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Everything posted by Frances

  1. I can clear that one up - I was under the assumption the Sanguine415 account was yours - which I realize is quite silly, given Sanguine is another player named in the complaint (a fact which I overlooked. Somehow.) I believe Sue thought the same thing, though idk how exactly given she was the originator of the thread. I retract what I've said about your attitude in this thread, because whoops. (Seriously, though, yeah, my bad v.v ) However, while I understand being upset about this, I'd still ask that you use a bit more moderation in your tone.
  2. I don't suppose having another CMO would do much harm, especially as we've been lacking regular ones as of late. I like the emphasis you put on heads being there for administrative work (yes, paperwork and scheduled meetings are delicious rp), as well as respecting your staff. One thing, however. I've noticed a lot of incompetency in medbay all around - from doctors/CMOs failing to address outstanding critical situations or assign personnel to them, to gross neglect such as leaving cloned bodies within direct sight of the people having just been cloned, failing to carry over artificial limbs to clones, etc. What would you say you would do, as a CMO, to address such shortcomings when they do appear? Also, you should really consider breaking answers to your questions into shorter, more numerous paragraphs, to make them easier to read for others.
  3. You defend your point well on that aspect. I can't pronounce myself more on the situation as I haven't been present on the server much recently (actually on leave), but coming out of a heavy incident involving chucklefucking to play an equally ridiculous chucklefucking does not help Festus' case. Neither does the attitude the group brought in when handling this. It would be nice to see another reply from Festus, though at worst I suppose it's bound to pop up as an on-server issue again sometime soon.
  4. We have wizard rounds. These are pretty silly. The main thing I seem to understand from this is that you would like to get rid of silly roleplay altogether. Most of your arguments are based around the ridiculousness of the situation, rather than the quality of the roleplay (or lack thereof). Correct me if I'm wrong on that point. I believe that argument introduces a core difference about the nature of our server. The majority of the staff has always favored silly happenings, as long as they do not go overboard and are not constant. There is a difference between "silly" and "horrible", but until you debate it properly (again, we have wizards), there is very little I can do to address this, as I don't think this kind of roleplay is going to leave as long as it is done in a reasonable matter and with some amount of skill.
  5. I'm in full favor of the unban given you understand the responsibility that comes with military mechs. They can turn the tide of an entire round around, and are basically not very fun to fight against, in most cases. Giving some IC/RP sense to their existence and function other than "roboticist uses mechs to instantly become a robust hero" is thus paramount.
  6. I will now be locking your item app. This is the third item application you've made, and like on the two previous ones, you've proven to be completely hostile to criticism offered, criticism which you should be taking into account when creating an application. Nobody is insulting you, or trying to make you angry. People are pointing out (accurate) issues with your applications. The fact you choose to take those as personal attacks is, honestly, something we have no control over, given that no offensive language or terms of any sort have been used against you. Furthermore, you still continue to insult and berate other users for trying to help, thus being the sole contributor to the very mood of hostility you complain of. Things like calling people "hypocrites" and posting gifs of anime characters flipping the bird will not help you further your cause. Keep that up, or engage in shitposting again (those Jon Stewart gifs), and it'll be a forum ban. Also, for the time being, I suggest you refrain from making any further item applications until you're willing to accept criticism.
  7. No, this won't work. This is called criticism, and we're not a hugbox. Basically, content you bring on the server isn't just content you make for yourself, it's also content you impose onto others. So if they don't like it, they have a right to, because you force them to see it, and interact with it. Bad or outright unfounded criticism can be dismissed, but there is a modicum of quality we try to enforce on player-made contributions, and this is imposed through criticism. There's a difference between saying "item X is bad because of this and this", and "item X is shit". The former is acceptable. The latter is not. Close parenthesis, and back on the topic of this application.
  8. Again, just stating the rules and the general idea on this kind of incident. Don't take this as a statement on your particular case; that's for you, and everyone else involved, to determine.
  9. Be nice. This is an OOC complaint, so I'm expecting it to be handled OOCly, in a polite and mature way. Drop the greaser act in this thread, or I'll step in. Now, to put out a few things for all. On chucklefucking: chucklefucking is actually allowed, within reason, given that it does not break any rules. This means no blatantly insane characters, actions must still be justified, proper backstory when applicable, etc. Above all, and the reason why we have all these rules: your characters must be fun for others. Now, it's impossible to please everybody, I get that. But there's still two major rules chucklefucks need to abide by, should they with to avoid getting their characters removed: the character should not be completely immersion-breaking, and they should not piss everybody off, in an OOC way. Examples for both: for the former, this doesn't mean ridiculous characters shouldn't be allowed. We are still playing SS13; ridiculous things happen fairly often. But there is enough shit going on during a normal round that we don't need greasers or space-clowns becoming a perma-feature. A balance of humor and drama is what makes the server enjoyable: being able to alternate between serious and funny rounds. But it frankly becomes a problem when your chucklefuck character is on every round, trying to do the same thing over and over. Another example would be a character engaging in absolutely ridiculous acts (blowing themselves up out of incompetency every round), yet getting repeatedly hired (or at least not ever fired) by NanoTrasen. For the latter, this means don't design characters who are incredibly overbearing, and avoid going overboard. Pissing off people ICly is fine, in fact it's something that happens even with serious characters and is just a daily part of life. But if you create a wholly incompetent character, who needs constant babysitting, keeps preventing other people from doing their jobs, needs 24/7 brigging, and keeps coming back every round despite being demoted to assistant, well, that's not fun for anybody to deal with. So, these two things. How do they apply here? Frankly, I think that's up for you all to discuss. But one thing I will mention is frequency: the greaser act is, imo, 100% fine in its essence, given that we have pretty silly shit happen constantly on the station, including some staff-organized events. But if you keep getting complaints, it might be a hint to tone down both the frequency and intensity of these adventures, before we're forced to ask you to stop. Because we shouldn't forget that even chucklefucks are permitted to stay so they contribute to others' enjoyment, and not just their own.
  10. Carpet is something that should be orderable (I would say made, but that would probably require spriting and coding new plants). As for the other things, I disagree. Cargo sees limited use enough as it is, and needs more love, not less. Cross-department interaction is a good thing - if every department was entirely independent, there'd be no need for all of them to coexist as a single, coherent work environment. And then there'd be little to no reason to ever leave your lab/office/whatever. And I don't get the point of giving botanists a different way to make mushrooms when they already have one?
  11. Thread locked due to ban having expired.
  12. Frances

