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About SierraKomodo

  • Birthday 23/11/1991

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  • Location
    Washington, United States

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Cyborg (35/37)

  1. - Chemistry lab is missing the secure chemicals fridge - The chemistry lab should definitely have a filing cabinet for paperwork use. Bureaucracy is the finer point of Aurora RP
  2. I feel like departmental objectives would be better integrated into the standard game loop as opposed to being a specific round type. Like how Cargo gets bounties every round. I do like the idea of objectives for departments, though. Quotas are a commonly used thing in corporate IRL.
  3. E.R.I.S. A new public broadcast service linked to all common extranet outlets to keep all personnel appraised of changes and updates to the E.C.O.M. system. Brought to you by Solomon Synthetic Alternative Systems, Incorporated. ----- SSASI would like to welcome you to our first post from the E.C.O.M. Relay & Information System, also known as E.R.I.S. This system will become our primary source of updates, changelogs, guides, and other information pertaining to your Emergency, Command, and Operations Module installed aboard your facilities and vessels. For those of you unaware of what E.C.O.M. is, this system is a fully computerized replacement for more complicated, expensive, and in some cases, unwieldy artificial intelligences. Instead of operating off of a positronic matrix that emulates sentience, E.C.O.M. systems are an event-driven, proprietary software capable of performing most, if not all, of the same functions as an AI system, but without the risks and hassle associated with an intelligence. For more information, please refer to the Solomon Synthetic Alternative Systems, Incorporated website. ----- Today's E.R.I.S. bulletin is not just an announcement of E.R.I.S. itself, but also an announcement of a major E.C.O.M. update currently in the works and slated for release with the SCC's new Horizon project: E.C.O.M. Version 2.7.0 This new feature update brings with it the following highly requested updates: A more robust monitoring algorithm for detecting messages and commands, even those not immediately directed at E.C.O.M. A more refined alert broadcasting algorithm to reduce cross-talk for personnel with access to multiple radio frequencies. Broadcasts are now limited to 2 channels per alert. Automated System Reminders framework and submission platform for command personnel to populate E.C.O.M.'s ASR database with customized messages. Persistent directives, that are automatically enabled whenever specific command personnel are on duty. For those of you with very specific E.C.O.M. setups! Various bug fixes and other minor enhancements. In addition to the above updates, a new Guide to Using E.C.O.M. Systems is in the works and will release alongside the update. Beta versions of E.C.O.M. version 2.7.0 will be deployed across certain active NanoTrasen facilities for live testing.
  4. Oo. What mod(s) did you use for this?
  5. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/11323
  6. It's very easy to accidentally start an amputation when you were wanting to cut into the skull, though. Especially if someone else has injected something that closes up the wounds.
  7. Something that crossed my mind going over the AI wiki regarding the third law. The wiki says: "Station pets and lab monkeys - among other sapient test subjects - fall under this law as well". Does this mean all creatures that are living or is it explicitly only monkeys and designated pets?
  8. BYOND key: SierraKomodo Discord name/id: SierraKomodo#6690 Borg / AI names: - E.C.O.M. (Emergency, Command, and Operations Module - AI) - E.R.U-137 "ADA" (Medical Response/Surgeon Borg) Here's some more AI and borgs I used to play years ago, back on old Aurora: - Katana Alpha (AI) - ZAVI (AI) - Kunai (AI) - Katana Bravo (Engineering/Medical/Security borg) - Tanto (Engineering borg) - Maintenance Droid ### (Engineering borg, played as a glorified maintenance drone) Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes (I like the new lawset, it'll really fit with ECOM too) Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Being able to play ECOM is the main reason I came back to Aurora, and a lot of people do seem to like the AI's quirks in being a glorified computer program instead of a proper AI. I also just really enjoy the aspect of roleplaying as a program, and feel I do a good job of running an AI in a manner that best fits its role in the SS13 meta in general - Specifically, in not valid hunting or shutting down antags. I also have a copy+pasta sheet I use for alot of ECOM's automated responses, as well as a reference sheet for how to respond to various things as ECOM that I'll attach. The reference isn't exhaustive because a lot of the things ECOM does is ingrained in my mind and I keep these files trimmed down to make it easier to skim and find the specific things I don't have memorized yet. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I was banned from malf ai several years ago after reacting poorly to metagaming and powergaming from the crew - Iirc I sent a more or less 'Fuck off' in OOC, called the shuttle, and wipe-core'd. The ban was appealed and removed awhile back, although I still don't have malf enabled in my prefs. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes ai_ecom_aurora_copypasta.txt ai_ecom_aurora_reference.txt
  9. Awesome. I'll see if I can fix the broken loadout tab in my test server so Ican get the PR of the uniform ready to review.
  10. Looks like this would require an update to how the vendor UI populates the tooltip. Currently it just shows the actual item name, which adding a 'Warning' blurb to the name would be a bit awkward.
  11. Reporting Personnel: Mimirkra Mi'dynh Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Forensics Technician Personnel in Question: Buck Thompson Job Title of Personnel in Question: Cargo Technician Reason for Review: [X] - Extended Arrest History [X] - Grievous Infraction on Record [ ] - Other: ____(Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Notes: - Very extensive history of infractions involving a wide array of undesireable activities. - Very recent infraction of manslaughter and failure to execute an order.
  12. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/11144 For the planned loadout stuff
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