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Everything posted by Crescentise

  1. Oh god me too. You are really sweet and kind. Thank you.
  2. Oh dear.
  3. Luna blinked. H-Huh?! I assume they mean Lab Partner... I hope so, at least, I don't want to do that ever again... Reading on, she grew excited. This was her chance to break into the Science department as an assistant to the greats; she could finally learn about their fancy machines and watch the tests in Toxins from the sidelines... The girl's fingers flew over the keyboard impulsively.
  4. I like Elena, in general. Brilliant Catpain. But - not in a snowflakey way - she seems sort of 'perfect' and 'untouchable', like she never lets her guard down. She needs to get drunk and have a heart to heart to somebody about how she hates her stretchmarks or something.
  5. Crescentise

    The List

    Main: Luna Fountain. Dainty, cadaverous and mentally-ill human on the cusp of adulthood. Having arrived on the station by questionable means, with no formal higher education, she appears to be doomed to a 'career' of multi-departmental apprenticeships. Shy and nervous around most, especially authority figures, but turns affectionate and mischievous when around her partner Roy Wyatt comfortable. Vitaly Zheleznikov. Competent and affectedly friendly human surgeon whose principal interests include autopsies, manipulation, and candlelit dinners. Is a psychiatric black hole; while most attempts at understanding his true nature have been ineffectual, the few that have struck close have resulted in ruin. Will readily fuck anyone regardless of age, gender, or race. The Others: (please spoiler tag as I want the descriptions but otherwise it's obnoxiously long)
  6. I witnessed this while ghosting. It was terribad. As for me, this was my experience of that round. I joined. I walked down the Security-Dorms corridor above the Bridge. Turned the corner where the bar starts. Boom, a bomb goes off in my face. I joined, and died, within a minute.
  7. I'd like some too, if that's okay. This is a great thread idea, Voltage.
  8. Looks like Luna Fountain's secretly an operative. x)
  9. Man, you have such a great grasp on the digital medium. Do moar. =w=
  10. Roy Wyatt is fun to draw but welding tools are not. http://imgur.com/FpELArw http://imgur.com/NCwX6If http://imgur.com/92Atdgl Links because getting them to display properly in the post is pissing me off.
  11. I liked Jar'eeka. <3 Have a good hiatus.
  12. I did welcome harsh opinions, so... thanks, QT. I'll try to use what you said for her own good. Though - not to rebuff your opinion - but there wasn't anything stopping you from getting to know her, at least to begin with. The most you did was criticise her for not being in medbay 24/7 with your self-experimenting geneticist Adam Evans. Because she's too sensitive, I imagine that'd make her avoid him from now on for fear of more criticism and essentially only show her negative aspects towards him. Thanks, Johnny, too. Vivian indeed defibbed the crap out of her x') Still up for whatever opinions people have~
  13. I'm bad at expressing myself. So I'll just say that I like dis because of dis: Just attempting to show my support I guess.
  14. Luna Fountain feedback pls. Break this porcelain bunny.
  15. Ugh, I love alexiuss so much that I stole his first name for one of my characters.
  16. What an adorable style you have! It looks like you used some kind of marker pen. I love it. Also, lovely Elena, Enkas. And Rech, your stuff is fabulous as always~
  17. BYOND Key: Crescentise. Character Names: Luna Fountain, Cherry Lovett, Loreili Ih-Na, Vitaly Zheleznikov, others. How long have you been playing on Aurora: A month and a bit. Species you are applying to play: Tajara. What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): She would be of the Njarir-Akhran ethnicity. But I can't say any further, as I would need to play around with the editor for far too long, agonising, before deciding. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: First of all, I want to be able to integrate or at least observe the shenanigans of the extensive Tajaran community and be able to understand all of that mrowling. Second of all, I had wanted to create this character for a long time and the Tajaran species, by far, suits her the most. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: You have to convert hardsuits, you are at an advantage in hand-to-hand combat. The tail provides a significant form of expression you can utilise in /me emotes. They are a lot more clique-orientated, family-based and their history can have a very great influence on their behaviour. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? Kitties. I love kitties. I also love /me emotes. I'm excited to make lots of kitty-specific emotes. Ummm. I find it difficult to answer this question when the 'why do you wish to play this specific race' one is so similar. Basically, I have a character in mind, Tajaran culture fits extremely well with her backstory, and I wanna at least be able to observe and better interact with the other kitties on board. Character Name: Liudmila Stojash. Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs: Liudmila hails from a line of Tajaran plutocracy, which was 'tainted' by one female who refused to inbreed and was cast out into peasantry. This figure, now referred to in the family as Grandmother Yanisbeth, fled Adhomai, and remained the only survivor of her clan which would be exterminated systematically in good time. She made a new life in the Tajaran 'slums' or 'alienage' of Little Adhomai in the Republic of Biesel, where her descendants are now based. It wasn't the best place to settle down, put it that way. It was rife with poverty, crime, and racial conflict. And yet it suited the Njarir-Akhrans. Far more emphasis was placed on, well, survival, and avoiding the human supremicists, than their fur patterns. The refined education of Grandmother Yanisbeth was passed down in a system of home-schooling, but slowly withered in its relevance. Her learned descendants branched out into low-paying, practical, yet technical jobs, while learning to cope with the conditions of Little Adhomai. Liudmila, then, was the daughter of the combat medic named Marina Stojash, and the Zhan-Khazan gang lackey Varun Kosalapov. Marina ran with this gang in Little Adhomai, doing her best to deal with the injured in conflicts, and keeping an eye out on her beau Varun. While a decent marksman with a silver tongue, he was addicted to Space Drugs and prone to terrible moodswings. Liudmila and her younger sister by seven years, Lena, might regularly fix dinner for Varun and his superiors. They had to, or else they might be threatened with a gun in the evening. That was also the punishment for refusing to administer Space Drugs to Varun, speaking out of line, you name it. Sexual assault was also on the table; thank Messa it never came to fruition. However, he shot Marina one night. Liudmila garnered some of her father's respect when he forced her to be an aide to one of the lower-ranked chemists who manufactured the goods. She survived due to pragmatic terror and her innate wisdom, learning a good deal of 'selective' chemistry, while organising for Lena's application for school and finding an alternative home for her. As a young adult, when she had finally completed these important tasks, she fled. There was no denying that Liudmila, or Liuda for short, was innately attractive in her youth. She had an enviably slim figure, with aristocratic features and an elegant, subtle fur pattern of stripes. She instantly caught the eye of a moderately successful Hhrarar entrepreneur and proceeded to become a stay at home housewife, bearing first a boy and then a girl. She raised them, memories of her early life making her neurotic and also prone to moodswings all throughout parenthood. Would Varun find her? Would he find Lena? Was this all what she wanted? Her husband's business began to topple, showing his true colours. He placed extremely high academic pressure on both of his children, among other things. He was no Varun, but while Liudmila's son would follow in his fathers footsteps, working in finance at 24 years old, her daughter committed suicide while she was just 19. Secretly blaming her husband for the latter, and their worsening financial situation – she never wanted to go back to how it was – she separated from him on decent terms with some sum of money. Liudmila is 47 now and has almost completed a Chemistry degree. In her extensive search for proper employment, something she'd never had, she was fortunate enough to land an interview with the forwards-thinking NanoTrasen. Her extremely pragmatic nature and cleanliness led them to accept her as a Janitor. She might have been back in the throes of casual racism, but it was better – so much better – than the distant past... What do you like about this character? She's... my mother. As a kitty. In spess. I respect the character a lot from her origins, as well as her potential for interacting with the other Tajara. In terms of family she's rather estranged, so no doubt she would be motherly to anyone she deemed fit. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I've been trying to get over my self-deprecating nature for a long time now, so let's try and be a little more 'out there'... I think I'm pretty good, actually! Whenever reading something I say it in my head; this means that I can better emulate the tone of what to say and incorporate vernacular idiosyncracies pretty well. Also I enjoy making detailed, memorable /me emotes, as it brings the 2D pixelated spessmen to life for me. Notes: This character is very important to me, because she's based on my own mother. I want to be able to understand her better, use her qualities for interesting roleplay, and see where I can take her in the community.
  18. +1 because I am Team Haru 5ever. Literally my favourite character on the server. Also, about synthetic psychiatrists:
  19. Lockie Green is hugging people to death... again.
  20. I'm glad asking Miko where he came from led to this. Like like like lots. <3 +1
  21. Luna Fountain... ... thinks of Charlie Dove like a mother. ... studies intensely every evening and takes breaks to lurk on self-destructive forums. ... wears soft slippers whenever possible since she tripped and had her toenail ripped off. ... cuts herself when she makes a mistake at work. ... is at her blushiest when her intellect/education/reason for being on Aurora is questioned. ... recently moved from a box-room-apartment on Biesel to become Roy Wyatt's new roommate. ... likes to pretend she's a chemist when having a bath by mixing different coloured/scented bath oils.
  22. +1 from me! But only after giving him a family name in addition to his first, okay?~
  23. So many talented people <3!! This is a drawing of Luna Fountain or whatever, done in hospital and picture taken by a nutritious potato:
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