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  1. Frances

    New Medbay

    Today, I remade the medbay. http://i.imgur.com/rB8jGoo.jpg Here's what we're looking at: Chemistry Chemistry is a bit smaller (sorry!), and a bit more coherent. The counter now faces the medbay lobby, rather than a random hallway. Some stuff has been moved from the lab to storage rooms (where it should rightfully be). Basically Bay's chemistry lab. Lobby It's Bay's lobby, in Aurora green. I noticed our lobby is super popular for chair-RP, and tbh it's pitifully small. Bay's lobby looks great, professional, and makes the entire medbay feel a lot more big and serious. Plus you've got two desk chairs, a watercooler, and a storage table for roller beds. Thus the reasons for the change. I couldn't remake this lobby any better than Bay did, so I'm plugging theirs in. Treatment Centre That's where the sleepers/scanners are. Ours is super duper small, and since it's where most of the action happens whenever shit goes down in medical, it needed an expansion. Now the consoles are across a wall, computers/tables across another, and the entire layout should leave a lot more breathing space. Cryo Cryo hasn't changed much, except it's right by the emergency entrance (close to the main entrance and treatment centre, too), and isn't closed off by stupid doors anymore. Storage Rooms There's three. One for medicine/chemicals, adjoined to the chemistry lab, one for general medical equipment (right under the treatment centre), and one for misc equipment, such as grenade casings, bio suits, syringe guns, etc. The last one even has room for an Odysseus. All three rooms are under general medbay access ("5"). Chemists get to keep the dangerous chemicals storage in the chemlab for this reason, but other medbay personnel can come and steal their grenades from the secondary equipment room - though self-respecting medical personnel won't do that, will they? Break Room Things changed a lot here - I never see the current break room get used for RP (it's too cramped), so I tried to make it a lot more interesting, and closer to critical medbay areas. You've got a reading section, plus some mini salon with a TV (maybe idle medical personnel will come to watch the TV now, instead of loitering around the lobby?) You've also got a soda fountain (aren't those awesome?), and some medical monitors, ensuring you're not being completely useless whenever you waste away your time chair-rping. Morgue Two extra trays for these super-prolific antags, and we now have an autopsy camera for photographing bodies. Surgery + Freezer Surgery is the same, cause it works and is awesome. (Well, you can also check patient records mid-surgery now). The freezer is bigger, and the blood bags are there now (instead of being left to bask in the warm station air). Recovery Room Tried to make it look a bit more complete than our current one. A patient closet for each bed, and beds have dividers between them (they're tinted windows, but could be replaced by regular windows if people find the loss of visibility more annoying than the additional privacy). You can also play cards on the table now. Psychiatric Office It's some weird hybrid of Bay's and our current one. I really liked the desk+wooden floor part from Bay, so I put it in. No more watercooler, sorry. (Hey, just go get drinks from the break room's soda fountain.) CMO's Office It's in the middle of nowhere now. Sorry about that. Uhh, besides that, it looks less crappy (?), already comes with a keycart_auth (the last one didn't have any for months, kek), and is better organized (most of the equipment cluttering the desk was moved to the CMO's locker). You also have buttons for putting the medbay and viro in quarantine (which I'll explain later). Genetics & Cloning Basically unchanged. Patient Rooms Still the same. Does anyone use them? Anyway, I left them in for now because they can be used for antagging (due to the lack of cameras and their relatively remote location). Virology Not pictured here, but although I'm still in love with Chris' viro design, I readded Bay's big quarantine room. Our communal quarantine room is way too tiny, and it shows whenever there's infections/quarantine events and people have to stand on a single game tile for hours. Other Additions -Bay's emergency telephone system -An emergency kit by the emergency entrance, with roller beds, stasis bags, an emergency toolbox and a radio. -A guest pass terminal by the medbay entrance -Quarantine shutters - those that quarantine the entire medbay (and those for virology) can be activated from the CMO's office, while the lobby desk has a button to bring down shutters in front of the entry doors. Like it? Hate it? Leave comments here. I'm off to pipe the layout now, and will put the file up sometime later tonight. (Also, I wanted to add a poll to this so people could vote on whether they'd like to use this layout or not, but I think either the poll function is broken, or I can't make polls for some reason).
  2. They definitely need to be fixed. The problem is that in any situation where you can't get a doctor and get an infection, you will die in a matter of hours/minutes (well, something inbetween). There's more elegant ways to ensure people don't ignore damage.
  3. Heads being a douche to everybody is more annoying than fun which is why we discourage it. But heads being hardcore/dickish in dire situations? What do we want to do with that? I remember when Houssam Jawdat got pissed at a nuke ops and executed them (with RP), and there was a player complaint. Isn't this sort of what roleplay is supposed to be about? People break under stress, they make bad calls, and they break rules for their own benefit.
  4. Prescription eyeglasses. Cause some jobs overwrite them with other glasses and then they become hard to get.
  5. Chemists shouldn't currently be refused grenade equipment, because they already have some to begin with. If that starting equipment is removed, it's very unlikely any chemists would be able to make grenades. Grenades are an essential part of chemistry traitoring. I don't really care what the IC reason for them could be (cleaner or healing grenades, I guess?), removing them takes away a lot of power from chemists and the chemistry lab, and locks grenades to be a science-only thing. Which is bad.
  6. This is what I suggested a few times already. Seriously, I'm not sure who added infections (Bay?), but they're basically an ugly patch onto a problem that'd be very easy to fix. Fast healing is unrealistic - the solution is to slow down healing, not have you die from flash T-virus sorcery.
  7. Frances

