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Everything posted by Neinbox
Honestly, from what I've seen with how long you've been with us, you're no troublemaker, and your newer additions and answers are satisfying enough to me. It also has a uniqueness to it in the naming, which is personally a bonus (no, I do not judge the app off of, I'm sorry everyone). And I'm curious to see what people think of a Dionae approaching them to be called a human name too! Overall, great job, Glasgow. Application Accepted.
After a busy weekend and letting this sit a little in hopes of seeing others post feedback, I think it's time to take a look, @GlasgowSmiling! So far, although there isn't much in the background but that's good. It's understandable that it's short as their life has also been relatively short, so they don't have much to their story. Seeing how most Dionae will latch onto a specific thing as an interest or passion, I take it that Connie's is caring for their "family"? Love the name and their nickname by the way, it's very unique and fantastic to see something so unusual! But, it fits right in. Do you think that they might have any future pursuits that they might eventually wander into one day, such as nursing? To be honest, your entire app is surprisingly the shortest application that I've read, but pleasantly acceptable. Congratulations for that, as with how picky I am I never thought I'd see the day! I also appreciate your wanting to play them purely for the aesthetics more than the mechanics- that is a worry that a lot of the non-Dionae players have to deal with and often groan when one joins for any number of reasons. My biggest problem here though is that there is a lack of display here in the way of what you know on what makes them different from other species. You've only shown that you know one aspect of them- can you expand on their other ones for me?
[Declined] Simfantic's Tree Application
Neinbox replied to simfantic's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Good to hear- hope to see you back here again! Application Declined. -
[Declined] Simfantic's Tree Application
Neinbox replied to simfantic's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I really, really wish that people were reminded to [@mention] staff because even with email alerts and occasional checking, this one slipped under my radar! But I'm here now @simfantic, so let's get this underway. First off, I am glad to see you re-apply, and compared to your previous application(s), I see a vast improvement. It's obvious that you've read the lore, you have far more of a solid background for your character, and you seem to have a good standing with the community! However, and I'm sure you probably already knew this was coming, you don't have a terribly good standing with your track record. I'm still getting reports of powergaming among other things, but the former is the biggest issue. It might not be as frequent as it once was, but it's still happening frequently enough to where I have to worry about how you would play Dionae. Dionae can be very overpowered sometimes, and I'm concerned that you're going to use them to simply gain the upper hand, and I hope you understand where I'm coming from. But I find that it is unfair to leave you with nothing, as I do see some improvement in other regards and I believe that you can do so in this area as well. So, I have a request for you. Save this application, and if you can prove that you can go without major notes (especially powergaming) for a month or two, fix up your application and add a bit more to it if you'd like and then re-apply. Does that sound like a fair deal? -
Hi @Iron Chaos! I've stumbled across your application and now here we are! So first off, I love the information you listed for why you want to play, but mostly the length you went through for their differences. It shows you really know your stuff, which is very important to be able to play this species. The backstory is also nice; simple and vague, but leaves a lot to the imagination. With how many times it sounds like it's merged and separated with other nymphs, I can imagine how old they are and think of their experiences in life. It's rather whimsical, which is fitting. It's also good to see a mention of one of the original discoveries as their origin! Now typically, you'd have to go to school to be working with a big, dangerous experimental engine that can literally wipe out the entire station- at least, that's my belief on how it should be. Apprentices don't get access for a reason last I checked. Are they going to be trained and get certified to work with the engine? What made them interested in the engineering field anyhow? Also, do you have a story behind their current name? Dionae names are typically a summary of their lives, and tell a story. How did this gestalt come to obtain theirs?
Mm, I wouldn't say that their thoughts are necessarily slower, but it's more like having cold fingers in the winter to us due to being in a low-radiation environment like the station. We're capable of thinking normally in an environment with less than ideal conditions, we just may be hampered; the same is for them. But everything else looks good! Seeing that your application has sat here long enough and that you seem to have a good reputation and experience in roleplay, I'm glad to see Coalescence Of Rainfall branch out and welcome them to Aurora! Application Accepted. Good thing you can't complain about my pun after locking the thread :^)
I can totally see it! Now, for your "what makes Dionae different". Like I said before, you only really listed the inter-species interactions, but it's a lot broader than that when it comes to what separates Dionae from other species. It's not entirely one aspect. Can you think of any others that might separate them from the crowd?
