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The only time in my recent memory when a crew transfer should have been called on red when it wasn't was when a wizard who had obviously gone quite hostile had accidentally teleported themselves to the solars without internals as the ERT was being called. It took us about an hour to find the body. I'm of two minds for this really. First, honestly, I feel people need to suck it up a little. Red alert means that things are happening, and things are fairly bad. People are dying, things are exploding, and the station is at risk. Calling a transfer shuttle makes no sense in that situation, and frankly if you are bored in code red you should be able to find some way to help with the situation at hand or find some way for your character to profit. Far, far too often people will call the shuttle vote when a round is going strong simply because they can. Just like many people will try and call votes early. On the other hand, I also feel red needs to be reserved for very, very serious situations. While a single loud traitor going around breaking windows is a known threat, I don't personally feel that such actions warrent code red. Code red should really be reserved for situations where the armory is required and the ERT should be called. Not just because joe shmoe is causing trouble/going hostile. Exceptions to this are wizards and Ninjas, as they can do ridiculous amounts of damage if played properly. Likewise, many people try to go to blue alert for the weakest excuses. A carp event or meteor shower isn't really worth blue, as long as security and engineering are on their game. A collision event is blue-worthy, but even that can be mitigated with a bit of proper planning and coordination. With a little more manning up from the crew as a whole, and a little more restraint in going to blue for headstaff, I feel that there is no need to remove the restriction on crew transfers during red alert. We need to look at what we, as players, are doing before we go changing systems.
I hate the fact that she has no friends. She clearly needs at least one friend.
Fixed that for you. A smart boss is loathe to fire a good worker with good reason: most of the people who work on the aurora are batshit insane. While not all xeno characters are good workers, many are. Picking and firing someone without any justification is very hard and many people who play heads of staff will explicitly avoid starting as a head in mutiny because of the possibility of directives. I know I do, and I've seen other head-whitelisted people do the same. Because of that reason, mutiny is the only game mode that fails to start virtually all the time. Rather than complaining about heads of staff being pussies, why don't you apply for the whitelist/sign up as a head loyalist and fill that role more often? Often a little perspective into the situation as a captain can go a very long way in making one understand why many, many people on the command staff whitelist are absolutely loathe to doing what you suggest.
Reporting Personnel:Nasir Khayyam Rank of Reporting Personnel:Chief Engineer Personnel Involved: (Anyone involved in the incident and their rank at the time of the incident) The Collect(ASIMOV), Scientist Time of Incident: (If unable to provide, leave blank) 1300 Location of Incident: Toxins Nature of Incident: [x]Workplace Hazard [x]Accident/Injury [x]Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault []Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: (General description of the incident, to include as much detail as is deemed necessary) The Collect arrived at his department, requesting a suit cooling unit to perform a test on the toxins test site. Due to their position as a toxins researcher, he did not consider this unusual. Previously he has been requested to provide suits (atmospheric) for toxins researchers and has approved on a by-case basis. At 1300, an explosion of large size destroyed the toxins range. Shortly after he was informed by the AI and an engineer that IPC "The Collect" had detonated a plasma warhead at point blank range. Destroying its body and risking its positronic core. For that reason, he is making the aforementioned report and requesting immediate inquiry into the ability of The Collect to act in the science division as a toxins researcher. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: (Name and rank) Klaus Lux, Captain. Additional Direct Fax to Central Command Additional notes: (If there are none simply leave it blank) Upon later inquiry to the positronic brain of the IPC in question, the test was determined to be a test of the ability for tanks and canisters to hold a combination of superheated plasma and oxygen, as opposed to a classic bomb. In addition, said positronic brain was later placed into an Odysseus mech and permitted to assist medical after a the captain and Nasir spoke with the roboticist and the ex-IPC regarding their current status and rights as a free platform.
Sprites sent. If you want some legwork done to make sure that the cycler works with the sprites properly just give me a shout and I'll do it.
All the vents on Aurora are slower than most stations, I've noticed. It would be nice if the syphon speed was buffed a bit across the board.
I'll send them over when I get home then.
