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Everything posted by Kaed

  1. The new loadout system looks nice, but it suffers from the problem of being too streamlined. While it looks tidy to place similar items under a single category, like ponchos or suits, it also causes you to only be able to bring one item of that type with you. I have a character who used to regularly bring multiple poncho colors for various occasions, but he is no longer capable of doing this. Ponchos are also not easily available on server, I don't think you can even order them? I feel like the simplest way to fix this would be to unstack the grouped loadout sets into individual entries. But a + button to add a second would work too.
  2. Kaed

    Nanako Cooking

    Alright, fine. My apologies for the testy tone, you make good points.
  3. Can you tell me, exactly, what tactic you should be using to counteract being bumrushed by, say, an unathi cultist with a talisman, who can move fundamentally faster than you are capable of moving due to you being a slow human? You keep repeating the same argument here, but it is not applicable to the current movement mechanics. "Don't wear armor" isn't the solution. "Don't be a non-unathi" also isn't an acceptable solution. Further, without actually metagaming, how are you supposed to know that armor and 'brute force' is not an effective tactic against cultists? It seems to me that the advantage of cultists is not 'that they are not counterable with brute force', but rather that they are powerful with teamwork. Reinforcing that a single cultist can and should be able to take out any person, regardless of how armored they are (and that in fact it is their fault because they let the cultist click on them once) to me goes against the thematic tone of cultists. Make them require teamwork to take out a powerful opponent. I think saying that a half decade old stun mechanic is still relevant after all this time and doesn't need to be updated because 'it's iconic of the antagonist' isn't really well-thought out as a standpoint. There are two other antagonists that can instantly stun you regardless of armor - wizards and ninjas. Both of them have to use projectiles though, and they are both non-stealth based single antagonists. They've also both been updated in recent years. Cultists however, have barely been touched until Nanako recently gave them some new toys and I think it's time we reevaluate their old ones.
  4. Jackboot, that's how it is supposed to work on paper, but I know for a fact that Frankster is frustrated about it because the situation where he was killed in the round that caused this thread was two cultist bum rushing him while he was in the breacher suit so they can stun talisman him and laser him to death with his own weapon. I was the AI that round and watched the whole thing. Especially in situations like that, where are you being slowed by some penalty, like heavy, powerful armor, and with the new sprint mechanic, the whole 'just maintain a 1 square distance' argument doesn't really hold up. The talisman needs to have some kind of counterplay other than maintaining distance, like armor actually mitigating it. And on the note of sprinting, what about unathi cultists? They have the fastest charges in the game, and could theoretically close on you and stun talisman you before you can react. With the current setup for stun talismans, they become incredibly dangerous cultists. There was a time when 'just maintain distance from them' was an applicable mantra, but the game has long since had many changes to movement, and cult needs to be updated to reflect them. No longer does everyone move at the same speed all the time except minor differences between unathi and tajarans and diona.
  5. Kaed

    Nanako Cooking

    [scrubbed due to me being unnecessarily grouchy and not being a suggestion]
  6. Reporting Personnel: Ickthar Slithiss Rank of Reporting Personnel: Head of Personnel Game ID: bNB-alaZ Personnel Involved: Ickthar Slithiss, Clare Houser - Time of Incident: Entire shift. Real time: 10pm-12am CST 3/20/2017 Location of Incident: Station General Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment [x]Assault [x]Misconduct Overview of the Incident: Clare Houser began the shift by requesting several forms to gain apprentice or internship positions with various departments such as medical and engineering. The attending heads declined their applications due to their lack of any training in the respective fields. When they came back and asked for another form, they were informed that no department wished to recieve them at their current skill level and were offered a different civilian position. At this point they became petty and irate, spending the majority of the rest of the shift attempting to lure the Head of Personnel, Ickthar Slithiss, into various locations with the intent to 'prank them' for being a 'meanie'. When this failed and they were detained for hooliganism, they filed a facetious and improperly filled out complaint form in the Head of Personnel's Office, again for being a 'meanie', which was declined. The situation culminated with an assault on the Head of Personnel as he was leaving his office to board the transfer shuttle, punching him to the ground and running off. They were subsequently disabled with stun shots and escaped attempted detainment before spending the entire rest of the transfer period attempting to goad Ickthar Slithiss into engaging in combat with them. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Ickthar Slithiss, Head of Personnel, was directly involved with this. Actions taken: Several attempts were made to engage security regarding the assault, but they were otherwise occupied. Additional notes: This was, technically speaking, a ninja round, but at no point did any of the antics between Slithiss and Houser in any way involve the station antagonist, who was busy off at the other end of the station murdering security with swords and explosions. Thus, I feel this is still a valid incident report.
