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Everything posted by Ron
Do you know of any fitting sprites? I can't make sprites to save my life.
So I started working on some ninja updates because I and others feel like the game mode is kind of dry in terms of things you can do. Some ideas I've had. New ninja (hardsuit) modules like: A better ninja net. An EMP shielding module that consumes power when active. (Already in the code, just not active) An upgraded version of voice synthesizer that can actively block messages from a certain person but it consumes power while active. Maybe new hardsuits the ninja can pick that do different things? Kind of like the new wizard can pick a certain class. A combat strong power weak hardsuit/ power strong combat weaker hardsuit/ current balanced hardsuit. Allow you to customize your hardsuit with modules you want with different modules holding a certain power consumption depending on their power and you can only have X amount of power consumption before your suit can't handle it and you can't add more modules (something like this would be involve a bigger hardsuit change.) Things like grenade launcher would take up more power than say a voice synthesizer. I'm interested in ideas that would make ninja a better experience to play with and as.
"I'll make myself clear again. Murderboning is not tolerated with our given rules. Acting disrespectful to staff, even if trial staff, is not going to be tolerated. Powergaming and shooting everyone you run across on site when you have options to not immediately kill them and remove them from the round will not be tolerated either." I wasn't murderboning. I could have killed /a lot/ more people for a lot less, which would have been murderboning. I killed people that shot at me. I didn't powergame and shoot everyone I ran across on site. Take a look at the logs I posted, please. "You specced wizard spells specifically to disable laser weapons and make them practically helpless and then gun down anyone that would attempt to stand up to you. And fireball for additional stun potential, and jaunt to displace yourself elsewhere. Oh yes, and mutate to make yourself hulk, immune to stuns and almost immune to pain. Believe you had a voidsuit too so you could circumvent consequences of fireball on the rare occasion causing breaches. That's fireball, EMP, mutate, jaunt, and Mastercrafted Voidsuit. I cannot actually quantify how awful murderwizards are to deal with compared to any other antagonist, and this was the playstyle you chose." Sorry, but there are zip rules or cases of people getting in trouble (that I know of) for people picking spells. If that's bothering you I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do to help that. We all have our own playstyle. "I do not care if you thought each individual killing was justified, because many of the characters you killed had pretty unhappy and unsatisfied players behind them. Your job as an antagonist is to create engaging and interesting roleplay situations. You did not have to kill everyone you met that aimed a gun at you. You had ample opportunity to EMP them, run away or even find a way to overcome them without having to kill them." People generally aren't happy when they die. Also I can't EMP ballistics. Also my jaunt has a cooldown. And if I can disable them I will and did. I can't create interesting roleplay situations when I'm getting shot at. If you read over the logs I posted, when I was in the brig there was plenty of opportunity for them to talk to me but they rushed in and tried to kill me. "That's not what happened, though, and you chose a "rinse in the blood of my enemies and repeat" process with this to the point where it got really boring for everyone to watch and just let happen." I can't help you if your bored. "I will adamantly disagree with anyone who thinks I should've let you off for the utter lack of interesting engagement that you generated for anyone involved in the round. You absolutely could've done many things better without having to resort to murdering half of the current crew roster because they opposed you." Well I wasn't going to let them kill me or capture me without doing so on their own or if I was disabled. Mercs blowing up the armory and cargo isn't interesting but its allowed to slide. And please don't pull the "case by case basis" card here. "I just warned you the other day over you striking a cyborg 18 times with your baton as a non-antagonist security officer because its actions in engaging a ninja and killing it caused the ninja to explode. You have a nasty habit of taking extreme measures out on other people based on typical in-round circumstances and I'm surprised that warning did not clue you in on how you should be roleplaying properly." I'm not going to conform to /your/ roleplay standards. I will conform to the /rules/ and majority staffs roleplay standards. Also we talked over this incident and it was resolved, and this situation was much different then that one. "You attacked/were attacked enough times to cause VV to not show any more logs manually. As a trial, I don't have the proper permissions nor can I directly access server logs to look into specifics. So you're going to need to ask an admin further if you think it matters." Then you shouldn't be making judgements without being able to look at the facts. "Said my piece. Not going to reply further." Sounds good, appreciate the reply.
Log time. I chunked them up in to sections. This is every single log from when I stated interaction to when I eventually died. I will go step by step explaining every part of it.
