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Everything posted by Frances

  1. As much as I'd like to reply to everything, I can't without making a horribly spammy post. So I'll stick to a thing or two. This is true. This is an area where we shouldn't apply a patch through the lore, but rather get to the source of the problem, and if we are to prevent people from doing certain things, outright tell them that it's because they're bad, not because they're not lore-compliant. This also is true. And There's no such thing as an unanimous decision. But there have been some situations before where the majority of the community has put a foot down, and outed certain behaviors as unacceptable. The way I personally see it (more and more strongly as I continue to read the comments in this thread) is that there is a basic level of awful (Bozo the farting clown assistant) that will always get curbed automatically by staff and players alike, but that besides that, there are all sorts of level of specialness and uniqueness, that are mostly well-intended attempts at creating something cool, and can fall on all levels of the good-awful spectrum. These cases are hard to judge, and it might be best to leave it to the community to judge them organically. The thing which irks me is that I sometimes see little of this judgement being done (people doing ridiculous things canonically every shift and still being allowed to work on station), but that might simply be the Duty Officers system not being fully implemented yet. I don't know. How do you think the community should react, to judge/influence/help/work with these attempts at special/unusual characters, snowflake or not?
  2. Basic Information Byond Account: FFrances Character Name(s): (Some of these are old) Ajira Srad'maar, Ajna An'rakharr, Alee'sa Kashirrta-el-Ebek, Alice Wilson, Adrian Escurdado, Buck Dunneroo, Eliya Kha'ssad, Eric Humphreys, Fran Naomi, Hee'ru Jalamak, Olivia Ingigneri, Observer, Peter Okereke, Phyllis Grayson, Raphael Manson, Wadiy Shey'filqqi, some others that I probably forgot. AI Name(s): Twistbot, JANIborg (other people used that name tho), Integrated Systems (these are all borgs, not AIs) Preferred means of contact: Skype, forum PMs Age: 14 Timezone: EST When are you on Aurora?: Recently, in the mornings. Not dead hour, but the part after it (the timeslot which I call "when Skull comes back from school"). I'm probably here 5-6 hours a day on average and will try to play 1-2 rounds every day. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Quite exactly one year. How long have you played on Aurora: Same! How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Apparently not much, today I had to cryo out of shame as a warden because I did a bad and didn't want my HoS to yell at me v.v Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: A bit (well, I was headmin here) Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Surprisingly not. I really don't understand it, sometimes Personality Why do you play SS13?: Cause it's a cool platform for roleplay, while still having a lot of action/mechanics that aren't 100% controlled by the players. I also like sci-fi okay. Why do you play on Aurora?: The people on the server are cool, and it generally has a good balance of seriousness and comedy, without the admins being overly lax or literally Hitler. What do moderators do?: Enforce a general code of conduct, and help provide assistance about the game to people who need it. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: I am incredibly amused by the thought of trying to answer that question (given that I have been trying so hard to push my values when I was headmin, and am probably just going to repeat them here), but imo the most valuable qualities of Aurora mods are common sense, friendliness, and an ability to be laid-back, open to discussion and criticism, and always be willing to evaluate themselves and others. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Because it's fun. (I'm gonna expand on why I left in a bit). As much as I enjoy playing, my greatest love on here was to get involved in discussions on gameplay, roleplay, administration, etc. Devving is fun, participating is fun, helping people is fun. I'm also a bit of a workaholic v.v What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I try my hardest to always remain level-headed, calm, and open to discussion. Despite being sometimes formal, and often aloof and sarcastic in my public addresses, I've always done my best to be friendly with users I've had to interact with as a mod (unless they were being awful, in which case I probably gave up after a while and made fun of them - which they 100% deserved). How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I love it all, and honestly it's 50% of the reason why I enjoyed being a mod so much. I find I perform even better under stress than under normal conditions (plus it's fun), and being yelled at by angry griefers is absolutely hilarious. If you've never been a mod, you should see at least once the kind of people we end up banning from the server. It's an absolute joy. Anything Else You Want to Add: (Do not put words here) I left the server due to personal reasons which I don't really feel like expanding upon (real life, blergh), but I simply found myself unable to dedicate as much time to the server as I wanted. Since I always primed myself on being active and involved, I despised the idea of becoming the inactive, show-once-a-week headmin that does nothing but take administrative decisions. Plus I think even the most precise and accurate status report does not equate being on the ground to see the action happening, so, yeah. The reason why I feel like applying to be a mod again is because I still want to be involved among the community. And as much as I wanted to believe this was something I could do as a player (which is why I asked not to be granted a "retired admin" title), I'm very much forced to accept that there is an unbridgeable gap between the server staff and its users. No matter how much you try to reduce it, that gap will always be there to an extent, through failures of communication, rules sometimes being blindly enforced, and, well, people not being perfect. I think at one point, anyone interested past a certain measure in the way the server is run will have to try their best to prove their abilities, and submit a mod application. Because there's always things that get done behind closed doors, development-wise. And it's not necessarily a bad thing - most of it happens to protect the staff against often unjustified backlash of a community that may be too quick to react (or against certain very vocal users, that although loud, are not necessarily right). I do *not* think staff are trying to ignore users (like, wtf, the reason you're staff in the first place is to serve