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Everything posted by Neinbox

  1. Heya, Ninbox here! I spotted your post, and I'm here to snag it and discuss with you now about your application. So far, I don't recall seeing your Ckey which is fine, but I'm not so certain about the Vox part. They're characters that are a very fleeting presence due to their roles, so I can't really make any judgements. Here's where the problems begin. Read the first sentence, then read your responses. A "proper" paragraph that we were all taught going through school is five to seven sentences long. If you're having difficulties, just touch down on certain points and expand on those ideas! Like my previous point, this section is lacking. You've only supplied me with one paragraph with three sentences. Please try to expand on their background. What's their goal in life and their interests? Again, please explore a question more and give more substantial answers. With what you like about the character, I'm having a little difficulty trying to understand what you wrote. In addition to that, I'd like for it to be a paragraph long. And as for their gimmick, I have no idea in what you're referring to as well. As for the app itself, try to advertise it so players can leave reviews! They aren't needed, but definitely do help. Just copy-paste this thread's link into the game's OOC feed once per round asking for reviews on your whitelist. Hope to hear from you again soon, @AccointNaim!
  2. Heya, Tesla user here. So at first I was pretty concerned with the state of the Tesla. It's a favorite, but rarely if ever gets used. To me, both engines are experimental and both are equally dangerous in their own rights. Now, like Paradox stated, the Tesla is from what I recall, rarely if ever used and for a long time was already ICly "banned" from use by CE's and Captains alike. It has recently made a comeback, but now it's being nerfed which is disappointing. From what I recall, both are also equally dangerous and experimental engines in their own rights. While I don't disagree that the Tesla could use something to give it that element of danger so that people should have to monitor it instead of just leaving it there, this is unfair in it's current state. If it were a more popular engine and allowed to be used as a main powersource, sure. Have people monitor it. But so far it's barely ever touched and you're making a rare choice needlessly dangerous. If the Tesla grows a little too large, people will have to make sure that cargo is there and then harass them for parts, then wait for those parts to be delivered and make sure that there's enough to replace what was destroyed on top of waiting for the main ball to decay to more tolerable levels. Not to mention getting close enough to install the new equipment is enough to make anyone's buttcheeks clench. I'm an experienced Tesla user. I love using it when I have the time to set it up and I love messing with the design and experimenting of what makes it a robust power source. And quite frankly, the new changes make me very, very wary of ever touching it again. How in the world is someone going to get close enough to push in a new coil without getting hit by an arc from just touching it, let alone wrenching it down? The new PR is better than what was first discussed, but my previous statement is still a concern. IIRC, the SM is also a dangerous experimental engine. Will that also get nerfed? It's a little overpowered too; using pure phoron means zero decay in it's heat capacity. You can just turn it on and walk away.
  3. After a little review of the application and your account and delayed by a technical difficulty, I'd say that this character seems as solid as your application, which although vague has left a positive impression on me. Gotta say, the Ckey fits well with the species too lol Sorry for keeping you waiting- Enjoy! Application Accepted.
  4. Hello, @MelodicVoid! Sorry if I was a little late, it was a bit of a busy week. But with this aside, first I want to say something: G A R B A G E B O Y S Okay, I'm good now. With that out of the way, I'd like to say that these guys have a delightfully humble beginning which is probably my favorite thing. My biggest question is this, however. Does the atmosphere of the planet have a very strong anti-radiation shielding? Please note that mechanically they do feed off of light, yes, but lore-wise they actually feed off of electromagnetic radiation. Some lights emit ultra-violet radiation and there are specialty bulbs out there for both plants and animals alike that emit UVB. The station's outfitted with fluorescent light bulbs which cater to their needs in a sorely minimal way by releasing a safe amount of UVB. Our planet still allows quite a bit of UV rays through it's atmosphere- both UVB and UVB- is this frontier planet more or less similar in that aspect?
  5. Due to no response and no way to contact the whitelistee, this application will be denied and closed. Contact me again in the future if you want to make another attempt, but actively keeping an eye on the forums is a must. Better luck next time! Application denied.
