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Everything posted by Jamini
You get cuts and bleed if you step on them enough. Hell, if you get really "lucky" they can break bones. I recall back when Taj didn't spawn with sandals getting ZASed across a pile of 15-20 glass shards four or five times in a row. Nasir's poor feet...
Unathi were actually more references to DnD lizardfolk than argonians specifically. Taj are, however, very obvious references to Khajit. No matter what some people say.
I can confirm that Josh remained for the remainder of the round. It was a clusterfuck, but he was a wizard and overall he wasn't even the main cause of the massive bodycount for the round.
Medical have a plethora of spraybottles in their department for cleaning up blood. Again, my main argument here is from personal experience IRL. Custodians and Janitors normally report to the Chief Engineer of the building, at least in most of the places I've worked. Honestly, most Janitors I've known have done more intensive maintenance than cleaning too. (Had one guy at a hotel I used to work at who basically did all the repairs for furniture/lights/plumbing that they didn't call a specialist in for. For example). Schools and government buildings are the same, regarding custodians and the local Chief Engineer for the building, at least in my region.
~@WireProphet @TheamazingRathel, @ZiaMoFixit, http://imgur.com/y1ayorT #tajaran, #engineeringislove, #engineeringislife Nasir Khayyam
Engineers generally need gloves from the first minute or so of the game. They don't really have time to go to cargo and order a set, then wait for 5-15 minutes (depending on how much of a jerk and how busy cargo is) for gloves. It's far easier to just mangle some in a locker and call it a day. You can already get these from electrical closets in engineering. And from tech storage. There are two sets in tech storage, and about 4-5 pairs per electrical closet. I think you missed the point Tajaran/Unathi gloves need to be ordered currently.
Hey folks! I've come up with an idea for a small traitor item (and a few non-antagonist uses that might be orderable through cargo). I'd like to get a bit of feedback on the idea. As always, I'm willing to make this. Assuming I get enough interest and feedback on the idea. So please tell me if you do, or do not, like it! Traitor Item: Disguise Kit Cost: 5TC Sprite: Same as the forensics kit. Description: A small box filled with makeup, dyes, and other odds and ends. Contents: Stage Makeup Uses: 2 Availability: Disguise Kit Only Effect: When applied, changes your display name to the target name. Application takes time (about 30 seconds) and shows a public emote every ten seconds. Once applied makeup can be removed at any time by the verb "Remove Disguise". Others can remove makeup by drag-clicking you and selecting "Remove Disguise" from the inventory menu. As how splints work. The real name of the target is not changed. While the dead will still appear to be who they disguised as, a cloned person will have their original appearance/name. Contraband: Yes. Anyone can identify this as contraband. Hand Mirror Uses: Unlimited Availability: Cargo, Personal Item Menu (4 points), Kit Description: A small hand mirror, for the especially vain. Effect: As a wall mirror. click it inhand to change your hairstyle anywhere! Contraband: No Hair Dye Uses: 4 Availability: Cargo, Kit Description: VeyMed Adaptive Hair Dye. Don't like your hair color? CHANGE IT NOW! Effect: Target mob you click with the item has its hair color changed to the selected RBG value. Application takes thirty seconds and has obvious emotes while doing so. Showering removes the dye. Contraband: No, but discouraged by NT. Fur Dye Uses: 4 Availability: Cargo, Kit Description: VeyMed Adaptive Fur, Slime and Scale Dye! Don't like your appearance? CHANGE IT NOW! Effect: Target nonhuman mob you click with the item has its body color and pattern changed to the selected RBG and skin pattern. Application takes thirty seconds, and has obvious emotes while doing so. Showering removes the dye. Contraband: No, but discouraged by NT Questions and Answers 1. Jamini! Why you do this? - Our current disguise items for traitors are somewhat weak. This is harder to spot as an obvious "so and so is pretending to be what they are not." and could be fun. Plus it includes a few more things for cargo to stock! 2. Isn't a name change overpowered a bit? - It's powerful yes, but maintaining a disguise requires some acting skill as well. Just looking like someone is only half the battle. It's a bit stronger than a voice changer, so it costs a little more, but not so much that a dedicated infiltrator could not be able to afford a chameleon kit, an agent ID, and a disguise kit on a normal telecrystal budget. Additionally, it's limited. You have a set number of disguises, unlike a voice changer and agent ID. Use them carefully! 3. Will you really do this? - Yes. If I get positive feedback on the idea I would be happy to code this up. Ultimately it's up to Skull if he wants it or not, however.