Now onto the logs. "I physically cannot, is the issue, because of the amount of people you have attacked. And no, I think we're done here. Your attitude in combination with the meaningless and purposeless murderboning that lost sight of your original goal for the sake of roleplay is what I take very serious issue with. I do believe that this is due to what has happened for the past round or however you've been on, because the moment I logged on I've seen nothing other than logs of you venting frustration and anger at other players. Generally just being salty as a whole. I'm going to review this with the other staff members for further advisement." Calling people salty as a whole is you trying to bait people into saying things. He said he can't check the logs. He also has an extreme tendency to say 'we're done here' when he is done talking an issue out with people which is extremely annoying. "Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Doesn't it get boring just shooting people wordlessly over and over again? (Also you did just EMP Zephyr on sight, that's how he died.)" Him not checking the logs. He was wrong, I didn't just EMP him on sight. "The classic join or die spiel, no? I'm not necessarily worried about each individual instance but whether this culminated to actually being meaningful." Him assuming things without again, checking over the logs. "Citation needed. And we operate case-by-case. We don't automatically think every instance of murdering is okay. We look at the reasoning behind it first and if it drives a specific roleplay purpose. And for some reason, I feel like the purpose was lost here." He never explained why he felt like this, and I would love to know. In response to be saying I didn't shoot first. "Bull. I witnessed four of your killings where you EMPed them and then filled them full of mutated eye lasers." Again, him not checking the logs. "It just turned into some game where you shoot sec on sight and they have to shoot you on sight so that you don't shoot them on sight first." Actually he was wrong here. It didn't. They shot me on sight first after I shot at them once or twice for cornering me. Keep in mind I didn't even try to hit them when the altercation kicked off. "And you effectively hadn't spoken beyond casting your spells after you killed the Sol Officer." Again, him not checking the logs. I did talk after that. He is wrong. "Furthermore it seems like you didn't, a statement that was made turned out not to be true. But consider this. It is one hour and thirty minutes into the round and you've killed close to 10 people." Him admitting to not checking the logs after I called him out. Also I don't see the issue with killing that many people if they shot at me first. Was that my goal? No. Did it happen? Yes. Do other antags do this? Yes. "Alright. So let's think for a moment. Killing the Sol Officer and showing he's weak would certainly incite a sense of strength among the common folk and show that the Alliance, despite their presence en masse, is still mortal. That was nice and it proceeded in an interesting fashion. But then this seems to have developed a bit. You got an engineer killed, I'm not sure for what reason, exactly. This spurred security to take charge to stop you. With unlimited lasers and stun resistance in addition to EMP, of course, you rolled over them without much effort. Right?" Him trying to question me or something? I really don't understand why this was needed. Also the engineering killed is the part I called him out on because he was wrong. I don't see whats wrong with me using EMP, lasers, and stun resistance (which i didn't have by the way) to fight back against security if its what I picked as my spells.
BYOND Key: Printer16 Staff BYOND Key: OneOneThreeEight Game ID: bNh-cWM2 Reason for complaint: Improper handling of a situation. Evidence/logs/etc: The round was a wizard round. I was rolling with an anti-sol wizard. I go to the station and confront the Sol Officer. I talk to him and other things then teleport into his office. He pulls an energy gun so I emp the room. I then mutate and shoot lasers at him, purposely missing most shots as he scrambles around. I teleport out. I'm in medical now and Zephyr and I talk and I try to recruit him to help me. He says maybe and walks around. A chemist shitslings at me ICly and I say Shut Up to him. He doesn't and I shoot him once in the foot. I teleport out and now security is chasing me. I teleport over to secondary tool storage where security says surrender. I say no, the Sol Officer rambo's into the room I am in. I again mutate and shoot the HoS once then shoot to miss at the Sol Officer and other officers. A cluster bang is thrown and I teleport away. I go to arrivals. The Sol Officer is there and he has a laser pistol. I don't shoot at him. He pursues me a bit then I EMP his laser pistol. After that I kill him after he tried to sword me. I teleport away and heal then go to the bottom of arrivals. After that it's me killing security or others after they shoot at me first. I never shot first, except in one case I think. Apparently this is muderboning. I didn't have a chance to talk to security. I tried talking to Zephyr after all this happend and reasoning with him but he walked away not wanting to help. I didn't shoot him for that. I did end up killing him later after he shot first. I don't understand how its murderboning if they shoot at me first. There are a /ton/ of cases of antags killing people for shooting first. He then proceeds to assume I did this because 'of recent rounds and that I have a shit attitude' (not his exact words). Honestly, it wasn't. I get mad for a second if something stupid happend, but I don't hold grudges into rounds after that. I'm honestly appalled by him assuming things like this. He also stated several false accusations and claims which I corrected him on because he clearly didn't check the logs. I know the logs are a lot, but read them. It will give you justification for pretty much EVERYTHING I did.
