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Everything posted by Neinbox
[Accepted] Dronz's Unathi App
Neinbox replied to DronzTheWolf's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
HEEERE'S BOXY While I've made promises to look apps over and give my reviews when friends send me a link, my ability to get easily distracted is often my downfall. So I decided to not promise anything. And so here I am, distracted by Dronz's application and making a reply because I've stumbled across it. While I'm a big sucker for laying back and reading a good story, this one's short and to the point without much in the way of detail for someone to go "wait a minute, this looks off, let's argue about why". That's no fun. It leaves a lot of room to be discovered of the character, and thus surely a pleasant surprise for players and characters alike. And although some may be skeptical when I say this, it will surprise the character's player as well. I've made many characters who's stories started out small, and it had shortly taken it's own life. I highly approve of that. The character themselves seem decent, holding a sort of wisdom. But between now and the colonization of Ouerea leaving only a twenty-two year gap for colonization to take hold and grow, how old will you make Elkass Alkass? And if you could, I'd like to see more about why you like the character. Anything you could possibly relate to, or not relate to? Or do you not "know them enough" yet and leaving it to be discovered? And is he fine with combating only Hegemony Unathi, or is he against fighting one of his kind overall no matter which planet they came from seeing to how they're all the same anyways? That aside, as a player I've known Dronz for about two years. We used to play a lot together which created a bit of drama in the game, but during that time we were both trying to get into the swing of RP and Aurora itself. Since then we've both changed quite a bit, and I dare say there's been improvements. He's adaptable, easygoing, even-tempered and level-headed. He's also done quite a bit of work spriting for the lore team on making race-specific items that are open to the community, and he does have a love for the lore, often not one to make mistakes about it and willing to help the others learn more. I know that Dronz will take pride in the responsibility in having this whitelist, and zero doubt that he'll be among one of the best whitelistees. Mainly because it gives him the chance to play a Swolebold. -
[Accepted] Dionae app for Sandvich
Neinbox replied to Sandvich123's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
The applicant has made me aware that it may take them a week to respond due to their being busy off-screen, which is fine. I am willing to wait on their replies as I have been in a similar circumstance and this application is more or less at it's close, and will remind the applicant within a few days. -
[Accepted] Dionae app for Sandvich
Neinbox replied to Sandvich123's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Official Review Part 2 Boogaloo So [mention]Sandvich123[/mention] , there's a small inconsistency that I'd like you to look into, by taking a peek at their reproduction section in the wiki lore about why the timing seems off with the Nymphs. However, I could be misreading: Are you saying that the Nymph has been encouraged to create seeds throughout the ten years that it has been with the Skrell and by the eleventh year it had a good number to make a Gestalt? If that is true, five Nymphs means there would be a limb missing, typically an arm. -
[Accepted] Dionae app for Sandvich
Neinbox replied to Sandvich123's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I would like to bump this thread as it has received an update, and a reminder to the applicant that I will be reviewing it a little later. I have been unfortunately very busy, but I have read through and my overall impression is that things have made a large improvement compared to their original attempt which was much like their first application. My second review will be posted a bit later. For now, I hope for others to post their own review and give feedback as well. -
[Accepted] Jpowell59's Dionaea Whitelist Application
Neinbox replied to Jpowell59's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Well, my curiosity has been sated. This character seems to be pretty solid with an original beginning, as well as a different take on an engineering Dionae. The contradicting dynamic between a slow species and a fast-striking orb of pure energy is a very interesting concept. But above all, the applicant's knowledge on Dionae has been proven as well as their intent to make certain they are representing the species correctly- and they have also proven that if they are uncertain of something of this strange species that they aren't afraid to come to me without hesitation with their questions. Dionae are different and can be difficult, but I do encourage experimentation! Congratulations on your first whitelist. Application Accepted. -
[Accepted] Jpowell59's Dionaea Whitelist Application
Neinbox replied to Jpowell59's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
It's all good! If you can answer my questions, that should be it. Some is simple curiosity, some is a fact-check to make sure you have your character prepared for IC interactions, others are actual lore-checking. -
[Accepted] Jpowell59's Dionaea Whitelist Application
Neinbox replied to Jpowell59's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hello, [mention]Jpowell59[/mention] ! Neinbox is here. First off, for all of you naysayers who say "lightning doesn't give off radiation!!", wrong! Dark lightning exists and we can imagine it's far more common on the planet and bathes the surface often enough to offer life in dark times. Just a cool science fact I thought everyone might like. Now, I don't need to go through this one bit by bit as Sandvitch has already asked a few questions that you have since corrected, so this should be pretty simple and easy. I do have some small questions that should be pretty easy to answer, though. Was there other life on the planet that the Dionae could consume to grow faster? Did the scientist know what the Gestalt was? What did the Gestalt think of the crew, and what were their overall interactions with one another? Did they have to be educated on a few things such as "eating people is a no-no"? After living so long on a sapient-free planet, they'd have to go through civilization/cultural education. Did they do so, and also go through the educational process of becoming an Engine Technician? Another thing is how old they are, as you will have to chose an age to play them in game. What's also key is determining how long it was before they became an employee, how long they've been an employee for, and how they spent their pre-employment years as that will take into account things like education. -
