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Everything posted by CourierBravo

  1. Agreed, partially. I think if the animation was changed just a little, it would be great. Do just the sucking in bit, remove the pulse out, and slow it down a good bit. I like how it looks, but its just really flashy and distracting. No need to actually revert it or replace it with a sprite from another base whatsoever.
  2. I think a lot of the optimization for engineering comes from the fact that it’s a major pain in the ass to fix anything when they do break. The supermatter or INDRA breaking does massive damage that can require anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half to fix. On top of creating a lot of hot gas that bleeds into medical and now the machine shop. A lot of bombs do pretty painful damage to the ship. And the damage that gets done is hard to fix, impossible to fix, or is trivial but painfully repetitive. I think of all of the various consoles and such that get broken that are impossible to fix. And even when they are, they’re not pixel shifted anymore. Because things are a pain in the ass, fluff rp fixing them would take ages, so people just don’t. This is especially a problem for low department pop. Disposals is painful to try and fix because of how many steps it is and it being fickle with its directional travel over Just Works. All of this to me is stuff that takes away from my ability to roleplay. I have to stop what I’m doing and go fix a problem. i don’t know how to fix it either, but I’m tired of every role coming with the stress of a job. It feels bad. i think maybe a lot of it comes with the fact that doing good and doing all of the preventative stuff makes it so i don’t get yelled at by particularly aggressive command characters.
  3. What i'd like to see is a components based medical system. To explain, a mechanical limb is made up of all kinds of stuff. Servos, struts, bearings. We can throw all kinds of jargon around to describe the kinda things that are in there. What I'd love to see, is the plating, mechanical parts, manipulators, so on all being able to be removed and repaired, or outright replaced with new ones. For example. someone gets shot in the hand with a pistol. You'd have to remove say, a plating component and a manipulator component, repair them, and put them back. You get shot in the arm with a shotgun, really mangling it. You have to completely strip it of parts, and weld the frame back together. Then fix any of the structural components, then the minor components like manipulators, then the plating, and install it back on.
  4. lmfao true. Aurora just feels clunky to me. It rolls of the tongue badly, at least for me. "Aurora Station" rolls off way better, but that's a pretty antiquated name for it at this point. Something like "The Horizon" could work? It keeps in the current convention, and it rolls off better.
  5. It ties into the server name for other ss13 players. It doesn't really do anything for anyone else. Additionally, Aurora doesn't really fit anymore, we haven't been on the Aurora in years now. I don't see any indication that we'd return to a station style of gameplay either.
  6. Its not catchy in any way. "Aurora" or "The Aurora setting" doesn't roll off the tongue, or create any kind of hook. That's absolutely a start, since this all takes place exclusively in the Orion Spur.
  7. I've had to explain what this server is to several people now, and trying to describe it to people not in the know has been incredibly painful because there's not really a name for this setting. its just "The setting Aurora Station takes place in." What should be a 1 or 2 sentence explanation quickly turns into a paragraph or two of very clunky explaining. Maybe its a skill issue on my part, but I'd like to see some kind of Name for this setting. It could be something dorky like The Phoron Eclipse or The Orion Chronicals. or something. It could also be something really simple like "The Expanse" 's title for example. I just would like a much more catchy name than "Aurorastation's lore", y'know?
  8. Not a big fan of the government (30 on 30)
    stuck in my mind, living rent free.