  7. Kaed

    Changes to cloning

    I am a staunch believer that the viability of cloning should be determined by the choices of the players, not simply a mechanical effect. This is why things like cultists auto-gibbing sacrifices and destroying corpses with soul stones bothers me - the cultist might want someone to stay dead, but they never made any conscious effort to destroy the body, it was just built into mechanical effects. If they want to render the body useless or not, that should be within their power to choose. From a similar standpoint, I think that introducing a slew of new mechanical detriments to everyone who is actually cloned is not the best way to do things. I think a better compromise would be a combination between bureaucracy and rarer, but more intense cloning mishaps. Since I don't know how genetics coding works, I'm only going to address the former. First of all, the way cloning is treated now is too simplistic and handwavey. People are just given cloning on the vague assumption that it is covered on their 'contract'. People are so used to this that they feel cloning is an obligation and become testy when it doesn't happen. Several important things are never really addressed, such as: -Isn't cloning expensive? The equipment is presumably very advanced, since it can turn generic 'biomass' into a new person with nearly perfect recollection and traits -If cloning is expensive, why are doctors permitted to clone anyone they want as many times as they like? Who is paying for it? -How is Nanotrasen protecting themselves from the liability of failed clonings and/or involuntary cloning lawsuits? -How does Nanotrasen determine who is worth cloning? -How do they document who is cloned? They have so much paperwork for simpler things, but nothing for cloning? With those questions in mind, I came up with an idea - Health plans and mortality insurance. Now, since money in game is currently a largely random, arbitrary number that is not tracked or in any way meaningful, we can't tie it to that. But what we can tie the cloning stuff to is position/job, and an opt in/out setting somewhere. Ideally, the default would be opt OUT - you have to specifically 'fill out the paperwork' to receive mortality insurance. We can't actually force players to fill out a fake health insurance form, but we can certainly require that they click a button somewhere to opt into the plan before they are cloned. This generally will mean that first time players who do not bother to fill out more than a name and some features in their character don't get cloning. The plans work, ideally and at their most simple, based on your employment categories. This is just workshopping, and obviously can be revised. Civilian roles (assistants, bartenders, cooks, chaplains, librarians, cargo, etc) are only eligible/paid enough for Emergency Mortality Insurance, the lower rung of this. They are eligible for one(1) workplace cloning, resulting from situations that qualify as a workplace accident - i.e. if they cause their own demise somehow, due to suicide, negligence, or placing themselves in lethal danger, they void their mortality insurance contract and are not to be cloned. For example - if a merc ran into their workplace and shot them, that would be a workplace accident out of their control. If they were wandering the halls during code red (maybe trying to get some valids) instead of hiding in the bar like they're supposed to, they are disqualified. Departmental roles can receive Premium Mortality Insurance, which is similar to Emergency, but is a little more loose. They still have to die in a workplace accident, and it has to be due to circumstances out of their direct control. Attempting to do something outside of your departmental responsibilities, such as a scientist arming himself up with an advanced laser canon and going valid hunting, will void your insurance contract. Premium Mortality Insurance allots you two(2) clonings. It's worth noting that Security Team members who die in the line of duty are considered to have been fulfilling their departmental responsibilities, and are really the only ones who should be getting defaulted cloning after death in combat. The other departments are expected to stay AWAY from danger, which is literally how Code Red situations are supposed to work, even though it's usually ignored. They should also be cloned before Emergency contract holders. All heads of staff and the captain can receive Executive Mortality Insurance, which is the most appealing plan available, only for the most important staff. They do not have a cloning limit, and regardless of their cause of death, they are considered to be priority one when it comes time to clone. Other people with less important roles on the station are to be moved to the back of the line if a head's body comes in during a crowded cloning period. Now, this new process should also introduce several new forms available in medical, such as: -Notice of Insured Cloning (including name, Time, cause of death, which plan they had) -Notice of Uninsured Death (For uninsured people, or disqualified insurance situations) -Testament of Incompetence (A special