  6. Welcome back, @NickSho_! Glad to see you re-apply. Now, since we've already gone about this before, I'm going to be blunt and say that I am disappointed to see that literally nothing has changed despite my input of what you should have looked into for your previous application, and applied it to this one. You simply copied and pasted without following my suggestion, which has me a bit surprised. Here's your last application. Usually when I post a lengthy reply, it's usually as a means to help you fix up your application to be a little more lore-friendly and not be entirely ignored. The only change I've noticed at a glance was that you corrected the spelling for your character's name. You can choose to try to still go with this version of your application if you want, but it's not advisable and I suggest you re-read their lore on top of the reply I supplied to you in your previous application.
  7. It's all right, everyone has a bad day here and there. Looking forwards to the final product. Thanks!
  8. I actually am interested, it was sort of me just laughing a little because I had literally JUST talked to PoZe about it who had already accepted prior to your ask. I'm sorry if my response upset you in any way at all. In a way I intended for it to be a surprise of sorts for players for that specific kind of chirp. I forget if you code or not, but if you do you're more than welcomed to work with PoZe on how to figure out how to make chirps vary in tone/pitch/etc in game so it feels more natural.
  9. Find out ICly. :^) Also, @PoZe already snagged this through Discord lol
  10. Literally. The title says it all. I simply want to give Dionae the ability to *chirp. That's it. In all seriousness, I don't see why they can't as a Gestalt as they still consist of- that's right- Nymphs! Let this be a gift to all the good Dionae this Christmas.
  11. The amount of knowledge that they gain from a biological sample is actually a bit limited. They can't learn things like math equations, but more very basic, rough things like simple or recent memories, like what they had for lunch or what time they like to get up at every day, or even a little bit about the person such as their personality and views on life. They can also learn primary languages and cultures. Very rough and abstract things. In game they cannot obtain blood samples to prevent power gaming such as obtaining a sample from a cultist and exploiting the newfound information they can translate. As for the limitations, there are a few. The size of a Dionae and how many core Nymphs they have as well as the number of overall Nymphs in a Gestalt determines this. A human can only learn so much because they only have so much room in their brain to store all this information. The largest Nymph acts as a central node/processor of this information and acts/functions like a brain in addition to the sensory input and internal communications from the others. So that's one Skrell-like brain with the addition of five other more average brains working together. They can store a *lot* of information, but they still learn it about as fast as anyone else and more or less must do it in more traditional ways such as reading books- which they can do rather fast- or being taught in a classroom setting and/or given tutorials. In-game, the maximum amount of years you can mechanically play as a Gestalt is 1,000 years old, and with that age you're capable of more or less becoming capable of preforming all departmental jobs safely according to the skill mechanics. But, it would be much safer (ICly and OOCly) for them to become masters at one department and know everything about it per Gestalt that has one core Nymph present within. With each additional core, they may be able to master another department- but by then they may no longer be considered a "worker" class Gestalt.
  12. Locking and archiving then! I hope to see you in game and another application in the future! Application declined.
  13. Bless PoZe ?
  14. Oh my god we need to work out a new format for applications now that the forums have changed... ANYWAYS! I'm Neinbox, and I'm the Dionae loredev you'll be talking to for your application. Now, the only Ckey we could find is NickSho without the underscore, and looking into the records it seems that you have played only twice so far, the Ckey creation being on 12/11/2018. Now, my biggest problem with this application is that you do not have enough playtime and because of this, not enough rapport with the community. My typical requirements for an applicant is to of had played a minimum of two rounds per week for one month to build yourself a reputation. And although your application looks pretty decent for a first look, you've only played about twice on this server which frankly isn't enough time to let the community get to know you nor experience more of Aurora's culture as a server. For now I'll put that aside and take a look at the application itself, so let's get to it! So far your what and why you'd like to play seem pretty solid. Moving into the character's name and backstory is where I find some interesting things. First, you've apparently misspelled the first part of your character's name "Beautiful" a lot, which I am uncertain if that is intentional or not. I normally don't judge on grammatical errors, but I've spotted a lot of grammatical errors. It shouldn't take any points off of your application, but in the