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    3D Modeling, Pixel Art, Image Design, Animations, and HTML Fuckery.
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    Line Cook
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    United States Of Himeo

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Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (4/37)

  1. WE HAVE PASSED THE AGE OF HEPHAESTUS HIMEANS. WE NOW SHALL ENTER THE AGE OF ORION EXPRESS AND ZAVODSKOI HIMEANS GETTING INTO PUB BRAWLS WITH HEPHTAESTUS SOLARIANS AND BIESELLITES. I do think this is adding some pretty good depth to Himeo, especially since if they are willing to fund The League in the Solarian Wildlands, then it only makes sense they'd get heated up about Hephtaestus ramping up it's influence in it's own country. It also adds new roleplay possibilities for Himeans and Hepht workers alike, as well giving potentially interesting hooks for events in the future.
  2. from @Silvore
  3. I can vouch that I'm helping make this item! A little note I wish to include now that I'm actually working on getting Elyran holoclothing code to work, I've decided to only include 'DUEL' sprites since It looks better It isn't as painful to code in.
  4. Hello! I wanna ask if you could decline this application specifically so I can start on a new one a week from now, likely one much more humbler and relaxed. I will admit, this application was the result of three days of ten hour shifts with me getting home at 1:00 AM, little sleep, and late-night beers, and I'm nowhere near the original mindset I was in. This is just one of those situations where after a day-off after a long week that I realized '...That's far too much Angst and bitterness then I normally do for a character.'
  5. Hey! Yes, I agree, I'll edit the really dark part out later when I'm home from work, should be spoilered in the meantime so people don't accidentally stumble upon it. I'll be sure to answer the questions as well once I'm back from work.
  6. BYOND Key: JudaismPlus Current Characters Old Characters Species you are applying to play: Skrell(ers) What color do you plan on making your first alien character: White, specifically #B2B2B2, inherited pale Aliose spa treatment. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes! Why do you wish to play this specific race The culture and society of the Skrell I've always found incredibly interesting, a unique mix of collectivism and collective consciousness, as well as the fact they are one of the only arguably post-scarcity species in the setting, leading to very interesting implications when playing someone from the Federation. Also, how they portray and show emotion, as I love alien aliens and writing xenofiction(I know we meme on them as frog people, but like that's heckin' unique), so the Skrell are a easy first pick for me. I'm also curious to explore the divide between Receivers and Listeners as well, as the entire concept of 'The Great Lottery' sound like fun. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human I'd like to start with a small tidbit: A Skrell's humor is /literally/ the same as it's emotion for fear, the feeling being a survival mechanism that causes the taste to that of spicy food that we experience as humans, and of course, this fear response being triggered outside of it's normal circumstances if 'hilarious'. If a human were to make a human joke built on hook, pull, and punchline, there's no reason for a non-antiquated Skrell to see this as a joke, simply taking it literally. "Why did the chicken cross the road?' 'Why?' 'To get to the other side.' 'Well, of course.'. On the other hand, a Human-Antiquated Skrell might find the attempt charming, understanding it's novelty and cleverness and tell their own joke to one-up their human compatriot in (to them) this intellectual game such as 'The barman says, "We don't serve your kind here". A time traveler walks into a bar'. Interestingly enough, if a Skrell wanted to get rid of it's fear, the individual would have to stop finding Skrell humor 'funny' (as their Ancient Intellectual-Warriors once did in ancient times) to become fearless, simply ignored as a skrell-to-skrell slur would be, and in severe cases, leading to non-Skrell jokes being one's only interaction with the topic of comedy. I think it's important to understand that the Skrell come from a different evolution then that of mankind, and if were to try and make a comparison to Earth, could be explained as the most logical end result of if dolphins were the ones who became sapient before mankind did, even their psionics could be explained as a important evolutionary step for their aquatic