extra form for situation where someone is technically qualified to be cloned, but the captain and/or several heads have chosen to intervene and declare the individual unfit for their position and not to be cloned. This will mainly apply to security personnel and heads who die stupidly, and will require a certain level of authority (stamps/signatures) to be valid) -Testament of Extenuating Circumstances (The reverse of the ToI, where someone should NOT be qualified for cloning in the station, but due to head intervention, they have chosen to elect them to receive an uninsured cloning. Examples of this include 'exemplary heroism', 'desire to interrogate a station threat', and similar. This should be considered carefully and be a special event, not a +1up document. Requires head of staff authority) -Unidentified Cloning Exemption (A special form attached to the regular cloning form only for situations where the corpse being cloned cannot be identified - such as a naked changeling victim - so they are given the benefit of the doubt. This probably requires a CMO stamp of approval if available) With this new system, cloning is a regimented process that requires more investment and effort than having a corpse thrown at you that you silently shove into the DNA scanner before wandering away. Security has a specific protocol to follow for their job, so I don't see why medical shouldn't have one. Here is my rough idea of how the process of cloning would work. -A corpse is brought into the medbay and is recovered by the doctors. -The doctors identify the person if possible, and the cause of death. -A Notice of Insured Cloning or Notice of Uninsured Death form is filled out, along with any additional forms required for the situation -The person's body is prepared for cloning (stripped, all of their items placed in a secure storage location) -They are put into the cloning machine and actually cloned -During cloning, their corpse is moved by body bag into the morgue. -After cloning, they are moved to cryogenics for recovery from cloning sickness -After they are at their most optimal health, they are given their belongings back, whereupon they re-dress. -A series of tests to determine their readiness for release (this should be standardized, and involve things like testing their vision with a penlight, having them test their coordination , and similar). They should not be considered fit for release until these tests are completed and they are judged physically and mentally fit. There is NO exception to this, cloned people should not be hopping out of the cryo tube and charging right back into battle until they have been tested. Even if the medbay is under attack, they should be considered patients until they are verified healthy, and should be evacuated, not sent off under potential disorientation to die again. -Official release Overall, this will cause cloning to take more time, and be considered more carefully. It also will require significantly left effort to code something that is based on roleplay and in-character regulations than create an entirely new genetics and cloning system. Some things to also consider are adding additional policies to the medbay and corpses. For instance, people tend to drag corpses around and let them smear blood all over the floor because it's faster. They should be put on a roller bed when they are being moved, alive or dead, and people who ignore this should be subject to fines, demotions, or similar charges. It is also encouraged that medical personnel always be called out to retrieve bodies unless the body is in an dangerous area - people should be calling for medical to retrieve them, too, rather than dragging a bleeding corpse 10 miles and making the station disgusting. Blood and filth lingering in the medbay should NEVER be acceptable, and should be cleaned up at the soonest opportunity.
  8. I would deny the app because it is overall bland (neutral) with some negative aspects that, in my opinion, drag it down to a no. Fix the bad parts, and it's just neutral. I also don't know this person, nor have I ever roleplayed with them. I am judging this application purely on its own merits, no based on a previous friendship. Previous companionship with the player shouldn't be enough for immediate acceptance of an application, anyway. A bland story like this, while not actually a disqualifying factor to me, doesn't really speak that you have a lot to give to the unathi community. What role will Vasaki bring to the station that adds life and flavor? Will she lurk in hydroponics quietly growing peppers and cocoa? Is meeting her in-game going to give me more of an impact than 'oh look a gardender who happens to be unathi. she sure does roll her ss's well, C+" Maybe you can pull of an interesting character, sure. I don't know you, like I said. But I feel like that should be considered as more important than how often anyone has seen you play non-unathi before. Because, what the vibe of this app, is that playing unathi is just a fun new thing you want to try. You've put the barest amount of effort in, and furthermore treat the idea like a joke, using 'hilarious' ooc terminology for them.
