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Everything posted by Jamini

  1. ~@SingularitySuck512~ Well, this is all that your security can do, only talking? Why I cannot see you, when security I needed? Dmytro Koschoviy ~@MohawkedAreCool~ The same shit with engineers, I heard a lot of story's when you were loosing singularity or some of engineers are just insane. I saw one engineer, who didn't even know how to fix brig doors.#insaneenginering Leonardo Mull ~@WireProphet Do not blame us when HR spends money on MORE officers instead of hiring skilled technicians. Forward him the names of any unskilled engineers and he will be certain to get them training. Nasir Khayyam
  2. Security needs no buffs. Experimental equipment (Like this) should be research-derived, not given to the HOS "just because". I'm entirely against giving any form of this to security without research first developing it. It does have interesting potential as antagonist gear.
  3. You are mistaken on the timeline here. 1. Weapons from the protolathe originally came from lockboxes. This was changed on Bay so that they do not, Aurora inherited this change. 2. Before the lockboxes were removed. Weapons were never, ever made by RnD outside of VERY specific circumstances. Almost exclusively traitors. 3. I had specifically made a character that specialized in them and went well out of my way to get permission/work with security. It took me weeks to even have a small chance to be able to do proper tests and studies on them during the round. Often it was dismissed out of hand. Mind, this was WITH paperwork and a character with an exceptionally clean record. 4. Will it tear apart RnD? Of course not. It will, however, needlessly reduce their automony and effectiveness in what is objectively the least-played department on the station. There are more regular Chef players than there are scientists. There is a huge difference between getting paperwork from your boss and testing something under controlled conditions that are approved, and having to have two of the busiest people on the station manually open up every single lock-box. And if you say "give them access/get access" from the HOP I will slap you, as current lock-boxes are armory-locked, and no sane command staff would EVER give out armory access to scientist! Once again, there is a world of difference between getting permission and having to have the warden sit there and unlock every single lockbox. Especially as warden is a very, very busy job is played right. HOS even moreso. A better solution would be to recruit/promote more Research Directors to prevent this abuse. That is pretty much precisely the job of the Director, to approve and deny research avenues. If you don't have one join, an appropriately responsible scientist should be promoted.
  4. No you can't. Please stop making assumptions that are blatantly untrue. Personal attacks have no place here, nor is that even remotely accurate. I never said there wasn't. I'm saying that this will pretty much 100% certainly kill that branch of RnD. Getting those forms signed and permission granted for this sort of thing is a rediculous amount of effort that the normal player will not go through. I have but there are Others do not want too and will not do so. I have never, ever done this. Why are you assuming I have? What is with the needless personal attacks? More blatant assumptions and needless personal attacks. I'm telling you what I have seen people do when lock-boxes existed. You have no reason to be so hostile in response to what has been the case when what you want to do was implemented previously.
  5. The idea, at least by the people that changed it in the first place, was that scientists shouldn't require an emag to use antagonist items from their department. You don't need to emag the plasma tank to get a canister of it as an atmos techie, or emag an energy rifle to use one was a warden. I may not agree with the reasoning, but that is why it was done upstream. I can outright say from experience the exact opposite of what you intend will occur. Weapons research will become a non-entity entirely, as security will rarely/virtually never permit weapons testing. Assuming, of course, they can even attend the test at all (which is unlikely to happen.) What will happen is, essentially, people will take Durond weapon systems circuits to get the research up, then never touch it again. Just as it has happened on multiple servers in the past. I've had a specific a weapons-specialist scientist in the past, before lockboxes were removed. It took me weeks of getting known, several rounds playing as both a warden and a scientist (making friends in both departments) and battalions of red-tape every round, speaking to the RD, Captain, and HOS (as well as occasionally the warden) to even get considered to be permitted to perform legitimate weapons tests on the firing range with the warden present. Your security are not that dissimilar to the security of the server in question, in fact some of your regulars were very specifically FROM that security department. Doing this would completely curtail or remove any chance of weapons science being done, legitimate or not. I'm not saying this is a bad idea, or a good idea. I personally do not have a strong opinion on the matter. However I /can/ state that doing this will significantly reduce the options and roleplay opportunities that science can engage in, further weakening the department as a whole. Considering science is already the least-staffed and arguably least-fun department on the station, I would be Very very very very very very cautious about placing even more restrictions on them.
  6. Good luck removing that. The only way you'll ever get a proper mutiny going is by having not-terrible (but certainly very hard or questionable) directives. The current ones just do not do any modicum of justice to the mode. Plus the rules in mutiny, as well as the setup restrictions, are stupidly complex. K.I.S.S. applies to gamemodes too. Complex stuff tends to be easy to subvert, break, or just be ignored.
  7. ~@WireProphet @ZivaMoFixit @VDeSantos.nt Nasir Khayyam
  8. If anything this just highlights that Mutiny just doesn't work as a game-mode, more than honestly being a failing on Bokaza's part. It's almost impossible for the head loyalist to get the current directives completed, as they are terrible. I don't see how you can blame Bokaza for giving up on an objective that is virtually impossible to complete. (Which, having been part of several mutiny rounds, it is precisely that. Almost impossible to complete the bluespace Pathogen objective to kill and burn the infected.)
  9. Jamini

