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About Dr_Tragedy

  • Birthday 10/09/2001

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Botanist (5/37)

  1. it looks like she knows her stuff about the server and community but i havent talked to them much to judge their rp skill level points and ooc personality traits +0 neutralS
  2. when ever i play aurora station 13 i always see cybs acting fishy
  3. hi, most of u know me as garry spatula, but today i come to you as but a humble suggester my friend told me to put this in off topic but i think this is still good sugestion i was on my favourite server on ss13 when i remembered i loved cats and needed more cat in my roleplay. I know tajarans exist but there needs to be more variety like white and kahjit from skyrim. my idea is some tajarans moved to mars and cuz of low gravity they lost their legs and become black. here it is in actioN:
  4. i think it looks very much like it
  5. +1 i like sweden cuisines it would add culture to the server
  6. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Dr_Tragedy


      plz stoip i dont want anyone on here to know we r dating

    2. scrumptiousmommy


      why cant i follow you


    3. Dr_Tragedy


      ur alredy follow me


  7. just wrote a song hope u enjoy

    sitting  in my room with some icecream and a spoon


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadLantern


      Are you ok dr. Tragedy

    3. Mofo1995


      Great song! Absolute banger

    4. Dr_Tragedy


      omh ty sooo much!!!!!!!!!!

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