  9. To be perfectly honest, you've already got my irritation just from prefacing this application with the word "liggerina'. This is not a good way to start if you want people to take you seriously, and you seem to be aware of this, since you add a note at the end of your application insisting that you're serious about it. It might have served your time and application better just to not use the ligger joke it it at all and use the actual species name. That being said, her tragic backstory of hardship seems a little dry. It's interesting to be a family of herders and farmers, as I would think that growing plants would be a not terribly lucrative job in a species of carnivores. But maybe they sold something like spices or herbs for flavoring food. The rest seems fairly standard fare, contact war, NT are jerks, crippling debt, yadda yadda. It's not anything new, but it also isn't, technically, bad I suppose. Not everyone needs to be a snowflake. We don't use a voting system anymore, but I wouldn't accept your application when you don't seem to be taking this species very seriously. Maybe consider cleaning up your application to remove the dumb joke title.
  10. That's good for making people not be an unwilling construct, but it still doesn't address the issue of having their character removed from the round irrevocably and more importantly, without a conscious choice on the part of the antagonist. Even changelings, who honestly have the most reason to create an unclonable body, do not utterly destroy the viability of bodies just for the sake of performing one of their basic mechanics. There are several ways you can manually render someone effectively unclonable if you really want, from decapitation to spacing their body, but all of them require conscious effort on the part of the aggressor rather than being packaged into an antag mechanic that even the cultist in question has no control over. What if they WANT to leave a headless body as a warning, or are simply inattentive enough that they leave the sacrificed corpse in maintenance to be found and cloned? These are both more viscerally real experiences than simply creating a pile of bones and ash or a mass of gibs that belongs to no discernible person beyond the pile of belongings that dropped off their body. And let me tell you, the ability to become a mouse or diona is not really much of a consolation for getting the ability to not be a construct if you don't want, Nanako. As long as their body still technically exists there is a chance they will be able to play their character again, and I'm not sure just complete round removal because an antag caught you is entirely fair for either you or the antagonist, who might want other things.
  11. That's a nice idea, but I haven't the foggiest how I could go about coding such a thing. The most I've ever done in dream maker is make a shitty walkabout map with a stick figure. I don't know the code I'd be working with, much less what I'd be doing with it.
  12. I admit I was sort of leery of this race even upon reading the first post since they seem to be nothing but an attempt to insert a comically inept beast race into the game. While I myself am a fan of the hisslords, and I know there are TRASH people like ~Jackboot~ (<3) who play catbeasts, I don't think we need more of them. Upon learning that, for some reason, we would need to remove a race to add this new one, I feel like the nail has been set on the coffin for this idea. We can't remove races that are established at this point, with the possible exception I suppose of the Vaurca, who are new enough and weird enough to hypothetically be phased out - but given that work that went into making them and their unique mechanics and the small group of people who really enjoys playing them, it would be a pretty shitty to replace them anyway. The fact that you evidently have never participated in playing xeno characters but feel able to judge who can be removed to make room for your new furry bat race also does not speak well for you, either. The thing about you thinking we have Resomi also suggests you barely paid attention to our server's xeno array is also kind of concerning, since you want to add something to it??
  13. Hm. I think the best option would be sorta flavoring it as they get a virus when they finger your APC, and you have like, 2 minutes or so to issue a command to them with the handwavey assumption that's what the virus uploads into their code and it took a while to affect them, and if you are too slow it just handwaves away that it didn't take. I don't think just right clicking on them and issuing a command any time would work - I remember someone, probably Nanako, previously saying that IPCs do not have network access, so you would have to hack them with a physical connection.
