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Codename: Bear

Whitelisted Players
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Everything posted by Codename: Bear

  1. I can see a lot of "round failed not enough players ready/selected for x" in a row So naturally I support this
  2. How does any of that not pertain to aliums? I get it aliens are whitelist and you're supposed to read, but some people just like doing that and enjoy expanding things. Some people enjoy making human characters, and I know the meme from most whitelist owners is "humans bad rpers/bad characters/bad whatever" but I've hardly honestly seen that JUST FOR HUMANS. People would enjoy expanding the lore and vocabulary of humanity there isn't really anything that could be said against that IMO. At least not in the "cultural" gap you are arguing. Perhaps expansions to all the species could come from it as well.
  3. I see what you're saying Kaed and can accept everything else but this bit really Still I do see your point on the languages. It could bloat humies then bloat everyone and it's just a mess. However, I would argue we would all be united by the TCB being what it is the Basic Language for literally everyone.
  4. More languages would be nice. Also I miss Gutter being called Gutter
  5. Rat Gang Rise Up
  6. In my experience rats/mice or whatever they are now, are only a problem when certain players want to be annoying. I don't know if that's enough to warrant removal honestly.
  7. I think I hid there once during a really sCaRy event. It holds sentimental value to me for that (I think). RIP z-level
  8. It's this thread I believe:
  9. Thank ya kind sir. Though with what Sleepy just said, I might be more interested in their history than re-implementation right now. Still I will remember who does what and shoot them a message with other questions related to the species.
  10. Okay I thought that was them. I'll probably just DM you some lore questions about that since I feel it might take away from the topic of re-implementing them.
  11. Maybe this is the wrong place to ask, I've been rather removed from things for a while. Were Aut'akh the FBP Mecha Unathi?
  12. lol It's all good. I never trust autocorrect or myself so I live in a constant state of fear. And yeah absolutely agree. Repetition is the best way to get something down. Still it's best to work with the apprentice instead of barking at them to do things a million times alone. Not saying you do at all (I don't know if I've ever played Engineering with you) but just stating it. And going on Flamingo bringing the importance of rule 0. It's an outstanding rule for every department, sadly I think it is ignored sometimes. Though I do understand the need for radio silence to avoid certain death for some time, since trying to type something out forces you to stand still.
  13. Oh wow these seem pretty solid. I especially like #12 since I've experienced people who follow it well or not at all. Only thing I really gotta say is I'm pretty sure you mean "colleagues" instead of "colleges" in a few spots.
  14. Now things are beginning to make sense.


    More later.

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