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Everything posted by Frances

  1. Haven't noticed much. Haven't been playing much. Do have to second this by adding that a lot of people have complained to me about Xander's heads, and while I didn't get any specific info (I asked for it to be added to notes), I /am/ expecting to see some of it here. One personal complaint: I noticed a few days ago that Xander's HoS was arguing in Gutter (?) over comms with someone else, even after being told by several people, including his own officers, to stop - very unbecoming of a head, given they're there to enforce corporate regulations, not break them in an awkward manner over poor judgement calls.
  2. I'm not entirely certain what the most common (legitimate) purpose of welderbombs is, but something I feel they /can/ be used for by antags is creating hull breaches. We're in a space station, a major explosion could (and would) breach the hull, given we're not a heavily-armored warship. This is a legitimate dynamic, and can be put to good use in venting areas - to render them unusable, or force people to vacate. It creates more of an important threat for engineering/atmos, as there's pressure/air/hull damage to fix, barriers must be put to access the vented environment, etc. Basically, gives a lot of freedom to antags. Welderbombers, however, can have their damage fixed with a few clicks. (And really, if you do witness a welderbomb, send an ahelp, admins will patch the hole).
  3. You were two unarmed people, going against four people all armed with firearms, in an enclosed space, with no element of surprise. So not comparable. Furthermore, even disregarding the lack of logic in the situation, many of your characters seem to enjoy "playing hero", usually to their own detriment, or to the detriment of possible RP that could've happened (as was the case here). Except you were complaining quite distinctly about the event itself and having been killed the way you did - furthermore, considering you died to antagonist RP and not self-inflicted stupidity (well, debatable), you could've asked for a respawn, rather than complained passive-aggressively in deadchat about not being able to play due to being dead. It does happen that you do something wrong quite often. Such as by doing this. You're being heard out now. The problem is that you refuse to accept us as the final authority on the server - if you have a problem with the way a staffmember handles an incident, you submit a complaint. You don't keep arguing in ahelps. The moment you get told an issue is over, the issue is over. And I haven't seen you listen to that. This situation was hardly comparable, as I've already explained. Additionally, from all of your time spent here, you should be aware that rowdy hostages are a rather consistent problem, with people jumping the gun, and being trigger-happy, being the very thing that ends up killing events most of the time. Antagonists do have power over other characters - you completely disregarded the power present in that situation, and got screwed for it. Valid point which I won't ignore - the other raiders did a poor job of convincing the hostage they would gain from staying put, something I was attempting to rectify. However, throwing punches at four heavily-armed men is not the way to mount a last ditch effort. We were discussing keeping one of you alive - and decided to kill you because you were the most annoying git of the two hostages, and thus, you ended up sealing your fate in that way. [18:16:53]SAY: Ghost/King George VI : I have to say, this event is less than pleasing. [18:18:21]SAY: Ghost/King George VI : don't die with a fight admintip for pro-RPers [18:19:44]SAY: Ghost/King George VI : they seem to just want to do humiliation RP and nobody ever likes doing that [18:20:38]SAY: Ghost/King George VI : you're right i should of just sat there and got thrown in eventually anyway [18:21:46]SAY: Ghost/King George VI : Yes, people are thrown in because they have characters that don't cower in fear and shit their pants the moment that they see hostiles ( which i did actually ) [18:21:59]SAY: Ghost/King George VI : As it progressed that there was no other option, Mordechai decided to fight back desperately. [18:22:08]SAY: Ghost/King George VI : Sorry for "not taking it seriously" lol If you find your own arguments being used against yourself repeatedly, this might be a sign that you should review them, or your stance on the issue as a whole. Except for the part where it's my job to review whitelist aplications.
  4. I'm opposed to you getting your whitelist back at this point, and here's why: You've always been argumentative with staff - I feel like even now, you keep taking an attitude of "me vs. them" - for example, during our latest event, your doctor character was taken hostage, and attempted to escape/fight repeatedly a group of four heavily-armed raiders, until we had no choice but to execute you. You began complaining about the turn of events in deadchat afterwards, rather than coming to the realization that if you had roleplayed properly and in a manner that was believable for the situation (basically your character, regardless of background, understanding that they were outnumbered, outgunned, and needed to stay put), you wouldn't have been executed in such a manner. You honestly don't always follow the path of logic - which is something I could overlook, if you were willing to communicate with us - but the fact is, you rarely are. We've had to give you tempbans before because you resorted to insulting staff rather than listening, and the fact that I see you getting into those same incidents even now makes me very reluctant to grant you any more privileges than you already have.
  5. Denying application due to inactivity. You were told what you needed to fix - if you want to address that, feel free to reapply at any time.
  6. Alright - coming back to this, and seeing you've actually replied, I'd like you to take some time to expand upon the paragraph questions - do note that we're expecting more from whitelisted players than regular players, and things like "not being a dick" are generalities everybody's already expected to observe. Basically, what more do you need to do than a normal player? Also, I would recommend picking a character who isn't an extreme transhumanist as your first head (so maybe a new character and bio?), because extreme characters require a lot more effort to be roleplayed properly (in a way that's not frustrating for others), which is why it's best to stick to sane and balanced characters until you've demonstrated your roleplaying abilities.