    How do?

    I'm not sure exactly how the question is to be taken, so I'll shoot, and correct me if I'm wrong, I guess v.v Physical descriptions only. Flavor text, even "me" actions, are supposed to reflect on the character's outer appearance, imo. The meaning behind my characters' actions is something to be guessed, discovered, even judged by others, not something I'm there to impose. If there's anything behavior-specific that wouldn't be noticeable at a glance, but still something you could garner from simply seeing the character around (body language, tone of voice, etc.), it's something I'll put in the flavor text. Though it's not always something I remember to do, and if you were to describe every single characteristic that defines another being, your flavor text would get very, very long. As for context-dependent things (i.e. "my character looks very tired today for some reason", it's something I'll convey through RP, or if necessary/suited to the situation, will actively point out to RP partners in LOOC, letting them choose how their characters should deal with it, if they'd even remark it.
  13. Clothes are somewhat of a restriction. I'd argue you want to have races be able to wear jumpsuits, so their function on the station is easily identifiable at a glance. Which, of course, limits us to anthropomorphic races. Of course, there might be some counter-arguments to that. Such as servers that have playable Vox. But from what I've heard, this usually delves into awful.
  14. Please use the unban appeal format found here if you want us to be able to handle your case. Right now, we don't have enough info to unban you, since we don't even know your ckey.
  15. User unbanned, with the incident added to their notes for record-keeping. Welcome back to the server.
  16. I have to both disagree and agree with this post. The internet can be a good place to be when dealing with these issues. Online, you don't have to face who you are irl. It's a place when you can play pretend, and catch a temporary respite from everything you face in your daily life, since everything here is so segregated from it. It's also the best place to easily meet strangers you can confess your problems to, if you wish. However, it can also be a pitfall. Talking to strangers, or even having a strong support group, does not replace professional help. I have no idea who you are, but online communities are no alternative or replacement to therapy.
  17. As a note for anybody wishing to express judgement, this ban is from some time ago (at least several months, though we don't keep timespans), and the user has no previous notes (though keep in mind this might be due to poor record-keeping, back then).
  18. Yet Science can manufacture SMGs.... The same ballistic weapons the ERT uses... Then give science the ability to make thermals, which solves cheap abuse from sec while giving them limited availability? It's not because you can make something that it's a good idea to. Sure, a research lab in real life might have the ability to manufacture grenades, or jury-rig (or even machine) SMGs, but it doesn't mean that they should do so and arm the building's security team with them.
  19. Posting to add some insight. You were banned for a week for trying to drill into escape. There's windows all around escape. There's no place whatsoever from the outside of escape where you cannot see into it, and thus you were clearly aware of where you were drilling into. I simply do not understand why you would not use the airlocks which are readily available a few feet away, or why you were drilling into the station at all. I'm not sure of the circumstances which led to you being banned later and not immediately after the fact, and I apologize for that (because retroactive bans suck). but unless you can find a way to clearly explain how the train of thought of drilling into escape was a valid one (which I doubt is something that can be justified, both ICly and OOCly), this ban is here to stay nevertheless.
  20. Having a continuous sound played by the client over ten minutes is also terribly annoying.
  21. Basically the title. I feel like our new emergency lights are seizure-inducing. Having a third of your screen flashing brightly between red and yellow is generally not a good design idea. Thoughts?
  22. Given the relative insignificance of the capital of a single individual in relation to trading between entire empires spanning several planets, I find this difficult to believe/understand. Forgive me for the racially charged example, but to establish a parallel with one of our current-world realities, this would be as if Mexican immigrants came to the United States to work for money, but instead of sending it back to their families in Mexico (as it happens now), they used it in the hopes of supporting the Mexican government.
  23. So, if I take it right, they're basically "given out" in order to foster bonds with new species (whether NT would accept this offer would have to be discussed, as that seems like possible slavery from an ethical standpoint), and in return, the Va'tramra'av get to learn more about these species through their "emissaries/explorers"? If so, I believe that explains it, thank you.
  24. That's my issue as well. I didn't vote yet, but what I would like to see is a clear example of what a player-Va'tramra'av character would look like, on the station. Possible motivations for working on Aurora, leaving the hive, personality, etc. Because reading this lore, I can't formulate a character in my head that would comply to it, yet find themselves on the station.
  25. Given that this jobban is from half a year ago, and that you've played consistently on the server with excellent roleplay and no hitch whatsoever since then, I see absolutely no issue with lifting this ban. Plus you have Rusty's approval. Antag ban lifted.
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