ancestry that would eventually allow them to form societies and what is now known as modern Skrell. Calling them 'Frog Humans' in the setting would be ignoring the reason why they have become what they are, and how they act. Essentially, I think they are really neat! Character Name Muu-Aujaq (The honorific -Aujaq is short for Aujaq’wesi, the capital of Tattuqig) Leua'Tu (The personal connection 'Tu is a attempt to honor their Qrra'Myaqq (sibling) Oiuqkk-Tuish Olru) Please provide a short backstory for this character Muu-Aujaq Leua was a Xiiori hatched on Tattuqig in 2270, and rarely enough one of two tadpoles to a interesting quya between former and redeemed Glorsh Collaborators now working as colonial doctors, a quiet duo of a Qerrbalak Axiori and meek Aliose Xiialt. The tidebonded kin practically were side-by-side, the loud and charismatic Oiuqkk-Tuish Olru (A Reciever) being the voice and face for the shy and intelligent Muu-Aujaq (A Listener), many colonists grew fond of the tadpoles, being some of the few rare Tattuqig-born skrell at the time, leading to some eventually nicknaming the duo Tu-and-Muu. Ahoy! I'll edit this later, skip over this if you don't wanna read horror microfiction involving a monster killing a child, it should be changed by the time I get home from work. They graduated Reefgarden later then most, and despite constant insistence from their parents didn't go through with Depth College. Muu-Aujaq Leua tried to move on, resolving to carry on their siblings memory, brandishing the personal connection of 'Tu, and applied for a freighter job off-world so they could leave the world that haunts their mind. This became a nightmare too, ten years in and a opportunistic band of Marauder Pirates raids the small independent ship they are working on, their fellow shipmates which had begun to feel like a true family were either killed or left ziptied on the now-looted unpowered ship to be left to a fate unknown. They were among a few held hostage for ransom, where they were beaten, starved, and mutilated, left head tail cut off as a threat to try and coax a payment. Eventually, a Qukala (Navy) patrol halted the operation, the twice-victim Tu rescued, had to be brought to a rehabilitation center simply because of the state of delirium they were in. Years passed, counting down slower and slower, until they are finally released in 2345, they find solace in anger now (which leads to their path of Suur’ka). Applying and quickly being rejected from the Qukala due to their mental state and lack of education, they looked elsewhere in the Kala, persistence worked, hesitantly offered a Nlomkala cadetship. After passing the arduous physical and civic training is stationed by sheer-chance to their homeworld of Tattuqig, which they proudly started serving the Federation with a iron vigilance that one get's from a second-chance-at-life. In 2462, they step down voluntarily from the force after two disputes, one that occurred carrying out a warrant where they were too zealous in enforcing it and the other involving unconfirmed rumors of ever-more-shrinking time spent in Srom. They quickly landed job at Xomor with the help of a close co-worker (Qu'Kaax) who recommended them as a candidate for the enterprise. 2465, Muu-Aujaq Leua'Tu (Current SC reduced down to 6.2 from the previous) after screening, evaluations, and training for the Work Initiative Programme, they are accidentally offered a underqualified security officer posting on a distant human vessel known as the SCCV Horizon instead of the Warden position for a Idris-Aligned Tourism Development Group of Silversun prison as they were promised. Before they message Skrell Resources about the mistake, they decide to research more about this vessel, old memories repeat in Tu's stressed black eyes as they read about the day-to-day life of it's crew, memories focused on that of better times, applying for the job without hesitation. What do you like about this character? Frog. I feel they will let me experiment a lot, a skrell born into a family of doctors, who would have easily been on the path towards medicine and science like their parents before fate ripped the chance from them, forcing them to adapt to make it in the world. There's many questions I can ask with a character like this. How do Skrell deal with mental illness, how does it affect them psionically, how would a Skrell handle PTSD differently from a human, and how do they keep a decent SC by repressing these symptoms? How do they view the Federation, are they loyal to it our of necessity or because they genuinely believe it, is there hope for solidarity with their Traverse brethren or has that boat sailed? Can they escape