game it might irritate some of grammar fanatics. Otherwise it overall looks pretty good- it has an otherwise simple and humble beginning, which is enjoyable in it's own way. But there are a few things that could be thought about. It's interesting that you chose to have them merge immediately and the reason you gave is pretty solid, but merging takes a lot of energy like caterpillars turning into butterflies. And like reptiles, they can't digest meals without being warm (in this case for Dionae, their primary source of energy- that being radiation) or it would take up too much energy and end up killing them because the energy expended outweighs the energy supplied to them to not only digest their food, but also undergo a fusion which is why many chose to fatten up a good deal before a merge. It might be best if they chose someplace safe but still bright to undergo the transformation, such as a tall treetop... seeing a Gestalt climb down a tree would be interesting lol Now, that wouldn't deduct points either! But what does is inconsistencies with the more common knowledge. A Gestalt would have to spend a little time to get to learn about the new society they have come to join, and not only that but they would also have to get themselves tested to be considered citizens of the community. After that comes the real education- small samples of blood can only impart so much information and doesn't come with a PhD wrapped in a pretty red bow. Being a scientist, a Xenoarcheologist and a Xenoibiologist are three different professions within the Research department, and they all require different education and thus different degrees. Scientists would understandably need a degree in general sciences, whereas the others would require more specialized education. Xenoarcheologists would need possibly that, archeology, even xenoanthropology- the latter which would require more time than regular anthropology. Xenobiologists would realistically need to major in biology, xenobiology, and anatomy/surgery. For a general scientist, the IC qualifications are for your character to have a "PhD from accredited university in applicable field." If you look at all the listed requirements I posted above, it would take more than just three years for your Gestalt to gain their PhD to be proficient in all fields within the Research department- and Dionae with an obsession for a specific field can only learn new things as fast as a genius of any species can- they still have a lot of reading and testing to do. On top of that, in-game in the character prep screen you can go to their "skills" and play with them- each tell you which is good for each occupation, and will show you how many realistic points they take up for characters of specific ages due to how much schooling they require. Another curiosity that I noted is that your Dionae seemed to have latched onto the stars as their passion, but it somehow spread beyond astrology and into vastly different sciences. Newer Gestalts tend not to be so broad until they learn all they can about their initial interest and are able to stray into something else because they're more or less "children" with how newly created they are. And like children, they're going to have very specific interests for a bit. If it is because of the blood samples, I hate to tell you this but they cannot have broad interests simply from small biological donations. For this character to be possible, you may want an older Gestalt that has been around for a while. As an additional note, I really do love that you had them change shape to something more humanoid when they were with the crew though. That was an excellent detail. Overall, I am going to have to decline this application not because of content, but because of the little amount of playtime that has been accomplished. I'd like for you to play a bit longer and build yourself a reputation here on Aurora for a minimum of two to three rounds a week in a month to help do so. During that time period you are free to approach me with any question or comment you have regarding the species, and at the end of it all I hope to see you reapply when it's over! When you do post your new app, make sure to advertise it. Reviews from other players aren't necessary for an application, but they definitely help. You're allowed to post one link to your application per round in-game in OOC and in the main Discord server (I forgot if it was once every six hours or something for this one). I'm leaving this application active for any additional commentary by you be it questions or a confirmation or whatnot until tomorrow night where I will close it. I'm sorry for having to close it so soon, but I hope you understand that it's just so we can all get to know each other a little better before I hand over this responsibility to you as each server has their own rules and culture. I hope to hear again from you soon!
  15. Giving this topic a little bump. The addition of this will also be somewhat important to upcoming events as well.
  16. We still got some open spots, but they're running out fast! OPEN SLOTS: Team Hephaestus Mechatronic Engineer 1 Mechatronic Engineer 2 Team Zeng-Hu Mechatronic Engineer 2 FILLED TEAMS: Team NanoTrasen Team Necropolis Come join us at https://discord.gg/NQHdd5j to watch the fun or apply for one of the above positions! Each position is equally as important, so pay no heed to the numbers. Hope to see you there!
