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Everything posted by Nik
A gag on why Rai is a lady, which was created by my friend after we spent a night chatting about things Rai has done over the years.
Stop it. All of you. Stop. You don't even notice that you've all descended into a god damn spiral of arguing about arguments.
So I did this for my custom item that was accepted ages ago, since I've been sort of itching to have it added for how ever many months it's been (I believe I applied in January?) so that I could progress with Rai's character as I had planned ages ago. It's dun this. I just want the sprite replaced with this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nflzn9fbz3nxb4h/Stitched%20Labcoat%20Rai.dmi?dl=0 I don't really know the specifics of when or what things occur, but since I grasp that people are busy, I did the thing.
You are now attempting to generalize that such things exist, Kekboot. Ninja doesn't work, because it wasn't ever intended to work in such ways, and you'd need to overhaul the entire system. As someone who has seen multiple Ninja rounds, I can affirm that they never go well in my viewing. they usually end with a Ninja slowly picking off every Sec officer because they have no recourse except to die. It's not as if it doesn't have merit, but it's a single person who can be invisible at will, attack whilst invisible, and possesses a instant super stun button. It's not even funny, because they can't really "lose" since they have constant thermals, armor (which cannot be removed, allowing them to not even be disarmed like a wizard) and magical powers.
No. It's bad. It's not even generally considered decent, you people just haven't tasted it when it was in rotation. Because of how bad it was. You see people who think the same about Meme. Think it's so fun, so much RP. It wasn't. It was a mode which caused suicides all over the place. Ninja is so potent that it's more threatening then Changelings, because invisibility whilst fighting makes you nearly invincible. Even as a non-killing ninja, there is no retaliation for the crew to take, beyond crying as any RP is thrown out for "Spooky scary Ninja" round. You people. Stop it. Stop thinking these modes that were ditched have value. We ditched them because they were functionally broken, and no one wants to take the time to fix/balance them.
We need cat ears. For reasons.
BY THE SNOWY TESTICLE GODS. Ten fucking pages. Ten pages of you people yelling about how /we should stop yelling about things/ Whilst I agree that we have entered a time where people seem more fond of Character and player complaints then just sucking up the loss and not eating salt, It's not like we don't all get salty. But this. this is a maze of salt, atop a mountain made of salt-rock, with the very sky raining down sea-salt and bath-salts. I'd recommend that everyone remember that we are meant to be a community, not a mosh pit. Think before you leap.
Eh. I like the idea, since it can clarify IC that you aren't just some grubby ass non-head, and we can be segregated from you newly not-baldies. But actually. Those who get a temporary head status are usually those who are also heads and known by other heads. I'd never make some random doctor a CMO because he needs chemistry access, I'd just give him chemistry access. A head should be a character who knows everything about that job and has been ICLY trained for it. Saying that this player is trained just means slightly less of a "...C-can anyone become CE and fix the singularity engine?" and more "Nasir, fix that fucking engine, you're promoted!", and allows for a player to openly admit to not being /just a scrub detective/ when they are cleared to become the HOS, for example.
It was someone else, then me. Because butchers bay was one of the best original Xbox games hands down.
I get that a lot, with the bad RP and new players. It's a thing you deal with, or you don't. This is life.
Quit implies you were working here. Unless you were staff. Can I quit as well. Become a Freelance Cat-lady-man?
Mmmm....this is a peculiarily similar issue that I had at one point (except Raieed escaped the laser barrage by some random antag) and I suppose I can see the reasoning for both sides. On one, you took a risk Jackboot, nothing is set in stone. On another, it was a jerk reaction. But mights and rights and if's are all pointless to make. In the end, we shouldn't use the argument "don't kill me so quickly cause no RP" because that's a meta reason. Things occurred. we are using a game which is attempting to simulate real life in a sprite based tile game. You either take an action or speak, you can't do both.
It's funny, I had a similar idea ages ago to try and get someone playing one of the other two active Amari's (Rai's adopted son and her Sister) but realized I have no patience to let anyone do it. isn't this like the writer version of Adoptable images or whatever? Cause I think that's Kuul.
It should cause grenades to detonate and electrocute anyone holding the bat if it hits a baton.
Half of these are terrible and I don't care. Tajaran Delight Menthol Madness Just the Tip (no filter) Nano-Sun (because NANOMACHINES, son. Get it.) John Peters (Black, menthol or Filter) Oh. Some brand should have tricord in it and be called "Doctor's Paradox".
I was planning on mass bombing security with space lube grenades that also had purple paint inside them. It was gonna be called "The Slippery Grapel bombing of 2456"
You'll be back. they always are. I have a gif for this but I don't want someone yelling at me, but It's great. But yeah, I do this every so often. You'll be back...probably. G'day~
AWWWWW YEAH BUTCHER BAY. Why don't we have references to that, that was actually good Sci-fi. But I agree, more brands would be nice, and mentol and with and without filters and things.
Kitty hairstyles. I demand them.