the community, not the other way around), but in nature it's simply the most efficient way to get things done. Oh, yes. Time-wise, I'm planning on being idle on the computer a lot throughout the summer as I draw, so one thing that you'd gain by modding me (along with all of my wooooooonderful old lady wisdom) is an extra pair of hands to watch over the rounds as we hit our next summer peak. (The idea of a summer peak is scary. The last one is the one that made us popular, so I don't know what might happen this summer. Perhaps nothing at all will happen too.) But I don't particularly fill any important timeslots we don't have covered, and we already have a lot of staff. So if the issue is to find a limited number of applicants, feel free to pick someone else over me. I'd still like to help, but I don't want to rob someone else of the experience, because being a mod is really fun and everyone should do it, sorta like drugs or unprotected gay sex. PS: I've said a lot on here throughout the past year, did a lot of things, and tried to share, push for, and fight against a lot of ideas. So if you're afraid that being reinstated on the staff I'd end up doing X, or pushing for X, you can always ask me if I would.
  3. It refers to a specific kind of character, though. One that tries its hardest to stand out from the general population, either through Mary Sue-ish characteristics (super pretty, off-colored hair/eyes, super young and intelligent, etc), or through an incredibly dramatic backstory (they are the result of a questionable experiment, an escaped test subject, a highly trained commando in their teenage years, or simply had their entire family murdered for no good reason). Yes, you can go and point out the specific parts of a character which make this an issue, but "snowflake" is a pretty good label in some cases. As for bad RP being subjective, let me throw a question at you all. An assistant joins the station one day. They are female, 20, and their name is "Sonozaki Ryugu". They have the beehive hairstyle, in pink, and add little bits of japanese expressions to their sentences whenever they can. They also use japanese honorifics when talking to people, call heads "senpai", and so on. Their contribution to every round is otherwise minor, and their personality is remarkably bland (save for being obsessed with "acting kawaii"). As a player, what do you think of this person, and what do you do?
  4. Whether jumping into action is bad or not depends on the character, their job, and the circumstances. I have seen a few characters who annoyed most of the station with their propensity to jump into fights, but there are a few with military backgrounds (that aren't sec) that end up being the occasional action-hero with nobody complaining, because they do it in a fairly intelligent way (understand and respect sec/heads' authority, and offer their help as an extra asset, while respecting the command structure). The captain is on top of that command structure. And while captains should not be proficient in everything, and solve every situation themselves, it should be their job to be working in tandem with the relevant head when a crisis arises. Although the captain is not security, I have *never* seen someone object to a captain taking up arms along with sec (unless they were old and crippled, it's generally expected the captain can take part in large-scale security operations under code blue/red). Now let's actually look at you. The way Charlie Stamos reacted to being refused a shotgun was extremely immature. Instead of accepting the captain's orders, or trying to explain politely and rationally why you believe you should've had a weapon, you opted to question the captain's authority, and to be quite honest, began to cry like a baby (I should never have to see a head asking another if they are "[their] mother or something"). Solely based on that, this would actually place you as one of the characters who are eager to rambo without cause, or following due procedures. And it actually appears that this is something staff have had to talk to you about before. As for Bokaza, I fail to see their fault in wishing to arm security more efficiently under the situation, or keeping a weapon themselves. But I find this entire complaint very ironic. How is a captain keeping a weapon and refusing to hand one to a HoP (while giving the rest to sec) is them effectively taking over sec's job?
  5. Here's something to talk about. There's been mention of adding/removing both mechanics and lore, in an attempt to "prevent" people from being terrible. Genetic augmentation, for example, is currently not well-developed in our lore, due to the fear that people would create visually insane characters (as has happened before). As another example, a specific mechanic was coded, a few months ago, which scalped people with ridiculously long hairstyles whenever they tried to use heavy machinery (and it was hilarious). And even now, people are beginning to speak of removing certain hairstyles (which are popular), because they look "ridiculous" or snowflakey. Also, there is actually a rule (which I added when reworking our rules a bit ago), but didn't really expect to strictly enforce, which is: But somehow, the subject's never been actually discussed. It's certainly come up a few times since I was a mod, and has been something I asked myself a lot about. But I really think it's time we discuss it as a community, because I realize I have no idea what people actually want to do about this. So the question is: To which extent should staff intervene in disciplining/curbing characters that are objectively bad? How would you like to see these characters handled?
  6. You've honestly surprised me with your capacity for introspection, and your willingness to go against the popular opinion if necessary. I think you'd make a pretty good mod.
  7. Take a break, come back, create a new character, play them a bunch, apply to be a mod.
  8. Being [not completely banned from everything] gives you a chance to (very gradually) prove yourself again. How do you feel about that? Do you feel confident that given the time, you'd be able to demonstrate your goodwill, or are you heading into this expecting to make further mistakes and get in trouble again? Because if your expectation is the latter, you might want to ask yourself why this is what you're predicting will happen, and if you're okay with it or not. Just some food for thought.
  9. People are expected to provide a minimum of RP, thus the ideal course of action is to play assuming they will roleplay, and adminhelp if they gank you out of the blue. Of course, there's a difference between ganks, and the ERT/nuke ops running at each other with guns. In the latter scenario, silly things such as yelling at each other to drop their weapons before shooting is not mandatory.
  10. Frances