  17. Hey, everyone! You might have already seen it on the Discord Relay server, but there’s another server that has been advertised as “MECHAMANIA”. What is it? Well, it's an in-character Discord RP event about a mechfight using simple turn-based combat! Why not have it on the game server? Because there's going to be some custom content. Can’t use a giant mech-sword in-game now, can you? Anyways, four teams from four major companies will come together to prove their own skills and genius for fun and a cash prize, and pit their pilots against one another in giant exosuits to duke it out! Currently the competing companies are Nanotrasen, Hephaestus, Zeng-Hu, and Necropolis, each team sponsored by their respective companies. The main premise of this event is that the roboticists were bored and wanted to have a little fun as well as give others something fun to look forwards to while relieving the stress of recent events. Lii’dra attacks, Frost showing his ugly mug again… You get the idea. They reached out to each other from a mech club and managed to get their companies to back them for the event. Who knows? This could bring a lot of new potential to the companies and employees themselves! Now to the source of the problem: we need players! We're low on observers (your character can be there either in person or watch it from home), but most importantly, competitors! Team NanoTrasen has already been filled, but we need at least six more players- nine maximum- to represent the other teams. The positions are one (two max) mechatronic engineers and one pilot for each team. For this you will have to make a non-NT, one-time use event character to do so and you may have to read up on the company's lore a little, but afterwards you are free to toss the character or chose to keep them and have them as visitors in game or use the non-NT relay only. To see what it's about, please join here at https://discord.gg/NQHdd5j . Please read the announcements and rules. Competitor applications will be handled on the Discord only. Ping @Referee to apply! If you have any questions etc, feel free to ask- but yes, this event has been cleared with JB/CCIA and is sanctioned as a CANON EVENT. There will be a little preparation and planning to make sure everyone knows their roles, but the event is planned to happen either this or next month. For now, Merry Mechamania everyone ;^) Edit: Link set to never expire. Sorry about that!
  18. How exactly is this supposed to work? Would you not hear the actual message they're sending? Is this what the dionaea see, or what players tuning in see? Sorry! That will be seen by non-Dionae. Dionae will actually be able to see the translation. I will update it. But like what Chada said, it's going to "sound" like a music station to others. I'll update my OP to make this more clear. Uh. What? This sounds very, very implausible to code, unless this is a roundabout way of saying "a room with no light". It is a "roundabout" way of saying a room with no light. But it can't be any room. It just has to be a room with reinforced walls and no windows on the door. This is just plain not a thing, sorry. Ripple Although it would be cool to add. You can make several devices already and bounced radios are printable through an autolathe, so why not make this a possibility? Or perhaps allow translators to translate things that are being broadcasted on a device with it's speaker on? This sounds like a headache to code and to use in-game. Dionaea aren't played enough, and don't communicate enough, to be able to channel surf and find what frequency it's on, unless you have access to the telecomms server. In which case: why are you snooping on the trees? The reason why they don't communicate enough is because it is difficult to do so. But they can't do it on normal channels or they'll get reprimanded. It could help them be played more if communications are made easier in one way, at least between one another. Putting in vowels or ways to break up a sentence is a bit of a pain to constantly use and read even if it is something that was knowingly chosen to suffer with. The biggest issue is that when you have a small break, like say five or ten minutes, walking to an agreed-upon spot with ample light to talk face to face in your native language is a major pain because as soon as you get there, you only have one minute to talk to one another before needing to shuffle back to work in time. I believe that this will actually make people more willing to play them. What's the point of playing if you can't talk to others? Finding them on a channel is relatively easy by simply taking your radio and changing the channel and scrolling through each to find them. Synthetics would already be able to understand them in this way, they would just have to find the channel. For organics, it would just be a matter of finding the channel and translating as it takes a computer to translate. Anyone can snoop on anyone, minus antags and stationbounds. It would help with antagonistic actions on either side- to prevent the takeover of Dionae, or to prevent the Dionae from assisting your prey. As for the randomizing of channels, I believe that may be easier to code than we both think. Skull tells me all the time to make a request first and let the developers decide if it is too difficult/impossible or not, and someone might know a way to do it easily.
  19. Cool thing about this, in lore (depending on if this is accepted or not) there are stories of "space sirens" where travelers pick up strange music on their channels, and the closer they get to the source, the louder and clearer the haunting, eerie songs are! Those who are brave enough to investigate are rewarded from strange beings with the "treasure" of knowledge to aid them on their journey, while other vessels simply disappear, and the crew is never heard from again...
  20. Dionae have nothing fancy outside of their biology. They do not have their own technology or anything. How is it taking away from Vaurca at all when Synthetics can do something similar? What about Xenomorphs or Changelings? Please elaborate on the methods as well if you can. EDIT: All other species have more than one species-specific language minus IPCs, and I have no plans whatsoever in the foreseeable future to add any more. If you have complaints of too many languages, look elsewhere. I believe that each race should get a maximum of only two species-specific languages, and I stand by that as well as my belief that this will actually improve the species.
