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Everything posted by SilverTalismen

  1. It looks good, not that often we get a Vaurca Unbound that wanted to leave the VR, Permission to buzz Granted
  2. What it lacked in fanfare, Has made up with in RP and interesting encounters, plus the bound often fill up the jobs people usually don't take
  3. Right now we are working out a way for them to 'clone' in their own unique way, and yes its a weakness they have, Every race has to have one
  4. So, I'm posting this so that people can post feedback on Vaurca, things they've seen (Maybe you noticed a error in a Vaurca player and want to point it out) or you want to make suggestions for the race or ask questions, this is the place you can do it!
  5. I would say make it five, since Vaurca population has been going up, We could make it so the minds can be together, But then we can transfer them out into a ordered shell, That way if your killed twenty minutes into the round it isn't another hour forty of you being in another Vaurca unable to interact with anyone, ya know?
  6. Hmm yes but this would prolly rquire surgery on both Vaurca or some sort of machine to do it
  7. Well How could we go about this Skull? would we need a machine or somesort for this sort of thing?
  8. Well, I would say we could map a area, It wouldn't have to be massive or complex so it wouldn't be something that would take forever to build, And you are right Raven, But I think that in the begining it should be something that Vaurca should have a option to have when their dead, You COULD put a human brain into a MMI and hook it up to the VR, but I would say it would pose more risks to human brains and if it did succeed they wouldn't be able to transfer into a Vaurca body and We could even make it a option for Vaurca who are living to hook themselves up to it an go in on the condition that they can only return to their own body Edit: And I would say it would fall inbetween Roboticists and Scientist work? Maybe a Bio Engineer could handle it? or just a normal Scientist
  9. There are shelves on the thing that you place the brains in, you would go to the console and if the brain is viable, you would have the option to send them to the VR were it would take the spawn preset your character has, a basic jumpsuit and body and creates and places you inside of it on the VR Z-level, When someone places a blank Vaurca body in the machine and downloads you in, it deletes said VR body and transfers you into it, dealing suffocation and toxin damage because unlike natural CA's, NT tech isn't up to par with theirs in this regard
  10. After having alot of excellent RP with this player I can only say this....Permission to Buzz Granted c:
  11. So currently, Vaurca can't be cloned at all, They are at where IPC's were afew months ago, you die and you have the option to either be borged, or left as a brain to die, What I want to suggest is a new machine, One that (With NanoTransens illicit work) has created a CA type VR Cage, that say two Vaurca die, You remove their brains put them in CA support rings (Reiconned MMI's to sustain brain life) and set them on one of three ribcage like shelves hooking them up where with some work from skull involving skull and abit of make work from someone else, would send them to a Nanotransen hosted VR (filled with Nanotransen advertising and crap) where they would have their avatar bodies back and have some basic things they can do to pass the time and RP. The machine itself would drain alot of power (with the option of being able to turn it off when its not on), I'm not sure how much in itself it would take, But for every brain it would add on more drain , and if the machine loses power, the VR starts to shut down, block by block and if a VR Vaurca is caught in it, their brain dies, killing them But the other side of this that makes it cloning, is that Cargo would be able to order a blank Vaurca body you would put it in the machine, much the same way you put somebody in a cryo pod, and on the console you can pick which vaurca to download into the new body, and this vaurca when downloaded will recieve suffocation and toxin damage upon download due to the shock of this operation and be suffering from the effects of sleeptoxin for awhile but will be alive and whole, the body being renamed to their old name and ofcourse stay bound or unbound as before. (Their old brain dying in the process of download) I would love feedback on changes or other ideas you guys all have and if this isn't the right area for this sort of thing, then move it sorry!