  14. I think I would agree with some of your points there, Trapster, particularly the one about being uncloneable when they soulstone you. I think that bit is a little excessive that your body is dusted on use. I also don't really like that sacrifices gib the targets - I think it should just deal a lethal amount of damage, not make you explode into a fountain of comedically excessive gore. I've never actual seen any other concept of human sacrifice that involves exploding the victim, it's usually just killing them ceremonially. I suppose the intent of that was specifically to make them unclonable, but why exactly is that necessary? As far as I can tell, it's simply this way because it was always this way. Perhaps it needs to be re-evaluated - I think, for instance, it would be much more interesting if instead of instantly gibbing them, it simply paralyzed them and began to deal chunks of damage every few seconds. Then they could scream and stuff while the cultists circle them chanting I'A I'A NAR NAR or something. If you get them off the rune before they die, they survive. It would also, obviously, alert any one watching the health monitor and give them a chance to be saved if someone sacrifice ganked them and/or forgot to turn off their sensors. All in all, it would make for a more interactive experience than 'click rune, gibs'. The soul stone might just set their variables to dead when it works, instead of destroying their body - they need to be dead or dying anyway, so it's not a huge change in code I expect. It's possible this would just encourage people to ghost instantly and hope they're cloned later, but eh. However, I have to disagree with you on the matter of 'choosing to play' something. Like I said before, this is a baffling mindset to me. This is a server where there are antagonists, and you are choosing to play on it. By entering on a round that's not extended, you are participating in it. You can't just expect your character to exist in a comfortable, safe bubble where nothing happens to them or changes the status quo of their round. When you are converted to a cultist, your highest priority simply becomes the furthering of the cults goals. You seem to be under the impression I think that 'There is no you, there is only the cult' means you have to just chuck your entire character out the window and go from being, say, a nurse to a frothing psychopath. It's always been up to the player how they respond to antagonist goals, though - in the said nurse example you could covertly smuggle medical supplies to your cultists, provide them with care and support when the rest of medical won't, and any number of other nonviolent methods of support. You could even argue with them against starting to kill the crew en masse, if you feel your character would have a compelling reason not to resort to violence. I could even see justification to kill/disable/sedate another excessively violent cult member if you feel that their actions jeopardize everyone in the cult - it's not like the cultists are a hive mind, they can disagree with each other and have infighting. The only behavior that would really be out of line would be something actively betraying them to security because you just want to screw the cult over. There was someone else earlier who commented how silly it is that cultists inevitably start getting covered with mountains of conspicuous bruises. This is because using cult abilities does small bits of brute damage. But, I think there's an easy fix for this - just have it subtract some of your BLOOD every time you use an ability or make a BLOOD RUNE. I mean, that doesn't leave a wound, and if you overuse your own blood making the BLOOD RUNES then you'll start to suffer the normal bloodloss penalties. After all isn't Nar'sie the Geometer of BLOOD, and the lore say you're drawing all this with your own BLOOD? (I'm not sure why no one has come up with this idea yet)
  15. This was admittedly originally written before Skull introduced his vampire update, so it was working off the original concept of hacking ipcs, where they get law-slaved to the AI. Being lawed as a synthetic is pretty normal and people play borg all the time without saying it's no fun, so I'm not really sure why you think doing this would suck all the fun out of being an IPC? This is an argument I see brought up a lot by people who see the idea of a 'control other character' ability and began to claim that sucks all the fun out of the round for them, and I really don't agree with that. But either way, giving them a single command is a potential solution too, assuming it works like the dominate effect and they don't remember it was due to fingering that APC... but I feel I should point out that the dominate ability is something easily available to vampires pretty quickly down their blood-drain abilities, and furthermore is an ability that you actively use on someone you are interacting with personally - you select the ability, type a command to issue to them, then it is issued. Hacking someone who is performing an action on an object you have previously claimed but may not necessarily be looking at is a much more passive process. How long does it take for an IPC to charge? Are you supposed to get a notification the IPC is charging from your APC is X location, move your camera over there, see what's going on in the area, come up with a command to give them, type it out, and issue the 'hack' all in the time it takes them to charge before they move away? A real AI might be able to do that, but a player needs time to think and examine the area for potential chaos and we work at meatbrain speed. You could set a generic command to be auto-hacked into any IPC who charges from your APCs, but then it would be something you couldn't make personalized, limiting it to things like 'cause general chaos' or 'kill all humans', which DEFINITELY isn't as fun, for anyone involved. In this case, lawing the IPCs really does seem the most workable course for this ability, because it doesn't require active participation of a player who is capable of having vision anywhere on the station at any time and may be busy with many things already. Of course, I might be missing some way the dominate effect could be workable.