Re: Following your lane -Fair enough. I can see going into it as a baseline for people who have not worked in command much. That said, be mindful that some people will take them fully to heart to the point of being a detriment. Re: Acting Heads -If you have senior staff that run as a well-oiled machine... good! I don't necessarily agree that medical and science are well-oiled (the former has more demotion requests in a day than any other department, the latter is terminally understaffed). However, I personally do feel that Staff who are able to run in such a manner should be ICly given promotions. Communication is the key here. Command staff generally want/need an ear and voice from each department so they can coordinate more efficiently. The only really good way to get someone onto the command channel is to promote them to acting commander, so they can access the spare headset. When one has a department completely cut off from the others, it can create fairly serious inter-departmental problems. The point isn't necessarily oversight. The point is to get someone who can communicate effectively with the rest of the station. If I have an engineer arrested over a charge and I can't find out why, because there isn't a head of security and the warden isn't talking, there is an issue. Re: Disrespect -I don't really disagree on this point, however I still feel the charge has no real place. If anything, duty officers should be the ones overseeing cases of disrespect. Not security. Re: Cultivating relationships with security -I will honestly say this right now: Cultivating any sort of relationship with security is incredibly difficult for /any/ engineering character. While yes,Khayyam does have friendships with some officers, it is a notable rivalry/dislike that makes it extremely difficult to do anything even when one is alone in command. It's also a rivalry that is about as old as SS13 is, and probably isn't going to go away any time soon. Security as a whole genuinely act as if they are superior to other departments. I have had (long-term) officers attempt to order DNC when they had no authority to do so, and a particular warden level "Insulting an officer" charges at Khayyam when he was the sole command staff on-station and responding to multiple (false) charges of security abusing their power, while proceeding to do the very same thing to him for the remainder of the round. I've watched lone officers barge directly into completely authorized testing and attempt to arrest scientists. That sort of behavior needs to be curbed. In some cases it is fantastic roleplay. However if it is a pandemic problem then there is something that needs to be addressed. Regarding one particular incident, the only reason I did not write an incident report on the issue (outside of laziness) was because I was acting as an antagonist in the round.
Engineers generally need gloves from the first minute or so of the game. They don't really have time to go to cargo and order a set, then wait for 5-15 minutes (depending on how much of a jerk and how busy cargo is) for gloves. It's far easier to just mangle some in a locker and call it a day.
So! I've had a set of nonhuman CE sprites for a good year now. Adding them wouldn't be terribly difficult to do to your repo, though finding a way to convert suits in-game may be. How would you feel about me getting them added in, and if you want them how would you like them implemented? Options are: 0. No. Only humans are allowed to wear the white hardsuit. >:E 1. Add an option to the engineering hardsuit converter. -My least favorite option, as anyone with access could re-sprite engineering suits into advanced hardsuit sprites. It would be possible to require the CE's (or captain's) ID to be in the converter to do this, but it would be a lot of work for a cosmetic change. However, this would account for one CE going SSD and one of another species logging in and being able to change his suit. 2. Remove the species_restricted tag from the suit and use jumpsuit/vox transformation code to it. -Slightly immersion breaking, as your suit would magically change shape around you as you equipped it. But probably the easiest on the player and not terribly difficult to use. That is, assuming you have that bit of baycode, which you may not. 3. Add (three) modkits to the CE's locker. -I could add a modkit for each species in the CE's locker. It would be cluttered, in-game, but allow for easy conversion of the suit without messing with hardsuit converter code. This, however, would make it tricky to convert the suit BACK for humans latejoining. 4. Spawn Chief Engineers with the appropriate modkit for species, including humans. -This is my personal favorite option, though it would require touching jobcode. A simple species check for the CE and adding an appropriate modkit (including a human one) would allow the CE to change his suit quickly and easily, without much hassle or clutter. 5. Add it as a custom/personal item in the custom/personal item list -Like security gear/webbing, it would be simple (if annoying) to add a modkit to the personal items list alongside zippos and cosmetic suits. My only concern is that most non-human CE players would be pretty much required to spend the point to actually use equipment they are supposed to have. Which is slightly annoying.
