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Everything posted by Kintsugi

  1. I agree with 100% of my heart. In fact I'm considering trying to do it myself.
  2. Aticius underrates himself when he describes his role-playing ability as only "decent" - Aticius is one of the most competent roleplayers I've ever encountered. And that's just his ability to play characters - When it comes to understanding and immersing himself in a piece of lore, he's highly capable of doing that, as well. I've never been disappointed or even merely satisfied by something he's done in the context of SS13 - be it playing a character, or writing lore, or what have you - He's always gone above and beyond, in my mind. My word probably doesn't mean much, because I'm new myself - but I think that he would be an excellent contribution to Aurora's Unathi community,
  3. After weeks of planning and designing, I've finally begun to play Aurora. I'm enjoying it so far, and also enjoying my Coenie - I just hope everyone else is, too! He's still young (In terms of being a character), so there are some wrinkles to iron out. Please, feel free to leave your thoughts on him and how I play him in general. And remember, Grootveld forever.
  4. New sprite looks very good.
  5. I like the gardeners the most, very stylish. The librarian outfit is kinda cute too.
  6. I have a horrific memory in my mind that taints the parapen for me, so maybe I'm biased here - But long ago, elsewhere, I was - at random, parapenned, killed, and debrained. There was not an ounce of roleplay involved. While this was a different server, I think there is nothing preventing the same from happening here. It is tremendously infuriating, being on the receiving end of an instastun. You want to kidnap someone, hold them at gunpoint and tell them they die if they scream. It works, I can assure you. Instastuns in general are terrible, and I see no reason why there should be an exception that allows the parapen to exist.
  7. I personally do not like the Doomguy look. No disrespect intended towards your spriting skills, but I don't think it meshes with Aurora's art style(s) all that well, and the shape itself isn't shaped in the way that our Humans are. If anything - Something more Halo-esque might be better. Knockoff Spartan to the knock-off ODST of the ERT suit. In any case - I like Amory's suggestion re: visor.
  8. I am making this thread because of an exchange I recently experienced. https://imgur.com/a/Lc32BnI - Now, the admin in question here is absolutely correct. Apparently, this isn't a rule. However, I feel it should be. This suggestion has been posed once before - However, it was made in excess of two years ago. The guidelines, however, state this: Therefore, I am interpreting the guidelines in such a way that if a period of more than three months have past, you are allowed to make a similar suggestion of the same nature. This is a suggestion of the same nature. I feel strongly that on-station characters should never, under any circumstances, be played as an off-station antagonist. That is including, but not limited to: heisters, mercenaries, wizards, and ninjas. I feel that to allow people to play their normal, station characters as an antagonist from off the station is a bad idea. There are a few reasons I feel that way, and I'll be outlining them below. It encourages station characters to treat antagonists differently - Station characters have something that off-station antagonists do that - That is to say, they have relationships with the people aboard. I hope I don't have to explain how this might impact the dynamic between a bloodthirsty mercenary group and, for example, John Doe's friends in the supply department. In essence, I feel that it might encourage station characters to help off-station antagonists because, well, their old friend Johnny Doe is with them! It presents a double-standard in terms of what characters can do - Aurora does not allow players to hop their characters around. A security officer, in my experience, isn't allowed to suddenly jump their character over to being the CMO - This is a good thing, in my mind, as it discourages unrealistic behavior. Your cargo technician isn't going to suddenly become a scientist out of nowhere. However, this standard does not exist for off-station antagonists - How could a janitor suddenly become a ninja? Or a wizard? It simply doesn't make sense to me - Where, exactly, does the average character find the time to live a double life as an elite mercenary commando? A vicious pirate? A sage wizard? A gimpsuited assassin? How are they able to exist as these two things at once - an employee for NanoTrasen, working on a highly valuable research station, and also a part-time contract killer by trade? On-station antagonists do not suffer this problem - They are not constantly evading the law, living in a mercenary's hideout, and what have you. They're an infiltrator, or a cultist, or something along those lines. Though it isn't tactful, the previous thread is correct. It does encourage that "clique circlejerk" business. In essence, I don't personally like it. I think, in general, it is poor form. I think it complicates roleplay and makes what could be a situation that makes sense all the more unrealistic. A lot of words to say that, I know. Thanks for your consideration, I know this isn't exactly the ideal "Wow, this is my second forums post on Aurora", but I think it needed to be said.
  9. I like these, shoes are one of those neglected areas of SS13 in terms of sprites. Many have been with us for almost a decade.
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