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Everything posted by Nik

  1. I don't need to make a big thing. Xenos can get their own gloves unless they use cargo, which can sometimes not exist. They should have a few pairs lying around. This is all. Butts.
  2. I didn't mean to imply aggression. And if I had bothered to screen grab it, the top section of the church has two altars set up on either side. Not really relevant, but there you go.
  3. In case you weren't aware, the shutters are dumb, as seen above with a modification to the chapel. Secondly, the windows don't make any sense. A church, or chapel, is meant to seem private and closed off, to better give the feeling of a place of worship and all this jazz. Having this giant window is fucking weird, considering the church is usually a place to silently pray and whatnot. Can we have these windows replaced, and a solid door added? it'd be a bit more pleasant.
  4. Nik

    Nerf the Revolver

    In game terms, this makes sense to be nerfed. In reality, eating a .357 round in the face is game over for about 90% of the population. This is why I wasn't pushing for weapon nerf, but having a skill option related to weapons, and only having the ability to pick a set amount of 'perks', which would make weapons not shit. So without said perks, you'd end up missing 80% of the time, not doing much damage when you do, and even harming yourself. The perks would be things that would counteract that, give actual viable use to melee damage by giving some sort of boost to wrenches and crowbars, and obviously some sort of bare knuckled thing. Without these characters would hit less frequently and for less damage, and with them, do the damage we normally do. While obviously you could be trained in multiple forms of combat, just having it so over other asshole can't be amazing with guns because the combat system is essentially a Adventure game, that'd be nice. Being given 3 points and ten abilities would at least minimize some of this bullshit.
  5. I don't know what kind of artists you've been dealing with, most I know wouldn't give a shit and just draw the furry stuff anyway (if they knew how to, some people can draw humans just fine but have a problem sticking cat faces on them somehow). Alternatively, just say you're a furry. I don't think any furry artists run a sort of "honor check" where they have to ensure you're a furry before drawing you any art, so I'm going to presume it's your own fault for intently specifying you're not a furry as you request these commissions, which yes, is a bit weird. Cut to an image of Rai with giant tits because I forgot to tell them that she's flat like a board.
  6. STOP FUCKING PUTTING ALKYSINE INTO THE CRYO BEAKERS YOU TURDS. As a note, this does cause overdosing if left in for any length of time, and you fools who keep putting it with cryo and clonex are the bane of anyone wounded and my very existence Just mix clonex. Stop trying to be fancy, you keep leading me to either fix it, or accidently murder some player because I presumed you realize that you can OD on alkysine. so stop it. [Can we get this stickied somewhere.]
  7. Let's talk about shit that SS13 has broken you on, or any good stories about how hard it is to explain the game and it's facets. I have spent ages trying to get art of Rai, and I can't even begin to try and get most artists to listen because they think I'm a furry and get all weird about it. And when I tell furry artists I'm not a furry, they get all weird about it and I get flustered and give up. Also, I cannot look at bald men to this day without having a instant thought about them and fire extinguishers. Now you.
  8. I just want to state that I find the Fax form so fucking awful that it makes me not want to be a head, in case I need to fill it out.
  9. Tajara items. my god. They already exist, but we need the Tajara electrical gloves/Unathi electrical gloves, plus (if any, I can't recall) any Taj suitable footwear. Some Catboots and more...suiting shoes would be pleasant. Edit: Medical and Detective variants would be nice, obviously all under job clearing thingies.
  10. Well, I have literally nothing better to do, excuse me while I google my way into figuring out how to map.
  11. I will not cease. the CMO office needs to be adjusted to actually work. It lacks the ID scanner and a intercom, and fails to actually possess space for desk writing RP. It also looks ugly, and the consoles imply you are craning your head like a weird owl to use them all. I'm nearly annoyed enough to figure out how to map and do it myself, honestly. Almost.
  12. Nik

    New Xeno Haircuts.

    We really could use some more hairstyles and things. Particularly, Tajara could use some more designs, and perhaps clipped ears and things. Skrell could probably use more then four sodding tentacle styles, as well. And Unathi could use some less...horrid designs for their horns and spines, as currently it's all tribal and primal looking shit. I'm obviously going to point at Khajiit and Argonian designs, but if we could get anyone to make some styles that don't look silly or just blend in with their skin, that'd be nice.
  13. Nik

    "Wat" Mechanics

    The entire lack of sense made by the Singularity engine, and the fact that people can survive being in space at all without a suit on.
  14. As a note, as people be being people, anyone with half a brain will find the current Security placement far easier to antag. Having space on every side except the south allows antags to easily bomb their way in, whilst causing anyone inside to die like the pigs that they are die of lack of oxygen, means that less people are aware of what is even occurring inside Security. Honestly, I'd like Sec to be somewhere NEAR things, and have the head stuff away from the general area, due to them being better then you civvie scums needing a place that doesn't leave them in public eye all the damn time.
  15. If we are being forced to use this, which I have been already, can someone shove this onto the fucking consoles so I don't have to blow my own brains out to find it. Secondly, maybe make that damn DTG just Month/Day/Year/Time in numerals, as the current order just makes me have to recheck it over and over.
  16. I vaguely meant icons that fit our forums requirements for use, but this is also fine.
  17. Yeah, We should do this. LETS GET IT ON. I'm gonna keep a bunch to myself for future use, but heres some I can't use, you guys should do the same.
  18. Nik

    Siik Maas

    This is one of the few things that ever causes me to call something snow-flakey. Normally I find the term abrasive and misused, like a adult toy made of sand paper, but it's a alien language. A language with No basis to human language, a language which uses the vocal cords of an entirely different race. You'd not just learn that off handedly. You'd need to study that shit for years, and you'd still sound like you were Forest Gump meets Rocky Balboa. I don't like this. It screams of something that would be casually placed into a character sheet if made a general function, and it would attract mass amounts of players getting a whitelist for it because they simply want it, not for a actual RP point. It's cat speak. It's not like learning Mandarin. You can't just read a book about it. If there was even a book.
  19. Once again, Plague of gripes and his animations, yo.
  20. I will approve, mostly because it's a dumb wedding band. as far as I can recall, the player hasn't ever been a real issue when i've been on, so I see little reason to argue against it.
  21. Nik

    Shit Ops - 2015

    Ops doesn't do good. Either people kill them within a few moments, or people complain that they power gamed when they win. It's an endless argument. Like the chicken and the egg.
  22. What if that player is super serious and WANTS to be bald. Then he suddenly spawns in looking like frigging Jojo Joestar and thinks we are a bunch of biast ijits.
  23. As a forum concept, I do like this...Bio's on your characters and their likes, dislikes, family, and whatnot. Someone get on this.
  24. I always said we should make them orange and more Super Mutant-ey. But anything but that would be nice.
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