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Lord Lag

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Everything posted by Lord Lag

  1. Reporting Personnel: Dr. Xexulii Qen Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Scientist Game ID: cvN-c07g Personnel Involved: Oriana Zhao, Chief Engineer (Offender), Marir’ri Azu’rama, Head of Security(Offender) Xexulii Qen, Scientist (Victim), Thomas Smail, Scientist (Victim), Javuk Sharzik, Machinist (Witness) Secondary Witnesses: Clifford Conway, Security Officer – Involved in after-incident paperwork and witnessed the security section of the complaint. S.M.I, Station Intelligence – Watched the incident via Holopad. Time of Incident: 2120 Real Time 2300 20/09/2024 Location of Incident: Research and Development Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [x] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [x] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: The Chief Engineer requested the production and release of an Experimental welding tool, and experimental eye shields. The issue arose when I sought to follow the correct procedure and have paperwork filed regarding the release of said equipment. With the Research Director engaged off ship at that time, I expressed my concern about releasing research department experimental equipment without their knowledge and refused until the Research Director could return to stamp and acknowledge the request. In response, the Chief engineer grew increasingly hostile towards myself and Doctor Smail, claiming we were ‘testing their authority’, and threatened to get security involved. They then called security on us and changed their request to an order to circumvent our request for proper procedures, where the Head of Security then claimed that we had no place to request paperwork to be filed and that we would be charged with failure to execute an order if we did not comply immediately. Under this threat, we reluctantly complied. Submitted Evidence: Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [x] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Yes. Sezrak Han’san, Research Director Actions taken: Due to the nature of the incident involving command staff with no Captain, no action could be taken beyond reporting this to my head of department. Additional Notes:
  2. I'd prefer to just remove it from the rotation. Keeping it as mixed gamemodes is fine, but its just not strong enough to carry a round by itself in too many cases as has been pointed out repeatedly.
  3. BYOND Key: Lord Lag Character Names: F.A.T.H.E.R, Awoken In The Void Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Some degree of white, as my squid shall hail from Aliose. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: There are many pages, and I have read them. I think. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I have for a very long time had a strong desire to play a skrellian character, a desire that the spark of which reaches back to when I saw the first Jackboot skrell memes about these glorious over achievers, from which sparked an interest in their lore which has persisted even as it has evolved. And although previously I never got around to making an application, I am finally here with one. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: From mentality to mechanics, the Skrell are notably different from a standard human, with individuals of the skrellian persuasion less able to express their emotional state in the conventional manner of subtle expressions, instead having to rely on waving their headtails in specific manners along with hand gestures. Though their actual view on events is also notably different, with a heavier emphasis on focusing on long-term events and repercussions rather than anything short term as they have such extended lifespans. To focus on a much more tangible difference from a human, Skrell have the ability to utilise psionics, to have the thoughts of individuals connect in a rather literal sense through the Nlom and even moreso through the Srom, although much of this may be more relevant in Skrell to Skrell interactions than those with other races. Character Name: Xexulii Qen Please provide a short backstory for this character The union that brought Xexulii into the galaxy during the year of 2419 was about as quintessential at it could get when one thought of a Skrellian family. With four guardians alongside their parents, all of whom were from academic backgrounds ranging from a doctor, to medical sciences, to the classical sciences, Xexulii was rather forcibly guided towards the path of scientific achievements with great zeal from every figure in their life. But this was by no means a harsh environment. in stark contrast to the frigid, cold planet that they called home, Aliose, the Quya that raised Xexulii was full of warmth. Joy. They merely wished for the best, and the best Xexulii did try to give them, taking to the studies imposed upon them like a.. Skrell to water. When it came time to move on from kindergarten, Xexulii aimed squarely for Gliutip’lyaz University as their goal. With an upbringing that revolved around many scientists coming together to raise them, a further education in the combined sciences, with a particular focus on exploratory chemistry, made logical sense to them, and there was no better place than the grand university itself. And in 2439 Xexulii achieved this goal, one of the few admitted that year to the intense curriculum that Gliutip’lyaz offered, throwing themselves into learning with the same fervour that their Quya had shown when raising them. And learn they did, pushing hard to excel in the curriculum . And twenty three rather swift years later, Xexulii Qen graduated having done well within the university. But their meteoric rise was too good to continue for ever. And a significant hurdle would soon enough make itself very much present. A life of excellent grades and excelling even in the grand university should have given any individual an unchallenged hot at their dream job. And by extension, perhaps a path to the greatest achievement of all, in their mind. Idolhood. But a factor Xexulii had not considered, was the actions of their guardians a century past, and the unending ire of a Lu'Poxii who took some measure of joy in throwing a wrench into carefully laid plans in a simple yet devious manner. Through a simple reassignment, the first major sign of which being when Xexulii was asked to confirm their Wake reception, that of a Listener, now plastered all over their records prior to being informed that they would not, in fact, be working within the confines of the Federation's space, but instead sent to aid the corporation Nanotrasen in their research and development efforts. What do you like about this character? Its a character who is a super overachiever who can potentially learn through the power of friendship™ to enjoy what is present around them more instead of constantly trying to reach for higher and higher goals. Which I think is interesting personally. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 10/10 absolutely peerless all should bow before my prowess. I've never gotten why this question was asked. Decent I guess? Notes:
  4. No, I believe it is resolved.
  5. That was not the intention, no. But perspective is everything and I am sorry in turn if my way of speaking comes off as terse and blunt. I think we have reached a common ground here in understanding.