He included engineering in the list of suits that would be buffed. They shouldn't be.
Engineering suits are not designed for combat. I see no reason why they should have immunity to flashbangs. Let's not needlessly buff engineering gear for combat, please.
In real life if I was anywhere near a location that could get caught in a meteor shower, I'd not only insist that our fancy shield generators be put up and stay up in key locations, but I would probably find some way to remotely activate or automate them to go off during the announced meteor showers. I get your point, but remember that this is first and foremost a game. I can count on one hand the number of times a shower has enough significant damage to actually risk the crew as long as they show a lick of common sense. It's collisions that really wreak the station.
Nuke op SMG fires three rounds at the same time on burstfire, dealing comparable damage with a bigger mag. Were any of them wearing helmets? Basic sec helmets have 15 bullet resistance, dropping that 60 to 45. SWAT helmets have a whopping 60 bullet resistance, and tactical helmets have 50 bullet resistance. I also highly doubt the nukeop SMG is .50 cal, as that's a fucking sniper/LMG round. If it is, it's probably mislabeled.
When taking into account a department, especially security (as it does have very high turnover and non-regulars, even if the regulars are very good), you need to take into account the entire department. Cherry picking examples from the department doesn't change how a department is viewed. Taking into account other servers offers perspective. To make an informed decision on a change or policy, you need to have perspective on the whole manner. That sometimes involves including events that are from other places. An incident with someone trying to get an engineer arrested for testing door wires happened just yesterday to Abdul Nagi. It was the AI, not an officer, trying for the arrest. Nevertheless it was irritating to deal with as I had explicitly asked him to write down the wires and he was hacking the engineering lobby door at the time. Throwing Engineers out of Engineering. It has not happened here to me personally yet, but I have seen it elsewhere and I've not seen sufficient evidence to suggest that it could not or would not happen here. I've seen both Ana and Milo do so on bay12 once or twice, and I do not for a moment hesitate to consider that they or others would do so again here. Again, I'm taking a more generic view on security than just aurora. Security is again, the department with the highest employee turnover of any except maybe civilian roles. You can't ignore new players to the department just because they are new. They need to be factored in as well as veterans. Yeah, pretty much. That said, if no effort is made to have some way for people to pass it can be a concern. Especially if it's a major choke-point (such as by medical, or the escape hallway.) I've seen it happen a few times, elsewhere mostly. Normally the biggest places it occurs are the areas with pipes under windows fore of maintenance (which are a bastard to fix properly.) and some of the main distro pipes under robotics. This I can see happening if the officer has a vendetta against the character or it's a game mode like RP Revolution. In which case it's sort of an IC issue. It's also fairly common with people who are first timers to Security, in which case I refer you to my first statement. M'sid, as head of security, did this after Sairis (as CE) had requested the apprentice be arrested for vandalism/not following procedure. Most of engineering (including Sairis) were shocked and outraged when they discovered the length of the timer. It was not rev or mutiny at the time, but extended. I mean... This seems sort of understandable? Forensic investigations don't normally take too long unless the forensic technician and/or detective is/are new. Not to mention that there's solar panels that can be wired to treat the issue while the investigation is carried out. I assure you that with enough planning and rationing, this situation could've been resolved while security carried out an investigation. All in all, I do not see a negative issue with this. It's really not understandable or acceptable from the engineering side at all. Yes, forensic investigation don't take too long if you have a competent CSI, but you can't always assume competency. Likewise, wiring solars can be exceedingly dangerous or impossible depending on the circumstances (drone or carp events, for example). Generally you want the engine up and running as quickly as possible. If the engine room was SABOTAGED or DAMAGED then it also drifts into the realm of station safety. Yeah, no. I apologize, but this really seems like grasping at straws in order to be able to say something. No regular player is going to go "Oh, that person is fixing our department. Lets stop them." Unless they're an antagonist or they're new. Fair enough. Though I will point out new players are still officers, just as experienced ones are. You can't judge a department solely based on its experienced staff. You need to take all of them into account. Iiiiii personally think this is as much of a slippery slope as cloning criminals. Like, lets not look at invalid suicide because we definitely permit suicide with sufficient IC reason; you just have to request permission and state your case to staff. What's the point of cloning personnel with deep-rooted psychological issues that led them to commit suicide? You need to keep in mind that clones also have to go through psychological therapy post-cloning for months until they come to terms with the fact that they are a clone, and the doctor reveals what really happened and/or finally states "You're a clone, Harry." It's like... You're cloning somebody with suicidal tendencies, and when you do finally reveal that they committed suicide, then things will really go down hill because that's just going to rip open more wounds because of how they died rather than the fact of "I'm a clone". Get what I'm saying? 