[Accepted] Dionae app for Sandvich
Neinbox replied to Sandvich123's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hello, [mention]Sandvich123[/mention] ! Finally had the time of day to write this up, so here we are! Looking good so far, liking the answers! A few minor things, Dionae do need to eat if they want to immediately heal themselves. You can't fill an empty space with nothing! And Dionae are capable of defending themselves, as well as at least sympathizing with other spcies. Onwards! So, there's a bit of conflicting information here. For starters, the obvious: Dionae have no reason to eat PDAs. It's not organic in origin and although they could probably pull minerals from it, the process would more or less be not worth it. Wrappers is sort of the same if they're the plastic kind. And again, you are missing a fundamental ability that Dionae, specifically Nymphs, are capable of when consuming organic matter. Please re-read the lore as there is quite a bit of necessary actions done in this part of the background- this seems much like a re-run of your previous application. Additionally, what kind of a facility is this? More inconsistencies here. You're confusing me a lot with just what stage of life your Diona is at. Are they a Nymph? A Gestalt? If so, how can it fit in a plant's pot? When did it merge? Next, the situation. I doubt that station would still be listed as "active" without any outgoing communications nor responses. People would have realized their loved ones weren’t calling them back over the course of six years. On top of that the extensive damage and disuse should have been painfully obvious to the boarders. No power, no workers, etc. Again, there’s size confusion. Somehow able to preform surgery but also make itself a "nest of wires and lamps". And during that time being with the crew, what was it’s purpose? How did they deal with something that was a stranger who had presumably ate the previous crew and not get it registered in Tau Ceti space- if that’s where they were? There's other information that's vague here, namely the years: Event began in 2445, then lasted to 2456. 2456-2445=11 years in this Dionae's past transpired. About five or six are spent growing and producing a single seed per year before merging into a Gestalt. So, 11-6=5 left for mostly travel with the gang as a tag-along crew member apparently, and then medical schooling before being hired on by NT as a full medical staff. Now, I'm not sure how many years were spent in transit, and how many were spent with schooling so they could earn their degree, depending on what they specialized in and what degree they aimed for as per the qualifications stated in the Wiki: Qualifications: At least 30 years of age, applicable MD from an accredited school and a completed 2 year of residency. Since then, they have been an employee of NT for approximately four years, bringing us to the present day of 4560. If you could tell us how many years they spent traveling and what kind of degree/education and how many years they spent perusing that education, that would be a great help. Now, the initial question of this part is affected by my original statement of your missing a critical ability Dionae have that sticks out to most everyone. It's an interesting feature to not include Vaurcae into their knowledge, which I do like a lot. But Dionae are capable of distinguishing good from bad, at least at a very base, primitive level. Petting=good, punching=bad. Things like clickbait or ads... that's a bit more advanced learning, so it's fine if they're gullible, but if they learn a lesson that lesson should stick with them. Ignorance for a Dionae cannot last forever! As for an enlightenment journey to Epsilon Ursae Minoris, Dionae usually know all they need to know about themselves through base instinct; they don't know much else except for their unending hunger to learn. But that planet has vast reserves of knowledge for everything else they could possibly wish for. Stealing is fine, but remember, if they learn that food belongs to someone then it belongs to that someone and not them, then that lesson should stick. I also appreciate your honesty, and honestly Dionae should make a very good teacher in taking it easy! Now, overall. I've said this before, and it bears repeating: this is very much like your previous app. It is also very similar to quite a few other apps that took the whole "Survival Station 13" take. For some it worked well and was unique enough, but it is starting to feel generic with the frequency and similarity at which these applications appear. If you want to, I suggest you make it into a more "decrepit hospital" situation planetside, like a haunted asylum if you want to ('tis the season!) which will give it that "original" feel as it will be more believable and far easier to execute as a story. But it is only a suggestion, and you can continue to work with this background for a story- but it does need fixing, and you do need to revisit the species lore. Some may call me nitpicky, but if you give a detailed background and there's holes in your story and you're asked ICly, it'll more or less end in disaster. This is more a "reality check" so when the time comes, you're able to go out there with a pretty solid character. And as always, review previous applications to see exactly which ones have been accepted and which ones were not to get a feel for what I'm looking for. That will be your biggest ticket into your success if you follow their examples. To cleanly answer my questions, just @mention me, post snips of my questions/statements in quotes, and answer them so nothing turns into a mess. -
BurgerBB's Developer Application
Neinbox replied to BurgerBB's topic in Developer Applications Archives