  7. Locking this due to inactivity. Sorry about not processing it - now that we've changed the way voting works, give us a sign if you're alive, and we'll give you the whitelist.
  8. Alright, here's what happened. You first adminhelped us, to bring to light an issue you had. We responded to your complaint; you, however, decided you were not satisfied with the answer you were provided - so you kept asking further questions pertaining to the issue, to which we did our best to provide additional answers. I saw no issue in that - it seemed that you simply weren't entirely clear on the situation, and required further clarification on the matter. However, at some point during the discussion, this message came up: I can assure you I was a bit taken aback by this personally. And this is where I'm going to require clarification on. Because everything in your conduct seems to direct to you having purposely attempted to waste our time by throwing arguments at us you didn't care about. And this is why you were banned - for being overly rude, and arguing for the sake of it. So if you do claim that this isn't what you were intending to do, then I'd like to at least understand what your intent was, because I'm not too clear on it.
  9. Psst, apps should be left open for 3+ days to give people a chance to leave feedback/oppose if they want So I'm gonna wait a little bit before actually putting this one in the system.
  10. Application accepted.
  11. Application accepted.
  12. Application accepted.
  13. Application denied for the reasons stated by the users above. Feel free to reapply, taking in consideration the criticism provided in this thread when writing a new application.
  14. Application accepted.
  15. Another player being annoying OOCly does not give you an excuse to kill them. That's something you adminhelp, not handle on your own. As far as ICly, nobody sane would murder someone else "because they kept getting in my way and being annoying". So no, even having read your explanation, the ban was entirely justified in this case. Please don't do that again.
  16. Science should be responsible enough to know when to make or not make weapons. There's plenty of things they can use in bad ways, not just lawgivers - I'd rather trust people not to rambo.
  17. You are free to do that, since as I said, you're not jobbanned. Science, and RD, are still open to you, should you wish to play them. I'm simply expecting that you understand what you've done (which you seem to), and make sure you are ready to take the steps to avoid further incidents, when you go back to playing those roles. If you want to take a break from them for the time being, I encourage you to. That seems like a respectable idea.
  18. Then take some time to demonstrate to us that you can restrain yourself in using science's toys, and ask for permission when appropriate. I could either jobban you and unban you after some arbitrary amount of time under the assumption that "time has passed, they must've learned their lesson", or assume you've actually taken the advice given here to heart, and give you a chance to prove yourself now. I'd much prefer to do the latter, so don't disappoint me.
  19. This is actually a sensible reply, and I'm willing to hold back on the jobban, should I be assured this kind of incident never happens again. Two things. Firstly, shooting someone with lethals, without roleplay, when they're not shooting at you, is never okay. This should be a tenet of heavy-rp. Secondly, one point that I'm really glad to see you touch on, is making the weapons and choosing to wield one. The moment you get hold of game-changing gear, whether that be a lethal weapon, a mech, or anything else, you become responsible for them - your job is to ensure you do not use them to create mayhem and chaos that is unconductive to roleplay - because this kind of gear is filled with opportunities for bad things to happen. And as I was telling Swat a long time ago, when they had built and piloted a mech which effectively crashed an event due to them being too trigger-happy, power comes with responsibility. And while characters with a military background might want to occasionally go out and bust some skulls, they must still abide by the same rules every other player follows. Which leaves you with two choices - either break character if you must, which is better than breaking the rules (and ruining someone else's game in a very avoidable way), or make sure not to put yourself into situations where you will have to make a call that will be either ridiculous or end up with a gank. But basically, if you know you're having a bad day and are thirsting for 2D spessmen blood, it might be best to leave the gun at home. I am very much against science making a ton of weapons and arming themselves with them in a crisis situation, because it will lead to them having to use them in potentially unfair ways, and will create a lot of upset.
  20. I got mixed up between two complaints, for which I apologize. Yours was not about a communication issue - feel free to ignore what I said about that.
  21. I would say that your ability to roleplay should have little to do with your ability to work well as staff, but that wouldn't be entirely true. There is an outstanding complaint about you (OneOneThreeEight, not Kerbal), which honestly brings me to express some reservations with this app. While you can address most of this complain on its thread, there is one issue I'd like to raise here - which is, if you're unable to observe server rules, or communicate with staff as a regular player, how are you expecting to work with them as a staffmember yourself?
  22. It does not matter how well organized or roleplayed your actions are - if you do things such as breaking into permabrig as a non-antag without ahelping for permission beforehand, you will be flagged for self-antagging. If you see someone being left in a straightjacket for an extended amount of time without roleplay, ahelp it, or let them ahelp it (as they should be able to express themselves should there be an issue) - do not take the matter into your own hands. The only thing that gives you the right to engage in overtly antagonistic or disruptive IC actions as a non-antag is explicit permission from staff. In fact, most of this (besides the grenade toss) would have been something I think we'd have allowed, had you taken the time to ahelp. The fact you decided to disregard server rules on that matter is the most incriminating thing against you here.
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