  12. Approved, Permission to buzz Granted
  13. Just a quick note, Viax is a necissary drone title, it's so people and unbound KNOW your a Burden and treat you as such
  14. Yesterday as a cargo tech was attacking me and all I was doing was shoving him down, Rin as a security officer grabbed my Vaurca, dragged me over to a table and began to slam my face into it repeatedly while then stunning ME the vistim and handcuffing me while the man continued to beat me, It took the other cargo technicians and another engineer to point out that I was the victyim along with the massive amount of blood the incident had caused for her to release me
  15. Yes I know what you mean Lord Fowl, But my main concern is that every round with a antagonist it will be the drones we have being instantly killed off and leading to massive shit fests that piss off the drone players because, according to lore they aren't allowed to fight back in the slightest, just wordlessly give their items up or accept death or both, and that could be what would kill off drone players, or even Vaurca entirely
  16. I Just had a traitor round with them as one of the traitors and I was working in maitenence. repairing damaged that their character Rin had caused when they came up to me, disguised in chameleon nukeop gear and aimed a gun at me, Dropping a paper saying for me to give all of their stuff, I ofcourse being a bound Vaurca tilted my head not understaning what was happening, when They stepped forward and began to strip me down wordlessly and I, ofcourse protection myself shoved them down so I could try to run. the gun went off and knocked my welding helmet and gasmask off, I was hurt, I grabbed their gun and moved back and fired at them, hitting them in the chest I continued to ran, they stood up, instantly pulling out a submachine gun C-20r, And aimed at me, lowered aimed at me, And then proceeded to unload the clip into my head, that failing I was still running through maitenence when in their other hand they pulled out their taser and began shooting me with it in the head until eventually I was floored and they shot me to death with their newly reloaded submachine gun, They dragged my body through maitenence and shoved it into a locker and left, all of this without a single thing said on their side and ignoring the fact I had been armed with their laser rifle The round ended with her being tasered down and shot by someone once or twice and I argued briefly with them and was then again shown they didn't care when nI tried to explain what a drone was they said "What was I expecting to happen?" trying to make it seem justified
  17. For the love of god, let this evolve through roleplay instead of just saying it. If people keep throwing drones to their death, then have the Hives respond in a way that will influence roleplay. It'll create a much more interesting situation than 'yes they now can'. I never said It was just going to happen, ofcourse Im going to let it happen through lore, newscaster stories and roleplay although currently we do not have alot of drone players so it will mostly be newscaster stories Yes and I know, But It takes two years for a larvae to hatch and become a greater Larvae, Meaning it would no doubt irritate the smaller hives if humans kept losing their drones in the thousands in accidents and using as canon fodder in disasters, It takes alot of work and resources to make bound and unbound alike even if the bound far out number the unbound It would subtract from those they kept at the hives if they kept having to send large amounts of replacements
  18. Drones listen to the heads of their department and heads of staff, The chain of obedience for them is Head of department, If lacking that then captain, Then those inside of department and finally those outside of the department, They can decline a order that breaks the laws of the station but can ignore wizards and non crew orders unless specified to listen to them, IE wizard is proclaimed a guest on the station they fall into the last catagory, Nukeops that sieze control of the station would also be able to order a drone around since they don't have that complex of a thought process they won't know that they shouldn't be unless ordered to by someone else (IE head of staff says not to listen to them and explains why) That's not what Covert's lore says. I'm clarifying alot of Coverts lore since alot of it involving the bound is pretty vague This sums it up. You do what you're told, to the death. Imagine ants or bees. They do their duty without any sort of care, defending the hive if ordered to, suchlike. When a queen abt dies, the ants usually continue carrying out the last 'command' they were given until they starve to death, or lose all sort of purpose and wander aimlessly. Take examples: A) Superior says, "Go into this airless room and stay there." As you know it's airless, and haven't been told not to, you put your internals on so you can live to serve your superior whilst inside. B) Superior says, "Go into this room and stay there without internals." Your superior has told you not to use internals, so you obey your superior, walk in, and happily suffocate to death. C) Superior says, "Do what the fuck you want, prawn." You stand around aimlessly until someone gives you something to do. You have no free will, you exist to serve. Imagine: Cyborgs, but without free thought. Vaurca drones do have self preservation and I am working in including that into the wiki, If a order given to them risks their life in a way they are aware of prior, they can deny if even if it breaks the chain of obedience, After all Nnotransen is trying to abuse this species drones, If they anger the Vaurca by letting people just throw drones into dangerous situations willy nilly then well, they would risk losing their free workers
  19. I think of drones as station synthetics, But more focused, They have a tunnel vision for their work, If it doesn't relate to their work, interfere with or endanger themselves then they will ignore it, Racism, insults and non physical abuse they ignore. But when attacked by someone or the enviroment is hostile they DO have self preservation, So someone attacks you in maintenance you can floor them (not kill them) and subdue them for however long it takes for security to arrive and take them. Or you can turn antenna and run until persuit ends then they can resume their tasks, When they aren't working then they can either be wandering maitenence, Or sitting someplace in engineering waiting for orders of somesort or working on projects as with my Vaurca I have a list of projects to do for the shift
  20. Application Accepted, Permission to Buzz Granted
  21. Approved, Permission to buzz given!
  22. Approved, Permission to buzz given!
  23. Accepted, Permission to buzz given!
  24. Malf AI and Nuke, The bog would steal the spare or the nuke the station when hacked
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