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Everything posted by moltenkore

  1. It would be neat to have vision cones in-game so your character can only see 140 degrees (or whatever value) in front of them. Perhaps making it so that me's and say's still can be viewed and heard from behind the character with a brief static mark showing where the person was located behind. It would antags a chance to sneak up on people as well as add additional RP if you ever wanted to just generally sneak around.
  2. I always thought it strange to see Zhan in command positions as they have always been thought of as the manual labour section and the lore states they tend not to seek higher positions, so I wouldn't mind it being changed to Hharar, M'sai and Njarir. I do think that command positions should still remain obtainable for Hharar and Njarir especially those that have worked hard all their lives through strife and what not to get to the positions they have endured for.
  3. Replacing the nitrogen canisters in the engine room and making it phoron by default seems like a good idea as 95% of people disregard the nitrogen policy anyway. As for atmospheric technician being moved to engineering as a whole, it does seem like a decent idea on paper however, what Lohi says is true and cutting down engineering to just one role would be a bad idea. Maybe the case is too many engineers knowing too much and the default engineering role should be moved to say a specialised role name such as "structural engineer" or something.
  4. It would be a neat upgrade but I don't think it's really needed. Perhaps it could have been needed back in the days when you couldn't place inflatable boxes inside bags but not so much now.
  5. The rule does mention comfort but I'm thinking more the along the IC mechanics side rather than discomfort RP. I think the reason that discomfort is the primary subject of the specific rule is to give people the ability to yell at engineers prepping for the end of the universe, but in the mechanics and meta side of things it's got more to do with stopping engineers wearing space armour and instant space protection all shift. (And anyone else with void-suit access)
  6. I've seen quite a lot of people just running around all shift with the rig suits enabled and in the retracted state such as chief engineers and paramedics. By doing this they are able to call on the mighty morphing power suit to instantly have protection from vacuum and have all the modules inside the suit available to them at any time with a simple tap of the menu and a middle click. Hard suits on the other hand are bulky and your character would overheat / become highly uncomfortable etc etc and as such there is already a rule in place for wearing them constantly. It seems somewhat odd that rigs are still allowed to be worn all shift in the retracted state and I have seen certain arguments such as the module itself being lightweight and the back slot of the character being taken up by the rig instead of a bag. The thing is you can just simply lift the bag along with you anywhere so it's not much of a debilitation. As for the rig being lightweight I'm not sure it would be in a retracted state as in the deployed state it has built in actuators and powerful magic to assist the wearer in mobility. All this armour that can instantly pop-out of bluespace would be stored in the module itself so it would be sluggish to walk around with a bodies worth of advanced armour on your back. Another augment I've heard is the small amount of rigs on the station too. I just think it's power gamey to have a suit that is able to pop up on you instantly and make you completely immune to fall damage, space, have an instant jetpack and the ability to leap around like a gazelle at any given moment. I'd like to see the same rules as wearing hardsuits all shift applied to the rig as well. Edit: Maybe I'm ye oldie but when I say hard-suits I mean void-suits.
  7. Just as a note, all the current ion laws are here:
  8. I've interacted with a lot of Kyes's characters and they're always unique and well thought out. I do enjoy interacting with the two borgs ROCKY and Vao with Vao being my favourite. I can certainly say they are able to roleplay a synthetic very well. +1 from me.