  21. Hello, lads and ladies and otherwise. So, I've been attempting to get this for a while and after a discussion with some contributors and others who seemed supportive of my desire to add another language for Dionae based off of what I would like lore and mechanic-wise with some additional suggestions, I will put it down here. What I present is this: LORE In the old lore, Dionae were somehow capable of sending and receiving information between one another long-distance despite the fact that they do not have any direct contact with one another. That, coupled with the fact that they are a nomadic space-faring species without the technologies to contact one another as well as the fact that they rely on the electromagnetic spectrum for communication, I have deemed that they are capable of utilizing the electromagnetic spectrum to send and receive information to other Dionae via radio-waves and other similar methods of information sharing that we have developed. Dionae are capable of atmospheric communications and it is theorized that it they have developed such methods first in the form of Local Rootsong (LRS) before they ventured out into the void of space, creating Distant Rootsong (DTRS) to compensate for the increased distance. This was done by manipulating their primary source of sustenance, the electromagnetic spectrum, and somehow using it to their advantage in similar ways that cellphones are used. By the time it is proposed that they have left their original system they had developed Deep Rootsong (DPRS), far-reaching signals that travel great distances in the outer reaches of space. FUNCTION Now, the only language that I want to add is Distant Rootsong. It would function much like communications in that it would basically serve as it's own channel for Dionae, the language used being song-like like in their lore instead of just rustling and creaking and would be displayed more as an audible emote than an actual language. However, it can still be picked up and translated just like every other language! MECHANICS - Dionae will get their own radio channel to communicate in using their own language - Language to non-Dionae ears will sound like music instead of a language and be structured and vary depending on how the sentence ends: Period= Example Dionae Name Here sings a a gentle song. If long, it will turn into "fabricates an aria." Ellipsis= Example Dionae Name Here creates a suspenseful air... Exclamation= Example Dionae Name Here makes a sharp strain! Question Mark= Example Dionae Name Here composes a curious tune. Interrobang= Example Dionae Name Here produces an startling ditty! Stammering= Example Dionae Name Here generates a broken melody... - Use of DTRS will make the Dionae rustle and creak to nearby mobs within hearing range as if speaking. - DTRS can be picked up on unused radio channels, but will change each round. - DTRS can be translated by combining a headset/bounced/emergency radio and translation device (if possible code-wise) and on the appropriate channel. - DTRS does not require a relay to use as each Dionae are their own DTRS relay/satellite, and can communicate with one another regardless of z-level or distance (if possible) - Dionae must be in good lighting to use DTRS - Dionae can suffer damage to their health if using DTRS in less than acceptable lighting conditions. Use wisely! - Use of DTRS can be interrupted by injecting a Dionae with Hyronalin or Arithrazine - Use of DTRS can be completely prevented by placing a Dionae in a Radio-Frequency Anechoic Chamber. These chambers are essentially full reinforced steel or plasteel walled rooms without any windows and only one door that does not have windows installed. If no light can enter, neither can their radio signals- but be careful or not as this can kill the captive Dionae if light is not provided. As a non-mechanic trait, the silence can become very disturbing and make them desperate to escape. Escalation should be relatively slow and begin passively however. OOC As you have all probably guessed, this will allow Dionae to be able to talk to talk to one another no matter where they are, Telecomms or not, as long as they have plenty of light. Why? Well, Dionae are a slow-moving species and outside of lore, their abilities for deep-space exploration and voidwalking are unlimited unless they found themselves in a particularly dark cave without a decent lightsource. Dionae can't go anywhere fast in an emergency unless they have their own mechs, and in a way this will create a different way to help one another in said emergencies- through communications. But if one's dying in the darkness of a tunnel, would they risk shortening their time to call for another's help? They can also be used in survival situations such as power outages for groups of survivors- but again, there's the cost of their lives that they have to think about. Outside of those situations, what species doesn't like speaking to one another in their native tongue? But Dionae aren't able to do so nearly as often as they would like without being slowed down with the need of having to use TCB. Want to meet at the holodeck for a five minute break between your research? Guess how long it takes to get there. Not only will it help Dionae in emergency situations, but it will also overall be better for ease of use. They do have an instinctual preference for their own tongue that's biologically ingrained in them after all. Why isn't DPRS included? Because there's no use for it on the station outside of events due to the fact that it can reach beyond the asteroid. :^) This both to assist in the species' development as well as to help further roleplay. If you want to make a suggestion, by all means go ahead. Got a critique? Make it constructive please! EDIT: As clarification, this is not giving Dionae mind-control or telepathy of any sort ICly! This is purely sending and receiving from another radio frequencies to communicate long-distance, like a built-in headset!
