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Everything posted by ShesTrying

  1. BYOND Key: ShesTrying Discord Username: ProbablyTrying#4310 Character Name: Ielia Aliori-Quis'Naala Item Name: Starfinder Item Function(s): In essence, it will just be the Jargon tarot deck. It can pull from all of that, but I would like it to pull three cards at once, and display the constellations above the cards after a short animation. It should also tell the viewers what cards/constellations it will pull. Ideally it's the same size as the tarot deck- small enough to fit in the headtail pocket. Item Description: A small, bronze ball. It is heavy in the hand, and seems to have no switches or buttons on it. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: Ielia believes strongly in the stars, and tries to gleam as much wisdom from them as possible. She frequently gives readings to her coworkers, and would like something more sleek/streamlined to do this with. How did your character obtain this item?: This item was purchased by her when she started on the Horizon, and is custom-made from her fleet at home. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: Ielia believes strongly in the stars- this helps to show that. It will streamline her ability to read other's stars, and allow her to bring more star/constellation arepee to station. Sprites: starfinder.dmi Additional Comments:
  2. @Garnascus and I will be handling this. Give us some time to go through everything.
  3. Interview: https://pastebin.com/6DZq1YfS
  4. idk why that rogue blue taffy sprite is there, but I can't get rid of it so it's there forever
  5. BYOND Key: ShesTrying Discord Username: ProbablyTrying#4393 Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Bells Zo'ra **I am applying for two items, one of which is complex, so I will do my best to keep things seperate. For the sake of legibility, I changed the format about for the first one. Let me know if you need me to fix it. For the first part of this, it's a wicker basket full of homemade v'krexi taffy. Ideally a small-size item, it has three states, full, half full, and empty, and three flavors of taffy inside. Ideally, when you open it up, there's ~6 of each kind of taffy inside. The one thing to note is that the taffy should have no nutriment/nutritinal value! Sprites and descriptions: The second part of this is a handmade cloak that matches medical's colours. It's literally just a resprite, I cannot claim any originality for this. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: Taffy: Bells is a very social vaurca. And part of being a social vaurca becomes trying to figure out how to bridge that big huge gap between vaurca and other organics. It's hard! However, they are familiar with the concept of social eating. People getting together to share a meal that bridges pretty well all gaps between culture. Vaurca have the unique circumstance of only being able to share one type of food with non-vaurca, with neither side being hurt: v'krexi taffy. It's absolutely zero nutritional value means that it can be enjoyed by everyone, and Bells banks on that in order to make connections with crew when they first meet, or even after, to show admiration, thanks, or a simple want for companionship. Only one issue-- the normal v'krexi taffy literally tastes like regret. So, in what free time they have, Bells works on producing their own taffy, in flavors that both vaurcae and humans can enjoy. Cloak: Bells is learning about fashion. Slowly. Painfully. Their desire to blend in with the rest of the people in medical and the stark difference between vaurcae clothing and human clothing-- not to mention how ill-fitting human clothing is, led them to cut up a few lab coats and follow a hive cloak pattern, making the lovely cloak you see above. How did your character obtain this item?: Covered above. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: Covered above. Sprites: Trying_Help.dmiTaffy.dmi Additional Comments: thanks for the sprites @RyverStyx ilu
  6. Yeah- after a discussion, Matt and I are going to be holding off on any NBT character custom items until NBT drops. Feel free to reapply when the thing:tm: happens!
  7. Pal is a good boy and he deserves head pats. Accepted. I also thought I posted this yesterday but I may be insane. Either way, enjoy!
  8. We do usually like to see a bit more of an established character before we accept/deny an app. We like to make sure you’re going to play them going forwards.
  9. Sounds good. Archiving
  10. Hatch +1
  11. Modified the command whitelist questions. This won't affect current applications.
  12. Given that we have feedback on your command play from a week ago, I'm going to go ahead and use that to trial you. Starts 1-20-2022 and ends in a week.
  13. Interview: https://pastebin.com/Aiws0GzG
  14. This mushroom lets you see ghosts. It also makes you ignore stuns and has a chance to do the same thing as red nightshade. (Forced harmintent and angry messages) Im sorry but that isn’t something I want able to be easily accessed on station. Ghosts are also inherently an ooc thing, the only other time you are able to see them is when crap has hit the fan in cult rounds.
  15. Can you get this from the vendor thing in the garden?
  16. Accepted. Welcome to Command!
  17. Vrow is one of those players that is quietly knowledgeable, helpful, and kind to every player they meet. They do not shy away from new players, and seem to have no issue helping interns or any new player, learning role or not. I don’t feel like I need to touch on their knowledge of medical, as I’m sure it will be touched on more than once in this application. Overall, they display a fantastic understanding of how to roleplay a real, believable character. They have no issues with reaching out to new players. They know medical like the back of their hand and I have no concerns about them being able to learn the ins and outs of any other department they choose to step in to. +1
  18. Hi. Watching them light fire to things and opening doors for them/egging them on in metacomms still eorg. I'll unban you but clean it up and remember to read our rules before you return to the server, and stop metacomming.
  19. Hi. This has been inactive too long. denied for now. When you come back feel free to reapply.
  20. Sorry this sat so long. You’re a talented roleplayer and I’d like to see you thrive in command. Trial starts today, ends in a week.
  21. Hello! I’ll be handling this. I would like to see you make a new character for your HOP but other than that you are all set to go. Trial starts today, ends in a week.
  22. You can see the full ticket logs above. I don’t keep tickets open when players start to act passive aggressive towards me. I’m happy to have a dialogue about what-ifs in Discord with someone being pleasant, but tickets aren’t the place for that, nor do I have any interest in having a conversation with someone already speaking down to me when a ticket has already been dealt with. I cannot tell you what to do in every situation you encounter. It is not my responsibility to roleplay for you. Killing two people with no interaction is against the rules and you were warned for it.
  23. I’ll dig up the logs for this tonight and include the full tickets, without edits. You killed two people with little to no roleplay. This is against the rules. I do not have the responsibility to tell you how to act in every situation. I am a different person than you and I do not expect you to act exactly how I would act in any given scenario. I do however expect you to follow the rules and guidelines set out for antagonists. You then proceeded to become condescending towards me in the tickets, so I ended the conversation.
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