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Everything posted by CourierBravo
See title. The idea is this: I'd like to have a practice dummy that can be used for medical training. Why, though? Well, I feel like using monkey cubes is weird and or wrong. And using protohumans is perfectly viable, but cumbersome. So! I'll list some hard requirements from me, and any additional features/suggestions can be brought up by players below. -It must be ordered through cargo, it cannot spawn on the ship normally -It must be movable, and secured to the floor with a wrench. so it would be like, a machine/table setup -it should be functionally identical to a human patient -it must have a self heal function (takes 20-40 seconds or longer, depending on severity of injuries) -it must be able to load preset injury conditions (punctured lungs, arterial bleed, beat up, shot, MSOF, etc) -it should do something fun when emagged edit to title: $20 from myself, $55 from lilahnovi
Huh. Interesting. It might be an issue of some code not quite working as intended then, and the blaster would be the right fit.
1. Hanger is largely just because of the shape of the shuttle. I wanted a sideways one in the moment. 2. I'm trying to avoid canisters on ships as much as possible 3. The idea was to give it weapons that matched its job: mining and surveying. I didnt know that the mining blaster is that good. I can pretty easily swap it out for a frankie.
things wrong: -SMES does not output power without having to change some things -SMES throttles power, charging APC's slowly -cargo hold does not have an APC -airlock doors not facing the correct way -several APC's do not receive charge despite being connected on the same line Changes made currently: -changes to SMES that should fix output issues -APC added to cargo hold I'm also rearranging ship a bit to make RP flow better
Character Complaint - Solomon Shaw
CourierBravo replied to CourierBravo's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Hey, no worries! thank you for apologizing : ) That's pretty much my main concern addressed, just toning it back a bit during normal rounds. I think that resolves it. Unless moderation has anything else to add, I'm content with closing the thread out. -
Just starting this thread since I've heard that some things weren't working correctly. Please leave feedback here so we can address it.
I got to participate in my first event in a good long time, and I did like it! My only feedback isn't really related to the event itself. The low tick rate/lag was hard to deal with, and I think I survived what should have been a fatality because I was able to run away from an explosion well before it could finish and hit me. It also caused issues for loading the guns, printing things with machines, and other problems. I also know this is something the team is aware of, since admins were disabling less important things to improve tick rate. Otherwise, it was fun and I got to LARP as a loader. Good times.
BYOND Key: CourierBravo Game ID: cpV-aF7J Player Byond Key/Character name: Solomon Shaw Staff involved: N/A Reason for complaint: Concerns of over-abrasiveness Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? No, in the moment I was busy. I only resolved to after considering how I felt after the round. Approximate Date/Time: During round listed, but also a related instance a few weeks ago. I've played a few rounds with this character, and I keep walking away with them feeling frustrated. I know what the character archetype is supposed to be, the mean boss/executive/observing person who's supposed to make sure everything is being run right. My problem right now is two things. One, the bigger of the two: Several of the nitpicks the character makes are things where belief needs to be suspended. What do I mean by that? When I and my character Samga first met Solomon, the character berated me for being late to work. I had late joined the round. He would not leave me alone about it. I think latejoining is something where the suspension of disbelief needs to exist that the character isnt late. Unless they state themselves they are. I cant revolve my life around Aurora, nor can anyone (sustainably) really. I gotta late join now and then. It didnt feel good to have this brought up in that moment. This was a few weeks ago now, I wish I kept the round ID just for logging sake, but, oh well. To reference the listed round: Solomon berated the commander for a long period for not sending in her officers to just deal with a stowaway that moment, and throw them in the brig or maroon them. The suspension we need to make here is that we're here to roleplay. An antag's job is to facilitate roleplay by being an antagonist. They cant do that if the moment security sees them, they just attack them and arrest them. Security has to walk a line of not just letting antags do whatever they want, but also letting them explore their gimmick. Up to the point where its unavoidably dangerous for the crew. At least to me, thats how I see it. Being belittled and harassed for giving these characters the space to do their thing instead of just robusting them instantly isnt fun. it blows. Additionally, Solomon seemingly suggested that the bridge crewman should be in the bridge unless doing another job function. The character claiming i