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  1. NerdyVampire is so real for this one. The Horizon already has the "spare office" by the starboard docking arm. Make the freelancers use that.
  2. Can you describe how the Orion Spur is a volatile place right now? What makes it so and how has that affected where your character previously worked or is from?
  3. its already a hiding spot, unfortunately, nobody is creative enough to figure it out.
  4. I haven't had a lot of difficulty depicting my characters' wealth or lack of wealth in the setting so far personally, not because of the tools given to me mechanically or in lore though, but because I make up the expenses in my head as I go along. Is it something I want to see more of and actively engage with in the universe? Hell yes. It is a corporate setting, I wish we would lean into that part more than we do, at least in my own opinion, and one part of leaning into that is dealing with economics, as employees of the corporate empire. As of now, for my main character, I have 3/4ths of his wage sent off to the Hadiist Party, who pays for his needs, like housing and such aboard the Horizon and supporting his family on Adhomai. The remaining quarter of his income goes to his wants, like brand new clothes instead of basic laborer gear, or a trip away from Biesel which has drained him of about a year's worth of savings. Bonuses are a huge thing for several of my characters and I keep how much they make from those bonuses in mind as it greatly affects their moods for days to come. In-game finances are not something I usually keep a record of, nor should they be, but I intentionally keep it on my mind as of right now, for otherwise any big decision or new outfit or a gift he'd purchase for someone would be completely meaningless in my own eyes.
  5. BYOND Key: JeffMomentRed Game ID: cxd-adi3(behavior encompasses other rounds though) Player Byond Key/Character name: Noemi Cordeiro Staff involved: Fyni, advised I make a player complaint as the involved player had left Reason for complaint: This character has acted unhinged and unrealistic to what I believe is within reason for in-character behavior. Manufacturing psychedelics for their own personal use in the pharmacy, insulting others with slurs when they don't get what they want, and attacking people when their behavior is pointed out and avoided. An example of this is when my character, Kezerjem Jaar'zeck, refused to interact with this character after they called him a "cat" for denying an absurd order of chemicals, pizza, and alcohol. At first I was willing to let the behavior slide and maybe have yet another workplace grudge with another character, something I've enjoyed forming, but it came to a head in this round cxd-adi3 when they threw a bottle of peridaxon at my character after he pointed out that he refused to interact with them. No action was able to be done in round, and I don't believe it is ICly appropriate for me to attempt to engage in the form of an Incident Report. I understand taking liberties with how a character is played, I've been quite happy to accommodate crazy or absurd characters, but a line is drawn where the character goes from "plausible" behavior in my mind to unhinged. I believe tossing a bottle full of medicine at a coworker because they rightfully called you a racist and avoided you, crosses this line. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes, the player had disconnected after round end and thus this had to be made. Approximate Date/Time: End of round, cxd-adi3, 10:30PM EST? 12/16/2024
  6. I only recently became aware of this, but, picking the map? Apparently there isn't a way to do that? I haven't played ST yet so I could be incorrect. It feels like a no-brainer to allow someone to pick the map they will be playing on. Whether it be the storyteller or the players all together
  7. I support this addition! Feel free to void this next part completely for grounds of "its sci-fi" and "its for flavor" because these are good reasons to do most things in sci-fi settings but in addition to my support for Shimmer's great effort in adding to my favorite Galilean moon I feel I must add this less than critical, unnecessary, and maybe even inaccurate breakdown of just one small piece of this lore application... That's all! I hope the lore team ends up implementing Shimmer's good work to our server, more Jovian(wide array Jovian accent) characters aren't a bad thing! : )
  8. Vent you play some of my favorite characters in Operations at the moment. At such a time where I'm exploring playing Command, your characters, especially G, have brightened my day up with his skill, attitude, and writing in round. I'm consistently impressed by the quality and enthusiasm you put into your character's life and writing. Thank you for being an awesome part of my rounds. I've spent maybe a dozen or maybe two dozen rounds with you in it and hope to have many more. : )
  9. There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said here. I echo the sentiments of the other player's remarks. +1
  10. Listing lazily to the left without looking at the sensors for the comet because space is big : ) I'm uncertain how well this could be implemented into the game, but ideally, this has the potential to be a flavorful random event.
