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  • Byond CKey

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  1. Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Gigantic Species: Corporations. They're people too. Short Description: Żabka is a convenience store mega-chain, counted among the most powerful megacorporations. The żabka store chain begun in Poland, where it quickly spread to the rest of the world, and then the rest of the spur, taking major part in the Interstellar War, providing both sides with hot dogs at every sensor relay. How will this be reflected on-station?: We will add three Żabkas to the Horizon, along with two new roles of the Żabka worker and manager. The Żappka will also be added as a PDA program, and any Żabka employees will be immediately banned if they do not ask a customer if they have the app. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Yes. The changes will be massive. Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? what does that mean, can you explain it Long Description: https://www.zabka.pl
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  2. ngl, I feel like scientists being able to fly the Spark is already the standard. You may be better off trying to talk to a wiki maintainer directly to try and reflect it on the website, maybe.
  3. I cannot explain why, but I feel like it just fits, maybe due to the whispering. For my own character, I, of course, have to go with the best Solarian Janitor and dancefloor sweeper, Francis Winton
  4. target practice
  5. tbh, if I could, I'd choose the secret third option, that is, keep them as powerful, but lower their numbers. IPCs are meant to be scary when going full blast at you, but the places that infected IPCs spawn in are rural backwaters, it really doesn't make sense for them to spawn in that many numbers.
  6. Tbf, it kind of would make sense, since we've got the hailing channel. That one would be one that's probably more or less agreed upon spur-wide.
  7. my man's been playing for 14 years, he should be awarded the whitelist purely just for being old. But on a serious note, I've known Tomix for a few years now, and I've interacted with his characters for probably longer. Tomix is a great person OOCly, and a very good roleplayer ICly.
  8. So what exactly is your issue with this, now? Because I'm a bit confused. Earlier, you said that Sol couldn't really have a consular onboard because they're a "hostile Junta", but you say that lore developments away from that, would make Sol not a hostile power anymore? Again, can a Sol that isn't a Junta anymore, not be hostile to the other factions and have reps onboard at the same time? Why not? Do you just want to keep the "Grrr evil" faction with their developments being more rogue admirals? I really just don't get your position here, and I want to understand.
  9. Oh come on, let's not act as if the NDA's we have aren't already immensely silly when it comes to pretty much *any* consulars. And I think everyone else in this thread has also agreed that there would need to be in-lore development for Sol Consulars to come back, not just introducing them as is.
  10. I really don't see how adding a Sol Counslar would retract from Sol being what you described. And again, we've precedent for factions hostile to the megacorps having reps onboard, in the DPRA. Not to mention, in this universe, the megacorps are as powerful, if not more powerful than some nation-states, it would make sense for people to have diplomatic relations with them as well, even if they're not exactly on good terms. Not to mention, my final and GREATEST point in favour of Sol Consulars: It would be really, really, really, really cool for them to be here, please bring them back.
  11. Sol absolutely could have Consulars onboard. There's still plenty of crew with Solarian citizenship, and we're not talking about bringing an EE rep here. Consulars don't have to be from a faction that's friendly to the SCC to be onboard, we already have consulars from the DPRA, a xenophobic nation that is outwardly opposed to megacorps, and literally nationalised most of their assets within their territory. I really fail to see how Sol consulars are seen as this outlandish idea. Wouldn't a country recovering from a warlord civil war try to mend their diplomatic relations, after losing half of its territory and being probably at its weakest it's ever been?
  12. If I may butt in, I don't really think that that's really a realistic worry. I mean, I think that we can very well trust the player base to play Sol consulars, it already requires a command whitelist, and I don't think it could be any worse than dominian consulars I really just feel like the "Grrrr, evil Sol Marine Man" stereotype comes from mostly antag gimmicks, and the events with the warlords, as those were essentially the only times you interact with Solarians in uniform. In the end, however, I feel like this is more of a lore team decision.
  13. that's probably also fair. Tbh I kinda just forgot about borgs, the little gremlins.
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