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Everything posted by Nik
I'm back again. Finally got a working computer that can do 30fps for fucking dwarf fortress. Whats up bruh's.
and I am constantly baffled that Skull is still here at all, along with the rest of you knobknocking people. Wish I could play more then not at all~
You people really don't understand how a flash bang work, do you. A flash bang is designed for crowd control in tight environments, overloading the brain with light and sound. The reason why it's effective in tight corridors and small rooms is that light and sound reflects off of surfaces, and the sheer amount of it can pierce through your fucking eyelids, let alone a pair of sunglasses. Looking away wouldn't even mitigate the effects. That, and the range on one of these in a tight environment made of metal is probably way higher then it is currently. And, the sound is what causes you to fall on your ass, not the light. So no, looking away doesn't help you. the sound can vibrate through your skull to cause the effects. If anything, they should be buffed because we are talking about the old fashion ones from the 1980's. Well, I'm not saying we should, but welcome to the Heavy RP server where everyone complains about gameplay~
I seem to be the only person to ever notice HOW good they are. Not only is there range hilariously high, and long lasting, the HOS kitted in his usual gear gets up after half a second, giving him a constant AOE stun. Extra note, they also super damage Blobs, and allow you to clear ooze rapidly. lovely, lovely flashbangs. I wouldn't say they need nerfing, as much as defenses against them need buffing. Ghetto ear plugs, for one, would be useful.
Entirely agreed. Having to move people all the way through medical just to chat is bad, and really gets on my nerves, since most players forget it even exists.
Not to justify what Jackboot did, the dirty dirty person, but I've done WAY FUCKING WORSE as a CMO, and I've never been job banned. I honestly think that we have way too many bans that occur due to some rivalry or whatever (although I'm not saying that Jackboot was involved in such a thing) and that others go completely unmolested while doing shit that I do constantly, like wander off to build a secret research lab because I have nothing to do, or sending medical staff into space for "EMT Training Scenario's" or whatever. I've only done one of those, by the way. I think we need to loosen rules on things in some places, but I think that Staff and Security need to be way tighter about shit playing. I don't mean being a coward/lazy/corrupt as a character (if done right, all valid RP) but some cock who sits in the bar yelling at the "dirty cats" and ignoring code Red's, or yelling LAW DE ME, YO should be handled way more tightly then slaps on the wrist. Mind you, Kekboot deserves every ban he gets. But in this one instance I don't even consider using head of staff to go get eggs is even vaguely worth a PM.
You know, I tried to relay that I was stating an opinion, by repeatedly starting sentences with things like "I think" and "maybe" for a reason, cause it's all up in the air. There's a minute chance that it could not turn that way, and that's true. But I doubt that. As well, the GET BETTER ALIENS WITH WHITELIST thing is irrelevant, aliens are bad for another reason. You want to remove the ability for players to just join as security, while we have constant antagonist rounds. If we didn't have antagonists, then it would maybe be reasonable, since you wouldn't constantly need a horde of idiots with stun guns to oppose the antagonists. You don't seem to grasp what I was saying. I agree with you. I want what you are putting down. I want a tight-nit group of Security that are constantly trustworthy, online all the time and have deep and interesting characters while not just being UM DA LAW. I don't like having six dipshits screaming and eating their own farts while arresting people for pointless bullshit or ignoring the friendly Antag. I don't see that happening. I see us having one of those at any time if we are lucky (probably up a bit during peak hours, obviously) and entire rounds of Heads vs Antag while the rest of the crew sits in the bar drinking. That's what I think, but the issue is that I don't think I have much room to be wrong. Sure, we could have a bunch of amazing security, or we could just dress up five goats in Security uniforms and make them constantly target anyone whose settings isn't "crew" under factions, because I don't think it will be reliable enough. As well, it removes some of the heavier community from the pool of Non-Sec, as they'll feel obliged to join as Sec so we have one or two (I've been there before.) In theory, I would like to see this, but on a server that's smaller and can incorporate only needing two or three Sec who are well armed and essentially both the HOS, and would need to be well versed in the game and our rules. Unrelated to my chaotic point above, but that would be interesting.
That's most likely the actual best way to ever handle this issue, which is almost sad in a way, that Security needs to be babysit by admins to not be a bunch of diddling idiots.
I swear to the blood god, every time I come and heck the forums, there's a new one of these. I think I've seen more of these threads then I've seen threads for getting rid of chemistry. I get the point, I do. In a theoretical world, this would be perfect, and Security would all be peaches and cream and smiles, and we'd never get some dipshit claiming he is the law. But a whitelist just means less people want to to security, and that means that we COULD just have the same few people every round, with no one new trying for security, But the more important point, is that I know what will happen. The moment you do anything slightly controversial or anything anyone doesn't agree with, they start screaming for you to get a job ban, and it will cause players to avoid doing what their characters would so they can avoid the storm of dildo's and barely veiled insults that is a complaint on this station. It would kill security, and make whoever is left never try and do anything ever because SOMEONE will yell "SHITCURITY HE DIDNT DO EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED HIM TO" or some variation of it. I get it, I get why people keep posting these. It won't work. It will never work. It's a giant risk just so you can avoid dealing with a sec player that is bad.