  16. Some of the oldies may have seen this before, but I'm reposting it now, along with some extra new ideas. ------ Blue screen APCs = Malf. This is an concept that is so hard-wired into the typical SS13 player it is impossible to separate from them from it realistically, no matter how much you push not metagaming. It's ingrained, obvious, and it doesn't matter if there is a random event that sometimes causes bluescreened APCs. It's just going to happen, random people will begin reporting them, and from there it is a slippery slope to the malfunctioning AI having someone in their core uninvited because 'they suspect system corruption'. This mechanic is a legacy of an older version of Malfuctioning AI, where you had to have a specific number of APCs under your control in order to blow the station, and things were much more simplistic - there had to be a way to notice the AI doing it's thing before the station exploded, or you were screwed. It was extremely fast paced compared to the much more moderate hour and a half or often MORE process that is involved with NewMalf. With the increased complexity of new-malf, more complexity needs to be added to the process. Malfuctioning AI need to have more breathing room, as the assault on their core should not be starting until they take overt, obvious action. I have worked out a general idea for this, but critique is welcome. 1) Blue Screened APCs: These should stop happening, at least initially. Make the error report for the APC visible only to people actually opening up the APC interface. People randomly passing by should not see a bright overt flashing APC error. Something like, "Interface error: Unable to accept commands" when they try to toggle something. It may be more reasonable for the bluescreened APCs to start happening after the Override command begins. When this happens, all hacked APCs bluescreen immediately, and more of them begin to as the station is taken over. At this point, the AI is on full assault, there is no subtlety. The APCs are being brute forced and used outside of their manufactured purpose. 2) In the defense of engineers, the current 'counter' to bluescreened APCs is very unintuitive: You must tear down the entire APC and build a new one. I propose some method of troubleshooting 'malfunctioning' APCs, like a tool you use on it that debugs it or perform a full reset on the hardware. It should take a while to do this (ideally more than the 60 seconds it takes to hack it, because they're not a super powerful AI), and then the APC is fixed. This will lower some of the alarm caused by having to literally destroy an APC to fix it (wow, this APC was really fucked up and this concerns me!), and make it streamlined more into a general troubleshooting thing. This tool will cease to work during the Override stage when everything bluescreens, thus furthering the evidence that something bad is going on. 3) Make recalling the shuttle possible even during override, if you have the upgrade or ideally, let the override be stopped at will. Keep in mind starting override can carry a high processing cost, making spamming it on and off unfeasible. However, having a full 10+ minutes where you are unable to utilize any malfunction commands is devastating, and actually can cause the round to end early because of shuttlecall spam you can no longer stop. Alternatively, rework how shuttle calls function to limit shuttle spam like forcing them to contact the Odin or call an ERT - people shouldn't be doing tug of war with the malf AI. It's not fun for anyone and is kind of immersion breaking. 4) The manipulation tree has some useless stuff in it. The biggest offender is "Electrical Pulse.". The only thing this does is randomly blow some lights somewhere on station, anywhere, with a tiny chance of breaking an APC in the process. This INCLUDES your core APC, so it is actually possible to accidentally kill yourself using this ability. Considering that even when NOT malfunctioning you can 'overload lighting circuits' on any APC on the map, with far more precision and less risk to the station and yourself, this ability is almost useless. Proposed replacement: This tree seems to mainly involve hijacking various nonencrypted station subsystems and machinery. One of the biggest weaknesses of the AI is that people can hold conferences off-radio and plot to kill it without its knowledge. It can use intercoms to listen in, but this suffers from two major problems: First, every intercom on station has a sharply limited 'hearing' range, of about 2-3 squares. Second, it's impossible to do this covertly, because all someone has to do is click on the intercom and see that it's