So your Dionae is interested in Xenobotany because of the interest in "playing god" as it were?
Heyo, @Colfer! For future reference, you can @mention staff/other players to catch their attention. Sometimes I can be a little forgetful with checking on the forums, as it's not very often that I get applications! You can also find the appropriate staff members on our main Discord server and message them there. The majority, including me, will usually always respond back shortly! Now, for your application, I'd firstly like to welcome you over to Aurora as a player from Baystation. I've never played there myself, but it's nice to see someone willing to explore and try out other servers as well! A few places may look down upon character porting, but I don't mind in the slightest as long as the character is able to fit into our setting or be edited slightly to make it possible. Hell, with your character, they would have existed for around 62 years now, and I wouldn't be surprised if they originally did come from Bay's facility and transferred over bringing with them their personal experiences and memories if the timelines match up, as the current year here is 2460. The only time-travel that's legal in Aurora is forwards! Moving on, I can see that you have a good reason to want to play them, but your idea on what makes them different is more on their social inclination more than anything when it is so much more than that. Keep in mind that their views on the world are very different- even against more than just the human species. If you can think of anything more, I'd love to read it! Your backstory is pretty basic- but that's good! The background is solid, nothing is too complex that questions can be raised against, and it leaves a lot to be discovered of them in-game were I to approve. However, I do have a question. Most Dionae have something that drives them, a thing that piques their curiosity that they pursue it in their studies. They have a natural alignment to plant life, sure, but what made Rainfall continue to pursue a generic thing for them than to go out and explore the more "alien" fields?
[Accepted] Voyd2000's Dionae Whitelist App
Neinbox replied to EmperorVoyd's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Sorry. I really do need to go back and fix up the wiki, I do 100% agree with that. I am pretty guilty of not writing too much down, which is a glaring issue on my behalf and not your fault at all. My biggest problem is that the species is heavily biologically centered because they're that alien. That's a problem because they have a bunch of little things that are rather different about them, and it's hard to pick apart what's fluff and what isn't and how much to put down and where without scaring off the readers of too much or too complex of information, and it's sat like that for a while. But now that I'm back in my groove in force, I'm going to go back and heavily revise what I have to make sure that it has everything both as simple ideas that everyone can understand, and the fluff behind it for those who want to go all-out. But don't worry- there's not going to be drastic changes and there's actually going to be less restrictions on the characters themselves. But biologically, I'll admit I'm a bit stricter on what what's probable or not for the species. For now, I'd say that it's safer to go with what I suggest for their biology, but as far as the character themselves such as personality and all, that's all up to you. Everyone seems to really like One Who Sees, and I'm certain they're all looking forwards to seeing their next chapter. I think you've waited long enough for it, honestly. And if you have any questions like clarification on anything, feel free to contact me. But from now on until I get things expanded on in the wiki, I can't blame anyone for making something up as a part of what Dionae do- especially if I haven't written it down due to the fact that there's so much to choose of what to write down- simply because they're just that alien. Application Accepted. -
[Accepted] Voyd2000's Dionae Whitelist App
Neinbox replied to EmperorVoyd's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Well @EmperorVoyd, when nymphs choose to merge with one another they do it in a protected area that's well-lit to give them both the time and energy to do so. They wouldn't move about and constantly interrupt the process. It's like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly in a way. Which means no publicly fumbling around. I can see the merging taking a while, perhaps all day until they figure out how to merge properly, but not what you suggest. However, you can have the Gestalt instead be rather uncoordinated and have difficulties doing tasks such as speaking until the nymphs delegate who does what and learn to work with one another. Does that sound like a good compromise to what you want and what's doable? -
Staff Complaint - Senpai Jackboot
Neinbox replied to VTCobaltblood's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Honestly, I was never in the slightest aware that this was a standard/rule. But when I saw the mess that Syntax's document had become with the comments/suggestions and highlights, I felt that it was best to go about converstationson the matter in a platform that was more geared for such instead of something that wasn't really meant to have back-and-forth discussions on it in the first place. And it really has made the task of navigating the page and the questions less daunting, as they are separated. It wasn't me trying to be intentionally cruel or difficult; it was literally me attempting to find the best way to handle the two things for myself as it was all meant as more of a personal reference and not an actually published/released item whatsoever. -