Nikolai The Beast - Forced Round End, Faked Sing Release
Nik replied to a topic in Complaints Boards Archive
I'm attempting to keep my head clear of this to avoid my own brain melting due to actual world stress compiling with this, but Rai revealed the Ruse ten minutes before the nuke went off over general comms. Specifically ten seconds before the shuttle left. I do not understand who the fuck didn't pay heed and set that nuke off, but it wasn't jackboot, as I've learned by other means. And jackboot, it's not what /you did/ that was bad about the ops that made Rai decide on this, it was what the other one or ones did, with the bombings and the suddenly tossing the station to bits with a end round nuke, although the Bombing of research turned into a Bombing of escape, I should mention, that is the concern with the ops, not counting how silly the idea of selling the main reason why we are here, to research delicious plasma. As another point, Rai also isn't a CMO to lead an entire station, she's the CMO to lead medical. She has no training in leading an entire station. She did what she thought was best in that specific situation. Had I been playing another character, the situation would have ended differently. You can't expect Rai to be giving a captain level thought process to a bloody nuke situation when she isn't legally allowed to be the captain. Her job is keeping people alive, not handling high level terrorist threats. -
Nikolai The Beast - Forced Round End, Faked Sing Release
Nik replied to a topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Rai obviously has her oaths, as I've said, and was well aware that they had a nuke and multiple weapons. She had no interest in leading some sort of coup against all of these armed individuals as the only head, and wanted a reason to get everyone off station before something foul happened, but was paranoid about sending for a shuttle if they were aware that we were fleeing them, hoping that a singularity being about would keep them away while moving anyone off board. Rai had originally just meant to arm security and leave it be until it got worse, but then a nuke occurred and she had no festive to leave an entire crew near a nuke (excluding the one that is supposed to be disarmed) Simply, she just wanted to keep people safe. The safest place was off station. Edit: oh, she also spoke to Enpress about what was best for the crew for some time, attempting to think about some way besides just attacking, and spoke to Jade on the matter if she could arrange to defend the station. Further, she was being pushed by several other players asking her what she was going to do on the situation, due to her being the only head about, and may have been slightly panicking. -
Nikolai The Beast - Forced Round End, Faked Sing Release
Nik replied to a topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Jackboot, it doesn't matter what /YOU DID/, it's what /HAPPENED/, and what happened was we got bombed and nuked. I don't care what your intentions were, but we ate two bombs, maybe three, I didn't check, and we ended up with a bunch of dudes with guns and bombs. Maybe should go see what the other OPS did before you say anymore, because you clearly didn't fully speak with them. Secondly, who else would have high level explosives except the dude with the guns. Thirdly, the griefer was annoying. He doesn't count to shit, he was just a griefer. Fourthly, and this is the most important, you are arguing that we can't call the shuttle to solve a concern because of a METAGAME reason, that it technically ends the round. That's not a god damn excuse, the shuttle is to be used to get people out of harm. What we got was a bunch of bombs, dudes with guns, implied slavery, and nukes. -
Nikolai The Beast - Forced Round End, Faked Sing Release
Nik replied to a topic in Complaints Boards Archive
As a secondary note, Rai was fully aware that her actions may have lead her to getting fired and even arrested, but she was doing what was best. Considering that the nuke Ops responded by Blowing the entire god damn station up, I feel like It was entirely justified. I don't care what their intentions /were/, if they respond with a nuke because I had the audacity to act to assist the crew in what was my best way, then so be it. Lets avoid using If's and maybe's and what might have happened, Folks. What happened is what happened. -
Nikolai The Beast - Forced Round End, Faked Sing Release
Nik replied to a topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Oi, Oi, Oi. Hold your assumptions, lest you be asses. Firstly, The singularity was faked for an actual reason, the vote was unrelated to anything. Rusty just /did that/ while we plotted this ruse. Lets start from the beginning. Rai came on, heard about all this, ignored it entirely. Spent most of the shift attempting to further some genetic experiment she had in mind, and was suddenly informed that the people had weapons, and was supposedly enslaving people. So she moved to the bridge, contacted the AI, and looked into it, attempting to hastily write a message to CC while doing other things. ((I should clarify that I forgot the format existed for the billionth time)) She was originally plotting to get Sec armed and ready if they made a move, then they announced they had a nuke, followed by some gibberish about HAIL ASTEROIDAKA or whatever. This changed her mind. She contacted Sec, and attempted to discover if they could handle the Asteroid people, which she was told they couldn't. So she thought of a few means to get a way to move the Civilians to safety. Now, As I know this needs to be repeated, The faked singularity was not because the vote failed, I had voted against it so we could do this. Rai decided, with some time speaking to Empress, that it would be best to fake a singularity breach to give a excuse to leave, without them being aware that it was an attempt to get the Civvies off before they began getting killed. However, as she was thinking about waiting on that to speak to them, or see to raiding them, or getting proper CC attention, (To which I had been hunting for the format on the forums for the fax), a bomb blew up escape. So, instead, Rai panicked and scribbled" They have a nuke" and signed it, and moved along with the original plan. Upon this, The Nuke ops began blowing up the station and detonating the nuke after we left. She cleared this with most of Sec, the AI, two medical officers and as many as Nasir told in engineering. Obviously, upon shuttle leaving, she revealed this ruse, and informed everyone that she would be speaking to CC about what she did. She was fully aware that she may be fired, but she reacted to protect the crew, by the simple reasoning of having an oath for both being a doctor, and her religious beliefs. She deemed that getting people away from the bombers is a better choice then staying. If we would like to meta this, which is why this is an issue, it is people complaining because calling the shuttle is an end to RP, even if it's deemed the best choice. Now, Hilaaaariously, If they had never called the nuke, I'd have not been so antsy to move everyone off board, and if they hadn't suddenly bombed escape (for reasons beyond me, but I've been questioned why I'd think it was them, to which is a hilarious question, since she had gotten multiple reports of them having more weapons then Security had in the armory.)) Was it the right thing to do? I don't care. It was what Rai would do, because I'm not going to break RP and meta about how calling a shuttle is round end just so we can eventually get bombed and killed (As far as she knew.) I'm sure this will be an explosion of responses, but fuck it. I did what was best ICLY, fuck the meta of round end. A CMO isn't leaving thirty plus crew next to a bunch of nutters with a nuke and enough guns to make Rambo look like Peewee Herman. -
Even if they look like cops, cops are cool, man. Policing forces are the saviours this station need, but not what we deserve.