    New Medbay

    The treatment centre should be the place for any misc wounded that haven't been dealt with yet. I'm currently looking at a round with lots of wounded in medbay, and people seem to be dumped in the hallway above the sleepers/scanner, cause there's no room for them. Do you think simply having the treatment centre would help to reduce congestion?
  11. This is true, however you mustn't let that stop you from being yourself. What the server needs is people with a strong drive and opinions, not soulless rule-spitting machines. But I've only heard good from you, so I have high hopes that you'd do a great job at whatever enterprise you decide to undertake. If you do want to get involved more with the community, then I sincerely hope you get a trial and find something you like. It can be tons of fun when you really get into it. Bonne chance!
  12. It would be nice to have some wound categories (slashes from organic blade would become "severe lacerations" or something), but as duck said, what the game does right now is simply look for the weapon name and that's it. What you're asking for basically requires a major autopsy overhaul.
  13. Frances

    New Medbay

    It's something I've very rarely encountered if ever, and usually when it gets to that point, you were already fucked a while ago (bar for collapsed lungs, which are currently broken according to Skull). I'd like to have other doctors' input on this, but again, adding more doors to the treatment centre is a minuscule change in comparison to simply walking through the supply room.
  14. Frances

    New Medbay

    What exactly prevents you from putting an unstable patient in cryo until they are stabilized, before operating on them?
  15. Frances