[Accepted] Tailson's Dionae Application
Neinbox replied to Tailson's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Well now that I'm back from my big busy nerd weekend event, it's time for the final decision. This character is overall a stark contrast to most of the other Dionae who tend to keep a rather neutral outlook on life. But for a species that likes to have something new to discover, this one was sorely under-stimulated and it really impacted the poor thing to leave it feeling let down and its needs unfulfilled- otherwise known as, severe disappointment. People don't realize that Dionae can in fact have "human" experiences such as disappointment. They're somewhat of a very scientific species, and if a scientist's tests constantly fail with something they were really looking forwards to, of course they're going to become frustrated and give up but still have that lingering shred of hope. On top of your overall knowledge of the species with the guts to drive them in a direction no one else has really dared to go, I am looking forwards to see what Mould has to think about the NSS Aurora. Hopefully their expectations aren't too low. laughtrack.mp4 Application Accepted. -
[Accepted] Voyd2000's Dionae Whitelist App
Neinbox replied to EmperorVoyd's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
By this, do you mean that One Who Sees is going to try out several different Gestalt forms? Or do you mean that once it reaches the Gestalt state, it'll stay that way? -
[Accepted] Tailson's Dionae Application
Neinbox replied to Tailson's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
If a Dionae has moved on from it's last interest, it usually looks for something else to fufil it's drive of curiosity. So the fact that they have given up means that they would move on as that's sort of the species, they're wandering nomads. What would be keeping them there? Their duty is non-existent as they've lost hope on humanity as you say, so what are they being stubborn about? -
[Accepted] Tailson's Dionae Application
Neinbox replied to Tailson's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
So basically this is a Dionae that has lost it's inspiration and natural curiosity due to having it's hopes and drams utterly crushed? It's more or less in every sense of the word, depressed? -
[Accepted] Voyd2000's Dionae Whitelist App
Neinbox replied to EmperorVoyd's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Did you mean "One Who Sees"? You can also add to their name as "One Who Sees Many" to show they're a full Gestalt now instead a Nymph and that they "grew up". The only other suggestions that I can make is to make the planetoid an asteroid with about thirty seeds inside, and have NT and the Skrell work together on the seeds instead of ferret some of them away and have only three make it, over the years obtaining two more from reproducing naturally. Does that sound decent, or did you have another idea in mind? -
[Accepted] Tailson's Dionae Application
Neinbox replied to Tailson's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
@Tailson, hi there! Sorry for the wait. I saw your app a while ago and honestly, I loved it. But it was within the first day that you posted, and I decided to let it sit a little to let people comment on your app. You got all the main things down to a T, and I gotta say, the backstory is a treat. It's honestly something that's so mediocre that it hurts- people always make their characters something fantastical and unique, something that has to stand out. But you headed in the exact opposite direction, making something, rather, someone, that a lot of people can relate too. I've seen a lot of complaints that a lot of players couldn't understand how to handle interacting with them, simply because they were a little too alien. But, they didn't realize that they in fact can be something understandable, something relatable. You've more or less set them up to be an ambassador for the species in a way. Moving on, there's something missing here, which is what this character is about. Most Dionae have a passion in life, something that interests them until they learn all they can from it. Your Dionae had an interest in the discovery of new life- at least socially, not scientifically- but now that their discovery had let them down hard enough to make them change their name, what's the next page in their chapter? Are they simply meandering until they find themselves a new passion, or do they already have one? -
[Accepted] Voyd2000's Dionae Whitelist App
Neinbox replied to EmperorVoyd's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
@EmperorVoyd -
[Accepted] Voyd2000's Dionae Whitelist App