    More cigarettes!

    It'd be a neat addition, and given that cigarettes have their own vending machine (with a pretty small list), I can definitely see them coming in different brands.
  8. That makes me wonder if we could get some people specifically dedicated to it. Though I suppose if anyone's interested, they'd end up finding that thread anyway. What about more elaborate updates? Stuff with pictures, complex articles, interviews, etc? Sorta like what Sue has been doing?
  9. I'm giving you a +1 if you promise Fortune will stop dyeing her hair non-natural colors.
  10. It has been a pretty long time since you lost your whitelist (months, and months). You're also fairly young (not saying that to be offensive, just a fact), and I've seen people your age change pretty dramatically within relatively short timespans. I don't really know what you've been like in-game lately (because I've barely played, if at all), but if no one can come up with a concrete complaint at all, I'd also agree you're deserving of another try.
  11. Too edgy. Like a cube left unattended in a machine shop for blade-sharpening along with ten pounds of coarse-grit sandpaper.
  12. Quick idea I came up with that I'd like to bring up to the lore people, but would there be an interest in having some fellows write background stories/articles following the current 2457 timeline? Basically, you know how news are irl. Stuff happens, some internationally, some locally. When you come in to work, all you discuss isn't necessarily workplace drama - there's always other stuff going on, from such politician being involved in a scandal to protests over student tuition hikes and overseas conflicts. Tajarans already have something like it, with Sue doing a wonderful job of producing Adhomai-related news in this thread: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=340 Could we have something like that for the general galactic community? As well as plug it somewhere, so people are aware of it and have an incentive to discuss it ICly?
  13. I'm confused about the specifics of mid vs long range, wouldn't it be possible to number tweak these so they have the same combat effectiveness as tasers, only with the lasting appeal of mild lasting damage, and "guns are serious"? (Granted, tasers should be serious too, but nobody seems to believe that.)
  14. I remember you, and I honestly wish I was still an admin so I could read your notes again because a lot of them were hilarious. But yeah, it sorta looks like this might be a tough sell for you. If anything, coming back from a permaban attributed to repeated abuse (of the most annoying kind), you'd be best to write a slightly longer post, so people can get a feel for what you're like now.
  15. In Bruges was a great film because it was a perfect combination of dark comedy and drama. I think I like British/international humor better than American one because there's almost always a sense of blatantly honest humanity behind it. Hollywood scripts tend to get stuck with contrived romantic or teary scenes tacked onto slapstick in comparison, which is frankly disappointing. It makes entire movies feel stiff. A few recent recommendations, for anyone who's curious about what kind of movies I've been watching (and yep, they're action films): Drive, amazing cinematography, amazing atmosphere, and perfectly capture that 80s ambience John Wick, probably Keanu Reeves' best action film since Constantine (I'm biased), and while it doesn't hold up to drive, the cinematography is still great and it's overall a fun watch That's all I've seen lately, anyway.
  16. If you wanna do something creative, you can ask admins to help you. Like, even fake a CC report to counteract metagaming, or spawn you a bunch of bibles and priest outfits cause you want to pose as traveling missionaries (that actually happened and was hilarious). A long time ago someone threw around the idea that the nuke ops should be able to intercept CC faxes, and have the ability to send back a single fake one. That'd go a long way towards giving them believable IC cover.
  17. I don't mind antags trying to take over the station, as long as it's done exceptionally well. Generally, the more disruptive your actions will be, the more skill, creativity, and proper understanding of what players like/dislike will be required to make your antagging successful. Given that your antagging was deemed poor enough to result in an antag-ban, should this ban be lifted, I would recommend spending some time to build a better rapport with the server population, and get a proper understanding of what you should and should not do before getting involved in heavier business. Basically, start small until you acquire experience.
  18. I played a few rounds as a bald grayshirt for kicks. 30 year old, male, no flavor text, doesn't talk unless spoken to, but behaves and interacts like a completely normal station employee otherwise. I started moving fuel tanks around, either to shuffle them in/out of maintenance/engineering, or to replace some that were taken away in more important areas. I had to answer an adminhelp about myself.
  19. couldn't read, posted a question that was already answered, whoops
  20. That's not how this works. Person A: "There's a problem." Person B: "Tell me what it is, and I can try to fix it." Person A: "It's not that simple." Person B: "Well, uh, you could start by telling me about it?" Person A: "No." Person B: "..." That's what you're doing. Why does nothing get done? Because people keep making vague complaint threads, for the sake of what can at this point be summed up at as "drama-whoring", and categorically refuse to namedrop or directly address any issues. What exactly are you hoping to happen? How is anyone supposed to solve problems you won't even talk about?
  21. Outsider's opinion? You guys seem to be taking this way too seriously. I mean, you've got stuff like lol Taking a step back to look at the situation, I think most of you can realize you're a group of about 30-40 dudes, playing an internet game together. That's like one big classroom, at most. Should you be having weekly threads about the "climate of the community", about "targeting instigators" and "veterans" and idk what else? You tell me. But it seems a bit over the top, and the reason why changing so much about the server is hard might be exactly because that approach is over the top. Like, it's common sense. If you love to talk, learn to back it up with actions. Having all these debates is actually fun because your brain gives you literally the same reward as if you had done whatever thing you promise/say you should do, but that obviously does not compare to actually doing the thing. And what is doing the thing? You're still a small community. Everybody knows each other, and new faces are pretty easy to spot. So go talk to them. Be welcoming. Act nice. And if you see someone being a douche, go tell them not to be a douche (yes, even if you're not a mod), hell, apologize publicly on their behalf for them being a douche. It gives a sense that people care about newcomers, and that there's order in this place. Just, get it done. Don't make more threads. I find it ridiculous that staffmembers themselves come on to complain that staff isn't doing X or Y. Like, that's you. That's what you're there for. And of course, if there's a staffmember that doesn't do fuck all, kick 'em out. But otherwise you should be working your hardest to do the thing before you start complaining others don't, because in my experience, if you want something done, you will have to do it yourself. As for people saying they should leave "because they're a bad influence for the community", just do it if that's your thing. By constantly lamenting on your bad influence while simultaneously refusing to address it, you're simply pushing back the issue.
  22. Aren't situations where the emergency shuttle should be called but isn't the heads' fault? I mean, shit goes bad, heads vote to move to code red, and at this point, it's their job to monitor the situation and assess whether the station should be evacuated, and if it is safe to do so. If nothing is happening anymore, they should begin evacuation procedures, as ICly that generally means security has enough control over things to ensure the safety of the evacuees.
  23. Frances