    New Medbay

    I just really don't see the use of it. People seem to want me to significantly change the layout because of a difference that is minor at best, and only applies in some very rare situations. If you have a patient that dies in medbay, it is generally not because it took five extra seconds to walk from the surgery room/scanner/whatever to cryo. There are ten million areas where you could cut time - getting the patient to medbay is already a wildly unpredictable process time-wise, and is dependent on a multitude of unpredictable factors, such as patients refusing to move themselves or running away, being stuck behind locked doors, or leaving injuries untreated (as well as your EMTs being flat out lazy or bad). You have doctors that routinely mess up surgery (all you have to do is follow a cookbook on the Bay wiki, yet I see patients being stuck in surgery for up to 30 minutes, and overall no, I don't see why people want to save these five extra seconds so much. If you're saying you actually performed surgery on the table by cryo because you didn't want to do the walk between surgery and cryo, then, I don't really know what to suggest. There's still a table in cryo, so you can use it if you really really need it. I like the Bay medbay (better than our current one by far imo), but we sadly can't use it because we have the /tg/station layout of engineering, not the Baystation one. Atmos is starboard, and eats up a lot of the space that Bay uses for its surgical ward, and some of the other stuff that medbay has. All I really took from Bay was the lobby and chemistry lab, but adding the full medbay layout would require us to rework engineering as well.
  16. I'm going to suggest something absolutely revolutionary. But. Maybe we should judge security on the quality of their RP. Here's two examples. The first is a corrupt security officer. They keep one of a prisoner's belongings, pretending they have never seen said item, or ask for a bribe in exchange for a reduced sentence ("perhaps I can let you off the hook, if you do me a... favor.") The second example is a security officer who constantly enforces the rules without question, gives maximum prison sentences, and arrests people by flashing them no matter what. They're both doing a terrible job from an IC standpoint. But the difference between them is that officer A is contributing worthwhile roleplay (as long as their shittiness is executed realistically and organically), while officer B does essentially nothing. Officers acting like they're concentration camp guards and the station is full of Jews obviously don't belong. But if the abuse is entertaining and thought-out, I think it should have its place on the server. The problem that stems from that is that security might eventually end up with *too* many abusers, but a combination of OOC-disciplining the ones that do nothing but be annoying, and ICly dealing with those that create RP (now that DOs exist) should hopefully be able to bring a good balance. The only problem I have is people that are being consistently bad (even if their characters are cool!). I'm not really sure what DOs are supposed to do, but I've seen people flagrantly break workplace regulations every day for months (Phoebe's creepy-ass comments over comms, Roy's constant tantrums), and these sort of situations seem to go on unchecked. It might be the same thing in security, and perhaps it's time to crack down on those people ICly. tl;dr I think people should be allowed to be bad (if they execute it well), but they currently don't seem to be facing any lasting IC consequences for doing so. PS: I've got no issue with security trying their best to come out on top of a situation. Your 85 year old captain in a wheelchair should probably not run around guns blazing, but your run-of-the-mill spessman perfectly has the rights to be as robust as they can. This is a SS13 server, not kindergarten.
  17. Frances

    New Medbay

    I just added a camera in the middle of the long hallway (which I ignored somehow), the rest of the halls should be fully covered by room cameras. The lack of cameras in secondary storage is intentional, I'm even tempted to remove the one in the freezer storage. They make for nice hiding places for nefarious deeds.
  18. Frances

