My body is ready for the sheer amount of disdain I'm about to receive for making this post, so let's dive in! If any of this is already a thing, feel free to ignore it or point it out to me with a mention so I can remove it. If you have a suggestion, feel free to post it with a mention so I can add it and give credit! But please, don't sit there and go "dumb idea" as this was more a musing that I thought would be fun to have; if it's a valid complaint, please explain why it is bad to implement, and try to keep the tone positive. Perhaps someone could present a fix for whatever problem may arise! I understand that this will be on the back-burner as there are many other projects developers have to work with, but this could be awesome if implemented- even if only some of it is. So, I'm working on a mini-project with others, and a thought came up. What's the point of wielding dual blades when mechanically only one ever gets used? Having the other is essentially pointless. So here's my suggestion with a few extra things thrown in: ALL WEAPONS - On Harm intent, you will obviously cause harm. - On help intent, weapons do less damage, or have "punches pulled" as it were. Reason: If you're trying to threaten someone, you don't want to accidentally cut the entire limb off- just give them a warning of what could happen if they don't obey. I've had it happen a few times before. - On Disarm intent, you can Parry. There will be a percentage that you can fail, simply block, or parry, and with a parry you'll have a small chance to make your opponent drop their weapons or stagger them to give you the time to get that extra hit in. Your opponent won't drop their weapons if staggered. DUAL WEAPONS - When using a matching set of weapons in each hand that cannot be used as a two-handed weapon, you will strike twice in one hit as if you used both weapons at once to simulate the quickness of small, one-handed weapons like ritual daggers, and if possible, a small chance to get a third strike in one hit. Understandably, this will only work with specific weapons so things like highlander swords and the like don't become overly OP as they're already more powerful. But this will level the playing field and give some the ability to maybe have a slight chance with something like two knives. - Will only work with a matching set of weapons. Without, you will lose the ability to do this to maintain a balance, but if suggested otherwise, that can change. - Have a higher chance to successfully parry. ONE-HANDED WEAPONS - Cannot be used as a dual-weapon such as swords for balance reasons, but is excellently paired with a shield. TWO-HANDED WEAPONS - Has a higher resistance to being disarmed, but can still be parried. SHIELDS - If you're holding a shield, you have to switch to it to use it, obviously. - On help intent it'll always block an attack- even bullets. - On disarm, you can parry with it. - If you're on harm intent, it'll shield-bash your opponent. BLUNT WEAPONS - Includes shields and if it's not already a thing, has a chance to KO your opponent briefly if you hit them in the head, or give a concussion/brain damage. ENERGY WEAPONS - Difficult to parry and block. - Opponents have a higher chance to fail blocks and parries. - Only another energy weapon can more successfully block and parry an energy weapon. MECHATRONICS AND EXO-SUITS - All of the above will apply to Mechs. For instance, if you have two drills equipped, you'll mine twice as fast. In combat, you'll be able to strike twice in one hit, but a small percent to get three is a tentative maybe due to the fact that these are big honkin' mechs. - Come on. Don't tell me you don't want to see a mech fight in the Thunderdome. Looking forwards to the feedback!
Greetings, it's me again. I'd like to show that there are sprites, all that's needed is the coding. Additionally, the slots between the wires can be colored to show what's inside, and the cage can shake like a locker so whatever's contained can attempt to escape. Closed: Opened: Credit to [mention]DronzTheWolf[/mention] for the sprites!
Not to mention that I have added two anti-radiation medications to be actually deadly to them. So there are indeed balances being made.
[Declined] Elyk21 Dionaea Whitelist Application
Neinbox replied to Elyk21's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I am so sorry to of have let this slip for so long! I've been dealing with a bit of personal things such as a death in the family, but now that things have calmed down I'll doubletime it so it gets processed ASAP. Cutting to the chase [mention]Elyk21[/mention], there are a few things that need to be addressed. Your story's a little choppy and feels a little hard to follow. On top of that, in the lore Dionae do not grow that way; the game creates exponential growth as a sort of quick bypass so players can immediately join a round as a Gestalt to play. The lore states that they only grow by merging, so feel free to add in more Nymps that grew with your Nymph as a cluster of sorts in addition to the other player's character. Next is the actual OOC questions. Your answer in response to "what makes playing this species differently" was answered in an unsatisfactory way. You have stated only one aspect, and then proceeded to give your personal feelings about the answer you gave when you should have left it to the "why do you want to play this species" section. And keep in mind- you don't have to keep your answers to a mere paragraph long. Now, the reason why the answer you gave for that particular secion was unsatisfactory was because it doesn't want what you feel about the species, but what you know about them. So far for fact checks, I have only seen two things that you mentioned, that they're slow and that they have different ideologies and behaviors, which aren't incorrect (however you could move the latter to the "how is this species different" section instead of it's current spot). But, you don't seem to voice much else in the way of your knowledge of the species. Try to expand on what you know such as how are their ideologies and behaviors different? Like I said, a paragraph is just a minimum for a reply, so feel free to splurge on adding more to wow me! A minor thing about the story, I would like for you to explain to me what this Dionae is about; theit personality, what they like... etc. It should be explained a bit more in the next paragraph below. There was another thing that I noticed that somewhat concerned me: The naming of the Nymphs you've provided. I won't spoonfeed you as that would be a bad idea, but I will point you in the right direction and tell you to re-read the lore. Next is one of your last answers to the question, "What do you like most about this character?" Having a character job-hop is a bad idea, so make sure that when you put them into an occupation, they stick there. Your character is relatively new to the world as a collective whole, so Civillian jobs would do just the thing. But beware, as a Dionae singulatity is seen as a threat as you should very well know. When you're done with reviewing the lore, make sure to edit your application where needed, and post that you have done so with an @mention directed at me just in case it slips past me again. It shouldn't, but it helps. Again, I'm terribly sorry for the long wait. If it ever happens again, feel free to contact staff about it, or me directly. I don't mind at all! Hope to hear from you soon! -