1. You aren't supposed to tell people they are cloned anyway, due to CMD. If you do, it's a failure on the part of the doctor (or a failure of the player to properly roleplay CMD) 2. Part of the role of the psychiatrist is to help treat those mental disorders and heal those mental wounds. If cloning tech is readily available to the point where even a janitor can have it as part of his health care plan while on-duty, why are we refusing that treatment on the sole basis of "they were suicidal". Your argument strikes me strongly of "Refusing to help someone with a mental issue simply because they acted upon it." If we help potential suicides, why aren't we helping those that did act on it when we have the ability to revive the dead? 3. This doesn't take into account suicides by proxy, spur of the moment decisions, or faked suicides. I've had characters who have suicided that were genuinely shocked/horrified about it post-cloning. Was it well-reasoned? Yes. Was said character glad to be revived? Eventually they were, yes. Had they not been brought back, they would probably be very different than they are today. 4. Plus they never need to know they are a clone if the operation is handled well. 5. A player who genuinely does not want a character to be revived can simply refuse to re-enter their body. MIF is the best way to ensure you stay dead, if you want to stay dead.
I know it's a weird change, and I'm not 100% certain on the idea myself however. I thought it would be worth discussing. In most organizations I've worked for/been in, custodial staff are generally grouped up with maintenance and report to the building's chief engineer. Honestly, their location and general range of jobs on the station is already pretty conductive to adding janitor's to engineering (People ask engineers to replace lights all the time anyway, and the Janitor is literally just down the hall). Not to mention that the incinerator is right by engineering as well. As far as I'm aware, most HOPs don't really interact with Janitors much, while having the Janitor on the engineering channel would be useful to call them to locations that have just been repaired. So, my suggestion: 1. Move the Janitor/Custodian/Sanitation Engineer position to engineering. Under the Chief Engineer. 2. Give Janitors an engineering headset 3. (Not required, but by convention this would need to be done) Give the CE access to the Janitor's closet. What would NOT be done 1. Janitors would not gain engineering access, or access to the break room. 2. Engineers and Atmos techs would NOT gain access to the closet. I'd like opinions on this. Do you think this is a good idea? I worry about taking power/responsibility from the HOP. But on the other hand, it probably wouldn't amount to much at all really, in the end.
At first I was really uncertain about this idea, but then I thought "How cool would it be to have numerical representation of how well you did?" Maybe we could try an EOR report ourselves?
Really the first 30 minutes of nuke being a borefest is because ops tend to be kind of slow getting out of their base. Also nobody ever agrees on what to do.
Also, if you are looking for projects specifically by me: https://github.com/Jamini/NEVUnity/tree/2b888654254598ab88dfd90de698a404fec366ca/code/modules/navigation It's horribly hackey in points, but that was mine. Also, I will point that porting things from B12 was not trivial to do. Most of it had to be done by hand after BYOND updated to the beta client. We couldn't cherry-pick commits.
I miss details often, but I'm quick to go back and fix things that are missed. Most details I correct before they go live, however no matter how thoroughly you test, you will always miss something. (Not a single person noticed the access on medlocker3 being surgery until it was tried on a live server, for example) I do heavily test things locally before I fully commit and for major projects I routinely include others in testing to help me catch things I would not have considered or missed. The MD overlay of EMT was put in before I had added the EMT items, and I did not think to backtrack and check it. I was more focused on getting the job itself functional before adding their uniforms. That's also often why I avoid large-scale projects in favor of smaller changes, for the most part. Tweaking an existing system to work better is less likely to negatively impact player experience than throwing it away for an unknown. If you check the commit history of Unity, you'll see that about 90% of the commits there were mine, and quite a few of them were not BS12 imports. Feel free to toss me a small project if you'd like to check my abilities. Yes, I am rather hardheaded and uncomfortably stubborn. I'm aware of how I am. I know what I like, and what I don't like, and I've had to deal with a number of people like me in the past in positions of power who have treated both myself and friends of mine rather roughly needlessly. Occasionally I do jump to conclusions, I would argue everyone does occasionally. (I will also point out that over text communication it is very easy to misinterpret tone. I can come off far more "firm" than was originally intended simply by how I write, at times, which is annoying.) That said, I do not let my personal feelings factor into how I code. Nor do I attempt to change things without consulting others first. If something is large enough to potentially impact the game as a whole, I try and gauge how people feel and gather opinions before even beginning on a project. I'm fully aware that my opinion is not the end-all be-all, and if I am clearly in the wrong about something then I will not hesitate admit so.
