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Everything posted by Frances

  1. Application accepted.
  2. Application accepted, warble on.
  3. You should've sent me or Lessick a PM! But yes, accepted. The haiku is fucking neat btw.
  4. How have we discouraged custom events? What sort of adminabuse has happened, where mobs were spawned for the sake of creating "hot combat situations"? There's a big difference between custom events and antags - one is much easier to implement, while another requires constant attention and supervising/involvement from staff over a time window of several hours. I'm in agreement that we've been lacking in events - and while I'd like to run more, I've been sadly taken up by organization/management work on the server, coupled with real-life obligations/issues, which have severely cut down my playing time. Also, might be a bit irrelevant if your complaint is mostly that we're lacking in events, but another consideration is that people are free to play their own original and interesting, non-antagonistic characters whenever they want. If they don't, there's very little we can do to push them to, outside of events. Whereas good antags are an option that's not open at the start of a non-antag round, and needs to be enabled. Edit: Seeing the way this conversation is going, keep in mind my post is simply a defense/inquiry of staff actions, not one on the subject as a whole. I am all for more freeform, open-ended round. They're simply challenging to realize.
  5. Easy to say, difficult to implement. For example, there's mentally deranged people irl, and there's also heroes. The problem is in a fictional world, everybody wants to be one of those. And a world made entirely of mary sues and insane characters is not very fun to play in. So rather than trying to figure out the complicated logistics of "who gets the right to be a badass", it's a lot more simple to say "don't do it". And that still leaves most avenues of play. You can make up a lot of excuses for why your frail medical doctor ran up to a syndie commando with a gun and disarmed them before headshotting them repeatedly, but the fact remains that at the end of the day, that's just a pretty lame thing to do.
  6. Except people can get on fine, and I've never seen people fail at getting onto the shuttle because it was too crowded? (It's been difficult at times, but again, that's to be expected. It's not very different from a real-life situation.) Give me an example, if you have one? I don't see why NT would spend the resources to retrofit the medbay with its own shuttle when the general one serves its purpose just fine.
  7. I pretty much have to fully agree with Sue. Freedom of choice has always been one of the tenets of roleplay, and any further rules introduced should seek to broaden the amount of choice offered to a player, not restrict it. Rules in themselves are not a DM - and if you introduce them with the intent of streamlining or limiting an experience, you turn it from an exercise of roleplay to one of gameplay: "How can I do this in the most efficient way possible according to the gamerules?", rather than "Can I create something fun out of this?" Random elements are also good, but shouldn't be overused. Things like having a % fumble chance on actions is frustrating more than anything else - since I think people are here to create a narrative, and not win at a game, the decision of when they mess up should be left of them, and we can trust them to be reasonable (or discipline/ban/jobban if they are not). Edit: Some more thoughts. Running a RP server isn't easy, but it's part of the job. The moment we start trying to accommodate against bad players rather than for good players, we've already lost the battle. The environment is hard to maintain, but it's not outside of our capacities. If you see bad RP, do your best to report it, and we'll do our best to purge/fix it.
  8. Recorded statistics show almost 1% of the world's population has played League of Legends in the last month - surely at least a few of us must play. My summoner name is catsplosion, if anybody is interested in looking me up. I play occasionally, and I think it'd be neat if we could get a few people from Aurora to have an occasional group, if such a thing's even possible. Post/share summoner names? I'll try to keep a list. Edit: There we go, list 1138 - Vix Axiom Chaznoodles - Shreksuality (???) echotango23 - echoeminence Frances - catsplosion TishinaStalker - grimArachnid Valkrae - Valkrae
  9. Huh, that explains a bit. Anyway, my main reservations come from the fact that Aurora has a bit of a "dress code", with everyone wearing jumpsuits and all. The fact there's a certain amount of liberty in the attire certain civilian jobs can dress with makes me think the dress code does come as more of a suggestion than an actual rule sometimes - having a jacket with expanded bullet casings is still a bit extreme, however. Think of a school, or even an office (which allowed casual attire). Would a supervisor at either allow someone to dress in a jacket like this?
  10. There are no efficient large-scale medical evacuation measures set in place because accidents are not something to be expected frequently, ICly. The transfer shuttle is just, a transfer shuttle. It's the train you board every night to get back home from work - the small medical room with two sleepers is more than enough to take care of any emergencies; it's not an ambulance ship. OOCly, it's not a problem I've really observed. Boarding is always a bit of a pain - but that's mostly because of people not organizing themselves decently and being mindful of everyone else's space. And again, it very, very rarely happens that medical gets multiple patients that need transportation while a crew transfer occurs.
  11. IP ban lifted - your brother's ban has been lifted too, with more info on his thread.
  12. In my eyes, this can be done as long as your brother doesn't come back on to be a problem. If he does come back under a different ckey and gets himself discovered/banned again, we'll have no choice but to reinstate the IP ban. So please make sure he does not do so. Thoughts?