Neinbox replied to EmperorVoyd's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Details are important to me if someone decides to have an in-depth background for a character. I'd rather someone go and play a solid character if it has an in-depth background than one who has one that is constantly questioned. Yes, the food supplies issue is a minor detail, but it has a big effect on the relationship between the Dionae and the crew. I was also using it as just a minor example of an inconsistency. Not to mention that the Colossus may have very well ate the rations itself. But something like Dionae starving in space is improbable; space is full of radiation, so they are constantly being fed energy. As for their sizes, they move slow but can still learn at larger sizes. They're just not as sponge-like in comparison to a nymph, like children versus adults. As for the second part. "shock value" doesn't necessarily mean "edgy" in this case. One is horror, the other one would just be a lot of misfortune. And I wasn't saying that you made it just to be dark, it was more along the lines that I felt that you made it very heavy for the sake of a creepy event to help add to the experience. That isn't so bad for such a situation. But this background is very dark in comparison to other applications even from other species I think for an everyday employee. While I do champion uniqueness and don't mind a dark story, I don't really think it is a good idea to pursue it. This perhaps is the biggest problem. Although some backgrounds can be kept hidden from other characters, they shape the character and who they are, and what they base their decisions off of. This background isn't really a background as much as it is an event. We do not have what the original gestalt was about, nor do we have this cyclops gestalt's information. What kind of personality are they? What do they like? Their interest and pursuits? Again, I need to bring up points: why would NT ever hire them, especially if they're a child-eater? What are their skills? What would they even apply for? It is very barren in the way of the actual character themselves, which is supposed to be the main focus here. If you want to, you can make another post in this thread with a second application in place of the first to properly do it, but I cannot guarantee anything. Your best and safest shot is with the first Dionae idea that you have applied with, but so far this second character isn't sitting well with me. -
[Accepted] Voyd2000's Dionae Whitelist App
Neinbox replied to EmperorVoyd's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Well, gonna have to be honest here. Your event-character might not be the best to apply for with. There's a lot of inconsistencies, like how a small ship like that could carry that many rations for that many years for two people let alone one, even if they rationed down to one pack a day. And why wouldn't the colossus attempt to help the remaining crew when they knew what the radiowaves carried? On top of that it just seems like a lot of darkness purely for the shock value for what was meant to be an event that was supposed to be dark, but doesn't quite fit Aurora's general atmosphere outside of antagonists. I doubt NT would be comfortable hiring a child-eater. It's probably in your best interest to stick with your original character that you were applying with as there isn't too much to drastically change, outside of maybe shortening their name a little due to the age of the Gestalt. And core nymphs are usually large and kept as a torso due to their centralized position between all nymphs, and allowing more information to be processed. The ones on the head are more for visual feedback and communication, as stated in the lore. -
Staff Complaint - Senpai Jackboot
Neinbox replied to VTCobaltblood's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
I was 100% fine with him telling his opinions about my document to me in full and wanted it, but I thoroughly believe that Google Docs is *not* the place. It does not allow for actual conversation, and if someone were to try it would have led to a horrific, cluttered mess that would have been impossible to read and focus on. I've seen how Bygone's doc turned out after they posted theirs, and I balked at the chaos I saw. We ended up talking about it all on my private Discord channel which I suggested in the first place- please note that I not once said that I never said I didn't want opinions, I just didn't want them on the doc itself- which made things a thousand times easier. The only irritance to JB is perhaps copy-pasting information and switching between windows, but on the staff channel I am able to actually hold long conversations about the topic without cluttering up the document itself and highlighting the hell out of it. I'm also able to easier find things that were talked about as well, and it's overall more comfortable to read instead of the little boxes to the side. JB did was ask a *lot* of questions, all of which was needed to be answered, and Google Docs isn't the best option for those kinds of conversations whatsoever. As for my apparent invisibility, I know it's been said before but I've been working on a large project that's been taking up quite a bit of my attention from other things such as wiki editing, as the project itself is going to include a lot of lore. I also went through a hard time and it really socially threw my groove off where I became more withdrawn and instead became more focused on the project. It was also more demanding due to it being the first for what it's for and just how big it is. It was never my intention to make people worry and I seriously didn't realize what my social withdrawal was doing as no one had come to me before with it with their complaints. As for my behavior during this whole thing. I was in a very, very bad spot when everything started to happen between me and JB. My temper was shortened due to stress from life during this time period, but I was still doing work during my recovery. and thought that my situation