The reason why I brought it up is because I've been possibly seeing a few similar things recently and was wondering what was going on with that, if it was repeat behavior, or if there was indeed a problem. I just wanted to make certain that it wasn't what I thought it was and wasn't actually persistent. It's not, so it's fine. But there was one concern about the preference of personal projects over requested ones from Staff that were assigned, as you addressed because that is a persistent behavior, and I was worried there might be a conflict in what is required of him on the team, but you have it from here. -
BurgerBB's Developer Application
Neinbox replied to BurgerBB's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Not once did I say that I expected this. I understand Burger has other projects. But what I did say was "communication". The first time he did say he was busy and I understood. After time had passed, I was wondering if he had free time and I felt blown off after the conversation. I was fine with the fact that he didn't want to do anything, that's absolutely fine. But going "nah, find someone else" left me feeling brushed off. I didn't understand to as of why. Had he explained then I would've just gone "oh, okay!" instead of feeling dismissed. But because it was explained here, it's all good, I am in understanding, and it's water under the bridge. I no longer care about then as it's been explained. -
BurgerBB's Developer Application
Neinbox replied to BurgerBB's topic in Developer Applications Archives
No, but you had an application up to become a dev that was active for a very long time then. No one's here to get paid. We're all here to help each other to make something greater and have fun with the community. I understand motivations. I understand inspirations. God, do I understand. But if you want people to understand and go "oh, okay!" you need to communicate this with them instead of just blowing them off. I'd be far more likely to ask you if you wanted to do something and see if it was something you were interested in and be less offended that you said "no" because I would've understood that you just weren't up for the task and simply leaving it at that. The thing is that I haven't seen any proof of otherwise, I've experienced some of it in person and have read the things following some statements, nor have you shown you want to elaborate on that screenshot either. Which is fine, that isn't entirely what this is about. Like I've said, this is more about the teamwork aspect. And from the above, you've more or less cleared up the hows and whys, and I'm decently satisfied at the answer so I retract my -1 to a more neutral stand. I can understand the whole motivation/inspiration thing you got going on. But it seems to me you're more than willing to literally drop everything for your own personal projects and work on them the moment you notice something that immediately affected/inconveniences you, such as the parapen fiasco. I get it, the parapen made your experience into something negative and you saw an issue it. You're a volunteer who's unpaid who has difficulty finding the willpower to do things they just aren't interested in. But what about the other projects? What if you were entrusted with something and you dropped it immediately for something that mildly inconvenienced you once in-game? Loredevs and others will come to you for help. As a member of staff, you are no longer working for yourself. You are working with other staff for the community. -
BurgerBB's Developer Application
Neinbox replied to BurgerBB's topic in Developer Applications Archives
And please note, I was actually encouraged to bring this up in the previous application by others but never got around to doing so because I decided to go with a benefit of a doubt. I'm not going to be idle anymore in these things when I'm told to discuss these things and bring it up now to know if anything has changed and if we can in fact work as a team and communicate. -
BurgerBB's Developer Application
Neinbox replied to BurgerBB's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Coders are not obligated to code for you. You need to learn to code yourself, this post sounded very entitled. Also, most of that was completely unrelated to Burger's application. I do not have the time of day to code for myself, and I didn't mean to make it sound entitled in the slightest. Burger is essentially applying to be staff. I thought the entire premise of staff was to be there for the community and to work with other staff, and felt that the previous behavior that I experienced conflicted with that. My biggest problem is being able to work as a team. If this was something small like someone wanting to be able to fill a fire extinguisher with confetti and it was denied, that's understandable. But I need a bit of help that was hard to find from talented individuals for an entire species' mechanics because I am unable to do so myself- never in the loredev applications was it stated that it was a necessity to know how to code. I would be fine if it was instead stated the why with an outright "I simply feel uncomfortable working with you", I may be more okay with it. But instead what I experience is avoidance, passive-aggression, and spite. What happens if that's displayed to other staff members? If I am still completely wrong to bring this up then I will delete my posts, but I feel that this is a valid concern of mine, which is overall about teamwork and communication which I provided examples to. -
BurgerBB's Developer Application
Neinbox replied to BurgerBB's topic in Developer Applications Archives
