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Everything posted by Nik

  1. I would argue that we shouldn't balance down, but balance up. Currently, Unathi are super OP when used correctly, but I don't think that's bad if everyone else had some shit they were good at. Although, I wasn't aware people had made Unathi super buff, it's bizarre that they even did that and not give anyone else anything (must have been a Unathi lover, the scum)
  2. Indeed on smiley's sprite base. I'd hit that. And that's the real ditty here; It's fucking god awful being a synth that is under law. Being a Borg is a-kin to role playing being a friggin talking toaster. At best you might get people to amuse the idea of treating you like a human being, until they feel like grabbing your collar and telling you to be a good little bot. And to the "no, power game, blah" argument, the IPC is significantly easier to handle in game then a human, because they can't just down drugs to fix themselves, and can't repair themselves. That, and people in these /wouldn't feel things/
  3. I think this Is a non-subject at this point. I suggest we just work up some secondary option; A perma-death mode, make cloning harder, or allow for the character screen to deny cloning by genetic nonsense. Otherwise, I suggest you all click this link http://i.imgur.com/z93Cq.gif and note that we will never be balanced on this topic.
  4. I'm getting pissy? fancy that, I'm somehow upset whilst not being upset. Moving from that, I've never argued about /the difficulty/ of it, because it's not what the concern is. I'm suggesting it because playing a flesh synth is impossible. More importantly, what you suggested is exactly the opposite of what people want from squishy synths, being a lawed android with no god damn arms (ain't even got legs) It's almost like trying to play one is disastrously bad as people tell you to shut up and order you around, and you get no actual roleplay out of it.
  5. Please do cat and lizard hairs. Will be your butt slave for not awful horns.
  6. The issue is that the IPC don't assist anyone who wants to roleplay a human in a robot body. A thing that is REALLY fun to roleplay. IPC are robots with no actual humanoid traits besides being bipedal. And here's the thing - I don't like synth's as a roleplay potential, at all. I think they are the most non-entity. But I like people with synth bits. I like androids and Shell's and AI with actual emotional basis and humanoid forms attempting to be human. I don't like TV heads. And a lot of people agree with this, because there are several IPC main players who don't even like what they are limited to, and characters who would want to be synth's if it didn't mean becoming the stations butt-slave. That's the concern. I don't even know if I'd play this, but I know people want it. and I want to see it. Oh, and since you've clearly been ignoring things, 1138, the Shell's are meant to be a literal theft of the IPC race code, but make a MMI explode out of them instead, but with a less shit sprite base and some actual roleplay potential. And once again, Ghost in the Shell isn't the first version of this, or the best. The name is purely because I needed a name for a synth body shaped like a human's for human and I didn't like "Hull" or "Chasis". I wasn't even thinking about Ghost in the Shell for the third time I've said it. Shall I say it a forth. I was inspired by Persona 3's Aigis, which lead me to think about Alien Android's and things. Stop latching onto these concepts to reiterate an argument to shut down a thread. Because you aren't being constructive, you've repeated your point like four times.
  7. it's not like we have people who play clones, some of which have been clones for over ten years, and this wouldn't affect anyone because then we'd never see anyone playing clones Oh wait. We do. The backlash is depressing, I admit, but I can see both sides being valid. It's not worth the effort to change it, and it's certainly a bad plan to add IC nonsense to make cloning worse.
  8. Split on is a strange term when the split is 80/20 for, isn't it? It's been three against and about twenty for. Secondarily, IPC being re-adjusted this way would ruin the IPC design by smashing up their skeletal design and box head, or require the addition of a toggle for variant bodies, which isn't worth the effort, and would involve a bunch of dumb. Finally, IPC are based around AI, not people. They wouldn't be the same thing, and attempting to smooth them together just makes them even more confusing and far more effort then just creating a shell variant race that is only for humans.
  9. I should clarify two things: 1) I did not name them shells for ghost in the shell, I named them Shell's because of a mental twitch for the name. Only later did it occur that my brain is strange. 2) I wasn't attempting to emulate a anime originally, as it feels it was put in a mildly hostile tone (albeit I could be wrong) I was actually pondering how much I fucking despise IPC for their lack of visual creativity and how little role play potential they possess , when I had began to think of science-fiction based humanoid bots. My actual original thoughts had been Persona 3 and I,Robot mixed with a healthy dose of Alien. Further point: why the dick-fucking Christ do we pretend like anyone would actually want to be inside a god damn TV head. The point that we move towards humanoid bots is so that artificial intelligence will be a relatable being and not a terrifying engine of destruction. I've seen at least two dozen Borgs who wanted to try for this, and gave up because they ain't even got fucking arms, let alone are considered human beings by the crew. Which is depressing.
  10. apparently just using fancy bits gets people to Pop on gif maker for you, clearly France's didn't want anyone doing it for him. To an actual point, I do actually agree with the removal of cloning. Grief can be handled with admin Rez, and it might actually hold some minor fucking poignancy to someone's death. It's a shame that I know no one will AGREE since it's a matter of "nu must be Catman-1" and with the server as is, we constantly gain the hilarious rage that occurs after every sodding death.
