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Everything posted by Ron

  1. PR made. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/3811
  2. PR made. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/3810
  3. PR made. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/3809
  4. What I said still applies. Voting for dismissal.
  5. Holocalls are on master. Moving to completed.
  6. Moved to completed. The generator is currently implemented on master.
  7. There are two engines, plenty of solars, PACMANS and batteries which can shift the location of energy around. I see no need for this.
  8. What exactly would they do? Sounds like a useless job.
  9. I agree with this. Like you said, people can communicate with [*]Holocalls [*]PDA [*]Intercoms [*]In-person chat [*]Request consoles [*]NT Chat [*]News casters [*]Command consoles (heads of staff) There is an excess of methods of communication, and common chat makes many of them useless. As a side note, I've seen 5 different conversations going on in the common channel at the same time. The only reason people can follow that is because they can read the chat. I don't think it would hurt to remove common for a bit and see what it's like.
  10. I'm against any form of mechanically enforcing this. Too many exceptions to consider and it has too high of a potential to cause frequent problems.
  11. Voting for dismissal due to the addition of the gravity generator and the fact it is established it will apply outside and inside the station.
  12. Voting for dismissal. I do not believe there will be much benefit in making a new job that does what the HoP already does.
  13. Voting for dismissal. I don't see this happening for a while unless a developer would like to take it on.
  14. Voting for dismissal. I don't see how water would make you able to run longer. (at least it doesn't for me)
  15. Moved to projects. Will be in the next dev merge.
  16. Moved to projects. Will be in the next dev merge.
  17. Voting for dismissal. I don't see this fitting in with the new map.
  18. Voting for dismissal. This has been cluttering the forum for a while, and unless someone wants to make it available I don't see a point in keeping it here.
  19. If a pAI is being a shitlord ahelp it.
  20. I like this idea. I'd be interested in doing it, but I'd like to get some more feedback first. Also, I'd like to leave it how it is now-- Where they can put as many points into whatever they want (So if you have an off-duty engineer they can still weld, etc.) and let staff moderate skill point selections like they already do.
  21. The job is as fun as it you make it. If you just sit around waiting for a complaint you won't have fun.
  22. I'll be doing this. If you have anymore ideas about xenobiology please feel free to post them on this thread, I'll be actively looking at it.
  23. Ron

    Malfunctioning Malf

    Also you can use jump to ai core to view your new abilities.
  24. Ron

    Malfunctioning Malf

    I forgot to document the changes made in the help tab. I'll revisit it and make it more descriptive to what each one does and make the research menu more appealing and clear to what you will unlock by researching X.
  25. This is quite the old thread, but I'd like to revive this idea. Basically, all laser weapons have a special internal cell that needs to be recharged instead of the entire gun. It'd be quite inconvenient to reload during combat, but still possible outside of combat. The clips themselves would be quite hard to come by and would be large in size so you'd only be able to really carry 2-3 including the one in your gun.
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