I know I am late for this, but I do have concerns. Please note that I do not wish to start anything by this nor mean any harm. I simply want this addressed and know if there have been any changes regarding it. I hold no grudges nor do I wish to, I only want an understanding. For a little background, when I was accepted as Dionae Loredev there was quite a bit of understandable frustration. I came to Burger and asked if they would like to give coding help because they did good work from what I knew and they worked hard to try and get the position I earned, so why not aim for the next best thing in their contributions to Dionae? As far as I could tell, we worked well together. They made a PR that I discussed with them, then I made a PR with them, excited with making beneficial changes for the community while not entirely knowing how the process of PRs actually work. Burger came through and did the work without so much as an objection and I deeply appreciated his efforts, but it ended up in being the second worst PR on Aurora's Github ever- entirely my fault. That was more or less immediately after I've become a loredev, and after I closed the PR, I ended up getting worried pings from other players of Burger being snide/spiteful/passive-aggressive about not being a loredev as well as of me and my work when I'm not around and generally being a poor sport. That stung a bit. Sure, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. People can be unhappy, as there's no way to please every single person. So I put my apprehension aside and after a while of letting thing simmer down and allow myself to learn more about exactly how to go about my position more in the way of making PRs and the like should go, I once more approached Burger with a different and what I believed to be a more reasonable request, desperate for help. Now, through this time, I noticed there was still resentment towards me and the way of how I was handling the species, still receiving worried pings from other players about accusations. Feeling a little off about his answer, I decided to ask what was up. Seemed reasonable enough, and I felt horrible for accusing him. There's language from me and I apologize for viewers, like I said I was desperate for help. Burger elaborated a bit more, And I went on my way. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? I decided to come back later with the same request, still short on help and to see if he was free at all, hopeful. Now during this time, I think I made the request during Burger's first Dev application. Now, devs are supposed to help loredevs with important projects, right? So my reasoning was "if he helps me with something this important, it would not only help me out but also allow me to give him major kudos and be a gold star on his application". Should devs even specialize in "tweaks" despite having done otherwise? (I apologize if that is not the case, I have just determined that developers in general should be somewhat proficient in all areas enough to help.) They're skilled enough and proved themselves before, praised by others in their previous application that they later withdrew from due to drama, which is understandable. But I let it go and come forth with telling Burger that y request was in fact, tweaks. I get this in return: I personally feel overall reluctant about this application. Due to their spiteful passive-aggressive behavior, denial of assisting a lore developer who needed help, prioritizing of "the good of the one over the good of the many" (I understand that everyone here is a volunteer and have the right to pursue their own projects, but I don't think that's right to pursue them so aggressively when there's other things that need to be handled that affect players more), and overall feeling like they were making themselves unapproachable, I feel uncomfortable with the application and give this a -1. I do encourage a discussion with you Burger to see if we can get things smoothed out here and now as I would have no problem with giving a +1 were you more willing to help the staff overall this year instead of what feels like hold a grudge against specific individuals that interferes with your work (not liking someone is absolutely fine as long as you can put it aside to do work), but until then I'm afraid my decision remains. If I as a lore developer cannot rely on a code developer for assistance with something important as a staff team and put aside differences to better the experience for the community, then what is even the point? I hope you understand. And please for the love of God, report bad whitelistees when you see one, thank you! That goes for everyone ;_; -
Hello again Voyd! Sorry it's been so long, as always life has not been kind. Glad to see you've returned to round two- now it's time to D-d-d-duel! review! So, first thing I see: Neither of the above were written in a paragraph minimum like it was requested on the forum stated in bold. Please fix that! The species is clearly different from playing humans. But you have to elaborate on how and why. And come on, I know you can find more reasons on why you want to play! Expand on your statements. Now, onto the background. This entire bit right here is next to an impossibility, as well as more or less unacceptable from a lore aspect. I'm certain that NT survey teams would be able to identify Dionae seeds as it being a known species in sapient space, and that NT would want such individuals educated in the species for signs of life and the like in a place that could very well be populated. Secondly, Dionae don't ever plant that many seed in such concentrated and cramped conditions, nor in an underground cache. All seeds are sent drifting to far-off places in small numbers to reduce risk of overpopulation as well as expand on area covered for their own exploration and knowledge-gathering, which is stated in the lore, which makes me suspect you've merely skimmed over the information. Thirdly, the seeds would never be dormant. If it's exposed to space which is rampant with radiation beneficial to their health, it would germinate and grow. Fourth. A planetoid has been recently used to describe a dwarf planet, which means that was a hefty amount of seeds somehow buried beneath the surface. Such a discovery would've surely been added as lore as it's a rather important find, yet it's not. Unfortunately, nor will it as such a thing has no reason nor possibility to exist in such a way. And last but not least, Skrell would have no reason to destroy such a find whatsoever when it could have been used. Again, more lore problems. Their genetics are still something I have to work through as well as their behavior, but if resources are plentiful and they aren't merged, there should be zero infighting between Nymphs. They can bicker. They can disagree. But all generally get along with one another, no matter where they came from. They are also able to communicate and understand each other well- there is zero seperation as that would