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Everything posted by Jamini
There is already a fairly obvious emote when it happens. "X transforms!" The emote is intentionally identical to the changing transformation emote, as the transform sting was originally designed with the intent to cover a changeling's transformations. The issue is that it's a very easy, low-level way for a ling player to grief be antaggy with little risk to themselves. While it was fine during the objectives era, objetiveless antagonist play has shifted transformation stings from a means to an end (cover and confusion to work), to the end itself (transform as many people into a single person as possible!). As such, it needs to be made riskier or at least less overwhelmingly terrible for the target(s).
My first round ever was on Goon. I was never bald, but I very quickly got crowbarred, welded into a locker, and spaced. I didn't stick around. My first real station was Libertystation, a smallish light RP community. Mostly I ran around as an engineer or chef, and the highlight of each round were the constant engine fires (they used combustion) or the constant toxins fires. Eventually I found Baystation, and quickly fell in love with their style of play. While I can't say I always had good times there, the staff were for the most part friendly and the community there was (and still is) amazing. I went from engineering, to science for the longest time, to medical, to engineering, to medical, and back to engineering. Sadly, B12 has changed in many ways since it was a few years ago. Their administration has had an almost complete overhaul, and their playerbase has similarly had a very large turnaround. While I remain friends with many of the B12 old guard (Hawk_v3, Kyrnz, Yoshax, Sparklysheep, Ikky, Searif, Serithi) i found myself coming here after getting fed up with the decisions and insular nature of their administration. While in-game you guys are more restrictive in many ways, I've found your staff to be almost uniformly friendly and open. It's a welcome change, and I'm happy I moved. At least when I disagree with skull or sound on something, my opinions and ideas are not instantly dismissed as "irrelevant". That is a very, very welcome change for me.
No, it's not. You mistook my statement as though it's something a security officer can decide on their own. It's strictly command staff (read as: HoS, Captain, perhaps HoP if neither are present) that can decide that. In addition, they had better be very extreme cases or cases that consistently occur over the course of several shifts. The CE can't order a department shut down unless he has a good reason. If he did, I'd expect him to get an incident report filed and eventually fired or demoted if such behavior continues. The CMO cannot declare someone unfit for duty without performing a psych evaluation, which requires a reason for said evaluation. If they did so, I'd expect them to get an incident report filed and eventually demoted or fired if such behavior continues. The HoP cannot terminate the contract of an employee without a valid reason, if they do I'd expect them to eventually have IAA involvement and demotion or dismissal if such behavior continues. The RD cannot change the laws of the AI without authorization and a very, very good reason. If they do so I'd expect IAA involement and demotion or dismissal if it continued. The HOS cannot detain without a regulation violation or direct orders from a higher power. If they do so, I would expect IAA involvement and incident reports, and dismissal or demotion if it became a reoccurring incident. Being a head of staff does not give you unlimited freedom. That is why the general orders initiative is being developed, in part, and why corporate regulations exist in the first place. Even those at the top have limits on what they can and cannot do. The HOS is beholden to corporate regulations, just like everyone else. That said, an "Extreme" case as you mentioned (wherin the conduct of one employee is acting in an improper manner) easily falls under "Hooliganism" and potentially "Battery", "Slander", "Sedition", or possibly even higher crimes. Even "Suspicious Conduct" permits the search and questioning of an individual (though If I recall correctly, it does not permit brig time.) It is not difficult to find a broken regulation if someone is misbehaving.
Hackie just informed me they cannot make it. This is fine. We currently have three slots open for thursday.
Do you have a link to someplace it actually says that. Because I'd personally make absolutely certain to do anything in my power to get someone brigging without a valid charge fired (ICly). You can bet your ass I'd explicitly find every opportunity to put up incident reports on people doing things like that. Security should not have the capability or authority to simply brig people because they feel like it. Such a thing is terribly exploitable and would open NT up to tons of legitimate lawsuits. In an OOC note, no department should have that sort of power. It's like saying engineering can simply shut down any department they want at any time, even without a valid reason, or that medical can simply declare people unfit for duty at any time without even performing a proper psych evaluation. Security is just as beholden to regulations as everyone else. If no reg is broken and you have no proof that someone is a non-employee when they carry an ID card and are on the manifest, then it's really not justifiable to brig a person. Mind, hooliganism is against corp regs. It doesn't take much to FIND a reason to brig if someone is acting up. But you always, always need a reason to detain.
