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About Shadow

  • Birthday 24/08/2000

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  • Byond CKey

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Shadow's Achievements

NanoTrasen Commander

NanoTrasen Commander (30/37)


Community Answers

  1. From what I have read and hear about thi, it seems like a great idea in theory. We'll see how it plays it. I wish you the best of luck trying to implement this!
  2. Application denied due to you not replying to the questions. You can reapply, but keep in mind the question I have asked here.
  3. Hello, I'll be handling your whitelist application. The first time you have connected with this ckey was on the 6th of January this year, it was also the only time you did so. Did you play with another ckey before?
  4. Hello! I'll be handling your AI application, send me a message on discord (Itzal) once you have some free time so we can arrange the interview.
  5. Hello! I'll be handling your AI interview, give me a poke on Discord (Itzal) and we can hash out an exact time regardinh your interview, usually takes around 30 minutes.
  6. Hello! I'll be handling your AI application. Once you have time for your interview (usually takes around 30 minutes) please send me a dm -> Itzal#6400
  7. Trial starts today and ends on the 16th. Try to get feedback regarding your command play during this time.
  8. Once you have time for the interview please send me a message on discord. Itzal#6400
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