suggest a culture. Dogs from different parts of the world can understand one another just fine, but not the people from those regions. And there's also a huge reoccurring theme of negligence here in the way of identification and the like... I doubt it's possible for it to be so easily done with so many successions. The fact that a stowaway was treated so casually is a bit iffy, and the lost samples having all found their way back to one another is astronomical, not to mention the fact that they all came from the Aurora. Again, it would have been lore that would have been needed to be canonized and recognized within the community, which it is not to have this group of oddities living on station. There's also inconsistency here: Where did all the other Nymphs come from? Didn't the "samples" for some reason not get along with others? It's impossible for those "samples" of Nymphs to reproduce on such a scale as again, they only produce one seed per year. Additionally, you make it sound though as if two Nymphs act as a Worker's "core", which in the lore it's stated that only one takes the position. Without multiple cores, they cannot have "multiple personalities", and new Gestalt formations are in general slow and almost "cold" with how distant they behave. Although I do like the shape-experimenting as that's something they would do (and have yet to add properly), it again sounds as though you have not quite read the lore. Both of the questions above default back to the "one paragraph minimum" rule, and these are not done like that. But it's fine, it's a common mistake. I would like to know (via lore) how the Gestalt came to have their name, and I will have to remind you that Dionae cannot have more than one personality- their personality is emulated by the core/torsal Nymph. You will also have to explain in their lore what role they would like to have, and what their pursuit is- whatever that has attracted their attention and wish to study. We cannot have job-hopping alien races; that's what a toss-away human assistant/intern/apprentice character is for, to figure out different departments and learn them. And again, expand on what you like about the character. What are their quirks? Personality? Something that you can relate to? As for your role-playing, I'd like for you to expand on why you gave yourself that score- and it's absolutely fine to admit to faults or difficulties that you've had in the past while playing, be it IC or OOC mistakes. In fact, I encourage it! Overall, I don't feel very good about this application. It looks though as if you need to re-read the lore (and I'm needing to elaborate on it further because there are things evidently missing). So, you can either continue to ask questions/answer this reply, edit this application accordingly, or wait to try to figure out something better. Just remember, I am always here to help and if there's something you're uncertain on, feel free to directly contact me through here or on Discord using the information on the signature below!
[mention]Bauser[/mention] , the original intent of this complaint is to bring forth the overall issue of the character of Willow Harper in the way of how she interacts with others (specifically escalation, thank you JB for that wording) and a general lack of fear RP. The purpose of everyone coming forth is to say "hey, this isn't an isolated incident, here's some context to as of why it is a repeated issue and why it bothered me". People are allowed to do it. This is not an attack on the player or the character, this is just bringing to light an issue with the character that we would all like addressed. The player said that they were trying to improve their character's actions within the past couple of weeks, but from what other players and I have observed, it is clearly not. But that's okay! Instead of bombarding PMs it is being brought up here where there is staff to make sure no one can get away with fighting and remain cordial with one another. If there were any flat out attacks on the character or the player, a staff member would put a stop to it and possibly remove the offensive post. There is more than one person here saying "we like both but there is indeed a problem with this aspect." There's nothing wrong with that. If anything, we are simply trying to help bring awareness to a problem. Is there a lot of "awareness posting going on"? Sure. But there's nothing wrong with bringing an encouraged complaint problem forwards. You can defend the player or the character all you want, but do not attack the others over their valid concern. Realistically, would you beat the shit out of someone after hearing them say they somewhat disliked something about a friend of yours? Would you immediately start chewing them out? Or would you try to be more reasonable and talk to them to find an understanding? How would any employer put up with that? And to the next subject, if a dog snarled at you were you to try an reach out to it, would you jerk your hand back or would you continue to try to pet it knowing full well it could maul you- or even dare think it wouldn't despite the warnings? Any living organism without sapient sentience has the base instinct to draw back to preserve itself. No, I am not saying that the player should wait around for RP- in fact, I encourage others to take the initiative to do things like strike up a conversation with someone or ask them if they need help. That is absolutely fine. But what isn't is constantly being on the attack all the time. Sure, having a criminal is fine as a character. I have one. But it's done tastefully. As far as I'm concerned, Willow isn't a criminal but instead acts out very immaturely in comparison to how other criminalistic characters behave. I want my characters to interact with theirs, but with the way they are, it makes my characters and I wary ICly and OOCly of doing so- which is actually detracting from everyone's RP experience. If you want to RP with people, you should attract them. This behavior is more pushing them away, and no one wants that. I've got several characters I've wanted for Willow to make friends with, but from what they've seen of her, she's near unapproachable half out of not wanting to deal with her volatile behavior and whiplash, or out of flat out fear of lashback from her, especially physical.