  9. This is not what I was talking about. The exosuits on round start are the two used for loading the guns.
  10. I'm not really for this. This feels like when Robotics became Machinists but again. Machinists are in the Operations lump because they're job is to provide equipment and fix robots. The protolathe as a machine exists to produce things for the crew. This is why I think they do belong in operations, and I believe its why it got moved to operations years ago. The hanger technicians provide better gear for the crew via warehouse goods and ordering items, the machinist provides better gear by manufacturing it on site. Engineering doesn't make things, they build things and maintain the ship. Yes, the machinists office is pretty far from operations. But this is a roleplay concession from what I remember. Having robotics be right there in the central ring makes it easier to get care, get items, and interact with events such as borgings. Once upon a time, where the teleporter and charging room is, is where the machinist shop used to be. It absolutely felt more like operations because of its proximity. I don't believe this is true. Operations as a department is about providing the services and items by which the ship needs to function. As I said above, both hanger techs and machinists provide better items through various means. Ops has more than a lathe in it, as the machinist shop is apart of ops. Thus, they have the circuit printer and protolathe. In department interactions are very present, but the volume of them depends entirely on the skill and knowledge of both the other two roles, and the machinist. The machinist provides upgraded parts for various machines in operations. The machinist works on exosuits, and operations is the only department with access to exosuits at round start. The machinist works with hardsuits, and while mining doesn't have them at round start, hardsuits are incredibly common for them to wear. Science as a department isn't normally building things for people anymore. This was basic expectation on the Aurora, but these days R&D kinda takes a back seat to manufacturing. Though, I'm not pretending that they don't. They make all kinds of things all the time. I think the more accurate difference between the two would be that science makes the more science-y upgraded tools like advanced mops and light replacers, the very rare bag of holding, bluespace beakers, so on. Where the machinists make welders, force gloves, rapid fabrication devices. Except you do, to a degree. Common practice right now is that engineers can set cold thrust if taught, and atmos techs can set the supermatter, but not the INDRA. Engineers cant make hot thrust, or fiddle with the pipes much. And likewise, atmos cant set RCON or the shields. There is a very clear overlap between the two jobs thats expected. How is the machinist supposed to factor into this? Sure, both are engineers, but they're from dramatically different disciplines. In my opinion, if there's any department that machinists would fit in any better, its medical. They work on prosthetics and organs, they provide what could be considered healthcare to positronic crew. But ultimately, machinists just dont really fit anywhere. As a job, they do a little bit from three different departments. They do operations work, they do R&D work, and they do engineering related work via upgrading ship systems via the rapid parts exchanger. Operations is where they landed because of the ease of communication in department that it gives, along with not being an actually science job, just a high tech job. Over their place in science. While the sprites do go hard, I don't think putting them in engineering fixes anything. We're just playing a multi year game of hot potato with the weird job.
  11. Final one for today, the crashed ship/camp. I may come back to it for some polish, but I'm fairly happy with it as is.
  12. Busy work week, my days off should be clear now though, so I'm gonna try and pump out a handful of things every day. So far today, I've knocked out the cargo one with two abandoned warehouses.
  13. As stated. Your character acts incredibly immature, and I find it both immersion breaking and unreasonable for an adult to do while on the clock. I'd be singing a completely different tune about wearing a fat suit and a cardboard robot head for most of the shift if you were off duty. I can't speak for any of the other players involved in the second round, but I did not enjoy seeing it. I can't imagine the others did, either, so I made this complaint. I'd like to tack on, I don't like to say much in the on server OOC about someones character to avoid dogpiling possibly happening. Nor on Discord. I think the forums is just the best format to voice a concern, because of its ease of moderation. This complaint isn't made with some kind of malicious intent or to get you banned or something. I'm voicing my concern, so the moderation team can decide if its unfounded or not. And decide a course of action from there.
  14. It was a Jockeys round, and I late joined. When I came in, about 40 minutes or so into the round(?) the captains office was depressurized. Security characters in round were less than helpful in providing the information that the captains office was broken in to, but that's largely irrelevant to this outside 'what happened'. I called up engineering, and Neely was the one who responded. He probed some questions, what was broken, and what he'd need to fix it. I knew what was wrong, but the character I played at the time is a bridge crewman. She wouldn't know what he'd need to fix those windows. He clarified that he only had two hands to carry things, so he wanted to know what he'd need so he didn't have to make multiple trips. I asked if he had a backpack, surely he can put things in there. He said something to the effect of "oh I can't use it, I have my lunch in there." I told him to figure it out. I then check cameras just to make sure there's no carp, but the room is dark, so I pass that on. I observe him break into the office to do the repairs, and leave to do other things. I cant quite remember if I checked on him via cameras much, but I do remember him stating over radio, "I left the room more broken than I found it, but its pressurized again." I look inside, and I see one of the glass cases is shattered. I know that the glass cases not being well implemented and the filing cabinets not being able to be put back together isn't PrutteHans fault. However, I think its a reasonable expectation for a fully fledged engineer to be able to assess a room and repair it without breaking more things.
