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Everything posted by Tadpolesrcold

  1. I’m satisfied with this response and am excited too see more from you.
  2. My Looc was on, we had communicated through it at the beginning of the round commenting on my lack of drip due to loadout issues. Back on the Aurora It was perfectly fine teaching players about Atmosia or the Tesla whether they were engineers or technican knowing its ooc knowledge and should be used as such. I tried to communicate this with "How else will I learn to be a CE like you one day?" But it was utterly shot down. If this more open approach to teaching players mechanics is no longer welcome then I'm not sure how to comment on this aspect. I feel old.
  3. I interacted with Hong Nguyen as an engineer under their supervision and was very uncomfortable around them. Very confrontational and seemed to get aggressive very quickly when I asked them any questions. My biggest complaint was their lack of interest in teaching. I'd been gone from the aurora for a very long time and I'm currently relearning a lot of the new mechanics and since there were only the two of us as engineer and chief I asked for guidance on thrusters and was simply told that this was the dominion of Atmostechs and they refused to go any further. I brought it up in character that command staff are supposed to help teach players mechanics and they called me out for my tone. Made me very uncomfortable and seemed very elitist, I can tell they are a really smart player but teaching mechanics to new players is the most important thing command staff should see too in my opinion. It was what I believed in when I signed up for command myself. I really hope to see more cooperative play from you in the future but I will leave a -1 for now and I will hopefully change it before your trial is over. Good luck! Edit Upon feedback from the player they have shown that they do understand the big points of command so I will be changing this to a +1
  4. I’ve spent quite a few rounds with Nikolas. One of the most important things I look for in command apps is wanting to improve, this player has. While he was learning some of the more niche mechanics of research he went out and asked for help in learning how to be better which is a great sign. As far as characters go I’ve only ever spent extended time with Nikolas so for them I’ll say watching the character go from just another lab coat to a extroverted member of the team was a joy. I’d recommend giving them a trial +1
  5. Pretty much stuff to represent human endurance and adaptability. Longer sprint or increased stamina regen would do it. The organ resistance would apply to all things. Lungs wouldn't pop as fast, livers not crashing as fast, hearts surviving drugs sorts of deals. They can still be beat down and attacked like anyone else, but humans have a knack for surviving to what most would be life ending injuries due to strong organs. I don't touch medical so I'm not sure what will come of the adrenaline thing. The resistance to heat and cold are just flavor mostly since humans live pretty much in any environment.
  6. Humans as it stands lack anything to make them Unique as a race compared to the other Species. Unathi are the mighty brutes of the galaxy, IPC's have tons of different models to choose from with different playstyles making each unique. Diona have tons of fun tools to play, turning themselves from a tiny exploring nymph to a mighty gestalt, Tarjans are the antithesis to Unathi with a fast and agile playstyle and Skrell have fun psionics to play with. Humans understandably as a non-whitelisted race can't be given powerful attributes like some of the other races get but that doesn't mean that they should be completely ignored, Humans are written throughout history as powerful, adaptable, and enduring. While giving out combat enhancing features is out of the question, we can still enhance their base feature to make them more unique as a species more than just default. Human Culture throughout all our written history venerates athletes and their capabilities. As persistence hunter's Human sprint should be much longer or regenerate much faster to exemplify this trait. This ability would make sense to both regular and off world humans. Humans go through Adrenaline rushes when faced with pain and pull off tremendous feats when under the effects of it. So, a higher tolerance or OD threshold for Adrenaline for Human would be fitting. Humans have amazing muscle efficiently in the animal kingdom compared to our size. Having less of a debuff when fireman carrying or grab dragging people could show this off. Humans are very hard to kill besides our vulnerable head, as a brick to the head would do in pretty much anyone. However, heart, liver, kidneys and other bodily organs asides from the brain take a lot of beatings before they give out and stop functioning. We can show this in game by having a resistance added to their non brain organs. Minor things like adaptability are hard to show in game. But humans are known for living in snow blasted cold environments to scorching, blistering desserts and still find a way to survive there. It can be shown with minor improvements to both heat and cold temperature changes. Whether none of these are added or all of them are added I really hope we can move to make humans their own unique, Alien race compared to the others. I'm not great at balancing or anything like that so if anyone has any better ideas feel free to comment them!