  22. To be fair, if you're sitting there actively struggling in a fight, someone shouldn't be able to just walk up to you and slap 'em on. Do you see actual police handcuffing an actively resistant suspect in a passive manner despite the flailing limbs, or do the officers fight with them in the struggle and have to manhandle the suspect to where the hands are in a position to be cuffed- often being forced to the ground? I for one give this a +1. It would help give antagonists a fighting chance against security when it's just one or two who cornered you. "Antags don't need more help." Well to be fair, both security and antagonists are equally guilty of crimes against one another. Plus, it'll be a little more realistic. The officer's intent should be equal to the offender's, or stun them/push them to the ground to "more fairly secure valids". I've had a few instances where even antagonists too easily cuff their victims, and this will help give their victims a fighting chance. I've had a vampire click and cuff me before in a dark tunnel as I was trying to fight off carp and the message of being cuffed eluded me, shortly resulting in my death. Dumb, right? And if it doesn't help to further the offender's RP of cussing as they're being forcefully cuffed, then it can always be reversed right?
  23. The main thing I have about this is that this is the future, so why replace a futuristic weapon with something possibly "outdated"? ICly, laser weaponry is decently efficient in the way of material cost and damage for extreme situations. They don't have a lot in the way of charge size for ammunition, sure. But it relies on the station's power to recharge more than having to manufacture and ship munitions for ballistics, and they can cut through advanced armors that can take a physical hit decently. OOCly, laser weaponry's inefficiency in ammunition is what gives the antagonists a chance. You can stuff your bag full of clips and keep unloading onto an antag, but a laser weapon forces you to go and find a place to charge, giving a breather for both parties to regroup depending on the situation. Many may whine "antags too op they deserve it", but I equally hear as many cries of "sec swarmed and valided me not five minutes into gameplay". There are many different situations in the way an antag round is handled ranging from people who think this game is just a LRP shooter monster-hunting game to stealth antags, and neither are greater than the other. Overall, I want the laser weaponry to stay. There's not that much laser weaponry last I checked- excluding Ions who are exclusive only to those it affects- and players are forced to choose carefully either way "do I want cool future weapon with less shots or do I want good ol' reliable bullet hell". It would make more sense if anything to replace a different ballistic weapon with it in the armory instead, like let's say shotguns. You're on a research station with civilians in narrow halls sometimes and you don't know when the next shipment of ammunition is coming in. If using the pellet shots instead of normal shells, would you rather have a dangerous and inefficient spray of bullets everywhere? Would you want to have to sit there and reload after every one or two shots? Use something that's typically only more effective more at a closer range? Or would you rather use something that's more accurate and powerful for canonically rare situations?
  24. Hey man, it's completely understandable. Hell, I do the same. I still do. But one has to be careful to not let themselves to be too detached from the real world and let themselves become obsessed. Take however long you need for some self-care, and we'll all play a round with you again when you come back. Feel better soon, friend.
  25. Okay, so it was what I thought it was. You're saying that it put down seeds all throughout the years, when at first I thought it said that it did it all in one. So, we're all good here. And now, for the verdict of this application. At first it was a pretty rocky start, more or less reposting a copy-paste of your first application that had many holes in it and honestly wouldn't have survived. But I see you did put in a lot of effort, and you do mean well. You worked hard through it all. And even though you could have forged ahead with the same story, you decided to play with my suggestion to stand out and experiment with their background, making a complete 180 from edgy to absolutely wholesome, and I adore what you've done. Where you decided to take it wasn't an expected route, and it's a delight to read! For the applicant themselves, I've seen a lot of dedication to this species and hard work, and while there may be some bumps along the way I've no doubt that they will do their best to smooth it out like they have been. I haven't seen any faults in their roleplaying either, and they tend to be pretty amicable overall. I can't wait to see where this story will take them. Application Accepted.
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