I'm fairly certain admins are alerted to everything bought from an uplink.
coming soon (pr was made for it by alberyk)
isn't that what this suggestion would do? Make it less about being a nuke op by making it harder to get? lol Anyways, I'm okay with mercs still having the code, It's mostly about the code being buy-able
Make it so you can buy the nuke codes for like 40 TC's or something. And mercs don't start with the code anymore. Why? less nuke ending rounds, and now anyone can get the nuke codes (Note that traitors would have to team up and spend all but 5 TC's if working in a team of two to get the nuke code so its going to be a rare ordeal)
Security didn't see me smash girders or walls, they didn't know I did that. I don't know how someone who is going to medical for a clear medical emergency is a threat, but if you say it is, and that it justifies a use of force then so be it.
You are missing the point of this complaint. I do not care what happened after he fired, I care about when he fired when he shouldn't have. Your entire last paragraph is pointless to the discussion at hand. Just to clarify that. "Just from these logs and the fact they were chasing prior, indicates that their intent was visible along with the fact they provided you with verbal orders. The HoS in question, Paul Johnson aimed a weapon at you which meant that when you decided to move around, regardless of the fact he was using an aim mechanic, meant that you weren't being cooperative nor even responsive, this in my opinion was more than enough reason for them to non-lethally detain you." I didn't see him say stop the first time. He said it once while moving, that isn't that good of an order. I wasn't being hostile or aggressive towards him and he decided to shoot me. Yes, he decided to. Not the aiming mechanic, he did. If he shot, he did it. I was about to drop down then I got shot and decided that he clearly wasn't interested in what I was doing. Also, no, I moved ONE tile in medical and got shot right as he aimed at me. You are wrong about that as well.
BYOND Key: Printer16 Staff BYOND Key: Aboshehab Game ID: bMr-ct70 Reason for complaint: Poorly/incorrectly handling a situation. Additional remarks: In the round I was an antagonist, specifically a vampire. I proceeded through my round not doing much just interacting with people. I took Pun Pun from the bar and killed him by sucking all of his blood before returning him to the bar. No one cared. Moving on, I glared and took blood from a janitor and carried on with no one knowing I did it. I decided to go on a frenzy to create roleplay for the medical and possibly science department. I drain my blood by spamming the presence verb and wait for me to switch over to frenzy mode. After a while I turn into the frenzied beast and roleplay with someone, hitting a wall down by the bathrooms. He called for medical, and they arrived along with an officer and Paul Jonson. Paul Jonson extended a tactical shield and followed me around with the other officer wordlessly. I went to the medical bay lobby and was told to 'Stop.' and to 'Get on the ground.' by Paul Jonson. He drew his energy gun and aimed it at me using the games aiming mechanic. I talked and moved a tile and was shot by him due to his improper handling of the aiming mechanic, mind you he was the HoS. Afterword's I attacked him in self-defense. The story ends there as I died shortly after, but the main focus of this is that he shouldn't have shot me in the first place. Period. It is the players responsibility to control the aiming mechanic. I was going to get down but he shot me prematurely when I have previously shown no aggression towards either of them. I contacted staff and was told, by Aboshehab, "I may have explained my point in an incorrect way. What I'm trying to say is that, mechanics or not, had a gun aimed at you, and you decided to move. Furthermore, I don't believe they were at fault of anything. It was reported that you broke down a wall, when security went to investigate, you went to medical. They tried to non-lethaly subdue you but as you can see, it did not really work out. With what I've seen and read, I still do not believe they did anything wrong. You are of course free to bring this up to another person considering I'm still on my trial." This is a double-edged sword as it would let players utilize the aiming mechanic to aim at people with the stun setting and if they other person moves or does anything to trigger it is their fault, thus allowing the gun-user to take him down without giving him a chance to roleplay with the justification "You moved a tile." or "You talked over radio." This should never be the case, but that is what the staff member above is implying. I heavily disagree with their reply, and how Paul Jonson handled the situation. It is up the gun wielder to control the gun aiming mechanic, not the one being aimed at. I showed zero aggression towards anyone until I was shot, drawing a gun and aiming at someone (who has shown no aggression at all) with a tactical shield in your hands is not the proper way to handle a situation as a head of security. My main point is he shouldn't have shot me. At all. Accidents or not, he is a whitelisted player that should now how to utilize the aiming mechanic, and if he doesn't he shouldn't be using the mechanic. I was also told by Aoshehab "He was chasing you around telling you to stop, or halt. When he aimed at you, he told you to drop on the ground. The gun was set on stun to non-lethaly take you down as well, regardless of whether or not it is a mechanic, the intention to take you down non-lethaly was there. It changed to lethal methods after you quite aggressively assaulted them, whether or not it was self defense, you did cause serious injuries to them." I again heavily disagree with this. This implies someone can go as a security officer, tell someone or a criminal to stop, draw their gun and aim at them and as long as the gun is loaded with non-lethals it's okay if you unload on them as they moved and triggered the mechanic. It also implies as long as your intentions are to take someone down on-lethally you can do it without giving them roleplay, as that's what happened here.