abandoned my post in the bridge. Unfortunately, the bridge is only accessible to a very short list of characters. I'm here to roleplay. I need to leave the bridge so i can interact with characters beyond talking on the radio or texting. I think its an acceptable suspension of disbelief that in this setting the bridge crew isnt always on the bridge. Yes, in real life, if I was a bridge crewman the expectation would be that I'm always there when on the job. It doenst feel good to have this brought up to my character, when im just trying to roleplay. The smaller of the two points, as mentioned in the first paragraph, is the nature of the character. The way that Solomon gives criticism feels very demeaning and rude. And it always is. To the point that I the player am getting upset with it. The command radio is regularly breaking down into bickering between everyone who wants Solomon to just shut up, and Solomon. I think this needs to get toned back a bit. Jerk characters fundamentally have a place both in roleplay and on our server. But a line needs to we walked with it. And im feeling like it might be over the line, because im just not enjoying the rounds where I work with them. I dont like that the radio is just requests for Solomon to please shut up. It doenst feel good for me to do that, and I cant imagine it feels good for the other player. But I dont wanna engage with that character. I'm gonna close this by saying that I think Solomon as a character has a place, but not in his current form, in my own opinion. Which is why I'm making the complaint. I just think some chill needs to be put on. Pulling it back a bit. Id really like to see a place where I want to engage with this character. We dont have enough corporate liaisons who play these hours, and I like that someone is trying to play a liaison. I especially like that they're playing a liaison that is getting out of their office and poking into the going ons of the round. I just dont like how it currently is.
Is there more you can expand on this concept with? While Catholicism in Aurora was seemingly canonized (ha) some 5 years ago, its presence today is fairly small. To the point that Catholics are only mentioned for 2 planets. The majority of the religious focus for lore is more towards either the post blue space religions or non human religions. I don't see any reason that you cant have your character be Mormon already. I'd like to point this as well: I think space mormon is already a funny concept I'd like to see. But I think we already see aspects in mormonism already in other religions. Apocalypticism in a sense, or the coming of the final days, already exists in the Republic of the Qar's Great Slug, for example. If we're to add Mormons into Aurora's canon, id like for it to be beyond "it exists." And I'm excited to see what you do with the concept!
Hi, I am BejewledPot, also known as CourierBravo more commonly. You might know me for such gems as "Stick your head into the ground and ignore your community. I’d be surprised if you’re peaking 10 players by next New Years Eve." among many others. Since the last time I said such inflammatory statements, I've been on an 8 month break to figure some things out. What I figured out after all of that is: mental and social health is incredibly important and should not be ignored. Disclaimer: My topic here is largely an effort to prevent others from making the mistakes I have made. It is not a pity party. I am going to try to remain as objective as possible. I dont want empathy, I want this to not happen again. Especially for myself. Though this is also very much an incomplete set of information, and may not be useful to you. It is also not fully nuanced and complete, as I am only one person and I am not a professional in mental health. When You are the Problem: Often times, problem interactions happen. Obviously, that's why this community has rules and moderation staff. It's when these become commonplace that a problem begins to form, along with a pattern. Sometimes, its a topic that is the problem. Politics, for example, is a section of conversation that people are very emotionally connected with. Though more commonly this might be a set of mechanics or a pattern of play. Other times, its you that is the problem. And the common thread isnt the topic, but the person. The common link between all of these tiffs is you. That happens. But when that happens, you have to step back and start evaluating the situation objectively. And that starts how it started for me: Taking a 1 week break. Which quickly turned into 8 months. Self reflection is a genuine skill that many lack, myself included sometimes. It is also a skill that flies out the window when you're emotional. When you're doing a hobby or playing a game, its important to ask yourself "Am I having fun?", "Is this worth doing?", and "Is this causing me or others distress?" Not asking yourself these questions can lead to feeling a sunk cost or bitterness. Then, that the thing you're enjoying cannot be given up, and must be what you care about. You become irritable, prickly, or outright hostile when you encounter parts of this hobby you dont like. And you lash out at the people around you. This does nothing good for you, and hurts the very community you're supposed to be apart of and supporting. This is