  7. If the solars were set at the start of the round to provide minimum power output that would solve the problem. Solars can still be upgraded with more panels to improve output and most of the time solars are never touched besides teaching apprentices how to do them.
  8. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry ;(
  9. Hello, I'm awful at formatting so ill do my best too keep it readable. As it stands Atmospheric suits can handle up too 30000 kelvin in a room at a time before the suit melts, which is an amazing feat and could be used too save many lives in fire scenario's. But as it stands as soon as you yourself are lit a flame too point of needing too roll too remove it you begin too overheat quickly before you start taking damage, even in the atmos suit. This makes large fire's very dangerous with no safe way too navigate them without venting the whole area, more then likely damaging and/or killing anyone stuck inside without a suit. My suggestion would be make certain suits(atmos, CE, Erendi merc) actually fireproof so they can safely move through these tiles without suffering heavy damage. They should still of course actually still fail if the suit's heat resistant limit is surpassed but being lit on fire by a welding fire should not be doing damage too heavy fire suppression suits like atmos's
  10. Riu’s cool and gives me a lot of good ideas for building new stuff even though something always comes up when building. +1
  11. Ive seen Zadeh from his introduction as a character on the station too now, being the chief engineer of most of the rounds he's been in he hasn't once let me down at any point and has done well with apprentices, other engineers and other crewmen, not seeing any negative traits that would make me think twice. I think he will make an excellent addition to the like 4 Ce's we have.
  12. Yeah I'd be fine an extension if you're cool with that. Ill try to advertise my app more. And for the Other Character thing after the APP trial period had ended I figured I had failed due to lack of feedback so I tried another character to have a bit of fun before the trial was revoked. Sorry I wont do it again.
  13. Edited. Changed the second paragraph to be a bit more interesting to read then just "hate sol".
  14. (Stole muh circuits from engineering -1) Val's good folk. Approachable enough and aint really seen them do nothing too stupid and likes going for interm so that's a good sign. +1
  15. I’ve never interacted with a varcua willingly because EW. But pitchford’s a steadfast feller I loved working with and trusted to do good. +1
  16. BYOND key:thatnewguy1 Character names: Jaxon Williams(engineer(retired)) Marquis Alkins(security officer) Riley Williams(engineer) Dexter Smith(engineer) Taylor Sprouse(roboticist) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: A little less then a year I’d say. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Honestly, I think it would be a fun experience. Trying to be the conductor of the orchestra and keeping everything flowing more then just doing my regular expected job. Why did you come to Aurora?: I was suffering a burnout from another server and was checking the wiki’s of other servers. The cool looking wrestling system got me interested and the even cooler integrated circuity stuff kept me hooked. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I have yeah. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? None that come to mind. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Making a persona and developing it into something better, my very first character I played for around 8 months before I even put any records or flavortext in for them and once I started it was actually kinda fun making up a character with a unique religion, views, thoughts and feelings and more. Too me it’s the trial and error of developing a character until you’re satisfied and make another. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: First and foremost you are meant to be an ingame mentor and be able to effectively teach new and sometimes old players about the station. You’re also meant to proficiently delegate duties to you’re staff. CE, the role I’m going for also has the special duty of allowing and overseeing station improvements which gives more rp and honestly just more fun to you’re crew. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As a head of staff, you’re meant to keep the quality and atmosphere of the server alive with RP scenarios, that being sending out an away team, performing multi department inclusive events or simply doing training exercise’s. You're also given the duty of keeping you're department in check and provide ic punishments if need be like suspensions. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?: Right now Tau Ceti is a small but incredibly industrious system with factories, stores, markets all over. But all this wealth is attracting folk from all corners of the galaxy to profit off this wealth. It’s a melting pot of different cultures, peoples, ideologies and economic statuses, but all this internal pressure has led to a few different political parties all trying to get control with nanotrason basically puppeting the state by financing almost every level of government This internal pressure is further fanned by the strong resent of the Sol Alliance, this hate goes both ways and foreign influence and a strong fear of another Solar invasion haunts its citizens still. The promise of stable work and good pay has gripped the greedy Williams tightly and pulled her out of her Coalition home into the Tau Ceti system. A smooth and easy transfer into the work force did not happen however as in her very first shift a crew of Skrell special forces boarded the station and began firing upon coworkers, before taking complete control over the station and its future. She was completely powerless, nothing she could do to stop them, save the station, or even just save herself from the danger. Though she came out of the situation unscathed physically, her mind is still recovering from the shock of losing control of her own life and safety. Leading to a horrible, haunting fear of another attack by the Federation, this time not leavening any survivors. Too avoid any loss of work hours or expensive therapy she has withheld this information from coworkers and medical professionals, as it festers and continues to haunt her days aboard the station. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Chief Engineer. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Riley Williams, Chief engineer. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 6/10. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yep, misbehave and you’ll lose you’re privileges. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yep. Extra notes:
  17. Does well with command roles as far as I know. Also willing to expand opportunity's of other players. Example being I play Jaxon Williams, After I Ic'ly proved to be capable of working Telecommunications including uploading scripts he, in a later round, Promoted my character to Tcomms Administrator and that was pretty fun to do. +1
  18. Joon's a fine feller to hang round with. Im not judge of the other bits of the app cause I aint all that knowledgeable bout it myself. So ill give em a +1 and leave it at that.
  19. Being Edited to fit with Juani's request.
  20. Never been bossy or arrogant when teaching someone new things. simple example how to avoid knots in wiring. Told me the issue, why its bad, how to fix it. Would recommend.
  21. BYOND key:thatnewguy1 Character names: Jaxon Williams(engineer), Riley Williams(science) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Used to play a lot last year but had a burnout. Came back about 2 months ago and started playing again. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:Honestly just for the convince of it. Im no amazing actor like alot of other folk on the server but I believe ill be able to fit in to the command position of rp. Why did you come to Aurora?: Not joking I came because the wrestling/grappling mechanics looked really cool. Then I discovered how fun circuits are to work and I was stuck. I’ve seen circuits on other servers but those servers are usually to hectic to actually get work done. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes sir Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Within the past months I’ve been online no. I can’t remember an actual ban occurring during my playtime last year but I could be wrong. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay simply is acting. The definition expanded would be writing out characters with backstory's, strengths, weakness. essentially making a person that is believable and realistic. Main thing that comes from this isn't making you're character just be a single amazing loner who doesn't need someone but rather be a dynamic piece of the puzzle that is the crew that all work together (for better of for worse) to make the station function and develop the round. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, in game: As a member of command you’re held to a higher expectation of competence and role play ability. Which can go into the form of becoming acting captain of the station to attempt to deal with a threat affecting it to simple things like being able to teach new players. But first and foremost You’re meant to be the leader of you’re department, assigning work and duty’s to make sure the crew is actually functioning. Apart of you're job is also to moderate situations in game and develop role play that way. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As a head of staff you're meant to be an example for other players on what you can and cant do. Simply acting like a reasonable adult will do great at establishing how to act appropriately. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Tau ceti. A booming economic hub with money going around. Being forced out of his frontier home this is the best chance he's got for to find work and start a new life. With opportunity comes conflict however What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted: I think ill stick with engineering if this goes through. not that i cant fit it into other departments I just like engineering and the other people who work the department more then the others. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:Jaxon Williams(chief engineer) How would you rate your own roleplaying? 6/10. changed from 2/5. Compared to most folk on the server alot of them are better actors then myself but most of that is from most folks already having constant rp buddies they can rely on to chat with. Id say im pretty experienced with it though. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?sure, misbehave and you lose you’re privileges Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?Yep Extra notes:recap the important stuff the main reason I made this app isn’t to show anyone I’m a messiah of engineering or role play in general. I can order folk around and teach them as well an interact in command situations plus the rest of regular engineering.
  22. +1, kinda sad but my whole character on this server revolves around circuitry cause I’m not really interested in most other aspects and I kinda enjoy being able to call myself an inventor. Anyways I’ve kinda reached the peak of circuitry opportunities from this servers circuitry and would love an update to add more possibilities I can work with to help the station and it’s crew with my toys.
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