    New Medbay

    It has one, the button is on your desk.
  19. Frances

    New Medbay

    But the lounge is important u_u If no one cares about the breakroom (as is the case now), I'll axe the lounge and do that. Right now I'm sorta hoping it can serve as a cool space and incite people to idle someplace else than the lobby. You can run between the three through the equipment room south of the scanner. It's not too big of a difference from how the layout is now, distance-wise. Plus if you're playing a Diona doctor you're sorta forcing that onto yourself. I don't know if I want to squish the layout of the treatment centre, it's sorta all built around symmetry. The hallways are also no longer encumbered by roller beds, disposals and other stuff, so you should be bumping into things less often. I mean, Bay does it and it's not terrible. The fix you proposed works otherwise, though, so Skull might force me to add it. Not sure. When have wounded ever waited by the emergency entrance rather than the lobby? Also, you should tell me why you want to switch the scanner. Right now, I put it on the bottom rather than top because that way you can panic rush through equipment storage to get to cryo, if needed. Again, sorry I'm shutting most of these suggestions down. I'm not responding badly to criticism, simply explaining why I wouldn't personally add most of those changes. If you think this is bullshit, feel free to tell me.
  20. Frances

    New Medbay

    Don't have much room left, but I could try. What's that, exactly?
  21. Frances

    New Medbay

    That would honestly work okay (though, new layout! More problems fixed!) But I've always wanted the recovery room to serve an actual purpose, aside from "dump unconscious bodies from surgery". Which is why I added a little living area into it (which might see even more of a purpose now that it has playing cards), and, I dunno. The problem is illnesses aren't long-lasting, you run into medbay, doctors fix you, and you run out. We don't even really need a recovery room, doctors could just shake you a few times and dump your ass in the lobby again. Where am I going with this? I don't know. People have been sick before, for events at least. It's pretty much a good place to put actual "patients", that's not an isolated patient room.
  22. I sorta miss super-snowflakes. Like, I don't think we've actually /had/ player complaints existing solely due to poor RP abilities on these boards. But as much as I want to see some 8-feet tall characters with sparkly eyes again, I'm a bit more wary of those pernicious and subtle uses of genetic snowflakery, like "she has purple eyes and a very cute face". Do we want to risk lifting that barrier, for the sake of seeing some intelligent and interesting roleplay pertaining to genetic modifications?
  23. Frances

    New Medbay

    The current CMO office doesn't really watch over anything either, though. You've got cryo, the storage room, and that's pretty much it. And people don't go to cryo unless somebody is dying, in which case you're probably not going to be in your office anyway. I guess this one lets you see people running to the secondary storage to steal the syringe gun and grenades, though? I really like Bay's CMO office (though it doesn't feel like an office, it is right in the middle of the medbay and overlooks everything). Sadly, we've got no room to spare there, because everything portbound is blocked by the /tg/station atmos.
  24. Frances

    New Medbay

    People take minutes, if not more, to get to medbay. Medical itself can be freakishly slow to respond as well. A 20-30 second delay might start to become significant, but going out of your way to cut 5 seconds on a process that's usually measured on a 5-10 minute timespan isn't worth it. I'd like to wait, and do that if they get really abused? I can see people stealing rollerbeds for actually amusing things, and if they manage to be subtle about it, I'm tempted to let them (but as I said, if that storage gets pillaged every round, then we could put a windoor on it).
  25. Frances

    New Medbay

    Well, the full story behind that is that our original layout (which idk where it's from) was remapped by Mocheeze, which ended up being a complete failure. (Like, there were five AI holopads in one area, rooms shaped like curse words, a L-shaped table in the middle of the main hallway, and the chemistry's scrubbers weren't connected to anything.) Following that, I remade the medbay entirely into the layout we have now, but one thing that always saddened me about it was how small the treatment centre (and later lobby) were. And since the treatment centre is central to the current layout, there's not really any changing it without redoing the whole medbay. Which I did. No. It's like ten more tiles to walk, you can walk them and it might take around 5 extra seconds. Central rooms full of holes are generally a good thing, but there's no room on that wall to add more doors. (Gotta preserve the space around the sleepers.) While I saw these complaints coming, our chemistry lab is freakishly huge, and placed very awkwardly. It basically has the shape of a lobby, while the lobby has the shape of a chemistry lab. Going from a 4 x 9 to 5 x 6 layout isn't a gigantic loss, either (you only lose 6 tiles). But I see it as a necessary evil to have Bay's lobby.
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