Ckey/BYOND Username: Jamini Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter): coder (though I do enjoy mapping and spriting on the side) Past Experiences/Knowledge: C++ (1 year), Java (5 years, but I'm hella rusty), DM (2 years, most applicable. Virtually all of it SS13 code), some python and php. Examples of Past Work: https://github.com/Jamini/NEVUnity Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Skype (Yhonix), Steam (Jamini) Additional Comments: I can be terminally lazy, intermixed with massive bursts of activity and bugfixes. I've programmed a (really bad) engine from scratch, as well as a totally unique away system utilizing randomized variables for map generation, and I've done up a few working game modes (derelict mode redux). Some of the smaller things that I specifically programmed that have become a staple of baycode (and by proxy aurora) are: Dialysis, Cryogentics pods(at least the base code for it.), and a fairly large number of minor bugs.
There is a particular issue I have with "sticking to your lane" at all times. This is almost specifically related to security. If a department completely lacks an active head of staff and is clearly not doing their job properly, there needs to be a clause that allows command (as a whole) to step in and intervene. This isn't a case of undermining that department's head, but rather taking control of a situation that is getting/gets out of hand. Security is a particularly egregious example, as applying neglect of duty to an officer is virtually impossible without a head of security. while many officers (Not heads of security. Generic officers) seem to think that they have the right to order other departments around. (Such as ordering DNC on a dead antagonist, or demanding that engineers drop repairing a serious breach to fix the brig) Personally I feel that it should be mandatory that acting heads be assigned to departments that lack one, rather than optional. Both as a stepping stone for players to get moved into the whitelist, and so that departments that lack a coordinator at least have one person who is responsible to organize them. If heads of staff are expected to stay within their lane at all times, barring exceptional emergencies, then you absolutely must have an overseer in all departments at all times, not just in emergencies. Also, staff who are disrespectful to any head of staff should be subject to review/report. While I do feel insulting an officer is a crime that should be removed from the books, insulting a department head, even if they aren't your own, is a very good way to get yourself suspended or fired in any job. Especially if they take offense. Just because they aren't your boss doesn't make it okay to be rude or dismissive of them. They still outrank you. Edit: Fixed formatting so I stop breaking the forums. That was unusual and interesting
It's been discussed elsewhere before. I've been for it (as well as a few other things starting broken/damaged, like APCs and Air alarms), but it might be a fair bit of work to code it properly. Some time ago I re-did the old "derelict" mode code. Maybe I can pull from that to add in some roundstart damage to the station. Or even just bring that back in its entirety.
No offense meant, but have you ever tried to play traitor on a station with a very alert AI and a security staff that actually watch cameras religiously? I've personally, as AI, caught about six traitors doing their things by simply spotting contraband/suspicious activity. I don't even play AI much either. Likewise I've watched Sue in particular catch at least two dozen traitors with the security cameras on B12 when we both played there. Antags need areas off the camera network to do their thing, especially those of them that prefer to do things in a more clandestine manner. More cameras directly hurts the ability of antagonists to function. I do support cameras in a few blindspots that should not be blind spots. The research dock, departures, etc. I can't support cameras throughout maint or in the incinerator in an OOC standpoint. If you want them built there, you should need to go through the effort to get them built ICly.
Thealienhasheightenedsenses' Head of staff application
Jamini replied to Citty's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I recall Ramiel from yesterday. She was signed on as an electrician correct? She's certainly competent enough ICly, though you had to log out before Khayyam and Ramiel could get a chance to really chat much. Solid character from what little I did see however. I would love to get more chances to chat with her. If you do get this I could forward you a rather nicely-formatted wire code form for you own use (or if you want it, I can just send it to you). My only stipulation is that you fill it /all/ in next time. Even if you do derp with the actual "writing the codes down" bit. -
The only reason I am against this is that it means we will get less Elena. Naw, I joke. +1 to this. Boka is amazing.
Firstacts' Head of Staff whitelist
Jamini replied to firstact's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've had positive interactions with Na'Khar in medical so far while playing Al-Nasser. Though not as many as I'd personally like as of yet. -
Yaaaay~ I can finally have proper stripes on Nasir! Yay!