  11. Hello, I play mainly Operations characters because of my experience in America's manufacturing and logistics industry and because somehow I enjoy the gameplay loop involved. The most antagonistic of these characters being my Tajara, Kezerjem Jaar'zeck. Alot of the inspiration I got for this character's public attitude came from a coworker at a manufacturing plant I used to work at named Ron. Ron was a gruff, ruthless, and exudes this atmosphere of hostility or belligerence to everyone and anything which came his way. The good side of Ron was once he got to know you and if you proved you were in any way decent at your job, he began to warm up and show you respect which you wouldn't quite expect from him. There is a soft shelled side which takes the form of care in a way you would expect out of a brother or close friend. When writing a character I take the flaws they have and ask myself "How would I incorporate this flaw in an interactive/social setting like Aurora?". So for example: Kezerjem speaks very bluntly, only really employing things like sarcasm or exaggeration when joking amongst someone close to him. This bluntness flaw comes in alot of forms, a few being short answers or grunts of acknowledgement to unfiltered and vocal judgements of another character's appearance, choices, etc. addressed directly to the subject: Telling Manuel Barros that he is overweight or insulting his choices in sugary junk foods. Calling a member of a monarchist nation a slaver or so on. This flaw in particular has cause animosity or friction with several character's. Some became his friend's or one even a romantic interest. Other's who have been around long enough are still coworkers and thats all they will be. And some have ended up becoming perpetually belligerent, some with little to no interaction with him, others with very good reasons or personal experiences. There are alot of origins which the lore team has developed over the course of several years, nearly ALL of them have some sort of rival, enemy, or oppressing/oppressed group which can be translated to on ship interaction but I've found its best to form conflict using interpersonal/workplace issues as the driving force while the former issues take a secondary place or contribute to the conflict in the background. On speaking patterns between each character, the only suggestion I would be able to give is to try on focus on one to three characters to develop. Most people's writing has tells, I know mine definitely does, things like: I type faster than I think so at least once a round I'll end up typing a sentence thats missing a word in the middle of it. Or I'll say things which one character wouldn't usually say, like my OM saying "Buddy" or Kezerjem saying "Something like that". I cant list all of my tells, Im sure others definitely can as this is one of those things I think is difficult to stay aware of. Anyways, I hope I was able to help in some way.
  12. The point Fluffy raises is extremely important. It does take a chunk of the round to try and manage an expedition, though, in my own experience, that chunk of time trying to get everyone together has taken so long because of a lack of leadership. I'm not saying people are stupid, don't read in between the lines, but having managed expeditions or led the setup time for them, these things can be set and done far quicker if there is leadership or some sort of fire behind it. For example: An expedition I led the setup for had two engineers, a member of security, a paramedic, and a miner. I helped organize and gather supplies, from announcing the expedition and a departure time to them leaving with well-stocked gear, it took maybe 15 minutes max, which is nothing. As a miner, I've found that, with other miners, filling out the manifest can take one to two minutes and going off of round time, from spawning at the lifts, I would usually be out within 7-10 minutes. It absolutely should not take half a round for the crew to depart for an expedition, and that is absolutely not hindered by an IC requirement to communicate. It is equally as annoying to be on the opposite side of an expedition, say Command or Bridge Crew aboard the Horizon, not seeing where the Spark or Intrepid departs to, and of course, being expected to hunt it down and rescue it if they don't come back at an arbitrarily set time according to yourself. On several occasions, I have seen miners who have died on a trip complain in dchat that Bridge Crew wasn't doing their job and recovering them across the map when that particular miner did not communicate where they were going or make any attempt to. It also doesn't make sense from an in-character point to not tell where you are going though I believe that was mentioned already in this thread. I think, given how many off-ship roles and away sites the mapping team continues to make, that a manifest or some sort of communication would be made a requirement would not be a wholly bad thing. The point of the manifest is to offer players a way to communicate with the bridge or whoever even if there is no bridge or command on when said players want to take off. The IC requirement for this can consist of anything from a little paper slip faxed up to someone, filling out the manifest, or saying it over the common radio.