where the one week break comes into play. When you start to put time between yourself and the last incident, and let yourself cool down, you can begin to look at things more objectively. If you're still becoming emotional and irrationally angry, a longer term break is likely required. Or seeking help to process these emotions. I stepped back, and realized that I was still emotional about everything. So, I stepped away. Which was the right choice to make. Moving on and Getting Help: After I left, I found new hobbies instead of just the one hobby. I strongly recommend that you, dear reader, to have at least one hobby not remotely Aurora related. Having multiple hobbies is important, especially when one of these hobbies has a serious amount of social interaction and cohesion. Working out, hiking, playing table top board games, collecting a thing, making art. These are a few examples of things that are not Aurora you can do instead of playing Aurora. These are also things that you can do with little money or none at all. Working out and making art are two things you dont even need to leave your room for. Though leave your room, please. Its good for you. Making friends outside of Aurora is also important. I genuinely believe that my current friend group is one of the best things to have had happened to me. Being able to separate yourself from what is causing so much distress is incredibly important for being a happy human. You can join another discord, frequent the same bar, frequent a local games shop, or start a new hobby that has a group element to it. Like a sport, fabric/fiber crafts, or something else. Talk to your doctor. Or get a new doctor. Most of you are adults, or in the USA above the age of 14. Which means you have a large amount of control over your physical and mental healthcare. You absolutely can ask to see a different doctor. Or if you're with a therapist you dont like, get a new therapist. If you think your doctor doesnt care, or their care is subpar, you can leave them. You dont owe them anything. Once you're with a doctor, therapist, or psychiatrist that you feel comfortable with the care of, talk to them. I spent the last several months figuring out that I have some trauma that I've started working through. I found out that my hormones are out of whack from the lifestyle I lead. And I found out that I really need some mood stabilizer medications to feel like my old, normal, pre-covid self. I now sleep at minimum 7 hours a night, or else I feel awful and angry and bad. I now eat way cleaner. Less takeout, more home made food. I drink water, because i was severely dehydrated almost constantly. I make sure I get at least 1 hour of exercise a day, even if its just walking or using a standing desk that I bought for myself. Your physical and mental health effect how you treat people so much. And now, I'm not angry like I used to be. I'm a much better person, I feel completely different. Stepping Back In and Consequences: When you inevitably decide you're ready to embrace your old hobby again, you need to know going back in that not everything will be okay. You should be prepared to notice immediately if what was causing you grief before is making a return. If it is, just walk away. Its okay to just walk away. Hopefully by now you've learned what life is like without this hobby, and you can be fine just never doing it again. And, you've hurt people. Maybe just a couple, maybe a lot. Expect to be given some amount of grief. Expect people to not want to trust you. Expect that all these things you've done are going to bite you in the rear. As they should. You did that. You hurt people, sometimes a lot. You can apologize, and maybe they'll forgive you. Its okay if they dont forgive you. You might not know how to apologize. I dont know how to apologize. You'll have to eventually. But if you're like me, despite it all, you have a deep love for what Aurora is. Love that got corrupted by awful thoughts, shitty takes, and being a bad person. It happens. You have to choose if you're willing to move on and accept it, and learn to live with feeling embarrassed sometimes. Or you cant live with it. And you just have to leave. It sucks. But you can hopefully learn a lot and take that into the next community you join. Almost no one in this world is truly irredeemable. It starts with forgiving yourself, and being okay with people never forgiving you. Finally,: I want to thank you for reading this. If you see yourself in this article, please get help man. For Americans, you can go to Psychology Today to find help, a therapist who can start to guide you down the right paths. You can schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. You have the power to do the things you have to, so you can be happy. And way more importantly, so you can stop hurting people.
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Ask the community for help instead of forcing 1 or 2 guys to do it. God knows i have several maps i never did anything with i could just give you. It has a research lab. A large one at that. A large portion of the ship is dedicated to the various sciences. You know what i mean, don’t just point “see, we never explicitly said it!” Map design matters when building a narrative. More than that, the same exact massive research set up was on the Aurora.