Operative Name: Prophet Real Name: Ahri Tahan Status: Available for contract Description: Ruthlessly efficient combat engineer and technical specialist. Tahan specializes in bypassing security systems, and considers competing with and subverting synthetics a challenge. He doesn't normally aim for collateral damage, but has very few moral qualms about detonating explosives or taking hostages as long as it serves a means to an end. Operative Name: Dagon Real Name: Zashi Malik Status: Available for hire Description: A horrifyingly cheerful medical specialist and infiltration expert, Zashi is an expert at patching other operatives together. He is in the mercenary trade purely for the money. His specialty is blending in with the personal of the target facility and providing support from behind enemy lines. He has a love of surgery, and has several black market buyers for illegal organ sales. In operations he will take hostages and steal corpses at any opportunity he can to feed this gory "business".
I wish Central would threaten Captains more Quite frankly, Central has no real means of knowing if a mandate goes through or not. The captain is the direct line between central and the crew. ERT are explicitly disabled in mutiny as well. While a head loyalist captain SHOULD follow mutiny orders, really it boils down to the simple fact that "Terminate X employment" objectives are terribly dull and ill-concived. BACK TO THE TOPIC Why not have a few objectives like these? Plasma Shortage - Toxins A severe shortage of aersol plasma has crippled Tau Ceti. station_name() must, as the primary provider in the region, immediately act to remedy this situation. All crew found to refuse or subvert this mandate are to have their employment terminated. 1. All plasma tanks must be shipped to centcomm, effective immediately. This includes tanks in the singularity collectors. 2. All aresol plasma canisters and all plasma in atmospherics must be shipped to centcomm, effective immediately. 3. All solid and liquid plasma must be shipped to centcomm, effective immediately. 4. All non-essential station personal must be reassigned to mining, effective immediately. !SCIENCE! - Materials Our ally and rival, Einstien Engines, has recently produced a breakthrough in the field of bluespace transportation. Our science team must double up their efforts to match them, lest we fall behind. You have one hour to meet the following orders. All personal who refuse to follow this mandate are to have their employment terminated. X = 1/3rd of the station initial population 1. All non-essential personal are to be reassigned to science as lab assistants or mining. 2. Production of X wormhole-generator equipped mechs. 3. Production of X bags of holding Genetic Subjects - Genetics A recent discovery by rival_corpoeration() into mitochondrial genetics has unearthed a until-now unknown genetic power. We must redouble our efforts to match them. X non-essential personal are to be terminated and reassigned as test subjects, effective immediately. X = 1/3 station initial population 1. Terminate the employment of X crewmembers. 2. X different genetic powers must be given to station personal 3. X station personal must be given a genetic power. You will note that I do include discrimination in some of these, however rather than being a focal points of the round, it's a side effect. Robotic revolution states IPCs should be made into androids because it's a better alternative than borging. Xenobiological study is more about science interacting with the non-human crew rather than simply going "lolterminated4noraisen". In both of those, it is even possible that the affected individuals can willingly participate. Though it's still something many/most would heavily object too or see as a sapient's rights violation. Edit: a few more ideas
One issue with the "Fire/Lynch all of X" is that often "X" is a fairly important or helpful member of a department. Meaning that headstaff are utterly loathe to remove them. That is assuming that the head of staff themselves isn't a Xeno, which is occasionally the case. I had an issue not unlike this in a recent RP_Rev round. Central had ordered all Xenos reassigned to Janitorial due to "profit loss/lack of work ethic". As soon as the order came up I asked the only head of staff on at the time, the CMO, if Omnir was being reassigned despite the fact that he had 1. Made half of the medical stock, 2. Already recovered two dead people for cloning 3. Been genuinely useful/helpful throughout the round in his role. The CMO made it abundantly clear before going to cryo for the night that they had no intention of following the order. Simply put, orders to dismiss a large segment of station staff just don't have weight behind them. If anything, we need directives and orders from central that move away from that mantra, as it simply does not work in practice.
((I've already got a system worked out, and I prefer using my own account for this sort of stuff. But thank you!))
Please do not put a camera in the incinerator. It has historically been a room that is deliberately left without a camera for ages for balance reasons. It's supposed to be an antagonist hotspot (sorry) and a place for shady dealings. The rest are fine, but please don't put cameras in the incinerator!