    Revising CMD

    This boils down to "Let's not have people cloned ever" realistically. If that becomes the case I'll not be interested in hanging around here anymore. This is in no way, shape, or form a good solution to this "problem" (which is in fact not even a problem at all). A large, large part of the draw that keeps me in SS13 is that my character is able to function and continue to function in an extremely high-risk environment even after death. The only thing that keeps me playing when I have a character killed off is the chance of revival. If that is removed, I do not see myself even remotely interested in remaining on the server. SS13 mechanics are designed around the players being extremely fragile and easy to kill. In-round your chance of revival is already quite low, and effectively removing the only reliable way to remain in the round is completely the wrong way to go about "fixing" CMD. If anything, cloning is a vehicle for a great deal of roleplay and IC debate. I would much prefer that cloning be made more commonplace and easier than making it is rare and uncommon. We are in a setting several hundred years in the future, I see no reason why we cannot have a practical, easy technique to restore the recently deceased outside of wishing to play a needlessly dystopian work simulation game. If you really want to remove cloning, then you better damn well make human mobs significantly tougher to compansate.
  10. That is how it used to be. It was changed on Bay about... six months ago or so to make science-based weapons more accessible to traitors. Clearly this worked so well.
  11. *cough* I make it my personal mission to be friendly to randoms and new players wherever I go. Hearing this makes me very happy.
  12. I've actually written a short story on two of my characters meeting once. It ended with confrontation. In fact, most of my character think the others are jerks. Nasir and Edwin - Both of them have backgrounds with toxic gasses - Edwin has a history of blowing things up. Nasir is an engineer. - Edwin has actively tortured an AI as part of an experiment. Many of Nasir's friends are synthetics. - Edwin is afraid/nervous about most Xenos, though Tajaran are the ones he is least afraid of. Nasir and Omnir - Nasir dislikes physical contact, Omnir has a tendency to hug people even if he has just met them - Nasir strongly dislikes Omnir's propensity to steal. - Omnir doesn't really particularly like people in positions of power. - Omnir, having met Nasir in a bit of writing I've done including both of them, has outright stated that he thinks Nasir is a "Big Butthead" and a "Jerk Engineer" Omnir and Edwin - Edwin is sickly, Omnir is a doctor (in training) - Once again, Edwin is afraid of/ignorant about most Xenos, even though Taj are the least fear-inducing. - Both of them enjoy pranks.
  13. ~@WireProphet Hates IAA meetings. Nasir Khayyam
  14. Jamini

    Stamp Images

    I'd like to see them colored by department still, but yeah. like much. :3
  15. Jamini