  15. Update: Game ID: cs8-dCI0 Staff Involved: N/A Oliver spent most of the round wearing a fat suit, and later a cardborg box, while on the job. I'm not sure what if any engineering help he gave, I just remember seeing him in the bar frequently, seeming to pester the patrons and bartender. See attached images:
  16. BYOND Key: CourierBravo Game ID: cs8-derA Player Byond Key/Character name: Oliver Neely Staff involved: N/A Reason for complaint: LRP Behavior Regularly acting in a clownish behavior, along with being struggling to do seemingly basic engineering work. Spent 15 minutes attempting to repair the captains office, only to leave it more broken than he found it. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation?: No, I was doing other stuff in round at the time. I was too focused on the round to ahelp. Approximate Date/Time: roughly 40 minutes into round, around 2:30pm PST?
  17. Prepper bunker done, larp to your hearts content, americans.
  18. Update: its been a busy 'weekend' for me, I wasn't expecting to have a lot to do. I have however, learned how to use github to a very minor degree. This is a HUGE milestone for me, as this has been something I've been putting off since a short while after the Horizon map changed happen. Additionally, I've polished a separate project. I'll likely be able to get progress done tomorrow, Sunday's at my work have next to zero work to do.
  19. Update: took the past two days to relax and either play other games or be in round.
  20. Big agree with this. what comes to mind for me is how much work NM has put into The Dawn Program, and it has no canonical impact. I think players would deeply enjoy the ability to effect this world in a real, tangible way. Deaths getting mentioned in articles, heroic acts memorialized, past arcs feeding into new ones in any capacity. To this day, i have no idea what the effect and impact of the adhomai expeditions was, outside of the stories from a handful of characters. The only tangible proof i have that it even happened is sprites in the code and a map in the captains office. It doesn’t have to be itemized or something. Everyone getting mentioned. But some level of recognition would be nice.
  21. Not quite sure what to do with this yet, but I wanted to make it. I'll figure it out.
  22. A couple cargo depots, I have a couple more ideas regarding them though.
  23. Hi, I'm going to begin work on a project to just pump out a ton of ruins themed for the various planets and exoplanets we'll be able to visit in the coming months. This thread exists purely so I can gather ideas from you lot, and make them real. You post what you'd like to see, I'll make a version of them real. I may contact you via discord for more instant feedback or elaboration about an idea. As this thread continues, I'll mark off ideas in the Original Post via edits. It will be divided into "WIP" and "Completed." This should make it easy to see if an idea has already been suggested. I'll also periodically post screenshots of completed ruins. WIP: -Abandoned getmore convenience store -35th Fleet Remains -Abandoned spaceports or landing pads. -Old refueling stations. -Roads. -more elaborate Orion Deposit Sites -scrapyard away site -great ball of trash away site Completed: -Cargo depots, partial (brainstorming other ideas) -Camp sites. -Prepper bunker. -Cargo depots. -Crashed ship with a survivor camp (The survivors aren't there.)
  24. Update: half a year later, Ive decided I'll be re-doing the coalition survey ship to bring it up to current standards. This is currently third in line of my current projects I'm working on, so it may be another month or so before I begin work. This is just to bring attention to it that yes, I seriously plan to fix the problems. I'm a little embarrassed that I've let them sit this long, so I'm going to rectify them.
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