Wonderful. I'll be sure to use it.
I promise to be a good non-kitty delta. Pinkie promise. Those things are basically binding contacts. It's not you or any other person I personally do trust with this, it's the people that unforeseeably be drawn into it and think that, oh, this one person was trusted to speak cat, so why not me and everyone else? Not everyone should be able to speak cat, is all. I'd say, alright, this person needs the Tajaran whitelist, and a separate whitelist to speak a condensed form of Siik'Maas as well. Some time back on bay it was handled on a per-character basis. That worked rather well.
Urgh, Fowl, that form is drifting well into the annoying to fill out category. I can see why people disliked it. You want too much detail. Especially since most of that information is already in your readily available character records. Not to mention that some people will fluff that they arrived at their assigned time or early for their next shift if it's late enough (Past 1-2 hours into) in the round. Personally, I feel arrivals is not a good place for mandatory paperwork. People have a legitimate reason to gnash their teeth and complain about security stopping them there. If you really want to try it, at least make the form exceedingly easy to fill out. Such as follows: [small] [center][b]NanoTrasen Inc. Civilian Branch of Operation[/b] Form 0213 Admission Form[/center] [hr]Facility: NSS Aurora Date: [field] Index: [field] This form permits the admission of the denoted NanoTrasen employee or guest by the denoted employee of the NanoTrasen Civilian Branch of Operation’s Security Department to the denoted NanoTrasen facility. ID Name: [field] ID Assignment: [field] Security Officer’s Signature: [field] Employee/Guest’s Signature: [field] Time of Admission: [field][/small] You don't need their blood and fingerprint hash, you don't need their blood type. That stuff is in the computer already. Frankly, the entire idea is in poor taste to me and simply screams "Security waving their dicks about because they can." If you feel you must do something like this, then at least make the form quick to fill out.
I eh... don't. They look way too much like the walls around, they are tricky to distinguish at a glance, and are frankly, fairly ugly. Clarity is visual important in design. These doors seriously lack that. I can't support. Sorry.
She needs to be played more, so we can totally do that "Dyed our fur, oh god why did we do this." RP. "He warned her command would suck. He warrrned her!" Had lots of fun interactions, want more. Get back home so we can have more Ziva :I A very interesting, unique meta-character idea that doesn't break immersion. My only issue is it's tricky to know what form they are in, even with the extra designations.
Of course I was. Still, my point is that paperwork should be short and to the point. It shouldn't be a major hassle for the people that need to fill it out, unless they are themselves causing a ruckus/hassle.
Some people may disagree. I've always hated security's location on (and separation from the rest of) the station myself.
Agreed. This should be in the request console if we are expected to use it.
Lots of hostility over paperwork here. Geez. My 2C Paperwork, if done right, can enhance a round. Assuming it isn't overly difficult or lengthy to fill out, and can act as much-needed proof of authorization and give people pause on weather or not a questionable course of action is really wise. If you aren't willing to fill out paperwork over brigging/arresting someone, for example, the regulation violation is likely NOT bad enough to warrant brigging/arrest. If you aren't willing to type out your name, the date, and a brief description of the secret ERP club you are building in arrivals, then you clearly aren't invested in the work. If you aren't willing to justify why you want access, you probably shouldn't be asking for it. Throwing a fit over paperwork is stupid, most times. That said, when paperwork goes overboard it can be a significant detriment to the round. Having to fill out a twenty-page form in triplicate is not enjoyable, and it rather defeats the purpose of playing this game if you are forced to do things that are not enjoyable to simply participate. I've always personally been against forcing paperwork for truly minor things: such as remodeling the bar, or doing a bit of optimization in atmospherics, and I always advocate keeping paperwork in a game simple and quick so people do not need to invest an excessive amount of time in it. That is, in part, why I'm a huge fan of your form database here. The forms are simple, well-formatted, and get to the point with little beating about the bush. From the sound of the round in question, I would say that forcing people to fill out a form to simply enter the station was not a good way to go about doing it. If anything, I would suggest that people wanting to do an arrivals check-in have the officer responsible for filling out the sign-in, sign-out book. Simply identifying oneself and showing a badge really should have sufficed for the situation. That said, the reaction of some of the crew was over-the-top and very much deserved a brigging.