No problem, and thanks for the input and replies! To be honest that round with all three of them was hellish on them ICly, and I don't know if security was available at that time anyways. But that's fine, it wasn't really a canon round so it doesn't matter too much. Like I said, this is just an overall personal review and that was the event that spurred this complaint. In the end, I just hope things will be made clearer for both me and Rosetango and we reach an understanding. Again, thank you for your input!
It's all good, there's no need to apologize! If anything, your input is more than welcomed on the situation if you were ever involved with it (or the character), and after the initial post there is no formatting involved other than stay on topic etc etc. Personally I just find it a really... odd situation. He wasn't being physically threatening upon approach, and only showed his annoyance with her after she commanded him to get out. On top of that, Zenthir didn't seem to mind either as he didn't say anything about Sid approaching- although he could have been unconscious at the time. I could not see if that was what was going on. Here in America, going through all the training and such, we are firmly warned by corporations to not touch another employee in such a way and it would be taken as a minor assault. In the Wiki, a minor assault is this: i103 Minor Assault To use, or threaten, physical force against someone, without intent to kill or seriously injure. To cause easily repairable damage to a free IPC chassis, up to and including the removal of limbs. If it causes minor damage and easily treatable damage, it's minor assault. Starting fights with other employees or punching fellow employees counts too, as well as seriously threatening them with it. Force-feeding someone is this unless it's poisonous or knocks them unconscious. Now I know he's a big boy that can take care of himself and he didn't file a report on it. But if you think about it, it doesn't matter. Under no circumstances did the character have any right to touch another employee as he did not present himself as a threat, only irritated. This isn't a school where you push the bully that said something mean to you; this is work. And like all good employees with access to security in general (this not applying to just the round but as an overall statement especially so for canon rounds), the character should have been responsible and told security that she was having trouble such as being harassed by another employee instead of taking matters into her own hands and dishing out cold, hard justice as she saw fit. If a cop sees people wailing on one another with fisticuffs, both would be brought in. And if your boss keeps getting reports that you were in yet another brawl, you can say goodbye to your paycheck. Sure, I understand that this is a game where we play people in space. But this does disturb the atmosphere with just how often it occurs. And out of curiosity for what could be a useless detail, did Avery in fact tell Willow that Sid "made" him forget his internals, [mention]TheLoneWolfer[/mention] ? I don't care much for that round in particular because Sid was an antagonist and nothing was canon overall with how uncharacteristically aggressive he was, but this is more just for overall character behavior on Willow's part.