set to a strange station, and they instantly know the AI is responsible and disable it, running out of earshot or watching it like a hawk to see if it turns itself back on. My proposed solution is to allow malfunctioning AI to utilize the sensors on the AI holopads covertly. I know they're on there - when you activate the holopad, you can hear and see everything around it as if you were standing on that spot as a regular mob. The problem is it is impossible to use them without activating the holopad and alerting everyone in the room you are present and listening. This is a fine safety protocol for normal AI, but there is no reason why a malfunctioning AI should follow safety or privacy procedures. 5) The interdiction tree is missing a key element that used to be in old Malf - the ability to hack IPCs. I don't know where this should show up on the tree progression. But I feel it should be a thing again. If you can remotely hack unlinked borg to bind them to you, and even hack other AI units, IPC should be susceptible too. Perhaps replace Hack Cyborg with the more broad "Hack Synthetic" (AI should still be their own tier at the top), and/or auto-hack IPCs who finger your hacked APCs. 6) The networking tree could use a tuneup - instead of making 'hack APC' the first tier of it (and thus a required first step for all malf), make it an entirely separate, singular research you have to do before you can do anything else (or just make the AI have it by default?), and add a replacement ability somewhere in that Tree, like being able to move your AI's core to any hacked APC during emergencies. 7) Hack Camera needs to be done more intuitively. Currently (I think?) it only works with any effectiveness by right clicking on the camera and selecting 'hack camera' This works file, until crew members begin smashing every camera in sight. Since one of the functions of 'hack camera' is to reactivate a camera, it is somewhat difficult to hack a camera you can no longer see due to it being disabled. Usually I end up having to waste time and resources giving a nearby camera xray vision just to see the camera so I can click on it. That's really silly and roundabout. Maybe something like a special interface similar to what the security cameras computer has, that shows you all cameras and broken ones are greyed out. 8) This is hypothetical and kind of vague, but a new (or several new?) kind(s) of additional Tree to used as an alternative to the override - it's high cost and research times for end stuff will be comparable to override, forcing you to pick an option between the two. But, hypothetically, a tree more about synthetic superiority than destruction and control of the station itself, like being able to reset borg models to default again and/or unlock secret malf borg models, prevent RD-console detonation of your borgs, Perhaps even a way to turn your core into a mobile weapon's fortress, I don't know, I'm spit-balling here. 9) A way to hack in access to the telecomm sat's turrets, bypassing the 'firewall'?
  17. Trapster, after reading this whole thread I think it's becoming kind of pointless to continue it. You have had slews of people express their feelings why cult is a perfectly fine game mode, what possibilities it has, and so on. The problem isn't with the cult round type here, it's that you won't accept that other people disagree with you. You have rejected every argument leveled against your claims that cult is an awful game mode largely based on what amounts to opinionated conjecture. The people who disagree with you are also using opinionated standpoints though, let me be clear. So here's my opinion here: Stop trying to make everyone here agree with you. Either they do, or they don't. I myself am of the opinion that if you can't handle your character's behavior, goals, or situation being changed to something you weren't expecting or desiring, then you shouldn't be playing on a high roleplay server. There have been approximately three people already who have pointed out that dying and/or ghosting are perfectly acceptable ways to escape the cult, but you either ignore or reject these points repeatedly because you don't like them, and you'd prefer we remove a game mode or change to to conform more to what you're comfortable with. Other people like it. Some people don't. The people who don't like it, don't have to participate in antagonist activities. This is a game at the end point, trying to account for the tastes of everyone at the same time, which is frankly impossible. Go watch a movie, play a different game, eat a meal. Let the people who are having fun in the round type have their fun, and come back later.