their cycles of regret, or are they bound to repeat it until the Insanity of the Tides or death takes them? How would you rate your role-playing ability? I've been in a few TRPGs, I'd like to imagine I'm decent enough at it, I've always wandered around SS13 RP servers for quite a while so I've done a fair amount of roleplaying. I like to really, really go into How do X and Y affect my character, and Aurora Station has always been my favorite for that, with all of the different planets, accents, and cultures letting me come up with interesting archetypes to build a character off. I'd say my weakest flaw is sometimes I get carried away and do something slightly-out-of-character, it especially happens with Very High Action rounds like the Elyran Mutiny Incident that lead to my Dominian Exile getting deported to Domina to face their crimes of pulling a gun on the wrong person (and probably executed for being a Exile) or very tense situations during a antagonist round where I say something weird or accidentally pull the trigger during a stand-off, otherwise when I have time to think, I'm able to put myself into the mind and body of about any character I make. Notes It had to be cut to keep the backstory to only two paragraphs, but yes, Muu-Aujaq Leua'Tu is a worshipper of Suur'ka (Though, officially on record, they are a Qeblak follower) and was apart of a cloister that'd meet up far from civilization on Tattuqig. They've grown to idolize ancient Skrell warrior societies and it's figures (such as Wreshin Tup), and thanks to the Skrell TV Show 'The Professionals' has lead to them being a hidden enjoyer of Human Neo And Classical Westerns. Thank you for reading my essay, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
  7. Sputnik asked for feedback, so here it is. I'm not going through what Sputnik has said in this post as what I'm worried about what isn't mentioned. Sputnik I feel has acted in a unprofessional and rude manner, though I don't wish to divulge too much information as these are things I've simply observed and heard lamented by players. Incidents involve: A Non-Binary Player asking to be referred to with they/them pronouns on discord, with Sputnik rebuking with She. Misgendering Characters IC. Intentionally. Creepy Comments involving a specific character, Calling the server 'too neutered' in a discussion about IC Homophobia being banned (in a In-Game OOC discussion about old Tajara lore and how the server has gotten more LGBTQ+ friendly) I'm being polite and I will concede I don't have proof for ALL of these, however, when I see Sputnik says they wish to uphold standards and mutual respect, from what I've seen and heard, I don't genuinely believe they intend to do such. -1
  8. I've enjoyed my interactions between Mahomet and Sil Zurix-Orleans, but however that is a given considering Mahomet's backstory. Now, onto what matters. Every round I've had with them as CMO, they not only manage to keep the department functioning, but easily carry it (which I know some physician mains have appreciated when they were having a slow day). They've also successfully coordinated with me as a Pharmacist so I always know what chemicals need to be made. +1 I want to see more.
  9. Regularly helps stock medical with what it needs, and produces absurds amount of funds for Hangar. They also do a great job acting as a unofficial executive officer, especially on slow dead-pop rounds. 10/10, feel they improve the ship. +1
  10. Since I was the bartender that round, I can vouch they weren't there for long. five minutes at the start of the round, and at the bar slightly before and during bluespace. I've seen plenty of Chief of Security who spend much longer at the bar, so, they were pretty timely and didn't waste too much time.
  11. Wanna talk about my personal experience since they are now applying. Very glad that ̶K̶a̶r̶l̶ ̶H̶e̶i̶s̶e̶n̶b̶e̶r̶g̶ Michael Greenberg's player is applying for CE. They are always helping new engineering apprentice's by running them through training and on-top of this, he's also a good RP mentor for the department, encouraging people to open up and talk between duties (which, usually if he's around, get done rather quickly) I feel giving him a Chief Engineer trial is definitely worthwhile!
  12. "LOT of context" I'm going to bonk you
  13. (Just some new player coming through don't mind me) I know alien race whitelists is about lore team approval, but I do want to admit that while I was scrolling through this forum, this person summarized Dionae so well, they made me stop what I was doing and just start reading every wiki article on them. Good on them!
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