BYOND Key: Neinbox Game ID: bWP-aWn7 Player Byond Key: Rosetango Staff involved: None. I believed I could try to discuss with them what the problem was privately over Discord PMs. Reason for complaint: First I would like to begin that this is not being used as a punishment but rather as a neutral area with a third party present to be a mediator to help us come to an understanding. Now, to the complaint. This is more or less an overall observation on the character Willow Harper. I've been trying to ignore it for a very long time, but it's become rather wearing and the round this morning finally made me want to address it. From what I've seen, Willow Harper's initial creation was an attempt at creating a more timid, shy human woman with a germophobia, and I really appreciated them. But over time and the player [mention]Rosetango[/mention] admitted, the character "became more and more volatile as time went on": Now, as long as a good reason is provided and it was done in an agreeable manner, I'd be fine with it. But I personally don't feel it is so. From my ow observations- and this could be inaccurate- the character has had such a dramatic change and had since become an aggressive, borderline valid-hunting white-knight. Every time one of her friends or herself or someone she simply likes is slighted, she quickly launches a volley of verbal attacks at the offender. If the offender fires back if in person, it will shortly turn physical if in person and be held as a grudge. This is very true almost every time Willow and Shane Castralo make an exchange, and more often than not I see them in a physical altercation in departures or even on the shuttle. To the round that made me write this: I had rolled Autotraitor YET AGAIN, and all hell had broken out in Medical. The place had lost atmos and power and Engineering was hard at work and everyone was working almost seamlessly as a team within the department. At one point one of the engineers Avery Zenthir got a popped lung, and Sid hastily hacked his way through so Julian McCoy could get the man the aid he needed, eventually getting them both to a sleeper with another engineer. Unfortunately the area was breached again and again Uwasv ran out in a hurry to try and lay down pipes to feed the room some air so Julian and Zenthir would be saved. Julian kept asking Sid to come back to push the button on the sleeper to administer dextalin so Zenthir could survive, but unfortunately Sid had his hands full trying to pressurize Medical. When Sid came back to check up on Zenthir to see how the man was holding up, this exchange happened: For context, Uwasv had chewed out Willow for distracting an apprentice with what at the time appeared to be a bribe. Even as an antag, Sid puts his job first (it was so I could give myself time to either think up a gimmick or wait for an opportunity to show itself) no matter what, but there is the distinct difference that he becomes more aggressive than usual in comparison to his typical assertiveness. I knew Willow would have been upset at Sid and thought she would have at most only verbally repaid his kindness. Instead, I get this: Now, this is pretty wrong to me for several reasons, and I will go over each. From what the player has told me about the incident, apparently Avery Zinther was a friend to Willow. Him and Sid has had it rough their first two rounds together, very rough, and it's fine because it was all IC. And according to Rosetango: "well she was told by avery that sid "made" him forget his internals. when sid kept approaching, she more or less grew afraid that sid was going to hurt avery, and acted to defend him", "willow saw that sid had worked ave past his limit and she decided that sid was a threat to ave". There is also this: Please note this was immediately after the round, and yes, I was a little irritated at the time, I won't deny it. Me saying that the man was a stranger was a misunderstanding, but at the time my point was that she's known Sid longer, and through the time that she has (as far as I can remember) Sid has never laid a hand on anyone whatsoever canonically, and at worst has only started mild verbal altercations once in a while. And as I have stated in our DMs with previous observations of Willow's canonical actions, I've a gut feeling that in no way would a company tolerate her behavior. Outside of the OOC factor that there was a lack of fear RP for a hulking pissed-off Bananazilla, she had physically touched, grabbed, and somehow thrown an employee I hate the throw mechanic who was only acting irritated with her as Sid had spent the majority of the round busting his ass just to be commanded by this diminutive woman of a physically weaker species. That's minor assault. Atop of her past minor assaults upon Shane and possible other employees and lack of general fear RP, this character has become very wearing to experience in rounds and ruins the immersion of a believable character. There's no way a company would tolerate such childlike, impulsive, or aggressive behavior of this scale from an employee and realistically would have fired her. Sure, my character's an ass, but his acting out is very, very specific and happens sporadically on a more believable, lesser scale and with good, deep-seated reason. I would like to remind the player that this is not an attack on them, only on the way the character is handled. I simply want an understanding that the behavior is just immersion-breaking, that I would like a second opinion on it, and if needed a correction (which I personally feel it is) to the way the character is played so we can all go back to enjoying the game together. Thank you in advance, I know this was a tad long to read. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? No, and none. Approximate Date/Time: 10/13/2018 or 10/14/2018
Additionally, I would like to add different color codes between the bars to represent what animal is caught using their primary color, and it will state which animal is caught upon examining if any at all. Maybe even bait attractants can be used, like meats for Diyaabs or fruit for monkeys. When caught the cage can shake/rattle and also use the sound that the animal makes if they have one once in a while.
Bless. I remember someone else saying that another server already has humane catch-and-release style box traps, but I can't recall who said so nor where. If someone could post that information here, that would be wonderful.