My sure if I need to respond to both, but yup, want it.
Varuca are our Half-Life 3. People keep talking about them, like they will Exist, but it's been far too long and everyone sort of hopes they will exist or simply do not care. Besides that, I actually like Sue's more for looking like Power Ranger Lackies. No offense to Rech but his design looks very...cliche? Suppose that's not saying much, since I realize that even the IPC are a reference to FL-CL, but, eh. On a side note, those floors (which I cannot recall the origin) and walls make me upset that we use the grey ones. I hate the grey ones. They make the entire station look like a Washroom hallway that got really out of hand. Nice sprites, doe.
Well, that's helpful. Thanks for the update~
Not to poke the hive, buuuuuut. I notice the custom item list has expanded since its hiatus to such a degree that it took me five minutes to find my own request, which had been filed four months prior. So, did I miss the message, is it dead? I even went out of my way to create my first custom sprite for that custom item, and when Tish went on haitus I went "fair nuff" and waited. I think waiting is at it's end. Someone yell at me about how I'm bad so we all can know what's going on with that.
1138 is tsundere for Frances All stupid aside, I think it could be anything; the new map allows you to completely avoid even bothering to speak to anyone new, and most people just descend into the medbay/security/engineering break rooms and make love about how their character is actually Stan the Man (or so I imagine) You could argue that it's the community, or the lack of this and that, or us just not having anyone who really tries to involve everyone in a round (and those who don't want to involve themselves regardless) It's all semantics, really. The main point is that it is clearly kinda...lame. Sub-par to what we previously had. Moderately better then other servers. Either we fix it, or we all sit around yelling about it until the server dies.
I think the real concern with the current role play potential lays in multiple small things. We have too many "Eh fuck it, who cares" attitudes towards antags, because it's really hard to work up a "OH GOD A MAGICAL ASSHOLE WITH A STAFF OF CHANGE" when it's four times in a sitting that you have some form of antagonist eating everyone's butts with their unique form of murder, which has lead the player base into this place where most people go "Oh, Red alarm. Better go to the slightly less populated area so we don't involve ourselves." Otherwise, we have these little cliques that hide out behind doors, and people who aren't here to listen so much as speak and all these little wiggling issues that stack up. No real easy way to handle them, besides setting up a rotation between extended and random, so that a wizard is slightly more threatening then a bag full of cats.
It's almost always the second, and no one wants to deal with the second. It's draining on you, as you are usually speaking to a person who is thirteen and is going I NEED TO CUT MYSELF TO UNDERSTAND PAIN. ONLY WHEN I CUT MYSELF DO I LEARN MYSELF. these are actual things I had a bald chef inform me last time I was a psych. I sent him out the door because I couldn't even fucking- It's unpleasant. Not as bad as Lawyers were, at least.
I remember playing. I should get on that.
I agree with its nerfing. That is all.
Then huzzah for this. Do it and gain my eternal love.
I wonder if this is related to that post I made a week ago
A friend just gave an idea that isn't shit. Why not give them fucking poisonous ink they can spray at people, and do toxins damage or some shit. Give them fucking TK. Or give them an ability to split their heads off and become tiny squids. Fuck it, give them Nar'sie speak. I don't know. Just give them something.
The issue is apparent that Taj, Humans and Skrell are being left behind in terms of mechanics, and it's somewhat upsetting to note that every other race is better then you because all you have is cold resistance(and a damage buff that rarely comes into play because a lot of things are immune to hand based attacks, like spooders) tentacles or a big fuck off ego.
Suggestions from the previous Sec main'er: Firstly, no lethals. That's silly. Secondly, have up to three, so that they aren't entirely worthless. One dude who gets to be a bodyguard a shift is not only boring, it means people will be logging when they can't spawn as one. as well, this "makes job harder" thing, just makes them want to follow whoever they like the most. Three should be able to help all heads, or help all heads who can't defend themselves easily (RD, CE, CMO) and leave the others to their own whims, or have a guard themselves if the heads aren't all there (HOS, HOP, Captain) Thirdly, give them a set of armbands for each wing, so they can clarify which head they are protecting, and they are with that head specifically. But I actually like this. As a CMO player, I detest needing to robust at all, but I'd rather not get grabbed and shanked every time a nuke round occurs and I'm the only head.
They aren't being added, if it wasn't apparent. It was Covert's thing, and he's disappeared, as far as I am aware. At least, I'm pretty sure they are doomed to die like the Dog people.