I feel like it might be worthwhile to throw in my two bits. Folks in this thread are outlining my problems with Aurora in its current direction fantastically. There’s a fundamental disconnect from what the player base wants and what the development/lore team want. I, frankly, do not want to play on a pseudo military vessel. The arcs and events since Horizon seem to be popular with the people who can make it, especially with security and command who are the main people engaging in it. This has been criticized already, and seemingly little consideration was made to it. If this is the path you want to go down, by all means. But it doesn’t encourage interest in me or plenty of others it seems. Good luck with that. In my opinion, the reason so many people had expectations that weren’t delivered on, is because we were given a setting where we could go anywhere and do anything. We could have explored the Valley Hale, then gone towards Assunzione, then gone anywhere from there. Out into the unknown, up towards wild space north, down around the alien parts of space. Anywhere. But we didn’t. Instead, the ship has sat in the Valey hale doing political work and military work. So much for research. If you guys wanted to make Aurora a fighting ship and do this crap where it’s out fending off a naval fleet? You should have started with that. If any expectations were let down, it’s that the team focused so hard on war, political fighting between factions, and military development, you forgot that this is a science and exploration vessel. And didn’t deliver on any exploration, as far as I’m aware. Correct me if I’m wrong, but has there been any main arc exploration events? (That’s a genuine invitation, i stopped keeping up a couple months back.) Finally, i want to bring up KOTH. I don’t think the team realizes why it was successful and everything since hasn’t been. KOTH saw all departments largely working together on a threat we were all unified against. Dreary futures seemed to see us fighting what was seemingly our allies. Though obviously not. I know my whole post is messy, but it’s nearly midnight for me and I’m tired. If any of you on the lore team care about this server, make some change. You’ve done little with the setting. Do something with it. You’ve done little with the crew. Run events that make the crew feel meaningful. Write some damn summaries so everyone actually knows what’s going on for gods sake. You can’t genuinely call yourself a research ship and ignore every explorative avenue. DM me if you want ideas, i care deeply for this setting and it’s beyond frustrating to see it turn into this. Or don’t. Stick your head into the ground and ignore your community. I’d be surprised if you’re peaking 10 players by next New Years Eve. Goodnight, sweet dreams, and please just listen. Yeah?
I think some re-analyzing of how to achieve a multi part narrative setup should be looked into. Because ultimately, this arc didn’t achieve much narrative buildup for anyone but command and event volunteers. The picture really shouldn’t be so blurry at the end of the arc. Ultimately, we’re where we started but with temporarily one less place to explore. If you want my frank recommendation, you need to recruit more human lore people, and preferably people who have different ideas than the past and current 4 have. Human lore has been largely stagnant because 3 people cannot reasonably tackle it. It’s such a monumental undertaking. And i think you, Cael, focusing on developing a new unrelated human planet while in the middle of the arc was a huge detriment to it. Please consider widening your pool of devs and the idea pools to draw in from.
Also, events with the Caraviaggo just felt bad. Like, I wasn't expecting them to turn into the antagonists, I thought they were being set up to be the aid to the ship. It felt like an unneeded plot twist/allegiance flip.
I just don't get it. I feel like the arc really went nowhere. I feel like nothing in game has changed except for parts of deck 3 getting damaged . In terms of crew interactions, I feel like the whole arc only saw Command and Security interaction. Arguably medical as well, because they have to haul off the wounded. The Mutiny felt like the most crew involvement for the whole thing. NanoTrasen finding phoron, and sending off the Horizon didn't even amount to anything game play wise too. We never actually found asteroids or planets with phoron outside of the heph facility, nor was there any events exploring phoron rich areas like we saw with the Clandestine incident. And at the end of this, I just. I don't know. I just don't even have words other than I need a break. This doesn't feel like the Aurora I remember when I joined the server two years ago.
BYOND key: CourierBravo Discord name/id: courierbravo#0420 Borg / AI names: Phobos/Deimos (AI) Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: yes Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I want to check out how AI is on the Horizon. And, I’m not happy with my previous AI gameplay a year and a few months ago. I feel like i powergamed, and I’m not happy with that, so i want to prove to myself that I can do way better. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Yes, one action on the forum for poor conduct that had since expired. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes, and i welcome the action if my behavior in game shows i need to be stripped of it. Regardless of my own feelings on it.