    Stamp Images

    Damnit Dea, how did you get those done up so fast?
  16. Jamini

    Stamp Images

    Please! I love this idea. http://imgur.com/8VboqSt How about that as a base for the head of staff stamps, colored by the department of the stamp? Captain - Navy Blue HOP - Light Blue Engineering - Orange Science - Purple Medical - Green Security - Red Clown - Rainbow
  17. I can't personally support character-specific stuff. Seems too snowflakey for coded statistics. Department-wise however. Security: Number of Arrests Beepsky has made Number of Arrest Warrants set Doors Dusted, Fibers gathered, and Fingerprints scanned. Minutes of Recordings made. Incident Reports printed Number of shots fired by Ana Science: Number of Slime Species Percentage of the bomb test area remaining Total Research level Number of Mechs/Borgs/AI's built. Number of protohumans made. How many times Travis has hit on Tajaran crew Medical: Number of Successful Surgeries Number of Deceased Crew-Members Number of Cloned Crew-Members Number of Different Chemicals in the Fridge Minutes spend in psychology by the crew. Number of Lesbians in Medbay Engineering: Minutes Until the singularity first reached stage 3 Percentage of the station left intact Percentage of power in the station. Distribution Pressure Number of mangled gloves Supply: Points left out of maximum possible. Ore Processed Plasma sent to central Service: Percentage of the crew hungry at the end of the round. Number of extremely drunk crew-members during the shift Largest number of people in the chapel at one time. Number of Newscaster stories published. Number of innuendos Rei makes in a shift
  18. I can personally attest that Dmytro is a strong player, a fantastic teammate, and a real pleasure to work with when he is on-shift. Most notably, his communication is top-notch. I never need to wonder if Dmytro is actually doing something he is asked to do, and he is one of the first to pass along information back to the rest of his department. Communication is a quality that is very, very desirable in a head of staff. Applications generally take a while to get through. I belive Trist stated this: Which means they want a little more detail in your answers the original questions to the application. Some thoughts that spring to mind: How would you handle troublemakers in your department, For example, a small-scale griefer/traitor who set up a disposals loop? How would you handle members of your staff bickering/fighting with another department over comms? How would you handle an engineer who went to the bar during engine setup, causing a power outage? How would you respond to a member of your staff being arrested for unlawful modification to the station? How would you react if you were the one to find said modification/vandalism? How would you handle a belligerent atmospheric technician ignoring your orders? How would you react to an order from Central Command ordering you to do something you do not believe in/cannot support (such as forcibly cyborgifying a member of the crew.)
  19. I believe it is going to be a long train, in said hallways. Security also does look fairly large, there are some rooms off of it that seem to serve no purpose as well. Science and Engineering will probably need a bit more space, I can't really be certain until they have some tables and basic layout on them however.
  20. Regarding round end votes: Shouldn't those be reserved for when a player truly feels that they want to end the round? I don't object to transfer votes, but if someone isn't tired/bored of the round... they really shouldn't be making a vote. AT least in my opinion. And if this person /is/ routinely bored of the round at exactly two hours in, perhaps they need to evaluate their own play a little bit?
  21. I am reminded of a time, about fourteen months ago, where chemistry was totally overhauled and coffee could OD you with one cup. Oddly enough, a LOT of people kept trying to kill themselves with coffee. Be careful what you wish for, folks.
  22. You can cut gloves with a scalpel. Even EMTs have access to both in the morgue. I also recommend using EVA over tool storage for your tool needs. Not only does it have tools, but you can pick up a bounce radio there.
  23. Still can mangle gloves. But yes, I agree there should be a pair of each in each electrical locker.
  24. So, as most of us know by now OOCly, Aurora goes to shit often. Things fall apart, the people die have died, and atmosphere slow vents out while engineering and atmospherics scramble to keep the hull intact. Then, wonderfully, some kind soul calls a shuttle so that we can leave. As everyone is scrambling to escape to get to Odin and their home/loved ones/bed, often there is one thing that many people talk about: Drinking. Sometimes in excess to forget a horrible day. So I've been curious! Who are your character(s) drinking buddies for post shift? What does YOUR character drink post shift? How many times has your character woken up with a hangover so massive that they never, ever want to return to work? Inquiring minds want to know!
  25. Jamini

    Revising CMD

    By the rules you wouldn't remember anything after getting tied up clearly. Honestly, I generally roleplay it as shift-long amnesia or more. The reason CMD exists at all is to protect antags from people who died metagaming and going "X killed me! Arrest them! As soon as you wake up. It exists for a good reason, and scrapping it is a poor idea. That said, I don't mind having clones know they are clones (with option for players to say I'm DNC if the character is against it) gently. Mutilating the recently not-dead never sat well with me either. Just please, don't add in mechanical downsides to getting cloned. It's hard enough already.
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