  13. The list of powers that devs have and don't have is still pretty arbitrary at the moment. Since we often have them work as impromptu admins when no admins are around, that is one power I don't see why they shouldn't have, especially since the risk for abuse is pretty low in comparison to some of the tools they already have.
  14. Can you show me your designs? (Maybe just post screenshots here.) If they speak any sense, I might see about getting Skull to add them in the next map update.
  15. Why would it be better? That seems like adding an unnecessary step to the fighting process, and people who just keep their active hand off the gun get a reaction advantage over people that have to turn off the safety using whatever prompt/button press. I mean, I see the debate. But this is the kind of stuff that would make sense ICly, but not OOCly. So iunno.
  16. Following a review of notes, player accounts and an additional incident from today, the concerned player has been jobbanned from security. Complaint left open pending additional feedback from originator, concerned player, and other participants.
  17. All of this will be added to his notes, and I'll make sure to speak to him next time I see him on the server. It is difficult to take direct action in situations we have no concrete proof for, but I'll do my best to ensure people keep a look out for this behavior from him and make sure to put a stop to it. I'm very surprised to find he has no current notes - if you see such situations take place ingame, please remember to ahelp them so we can deal with them, as we can't be everywhere at once. (Edit: slight confusion, he does have notes. Will be taking action now.) That was not him. There was a different security officer and a newbie warden (someone from goon, who we jobbanned) involved in that incident, but neither of them was Brok.
  18. I really like this viewpoint. Extended doesn't necessarily get boring immediately, but I don't only come here to pretend to work a 9 to 5 job and develop mundane relationships, I also do to see my (mundane) characters being put in highly unusual and stressful situations. Which is why I like a balance of both - I think something that's really cool is getting to form relationships with other people on the station, and seeing how these bonds strengthen or crumble under stress, as the station is taken hostage by nuke ops or serial killers (even though it's all non-canon). I should run more events.
  19. In this case, your ban will be lifted in three days, after which you'll be free to come back. Do note that further insults to staff will be met with equal and appropriate punishment, however. Also, As you have apologized, I am much more willing to give you leniency - recognizing your faults is the first step towards ensuring you do not commit them again. Our staff is under strict policy to treat everyone equally, regardless of seniority on the server. New players are not "expendable", and you are not being given a different treatment than anyone else has - just keep in mind regulars tend to get banned less than new players because they've actually been following the rules for a long time, whereas a lot of new players that get banned end up leaving (or being permabanned, in which case it's pretty hard to become a regular). But there are no such things as treatments of favor here, and rest assured your case has been given the same consideration as any other.
  20. We are not a gmod server, nor are we affiliated to one. I have no idea how you ended up here, sorry. Try googling the name of the server you were banned from to see if they have a website?
  21. Do you know what the words "Space Station 13" mean? If not, you have stumbled upon the wrong forum. We are not a Gmod server.
  22. I use a very simple safety, consisting of not keeping my weapon in an active hand unless I know I'm just about to shoot something. (You can just switch to your other hand, if you want.) It has the advantage of being extremely quick to toggle, as a single keyboard shortcut will allow you to switch your weapon to active mode again, as opposed to a verb or right-click toggle for any sort of coded safety. Would this pretty much suit everybody's purpose? Because I fail to see how it wouldn't.
  23. Please use the unban appeal format found here: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=15 and resubmit this thread. Additionally, I'd just like to point out little to nothing in your post seems to have any relation to SS13, which leaves me a bit perplexed.
  24. I can tell you why I think the medical shuttle should be a no, imo. Both ICly and OOCly, the medbay should never have to deal with a lot of patients at once. ICly, the Aurora's medbay is a well-equipped, but still small medical outpost on a station that has to deal with a wide array of potential dangers. The word of order here is "be prepared", not expect shit. Since there should never be a medical holocaust, it's unlikely the medbay would end up filled with patients under normal circumstances, which is probably why it doesn't deserve the logistics of having its own shuttle for transport. OOCly, medical holocausts shouldn't happen. Treatments happen fairly quickly, which means patients should not pile up in medbay if doctors do their jobs right. Additionally, events that end up fucking up a lot of people should not be common (we're heavy-rp, so deaths and injuries tend to be a lot less frequent, and more meaningful), and if something causes 5-6+ people to end up as medbay patients at once, it'll usually fuck up the station as a whole enough that having a dedicated medbay shuttle will be a moot (or very minor) point.
  25. If you get robusted, the fault is generally on you for letting yourself get robusted. We'll keep punishing people who act like big damn heroes in unrealistic situations, as they're reported to us. However, one thing. If you attempt to act like a hero, and fail. Expect full consequences for it. The traitor pointing a gun at you? It's not just for show. Antags are supposed to provide you with interesting roleplay, but if you take advantage of that to decide you're invincible and can do whatever you want with them, you will get shot and killed, with roleplay or not. And antags, if you see someone do something dumb to the point that it breaks all common sense, please, do punish them for it.
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