Reporting Personnel: Uwasv Sidanelv Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Station Engineer Game ID: bWN-dIsG Personnel Involved: - Uwasv Sidanelv (Victim) - Avery Zenthir (Offender) - Balki Bragisson (Secondary Offender/Indirect Victim) - Jackie Harker (Witness) - Asaar'Kalid M'kar (Witness for previous encounter another shift) Time of Incident: Real time: 10 /11 PM EST Location of Incident: Arrivals Shuttle Nature of Incident: [X]Workplace Hazard: Repairs were never properly completed [x]Accident/Injury: New engineer was shocked by not wearing insulated gloves while the more experienced one should have handled the situation []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty: Failed to use engineering SOP/triage/common sense to help a crewmember and repair a breach. Should be an i221 Gross negligence. Knowingly left victim exposed to announced dangerous or possibly deadly elements. Possibly worse infraction but that is up to CCIA. [X]Harassment: Repeated verbal harassment over comms. Both parties are guilty. Sorry. []Assault [X]Misconduct: Endangered crewmembers and knowingly endangered a life without care. [x]Other: i110 Slander: Done over Engineering radio i111 Failure to Execute an Order: Did not follow through orders to repair breach Overview of the Incident: I'm not very good with paperwork or anything so I apologize if anything is off. I'm using a pAI to assist me for the most part. This will be long because this is an escalation from a previous shift and that shift will be included as well for background. So I arrived on station the other day and began my custom mixed gas setup for the SM using CO2 and phoron and I heard the other engineer Zenthir arrive. I called out that I had the engine handled and all was good. My setup takes a while so while I was explaining to him how I usually do shields I was still working on my setup which is safer and yet still efficient with minimal maintenance for the SM. He came down and I was still working on getting the engine done which was far from bad as I still had plenty of time before the SMES ran out of power which I had to wait for anyways before turning on the input to upgrade it. He asked if I was setting up the Tesla because he was not aware that mixed gas systems existed. I offered to teach him how I do it along with the shields because he gave up on that and did it his way instead which is absolutely fine as long as they were put up its all good. At this point my boss M'kar arrived and things went to shit. Zenthir declined saying he liked doing it his way and only followed the book which had me suspicious because it made it sound like he only knows how to do the engine from the book and is actually untrained and uncertified to work with the engine at all which concerned me. To figure it out I tried to test the mans knowledge and asked him what he knew the SM does after it has been activated by the emitter. This was mostly to only see how much he actually knew so I could either report it or if he seemed like he actually knew his stuff to teach Zenthir how mixed gas systems worked and at LEAST teach him how to save an engine with a mixed gas system for safety reasons and I told him the latter. The guy immediately got incredibly offended and accused me of accusing him of being incompetent which wasn't the case at first and I explained to him several times that I just wanted to know how much I had to teach him my engine system. At that point I DID accuse him of being dangerously irresponsible and willingly ignorant for not wanting to learn something that could possibly save the engine were anything to happen as it is requirement to work with it and for being stubborn. I probably did use some rougher language but the worst I called him was mister by the book. I can't remember every single detail of what went on but there was an AI present and M'kar as well who was CE that shift. Neither corrected me or told me to stop outside of M'kar telling us to lighten up a little. For the most part though both the CE AND the AI agreed with me and suggested Zenthir at least learn how to save a mixed gas engine. Everyone has their preference and thats fine. I don't expect him to follow in my footsteps and set things up the way I do. Everyone does things differently and as long as it works and is relatively safe I'm good with it. But still he refused and became increasingly upset so I just left him alone after the CE couldn't get through. I figured he was just too stubborn and proud. So now we fast forwards to the present. I'll just give an overview because it was all done over radio comms and you'll have full access to the station logs. ((This is a lot so I'm going to gloss over it and spare you the torture of reading through both this AND the logs, which I will provide and give you a more in-depth view.)) The station was hit by meteors and I was trapped on the Arrivals shuttle while Zenthir left me exposed to a potential dangerous hazard that was announced as a radiation storm despite knowing full well that I could have died if it was real and had affected essential organs. Bragisson boarded soon after and asked what was going on where I begged him to help me as Zenthir proceeded to slander me and demean me while using racial slurs and while I will admit and take responsibility that I let my temper get the best of me. In my frustration and called him a few non racial things. Bragisson then went to removing wall fungus instead and by the time he was done came to release me but hurt himself by not wearing insulated gloves. Zenthir came up to take him to medical and I also risked myself to get out because we were running out of time to make arrivals safe. During that time no action was taken by the HoP despite telling them everything that happened before the storm as I had forgotten to do so after in my anger. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Faysal Al-Shennawi Actions taken: None whatsoever as far as I know. Additional Notes:
[Declined] Elyk21 Dionaea Whitelist Application
Neinbox replied to Elyk21's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
After being directly contacting the applicant, they have given me the okay to close this application and will try again at a later date when it is more convenient. Application Declined. -
[Declined] DrHobo2k15's dionae whitelist application
Neinbox replied to DrHobo's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Locking and archiving then. Hope to hear from you again soon! Application Declined.