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  1. I have decided to play Captain instead of XO for this application, WL admins are already aware. Backstory doesn't change much but I'll be changing the job portion of the application.
  2. BYOND key: Gabopwn Discord Username: gabopwn/DriedCrustyMilkStains Character names: Monica Salazar - Engineer Tanya - First Responder Fehra Maskini - Security Officer How long have you been playing on Aurora? I have been playing since 2021. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? None. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? I believe that the role of Command in a round is to conform to the flow of the game while also executing the necessary actions needed to make sure the round stays comfortable for the players ingame. While yes, there are often cases where Command staff may be required to interfere in the round in order maintain regulations or to enhance the experience of the game via the creation of crew-wide activities, this should be done under the assumption that the ronud happens under an acceptable flow. Antagonists and their actions are to be considered in this scenario, more often than not they are the ones to set the stage for the round and command should try to conform and flow with the antagonists actions without causing unneeded interference such as sudden arrests and other attempts that fall under the guise of 'shutting down the gimmick'. However, a degree of believability and nuance should be held as part of the standards for command members, as letting antagonists and other characters act with no repercussions might lead to a decrease on the overall immersion of the round. Taking all of what I've said into account, command characters should strike for the middle ground between letting antagonists and other roles change the outcome of the round while providing enough interference for the round to stay immersive and believable. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? As written above, command players should strive to seek a balance between letting antagonists and others dictate the flow of the round while also providing the feedback necessary as to make sure the conflict within the round stays under the realm of nuanced and believable. Of course, there will always be the scenario of wacky antagonist gimmicks that veer into the humorous/slightly goofy side, but even then, command characters should try to play along the whims of the gimmick but also making sure that some degree of consequence happens. It should be highlighted that command shouldn't try to to cause conflict for the sake of it, but rather, become an accessory to it and if need be, try and spark such conflict on a believable manner. Just going off the rails and acting out of the real of believability because it generates conflicts leads to diminished immersion in the round as such, nuance is a must have for players that wish to play command. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. Prior to being integrated into the ranks of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, Sandrine Haillet would find herself working in one of the various administrative roles inside of a Hepahestus-owned orbital superfactory within the Solarian Alliance's inner colonies. Such role carried with itself a plethora of monotone tasks, all of them typical for anyone that has entombed themselves into the grueling megacorporate world of the 25th century. From overseeing the distribution of payroll to the coordination of her various subordinates, Sandrine had found herself thoroughly involved with Hephaestus' work within the superfactory. Despite her beginnings as a Jintarian in Venus, she'd become one of the few individuals that were able to 'break the mold' around what could be considered to be the stereotypical Jintarian and achieve a decent degree of success working various middle-management roles at first for Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals before moving on to work for Hephaestus Industries where she'd be known as a manager of relative success, however her Venusian underside would occasionally shine through, placing her as a somewhat morose woman at times. Despite this, her morosity wouldn't stop her from success, her attitude putting her as someone that is willing to air out any concerns or complaints at all times, regardless of how corporate or strict the environment was, which would occasionally lead to complaints from her peers due to how ferocity of her emotional outbursts. The advent of the Solarian Collapse and its consequences would impact her lifestyle in a sudden manner. With the imminent nationalization of corporate assets within the remains of the Alliance, and the establishment of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, all Solarian facilities belonging to Hephaestus except those within New Hai Phong space were faced with the arrival of the Solarian Corporate Authority. Changes in Sandrine's life would be quick and sudden, with Hephaestus starting to relocate personnel in fear of losing experienced employees. For Sandrine, she would soon find out that she'd be relocated out of the orbital superfactory and instead, brought into the ranks of the Conglomerate to take over much needed administrative positions. She'd later find herself taking on the role of site administrator for a phoronics research facility within the Republic of Biesel for a month or two before being offered the proposition of becoming a crewmember inside of the Conglomerate's various vessels. However, this would come with the catch of her having to gather the necessary qualifications such as piloting and gunnery, something which she'd end up training for years before being told her next assignment, Captain aboard the flagship of the SCC, the SCCV Horizon. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? All command roles. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Sandrine Haillet - Captain Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes. Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? Yes. Extra notes: None.
  3. Yeah this also works, also comes with the benefit of staff not having to look through 3 different discords in order to moderate them.
  4. See title. This would move all OOC conversations to the main discord, consolidating the OOC side of the Aurora further into a single discord instead of it being split. The relay can keep its IC channels and what is necessary for admins and the bot to operate
  5. The KOTW arc is the main reason that I'm still playing Aurora to this day. If we can get arcs, or lore of similar quality again I see no reason to not approve this. +1 P.D I know that replicating something akin to KOTW again is absurdly complicated, so don't fog yourself over it.
  6. yes please idk why xo isnt second in command yet
  7. who up for warzone quads
  8. nobody cares about this go play a real game likw mw2

  10. can you guys stop ratioing me, u only need to haha react
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