Yeah. They don't have a real objective set. It's the players that make the objective. They have AOOC to talk and make gimmicks. They don't have to go nar'sie. Maybe it could be improved in the code to allow for more options, but other than that its up to the players.
'..Can be called at two hours..." Exactly. And you don't think cult will rush converting people because of this in favor of actual RP? Also I am not seeing any texts or rules that say you have to obey other cultists. At all. As far as I am concerned I don't have to listen to them at all, according to the rules and the texts in-game. Now, this isn't to be taken as I can just rat out the cult at round start or refuse to help them entirely. But if they are going on an armory raid, and I don't want to, I don't have to. Even if it would help the entire cult. Same with conversions. If I don't want to, I don't /have/ to. Feel free to pull up a rule that proves me wrong.
I don't like it, but at the same time I don't want it to take 10 minutes to convert someone. The CT vote starts at 2 hours. Also I don't like any of your three propositions. Removing a gamemode entirely is the lazy way of doing something. I agree it needs changes, but different than the ones you said it needs. Also I'm not seeing the contract that says "You've been converted. You must obey the ones who converted you." You don't /have/ to do what they say. You can disagree with them.
I'm assuming you read the reply Shawdow posted. I think it's a good compromise that you can be a head of staff and a captain. I don't think its a good idea or makes sense that a captain can be a captain one shift, HoP the second, and Chef the third, then back to Captain.
I suggest we merge the atmos tech and engineering job and have atmos tech as an alt title for engineer. Right now it seems they don't have much to do besides act as a support role for the engineers, and even then they usually take the place of an engineer and help rebuild things, or vice versa. I think its for the best the two are merged and have atmos tech become an alternative title for engineer.
no I like being able to see if extended the cancer gamemode is about to be voted in so I can go secret and possibly not be tainted by it don't get triggered by me calling extended cancer pls, it is a joke (even tho its true)
Here are some notes from my anatomy class on classification of bone fractures if you are interested in it. They are classified by four things, 1. Position of the bone ends after the fracture 2. The completeness of the break 3. The orientation of the bone to the long axis and 4. Whether or not the bone ends penetrate the skin. Types of fractures (If you want pictures google the name of them) 1. Comminuted is where the bone breaks into many fragments. (3+ pieces) 2. Compression is where the bone is crushed. 3. Depressed is where the broken bone is pressed inwards. 4. Impacted is where the broken bones are forced into each other. 5. Spiral is where the break occurs due to a twisting force on the bone. 6. Greenstick is where the bone breaks incompletely. Terms to classify the fracture. 1. Nondisplaced is where the bone ends retain their normal position in the body 2. Displaced is the opposite of nondisplaced, and occurs when the bone ends are not aligned properly. 3. Complete is when the bone is broken all the way through (Not necessarily through the skin.) 4. Incomplete is when the fracture does not break the bone all the way through. 5. Linear means the fracture is parallel to the long axis of the bone. 6. Compound means it goes through the skin. 7. Simple means it does not go through the skin.
[Accepted] Gris3310's Head of Staff Application
Ron replied to gris3310's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
+1 to this guy, he seems like a good person oocly and his character is icly fit to be in a commanding position. The application is also quite good. -
I'd be down for joining. Username is Printer16, by the way.