  11. I don't think an argument against this should be "no more races" when it's just a sub-variant for all races being classified as a race due to the limitations of the game, and it being more simple to just click cat ears then add a Shell button. Besides this, it's something a lot of people want, why stop them? Why would you argue against spmeththing you won't use not being in the game? Because you don't want to deal with it? Well I don't want to deal with wizards and ninja's and changelings, but they won't be removed if I yell about it. Oh, I also like the data port idea mixed with black lines to represent joints.
  12. Indeed, it would be nice. Why prosthesis don't have real-skin stuff on it is beyond me. Oh, I'd suggest we all remember to make as much noise as possible to rouse the sleeping coders and spriters (we may not have, for all I can recall, at least.)
  13. Apparently High Lady and Sister haven't been suggested. I have now suggested it.
  14. Well, we could go Persona style and have the joints reveal gears and metallic bits. But yeah, we need this for the sake of roleplay.
  15. I will bump this until the sun turns blue.
  16. Your response only proves the nature of what these foul comments have become, more then anything else. You started with "what's wrong with goon?" And furthered towards a point that I have no interest in debating over without context of why any player would be standing still during such a thing, and didn't touch on my actual point of "funny doesn't mean it's valid" Why I am even bothering to respond is beyond me, but if you've not noticed this isn't a war-zone, mate. We ain't here to fight like we are on different sides. To my actual feelings, I don't think the situation was particularly reasonable, and it lacks any sort of depth, but it's not worth discussion as it's just a thing that has occurred. Unless this character constantly throws himself at armed terrorists while in a wheelchair, who gives a fiddle unless it occurs again.
  17. "What's wrong with goon" I don't think I need to respond to that, on just the basis that You seem to forget we are on a Heavy RP server and that funny doesn't equal legitimate roleplay. I'm out. I don't even.
  18. We aren't goon. If something is funny, it doesn't excuse what happened. I hate to delve into these swamps of misery and stupidity, but no man in their right mind would attempt such a thing (In a fucking wheelchair, no less). Secondly, being able to swing a baseball bat would require the use of your legs, as you'd need to be grounded to not fling your ass out of the chair. Thirdly, That's silly. A priest shouldn't be trying to fight armed Ops.
  19. It's almost as if roleplay and combat based antags rarely mesh smoothly due to the god-awful nature of the game's combat
  20. As a point, the reason behind the boobs and butt and school thing is because of these really scummy ass publishers, who force a certain set of ____ in any anime/manga they publish. Because of this, a large amount of good things have a bath scene/beach/hot spring, several derobing scenes, panty flash, whatever. It's fucking depressing. But it doesn't mean good things don't exist with school thingies. (golden time is a great thing, mang. ) One punch man, yo.
  21. Every time I see one, It makes me want to post this and nothing else: I find that they are just this strange way to make everyone feel bad about how you've killed the game for them or something, so I don't even click them anymore. Hilariously, I may have been one of the first to do this, to announce my needing to stop due to life issues and deciding to leave a note, in case anyone wondered why chemistry wasn't exploding anymore. So yeah, Hipster Nik over here.
  22. I quickly noted that it's actually impossible to have a character in the "not a snowflake range". Rai is like 555. 222 more and I'd hit a jackboot.
  23. As a note to the non-believers, my point is that the itch of playing a android is not ideally scratched by the IPC (as they are so...bizarre looking) and even less so by Borgs (since you become a mechanical dog, in all functionality.) Even the IPC Body is thin and more like that of a skeletal structure then a body, and it leaves much and more to be desired from artificial untelligence or MMI players. I just want a way for said players to be able to play robotic humanoids that aren't god awfully stiff or designed like a big red phallus/Box head from Persona 4.
  24. what are you on about today? Simple. A variant on the IPC that isn't so restrictive towards the concept of robotic life forms. Shell's are a robotic bodies designed to resemble a human, meant for both positronic brains and MMI's. They would resemble a human, with either mechanical joints or some other design to give away their lack of being a human, and function exactly to that of a IPC, but allow for variant hairstyles (some human things, Taj Ears, Unathi horns, Skrell Tentacles, so on) to relay some personality to the Shell. why? Well, to be frank, I despise the IPC design for it's lack of ability to have any real...human traits or functions. More so, organic's that have lost their body and have been MMI'd may seek a actual humanoid form, which would make these Shell's quite popular (or so I'd imagine) As well, it would allow for more roleplay potential whilst being a bot, and allow for free-form bots with actual pasts and character beyond being a bunch of code, or allowing AI players to further their own AI into it's attempt to be or seem more human, or for whatever reason they may seek it. Why not just play a human/IPC then? Because it's butt. In this realm of Humanoid bots lays some roleplay that could be of some actual worth, and not just be another clanker running about the station. how would they work? 1:1 to an IPC, they are free form non-organic crew members. You would gain their whitelist and spawn as them, simple as that. But something something something Just play a human something something Shhhh. Shhhh. But actually, I can forsee some who would argue about this, and I'd like to remind you that the IPC are posi-brain only, and have giant stupid CRT heads that leave little for romanticizing.
  25. But with how this works, no one will really make a fuss about it except for brief moments whenever we end up with the mode. Said mode would need like twenty people at the least, otherwise it's a game of gank.
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