I can't think of a single server that I know anywhere that supports multikeying. On some places it's an immediate ban even if you did nothing else wrong. I honestly also cannot think of a legitimate reason to need to multikey. It smells/sounds like an excuse to me, more than anything.
That's uh, mechanically untrue. Every tick that a chemical metabolizes the proc for that chemical is called. Alkysine in a properly cooled cryo tube pretty much ensures that the person inside will come out without genetic damage. Likewise dexalin plus in a cryo tube will immediately cure most/all oxygen loss. Additionally, all chemicals in a cryotube beaker are administered at the same rate. This is why clonex/cryoex mixes are so efficient. (Instead of getting 0.1u/tick of clonex, you get 0.1u/tick of clonex and 0.1u/tick of cryoex). Adding more appropriate healing chemicals, even trace amounts, actually radically speeds the cryo process. Even if the body itself is metabolizing said chemicals at an extremely slow rate.
I can't really agree with you there on either the RD or the CMO. Most medical characters have at least rudimentary training outside of their field (ask who knows chemistry or surgery in :m some day, you'll find about half the department stating they know the basics of chem/a few vital chemicals) If anything, it is access that restricts doctors more than ablity. Once again, medical is also the department with the most demotion requests stemming from it bar none. As for an acting RD, you really only need someone who is responsible enough to put a halt to dangerous experiments and other illegal activity. It's not a permanent post, but rather someone to oversee the large number of scientists who act improperly. Also, you can really chalk engineering up there with "They will do their job well, even without a head." A good CE just makes engineering work more efficiently and fills in where his staff can't. Using your method, honestly I would say that security is the only department that honestly needs to have someone in command at all times. That's, in part, why I disagree with that assessment. What security officers should be: How security officers act: I've got nothing more to add to this. With the exception of drinking, station engineer. Even then, drinking is pretty heavily frowned upon down on the aft side of the ship. You can't screw around if things are broken, and it's pretty damn likely that you won't get a break if anything happens. Plus officers /love/ to do the following: Hacking detainment - Arresting engineers for doing their job. I've had officers repeatedly try and arrest engineers I have explicitly told to find the wire codes for doors or sent to fix an area. While I can't always condone I've also seen fun things like (note, not all of these are from aurora): 1. Trying to throw engineers out of their department 2. Refusing to allow engineers to fix/start power systems (It was a crime scene, and power was failing station-wide) 3. Refusing to send officers to stop space carp from venting atmospherics. 4. Blocking off a high-traffic area 5. Confiscating electrical crates 6. Arresting engineers for fixing distribution pipes under walls 7. Trumping up arrests/vandalism charges. (20 minutes for a single engineering apprentice who was ASKED to rennovate the vacant office. She was given an illegal trespassing charge too.) 8. Once or twice I have seen officers attempt to arrest engineers for repairing the brig for them. I.E. after a greytide event. While you may not have anything against engineering personally, quite a number of officers do act as such. It can get exceedingly excessive, especially when engineering can be just as high-stress or even moreso than security. It wasn't a reminder. The officer immediately backed off when I reminded them that they don't have the authority to call a DNC on a crew-member. Killed criminals is a slippery slope. If anything, I'd personally say that CC/Odin would want intruders and traitors cloned So they can be interrogated. As for suicides, that's blatantly stupid with cloning technology. Assuming the player isn't banned for it, medical should have their psychiatrist do their job after said suicidee is revived. DNC on suicide is just asinine, quite honestly, as if they did so without a valid IC reason they will almost certainly be banned or spoken too.
9/10 meteor showers you won't get hit by a meteor in any important areas. Collisions are different, but showers are generally pretty low risk as long as you pay attention to the alert and stay out of maint.