I participated in two events during this arc, and both times, darkness was a major factor that inhibited me from fully enjoying the events. During high population rounds, it's very easy for the lighting system to get overwhelmed and break down; this results in tiles sometimes failing to light up at all when you step into them with a flashlight, or just take a very long time to update the lighting. Especially during the final event of the arc, I was part of the team that went underground, and it felt like we weren't able to contribute much to the event due to being unable to see anything. With darkness ahead of us, we could not navigate swiftly, and so everything was completed without us above ground.
While I understand the desire for atmospheric lighting; until such a time as we can get a more robust lighting system, I would recommend that future events rely more on dim lighting than actual darkness. Either that, or provide players with access to tools like NVGs that can eliminate the burden of the lighting system entirely.