I meant more like, the blob just dies faster on highpop. Compared to the low pop rounds I’m playing, where it takes what feels like ages. And I’m not doing anything different, we used just one emitter back then too. It’s just what I’ve noticed dealing with blobs in the past few months. That they just seem tougher to kill and are much more aggressive/grow faster and are slower to kill. Not really harder, it’s pretty simple. Just time consuming Y’know?
Though now that i think about it, i remember blobs being way easier to deal with than i find them now when the server is at higher pops. Back when i played highpop
Huh. I’m usually dealing with really aggressive blobs that regrow really fast. Like, maybe 1 in 4 emitter volleys won’t go through at all, because it’ll regrow the shielding mass before an emitter shot can go through
I’m sorry but this isn’t really true. Sure, vines are a lot of clicking, but the only time vines can be a problem is when there’s only 1 person on the server. i think the point you’re missing is that A. You cannot reasonably handle a blob without an engineer. B. Blobs will get out of control really easily. And C. They’re a massive pain in the butt with the amount of destruction they cause. Even caught early, it can take 15 minutes to deal with one. If it vents a section or multiple sections, it takes even longer. I’m a pretty experienced engineer player, and i find blobs incredibly tedious because it takes so long to undo the damage. i think you’re also not really giving credit to the fact that even pointing and firing the emitter at a blob is time consuming. A believe it was about a week and a half ago, i was handling a blob in the starboard wing. And it took about 7 minutes to cut through 6 tiles of vine and the core. And it’s not like you can busy yourself with fixing the breech or doing repairs in the meantime. You have to wait for the emitter to do it’s work. I’m not going to say it’s impossible to deal with vines without an engineer, but I’ll give some insight to what it’s like when security does it. You pull out every single energy gun in the armory. You grab 4 chargers. You wrench those chargers down near the blob. You and another security person repeat the steps of 1. Firing all your ammo in a straight line towards the core 2. Swapping guns and repeating. 3. Putting the guns into chargers and wait half a minute or so for it to recharge. Repeat 15-20 times at least. Pray someone orders more guns or flash bangs while you sit there doing this. Huzzah, it finally dies. But you’re a security guard, you can’t fix the hole the blob poked into the ship. honestly, i don’t see a lot of value in keeping the blob at all. But if we do keep it, it’s gotta be nerfed to be less awful to deal with on lowpop. Or cap it so there’s at least, I’m just throwing random checks out, 15 people with at least 1 engineer or 2 Engineers.
Even though Matt and I have our rockyness, I do trust him to make good choices. I dont see why that wouldn't extend to his writing choices. I like that your 3 big concerns line up with some of mine about lore, and you're recognizing the areas neglected. It's a nice surprise to see that you worked on Assunzione, which is one of my favorite planets in terms of concept, even though I dont really play characters from there. Of all the planets, I think its the most unique in terms of "how a society responded to a crisis". A +1 for sure. However, just one question. I've always found human lore arcs to be nothing but war war war, and very little politics. While i imagine you'll have a hand tied behind your back with the warlords, will we see lore arcs where there's little martial conflict, but mostly politics instead?
An awkwardly timed Eridani rewrite
CourierBravo replied to Montyfatcat's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
Very very strong support, only change I'd like to see is with the egyptian deities. Maybe utilize some sub-Saharan African deities if you want to keep that theme? -
Reporting Personnel: Song Hyu-Ju Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Captain Game ID: ciI-bqYW Commended Personnel: ZI Krantz, Engineering Apprentice, ZI Providence, Engineering Apprentice Witnesses: Sejong, XO, Song Hyu-Ju, Captain Time of Commendable Act: N/A Real Time:(probably around 4am PST? or about two hours into round?) Location of Act: SCCV Intrepid Overview: Due to a lack of security, crew were deputized to deal with rogue elements in crew. While preforming a marooning overseen by Sejong, they were attacked by the person to be marooned along with another crewmember. They both fought to subdue them both, saving the lives of all crew present to oversee the marooning. Along with ensuring the safe return of the intrepid, which they then made repairs to. Thanks to their going above and beyond the their duty, our ship is safe and sound, and the criminals handled. They kept their heads cool the entire time, showing why Zavodskoi Interstellar has earned their rightful reputation as professionals in all lines of work. Additional Notes: N/A