A holdover from other servers/lorebases where personality and memory weren't lost on borging, and when posibrains didn't exist. MMI's are honestly pointless with Aurora lore. Hell, even on baystation (where posibrains originate from) MMIs are quickly being phased out almost completely and borgs are much in the minority compared to androids. This is a good thing. MMIs are needlessly grimdark, especially here. I've actually had a friend of mine state he doesn't want to play borgs here at all due to how your lore on MMIs/cyborgs are. (I know your reasoning behind your lore. I'm just stating I know someone who doesn't want to play a borg here because of it. Nothing more. I personally don't robot ever.)
Shouldn't people be able to roleplay assholes as long as it makes for fun and interesting situations? "Fun and Interesting" should be fun for as many people as possible, and especially the other antagonists. If you are outright screwing over an ally for little to no reason it quickly moves from "fun and interesting" to "annoying and stupid" and will make the people affected more likely to outright leave the round. There are very few situations where ditching a still-alive team is more "fun or interesting" for the people who were betrayed in a pointless and immersion-breaking way. While I wholeheartedly agree with leaving behind people who are foolish (ignoring calls to return to the ship), dead, or captured, I cannot condone betraying your team as a merc in a general sense. Most of the time, abandoning most of a merc team isn't "fun" except for the person betraying his allies. It's being an OOC dick and laughing to yourself/to the ghosts over how you screwed over the other people on your team. It's not a grey situation, it's fairly black and white.
Betraying your living team as a merc is violating the most basic rule on my Heavy RP servers: "Don't be a dick." It's not interesting, or fun, for anyone but you when you off and leave behind your team. I've done it before myself with an especially bad team, and in hindsight it was something that I regret to an extreme. Merc operatives already have a plethora of enemies. The entire crew, security, the ERT, and infections all work against them and make it an exceedingly dangerous and difficult role to play out. Outright betraying your entire team is, essentially, the epitome of dickery OOCly, and ICly it would almost certainly result in you getting executed by your higher ups once they discovered what you did. Shooting allies in the back who are captured? Fine. The occasional merc on merc scuffle? Fine. Abandoning the DEAD and DYING? Perfectly fine. Abandoning your team just because you are an asshole? Not fine.
I will point out that MMI mechs make no sense in your lore anyway. Posimechs do, but even then they are clunky and unfinished. -And yes, piloted mechs pushed against an airlock should cycle it. Why did that get removed in the first place?