[Denied] Killstrike's dionaea whitelist application
Neinbox replied to killstrike's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hello [mention]killstrike[/mention] ! I've let this sit because I've been busy and in hopes that you would return to listen to the other's recommendations and maybe ignored them because you were also busy or accidentally forgot, but it doesn't seem like you've taken their advice any. It's important to keep an eye on your applications, and to also take other's advice. So, I'm going to move this along and show you what I'm looking for, and what should be fixed- please make sure to read through everything to the end! So with this one, you have two major mistakes. Your BYOND key (AKA username for the SS13 game client) is missing. This is required so we know just who to give permissions to if their application does get accepted. The next is the character names. These aren't what you want to name your character, but what character names you have used in the past so we can recall any IC interactions characters have had with yours and therefor judge your abilities to roleplay. I'm going to be honest with this one. This seems like a poor answer- it feels though as if you're trying to pursue the race merely for mechanics. The purpose of these applications are not to see your interests in the species' mechanics, but rather to see how well you handle the lore aspects, and of how much you know about it. If I were you, I would make the parts about their mechanics obsolete and more expand your interests in the lore, if you have any. Additionally, you should have a solid character that has been established. Basically, create your own character and save the character so it is a persistent character in the game that you develop like they're a part of a main story instead of just a random passerby. Like I said, we judge in-character interactions, and if you don't have an established character, we can't tell how well you stick to the background story you've created for them and how well you stay in-character without breaking immersion. Your first point isn't terribly convincing. I want the how of it, and you should expand on just how is the species from playing a human. Your second point should belong in the first question that this application asks you, as this entry is asking you how it is different from playing as a human, not why. And it seems like you haven't read the lore with your third point- you shouldn't have to split your worker at all, so renaming them should not be a concern at all unless you're going to be careless. Splitting is only done for life-threatening emergencies that their Gestalt cannot escape. And if I recall correctly, humans can in fact change their names legally, it's just a bit of a pain both in real life and mechanically. This background is very rocky, and it's hard to understand. From what I've gathered, someone was trying to kill what they thought was a pest, the pest taking a moment to stop and admire the fire that was being used to kill it in a life-or-death situation, and somehow became friends through that after the human got an epiphany to as of what the Nymph was. He befriended more and more as he worked on trying to immortalize himself but then when the Gestalt was formed the Dionae left the man with a wave of it's tendrils, creating it's name afterwards. Now it indirectly remains near the man by picking up shifts where he left off. So, this background isn't entirely favorable and it leaves a lot of questions. Why did the nymph pause to admire something that was trying to kill it when it was in immediate danger? How did the human know what the nymph was, and why did the man want to become a martyr? "Chipping" a nymph does not allow memory transfer, so you'll have to re-read the lore on that. Why did the Gestalt leave the man? Why is it still remaining near the man if it left it? Besides all of these questions, there is one major thing that is being overlooked here: The story seems to be told from the human's side which can be okay, but the major focus seems to be on the human and not the species you are applying for. That is a pretty big problem, because as you can see, you're trying to apply for a Dionae and not a human. And here we are, at the end. Both what you like about the character and your ability to roleplay should come in the answer of a paragraph, and what you've written about the character is redundant about the species' mechanic. You should more focus on what you like about the character. Why do you like them? Do they have any quirks or shortfallings? Do they have the same interests as you, or do you admire them for being something you're not? Things like that. And on rating your role-playing, please state both the how and why. What makes you experienced? For how long have you been roleplaying? Overall, I am not ready to accept this application, and here's why: commitment. You don't have a single character that you have committed yourself to previously. The purpose of having an established character is so others can judge your abilities to roleplay and how well you can maintain that character so when the time comes, we can see how well you can be trusted with another species that the player needs to commit to so that species standards are maintained. We can't risk anyone breaking character or lore, or the immersion and therefore experience will be ruined. I'm not saying that I do not trust you, but what I am saying is that I cannot tell if you can or not because no one has previous experiences with you. On top of that, you seem to be missing the main purpose of these applications: they are mostly here to test how well you know the lore, not specifically the mechanics. So, splurge on the details and your knowledge on the lore, but don't do it word for word. Try to explore ideas, and even speculate on some things! Don't be afraid to write more than one paragraph- I actually encourage more! So I do see promise here, however it needs a little work. You do have interest, but you need to review the points that everyone has made on your application as they are all valid and I agree with them, and make sure to keep my reply in mind. The biggest help that you will find is investigative work, looking through the Whitelist Archives and sifting through the Dionae applications, comparing both accepted and denied applications to see what passed and what failed my expectations. The biggest thing that I want you to do however is to create a persistent character, and play them for a month so players can get to know both you and your abilities to roleplay better- not to mention to get to know your character if they enjoy them. After that time period is up, feel free to re-apply and we can restart your application process. Second time applications usually get passed! If you wish to further discuss this with me, you can choose to PM me on this site or contact me over Discord with the information posted in my signature, and feel free to join my Dionae server for further help understanding Dionae and their lore- we're always ready to help teach! Application Declined.