  13. BYOND Key: JeffMomentRed Game ID: Across the course of the last month. However, for this complaint cvX-cKIx, and cvX-anUZ Player Byond Key/Character name: lofiai.art Staff involved: Melariara for a log from the round cvX-cKIx Yonnimer for round cvX-anUZ Reason for complaint: Lofiai for the past month has demonstrated a pattern of OOC disrespect, tantrums, and poor IC behavior which I believe is unfitting for someone who claims to have “learned alot in the past year” and wants to “demonstrate that they can be a reasonable player in the community”. In extended round: cvX-anUZ, Lofi’s character, Daniel Richter, was verbally hostile to several crewmembers and attacked two officers with an active baton who were trying to detain and charge him for an assault he committed earlier. At the round’s end, Lofiai was hostile over OOC chat, saying people who would write incident reports need to “get a life”. I took this as the player believing actions taken against them ICly by other characters means someone dislikes them OOCly, and that rather than compromising, fighting to the death is more acceptable for someone who holds a job aboard the flagship of the SCC than filing an after shift report to CCIA and contesting the charge would be. In extended round: cvX-cKIx, Lofi’s character, Daniel Richter, who the night before was the offender in a rather heavy Incident Report, joined and proceeded to act antagonistic over the common channel to anyone that would engage with him. After around ten to twenty minutes, Daniel Richter went to cryo, climbed in, and said “Flacid” over the common channel in response to Armand Gessler’s reply to an engineer about the thrusters running at half-power. I took this as lofi joining the round, as the sole member of security, to stir up trouble, and when he didn’t get the action he was looking for, quickly leaving the round instead. The two cases, especially from round: cvX-anUZ, demonstrate that Lofiai has likely not changed or learned anything from their time on the server and list of warnings or previous ban. Attacking players OOCly is unacceptable and breaks rule 1 of this and most SS13 servers. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes, in round cvX-anUZ, my ahelp was answered by Yonnimer. I am unaware of the action taken. For round cvX-cKIx, I contacted Melariara to confirm the “Flacid” comment, for this complaint. Approximate Date/Time: 9/30/2024, both rounds.
  14. Reporting Personnel: Armand Gessler Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Operations Manager Game ID: cvX-anUZ Personnel Involved: Mira Tilton, Security Officer - Victim Clifford Conway, Security Officer - Victim Simo Helminen, Cook - Victim Daniel Richter, Security Officer - Offender Secondary Witnesses: Usul Guwan, Paramedic - Witness Time of Incident: 9-30-2466 at approximately 05:00 Real Time: 9/30/2024 @ 1:00AM EST Location of Incident: SSCV Horizon, Security Lobby Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [x] - Assault [x] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: Daniel Richter asked for a member of Command to come to the brig following the abrupt and off-the-rails conclusion to a boxing match on the Holodeck with Simo Helminen. Upon reaching the brig, Mister Richter informed me that Officer Tilton and Officer Conway were attempting to charge him for continuing the agreed-upon boxing match with Simo Helminen after an interruption of the Holodeck’s programming, which warranted the fight to be called off by Officer Tilton for safety reasons. Mister Richter claimed that the fight was still going and that Mister Helminen was consenting to continue the fight even while the Holodeck’s programming features were interrupted by another crewmate. The interruption caused their boxing gloves, an effective safety feature to prevent serious injury during a boxing match, to disappear. After talking with Officer Tilton, Officer Conway, and Mister Helminen, it seems everyone besides Mister Richter agreed that the boxing match was called off, at least until the interruption was solved. The interruption did not have a chance to be solved as Richter had engaged Helminen while the latter attempted to back off and disengage. I believe Mister Helminen had to receive medical treatment though I cannot confirm that. Officer Tilton and Conway attempted to confront Richter and give him a relatively minor charge for the offense. Mister Richter decided to continue to argue his stance, after three separate parties claimed the opposite was true, including the victim. As this argument continued, Officer Tilton and Conway demanded that Richter come into the brig and take his charge, even to defend himself if he felt he was wrongly charged by submitting an incident report following shift-end. This was when Richter drew his baton claiming he was being falsely charge and that he will defend himself if they attempted to take him in. Officer Tilton, Conway, and I drew our disruptors as Daniel Richter became increasingly and exponentially more irate and hysterical, as he was unwilling to de-escalate the situation. I would like to note that Officer Tilton and Conway did their utmost best to remain calm and attempt to diffuse the situation while Daniel Richter hurled slurs and foul language at anyone and everyone who got in his way. A pattern that I had noticed occurred far earlier in the shift before the boxing match and following the incident. The situation became violent as Officers Tilton and Conway attempted to take Richter into custody. Officer Tilton suffered a severe hit to her face while I believe Officer Conway suffered relatively minor injuries. Mister Richter suffered several hits to the chest and a few disruptor shots with the stun setting, though I am unaware of how severe the injuries were in particular. Paramedic Usul Guwan was able to treat all three of them. While in custody and his charges being filed, Richter resisted further, removing his handcuffs and attempting to escape Holding Cell A, grappling Officer Tilton in the process and taking several baton strikes by Officer Conway until he was once again subdued and treated by Paramedic Usul Guwan. By shift end, the charges had not finished being filed and I had placed Officer Richter under suspension. Submitted Evidence: Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: N/A Actions taken: A charge was attempted to be filed, however, Daniel Richter broke out of his cuffs and caused consistent interruptions to the process. No charge was able to be filed by shift end. A half-built and unsubmitted charge is available below. Additional Notes:
  15. One of my favorite players, a big reason why I got so connected to this server. +1
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