Outgoing Transmissions -Oh my! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? It means I'm going to be hosting a short, sweet one-shot D20 session based loosely on the Aurora setting! Nasir is looking for people to help him run a short salvage op! Currently I'm looking for between 3-5 folks, with a preference for Rankov associates (but anyone that really wants to join in can!) to join us in a little romp on a mystery ship! The goal is loot salvage! HOW DO I SIGN UP? Just reply to the message in the thread, stating your IC interest and get me your Skype or steam IDs. This message was sent to anyone who is affiliated with the Rankov, as well as a few major temp agencies. Plenty of ways to jump in on the fun and try a fun, short little game. I'll be more than happy to help folks get characters set up, especially since we'll be using a modified d20 system. WHERE WILL YOU BE HOSTING? I use Roll 20 for my online tabletops. It's free, easy to use, and quite fun. WHEN IS THIS? I am currently aiming for next week, Thursday 05MAR2015, at 7:00pm EST. I HAVE A CHARACTER ON THE RANKOV, BUT I DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE That is fine! Nasir probably won't show much in the game either, since I'm running it! Anyone not participating will have, at most, a cameo or two. There's always plenty of other work to do on a ship. I'm certain we can find a fair excuse! IS THIS EVENT CANON? I'm leaving that up to the participants to decide if they want the events in this game to be canon for their characters or not. However I'd prefer to keep it myself, as it leaves a lot of on-server RP opportunities and possible conversations. Do understand if you do something truly off the wall, like try to hijack the ship or murder someone else's character I and others will probably take a bit of offense to it, nor will I necessarily pull punches if someone decides they want to be a dick. OKAY! I GET IT. DO YOU HAVE YOUR SYSTEM WRITTEN UP? I've been tossing around a few ideas on a piratepad about various classes, feats, items, and skills. Feel free to have a look and comment! Participants GM - Jamini Slot 1 - Ikmachek (Rash'hed Khayyam) - Miner Slot 2 - Sue (Ana Roh'hi'tin) - Officer/Investigator Slot 3 - qwerty123 (Anders Stanforth) - Medic Slot 4 - Nightmare (Nasir Ha'kim) - Engineer Slot 5 - Galenus (Qasir Alfarsi) - Scientist/Commander Slot 6
What it says in a tin! Post up the little tricks and tips you know (or learn, or discover) that people might not know here! 1. Opening a crate underneath a player will stun them. 2. Mangled gloves cannot be made into stun gloves, but the specialized ones ordered from cargo can. 3. You can use tools on alt-clicked items. Very useful if you need to rewire a SMES quickly. 4. You can scan paper with your PDA. The text scanned goes to your notekeeper. It will keep formatting while doing this. 5. NSS-Aurora Forms can be found in any request console. 6. You can move a pulled object by double-clicking on an empty tile. 7. Objects moved in the manner of #6 will be oriented in the direction you move them, regardless of weather they move or not. (So, for example, you can pull a shield capacitor and double-click the tile underneath the generator to make it point at the generator without needing to use the rotate verb. Bonus points if you use alt-click to do this!) 8. The shock resistance power only protects you from shocks from exposed wires. (This is an oversight/bug) 9. Dermaline and Kelotane heal rates stack. Mix your chems 50/50 for best effect! 10. Carrots contain Imozedine, and can repair your eyes without going to medical! 11. Iron triples your blood restoration rate, and overdoses at 30 units. 12. Apples contain Iron. An apple a day will keep blood loss away! 13. Normal dexalin is virtually worthless. It only removes oxyloss when you are not in critical. 14. You can dissolve pills into any fluid. 15. You can grind pills. 16. You can put reagents into cigarettes, they are applied when you light the cigarette. 17. You can directly drink any chemical if it is placed in a drinkable container (like a teacup) 18. You can put any chemical into an IV from any container. Including say... holy water. (Ninja chaplain decult go!) 19. You can fight a number of things behind your spare ear. Including penlights and paperclipped paper stacks. 20. Security officers never actually check paperwork. Just carry a few forms on you at all times and wave them in the officer's face when they question you. 21. Fire axes can one-shot any window when wielded. 22. Attacking the groin has a chance to break either leg. 23. Nobody respects a quadruple amputee. 24. Lockers protect you from disposals damage. Best used to check disposals for breaks. 25. Flashlights fit in almost all forms of suit storage. 26. Emergency tanks fit in the storage of hazard vests. Freeing up your belt. Post yours!
They aren't flash-immune because scientists can make them from the protolathe, iirc Also HUDglasses used to be a HOS and Warden-only sort of thing. Power creep and all.
Finnish is another good example of a language with no real relationship to any germanic or romantic language. The Uralic language tree is quite distinct from any other language tree, and shares virtually no linguistic similarities to english, yet there are plenty of bilingual finns, and English-speaking people who learn finnish.
I will need to be added.
Siik'Maas already is a bastardized version of Siik'Tajr converted so that it can be spoken over radios. I've seen it in place for about a year and a half and seen no issues with it on either end. A handful of humans mrowling isn't really that big of a deal as long as its properly roleplayed out. It's a non-issue when it is possible.