    I don't really know you, so the best I can offer after reading your post is a few words of advice, from personal experience. Dunno how much it'll resonate with you or not. You don't have to be cheerful all the time. I know, because I tried to do it. And I absolutely admire people who do their best to be positive, don't let bad feelings get to them, always look at the good side of things. They're wonderful people, and their effort often goes under-appreciated. But I know how harrowing of a task trying to maintain that attitude can be. Sometimes, I feel like it's even worse to try to fight back against negative feelings than it is to accept them. So I'm going to tell you, it's okay to give in. Not, all the time, I'm not telling you to become a depressed and hollow shell of a man or a creature of despair or anything like that. But sometimes you're gonna feel like shit, things are gonna be shit, and nothing you can do will be able to make things better. It doesn't mean the rest of your life/day/month is going to suck. Simply, sometimes trying to change your attitude will bring good, and sometimes it won't. So don't exhaust yourself trying to lie to yourself or others. Take a break, rant a bit, do something you like. You're not gonna lose anything, and life goes on.
  24. I don't know what kind of artists you've been dealing with, most I know wouldn't give a shit and just draw the furry stuff anyway (if they knew how to, some people can draw humans just fine but have a problem sticking cat faces on them somehow). Alternatively, just say you're a furry. I don't think any furry artists run a sort of "honor check" where they have to ensure you're a furry before drawing you any art, so I'm going to presume it's your own fault for intently specifying you're not a furry as you request these commissions, which yes, is a bit weird.
  25. As a reminder, an antag doesn't have to monologue to kill people, and antags have a vast array of options at their disposal to do a whole lot of stuff, both with and without murder. I simply don't think we can justify ganks in this day and age "because antags are about killing". They /can/ be. But what they decidedly /are/ about, is fun.
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