was understandable especially since I've been working on such a large, radical new project. But then the constant demands for things that didn't make sense to me came along. As I became more irritated, JB in turn became the same I felt which only led to the building of negativity between the both of us. I've been feeling that I've more or less been feeling a lot better and overall recovered and I've been feeling my inspiration start to come back, and I've been jumping on this project more as of late, wanting to finally pick up wiki editing on top of the project as well and making more requests for Dionae code (I'm so sorry PoZe). Yes, there are times where my emotions have still gotten the better of me as I start to return to normalcy, which can make me a bit heated- particularly the sensitive issue between me and Cobalt which I do want to work out since I've had more time to calm down, step back, and think on the issue, but what Mofo did here was incredibly upsetting. With it more brought to my attention as it's hard to see what I'm doing wrong with only two people being involved, that being me and JB, it's hard for me to see that I'm being too harsh with them. I'm usually a lot better with my temper but with the way of how life has been, my ability to do so has been degraded and I've been slowly regaining control of it again. It's harder when you've taught yourself to be upset at someone because they've upset you before, And honestly, part of the reason why I like to have disagreements out in the open is so that there are others who can tell me I'm being a bit too harsh instead of either being ignorant because I feel I'm right, or figure it out too late after the fact. Which is why I appreciate complaint forms, because it's a fair and neutral place to work things out between everyone. I have people telling me that I've been a jerk, and I've taken a step back to read it all again. It's most likely going to sound hollow or just for show at this point in time because of how much time has past and how much I've let myself believe that it was deserved with how emotional I've been lately@Senpai Jackboot, but I am sincerely sorry for being a major ass to you. I wasn't in a good place for a while and I let it affect my work/relationships here when I shouldn't have, and I let minor things get the best of me and let it build up. It's not okay and it wasn't right. It should have been done sooner, but I'll have a better grip on things now. You're not a horrible person, and it wasn't very deserving. With emotions set aside, I do still firmly believe that you've been having difficulties yourself with your own position that need to be looked at however. -
Staff Complaint - Senpai Jackboot
Neinbox replied to VTCobaltblood's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
My project is not gathering dust, nor am I inactive. I am waiting for coding for the next phase and I have been recently doing work still, and you've seen it. I was not "extremely combative and aggressive". If I were, I'd be cussing you out and saying that you're a terrible person and threaten you etc. to your face. I am frustrated and irritated, yes. But combative? Aggressive? *Extremely* so in both regards? No. And not once did I say I wanted you to write an entirely new document, only to make comments in the completely empty chat which exists solely to discuss such matters in. The outline is actually finished, but I wanted to add more detail to better explain things because that version is a brief summary of each phase and somewhat ambiguous yet understandable to me and left open-ended due to multiple outcomes. I wanted to further expand beyond just the summary paragraphs so then that way when it is presented it is understandable to the rest of the staff including you, and there is a lot more to it which was why I only gave the summaries and found that they weren't good enough personally. It is going to be a hefty piece of work. And it is harassment with constantly dogging me for everything that you want, and yet I see no reason why I need to. I gave you my reasons for only lurking in staff chat until requested and why I didn't want Google Docs to be used for discussions. And yes, I am going to have migraines. It's spring. I get barometric headaches and they can be debilitating. I'd rather be safe and wait until I'm better to do good work than suffer through and sloppily do the job, wasting time later to fix up the mess. "Throwing you under the bus" isn't what I'm doing here. I've tried to come to admins before with my complaints and they didn't really seem to go anywhere. while things just seemed to get worse to me. This is me making a complaint because I am frustrated with you. And again, if anyone has any trouble with me, they are free to approach me themselves so we can come to an understanding. I've always been open to talking to people about problems. The only difference here is that you've been non-stop pursuing things from me that I truly feel are unnecessary. If I am wrong and they have read my posts, then people are free to tell me otherwise but I have still technically been following the rules with making an outline and still being in the staff server and periodically looking at it. Everything else is news to me. As for the spoiler, I didn't realize and I explained that to you already. It was an honest accident. As for the rest of your response, I've further expanded on what I meant with my original post since said original post was actually half eaten by the site.