  18. [Redacted due to off topic]
  19. [Redacted due to off topic]
  20. I think this is one of the silliest suggestion threads I've seen in a while. The detective role already has issues being irrelevant in the server, and most of them spend their time fucking off in the bar or wandering around, trying to be second class sec officers because they start with a revolver. I don't think I've even seen a detective play 'noir' or 'hard boiled' once. Or heard the word 'dames' used, ever. There are so many issues that could be improved to the position without needing more freaking dress-up costumes. Dick Tracey never looked good in his banana suit. and the general 'market audience' that plays this game (i.e. younger than 25) has probably never heard of him. This smells of an addition meant to please a small crowd of fans of something entirely unrelated to this game. Let's not.
  21. No. Writing in binary is stupidly inefficient in terms of amount of space it takes to convey a message in text format, and I'm fairly certain we'd have issues if the library began getting titles that were in other actual languages such as french or spanish. We're trying to cut down on joke books, from the idea I'm getting of this thread, and binary books are absolutely nothing but joke books. No IPC would write in binary when 'Hello World!" can be accomplished with 11 characters instead of 96, and in fact, I would actually think that doing something that requires that much effort for the sake of a two word gag would be more the purview of a dumb human than a logic-oriented robot. Imagine, if you will, that instead of writing out letters with your pen in the normal way of moving the pen across the paper, you repeatedly poked your pentip into the paper over and over, slowly forming the letters from a series of closely-set points of ink. This is roughly how a printer creates letters and images on a sheet of paper, but it is not how a human (or IPC) would ever write words, because it wastes way too much time with our slow meat fingers. This is much the same way that writing out 0s and 1s is horribly inefficient when they are being used in sets of 8 to stand in for single characters. Binary is only functional and efficient in a digital setting where they can quickly be processed as a value, not on paper.
  22. Good lord this argument is pretty dumb. From personal experience, I can tell you that people get super pissy if you are a non-antagonist AI and annoying the crew or in some way hindering them. I myself have been bwoinked before for acting in a way that caused the crew become irritated, and if you think you can LIE to them without someone on the staff telling you to cut it the fuck out and 'remember that you wouldn't have been placed in charge of the station if you act this way', then you clearly haven't tested the boundaries of unwritten AI rules on this server as much as me. And that's not even taking into account the people that will spend 20+ minutes arguing with you over comms about how your interpret your laws and how they think you should be interpreting your laws, and must be faulty because you are not doing things they expect/want you to. Being an AI is a very difficult experience in general, between the expectations the server seems to have of you, the things that will make the staff grump at you, and that most of the time, the crew just sort of wants to pretend you don't exist until they need you, and damn you if you force them to register your existence beyond the brief moment it takes to tell you to open a door. It's not impossible to have fun as an I, I do. But you can't go in there expecting it to be like playing a borg, or even an IPC. It's a unique experience, and trying to enforce even more arbitrary standards on how people have to treat AIs is not going to help change that.
  23. Kaed

    Mice Bites

    Maybe we can compromise with a minor random event that spawns several alien-allowed players into slightly more robust mice that have biting and wire chewing capabilities, and call them like, rabid space mice or something. That would be a moderately entertaining alternative to spider and carp attacks and provide that destructive mice outlet people are wanting in a contained way.
  24. Kaed

    IPC Cryo Cooling

    To be honest, I'm kind of with Dreamix here. These tubes were made for organics to heal in, not for an overheating IPC to jump into to keep itself functional. I don't think that there would be a priority there to make it compatible liquids.
  25. Kaed

    IPC Cryo Cooling

    I don't think that the insides of cryo tubes are made from water, or they would freeze solid during operation. They get very cold inside, you see. But have no evidence the contents are even conductive, which is the main issue with getting computers wet - you can immerse them in certain oils and they function fine. And convection cooling is largely unnecessary when your environment is so cold your are conducting all your heat into it anyway. I think you might have problems when you EXIT the cryo sludge more than when you are in it, on account of your internal circuitry being full of thick sludge that you need to clean out. But hey, that's just me, using my basic understanding of science. I've been told to put it away before for 2D spacemens.
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