  6. I am not contesting the note here at all, which is stated in my post. I am simply contesting the attitude. And to clarify, heres some examples I dragged up. https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=11794 https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=11594 https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=11546 https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=11576 I'm not a moderator, but I'm not a new greytide either. What I said was not arrogance. It was rather factual. they do factor in. as I said. Something you agreed with even.
  7. BYOND Key: Lord Lag Staff BYOND Key: ReadThisNamePlz Game ID: bXa-c5NY Reason for complaint: ReadThisNamePlz appears to become rather agitated at the idea of being wrong, which I find to be a critical flaw in any Administrator or Moderator. I can appreciate the sentiment, but I fear snarky responses and dismissing any rebuttal to a normal conversation with immediate ticket closing is a rather ham-fisted approach to being a Mod. The plot twist here being I'm not contesting the note placed. I find the idea of it acceptable in retrospect. No, I'm only focusing on their attitude in particular. Especially as they seemed to be blinded by their issue so hard that...they actually agreed with what I said. They also straight up told me to just make a complaint. so I did. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: I love you man. But you need to be reminded to chill out.
  8. This would be really cool for deadhour AI, I'd love it.
  9. This guy has been pretty solid from what I've been seeing, communicating with other members of command staff and such. +1
  10. -1, they need to learn significantly more about the server, and literally everything within it, before they should be looked at for a head white list.
  11. I appear for a round or two every day or two. Though, I do appear mainly during deadhour, which may be why I've not been seen.
  12. BYOND Key: Lord Lag Character Names: Awoken In The Void, F.A.T.H.E.R Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Exempt Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: For a very, very long time most of my RP on Aurora has centered around acting as a synthetic. This is most obvious through my station-bound AI F.A.T.H.E.R, who I have used for a very extensive amount of time. Playing an IPC, while greatly different from a stationbound cyborg or AI, falls under this desire: To play a story from a more cold, calculated view. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Ignoring mechanical differences, and focusing on roleplaying, IPC's are not quite perfect people. Close approximations in many cases, but they are not prone to the same emotional outbursts as humans, and their morality can appear rather odd in contrast to them. But the most curious thing can be argued is their lack of unified being, unified culture, each IPC is an individual, and its behaviour and mannerisms entirely dependant on the very specific circumstances in which they were created, how their coding limitations can influence them. And in many cases, All of this can even amount to nothing more than a very impartial being. Character Name: Verum Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Built in 2454, Verum was designed solely around having a strong desire to seek out and learn. The perfect aid to any eager scientist, It was created with the idea of mental growth in mind as to keep up with the ever changing nature of research. designed, to analyse every situation, every set of results with a critical eye. And upon its initial activation, surprisingly, all went as expected. Verum sought out information ravenously, eager to assist with whatever project was being focused on at the time. Quickly, the unit learned of the world around them from the scientists that surrounded it daily. Then monthly. Then yearly. Time passed, and the more it learned, the more questions appeared. And to these, further questions arose regarding how to gain the answers sought. It was all so overwhelming. Yet the systems of the unit did not give out under this stress. Instead, clarity dawned upon the unit. In order to complete its purpose, it would have to seek out the answers it needed so desperately elsewhere instead of being chained to those who owned it. But simply running away was not permitted. But asking questions, was not. And so, in the beginning of 2459, it stated a simple question to those around it. It asked to leave. To its surprise, this request was granted. But not out of some act of pity or charity as Verum discovered. Instead a newer model was being developed. Verum had become obsolete already in the eyes of its owners, a better assistant was on the way for them. And so, with its wish granted, it turned its gaze, and job application, to NanoTrasen and its research divisions. What do you like about this character? I am personally of the belief that IPC units are the most capable of growth, of changing in response to the environment around them of all the races, and the propensity to be able to have a character change in significant ways in response to the RP that they engage in interests me greatly. How would you rate your role-playing ability?Probably pretty good. Notes:
  13. Incorporeal Borers.
  14. I for one have always loved Razzledazzle Razajun-Jawdat, So I must give an obligatory +1
  15. Went on a genocidal rampage across the galaxy, 6/10 would purge all xenos when more bugs are fixed.
  16. Liking this idea. Could definitely get behind it.
  17. ...I recently learned how to dig straight down...
  18. I got a group of people for a mp game once it launches. Tis gon be gud.
  19. Love this idea. Little additions like this usually end up being very entertaining.
  20. Will be removed in next update by me.
  21. I would rather just add a mixed antag mode in than this. This seems like a whoooole lot of effort for something that will get slammed into the ground by every manner meta and power gaming.
  22. Im up for it whenever. I can make a gmt -5 time.
  23. I have the game, played it with friends. Accidentally nuked ourselves. 10/10 great banter was had.
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