  9. Reporting Personnel: Khalid Ar'baq Rank of Reporting Personnel: Visitor Game ID: bS3-c3c1 Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - Cassy Hendricks - Offender - (A few others witnessed only partial events but can't remember names) - Noir - Other: Detective Time of Incident: Real time: 21:30~ GMT (UK Time) Location of Incident: Holodeck, Medical Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard [x]Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment [x]Assault / Attempted Murder []Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: We were having a boxing match on the holodeck with many people taking different round. Hendricks seemed most violent during, smashing people against glass, punching them when they were down. It was rather daunting to watch but Khalid did so anyway. After a while and some people with light injury, Khalid stepped into the ring to face Hendricks and had small match with Khalid going easy on the smaller woman. It was fine at first, exchange blows and such until Hendricks started getting more aggressive and smashing Khalid against windows, punching him on the ground until she knocked him out completely. He woke up in a daze unable to see correctly, his head bleeding and Hendricks kept on smashing him so he retaliated in self defense, unable to see well he started using claws to try and get her off of him but she wouldn't back down. She kicked him in the legs and knocked him over before stomping her shoe into his face multiple times. The left side of his skull was fractured in the assault and he passed out. He awoke a few minutes later in medbay where he had been dragged by a blue Unathi, blood pouring over his eye. Hendricks was waiting for him inside next to a doctor when he went over to try and talk to her she attacked him again so he tried to defend himself in his half dazed state, unable to as the medical staff joined Hendrick's side and kept pushing Khalid over and trying to beat him, stabbing him with needles and such. Eventually robot doctor takes him into isolated room where he passes out again. After he awakes this time, medical staff have managed to fix his skull and eye and he is in relatively good state. He will note that security were called to medical during incident but didn't respond. Afterwards, he waits outside to see if Hendricks was okay, hoping that security were dealing with the situation. Hendricks however just comes out of medical and does the human one finger insult before rushing into the holodeck again. Khalid was confused at this moment so he contacts what he thought was the head of security Wendigo. They ignored him multiple times so he walks up to a group of officer, the head of security and a detective speaking and asks for assistance. He had to almost yell to get attention when finally they react. At this moment, Hendricks was busy smashing two people that were down on the floor in the holodeck with holoswords in the same aggressive manner in which she attack Khalid (Khalid did point this out to security later). After a bit of back and forth between Hendricks and officers, she was handcuffed and taken to security. Khalid was also asked to come too where he gave statement to Noir. He is unsure why human was not dealt with right away and as he told detective, he was in no condition to call for help during holodeck incident whilst human was trying to kill him. He used as little force as possible to try and get human off of him but she was intent on breaking his skull. Actions taken: Hendricks was charged he believes but is unsure of extent, she was seen boarding shuttle afterwards.
  10. That is a fair comment but a person is capable of doing this already. However, I don't think this change would inspire such behaviour. Even just destroying the body on death without a massive explosion would be nice.
  11. I find myself as a traitor using E-implants on myself quite a lot for my 'no failure' missions and gimmicks. It would be neat if a person could trigger the E-implant after they have died (or set a timer on when the implant can trigger after death) just like the Ninja is able. Another idea would be implementing implants that do just this, the nasty version of the death alarm implants that traitors can buy to blow themselves up once they are deceased.
  12. Rolling pins. There does not seem to be another way to get them.
  13. Yeah, this is due to the powernet glitching out and the best way to test for this happening is using a multi-tool on the wire to take a reading of the power available. If it's at zero then admoons will have to force a powernet remake. As you say, it happens more than we'd all like.
  14. As requested in announcements etc etc, I'm still interested in being a server mod.
  15. Yeah it's getting a bit silly now. I play the CE in question (Akela) and they definitely intentionally skewed my orders as I've given the exact same order in previous rounds. But hey whatever on that one. The latest thing is as you can see by my IR, Alicia is even willing to fight security over the damn Tesla now so not sure why Central would keep her around. Gimmick gone too far IMO. Edit: I would like to see it resolved ICly, maybe a ban from the Tesla and mandatory shrink visits.
  16. Reporting Personnel: Akela Ha'kim Rank of Reporting Personnel: Chief Engineer Game ID: bQr-CZiq Personnel Involved: - Alicia Forest - Offender - Patrick Huey - Witness - Xli'loqu Axqiu - Other: Arresting officer - Noir - Other: Arresting officer Time of Incident: Real time: (shift ended) 22:03GMT 13/09/2017 Location of Incident: Engineering / Engineering Sub-level Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct [x]Other: Attempted Suicide, Ignoring Orders Overview of the Incident: Where does she begin? Alicia Forest Has an extremely worrying attachment to the Tesla engine which has resulted in some extreme outcomes in the past. Most engineers that have worked with her before have noted the same exact thing. It got to a point this shift where Akela had to move the Tesla generator to her office in order for Alicia not to take it and set it up dangerously. Akela noted Alicia outside of her office staring at the generator and when Akela darkened the glass, Alicia proceeded to stare at it over camera. Akela asked Alicia to come into her office for a chat about the situation but Alicia seemed frozen and in a world of her own, staring at the generator. Akela tried to talk and reason with her, but Alicia ignored her. Akela then sought out advice from the head of personnel, noting the potentially dangerous situation that Alicia could cause by not obeying orders. Akela also enquired if psychiatric assessment could be given to Alicia too however there was no medical staff on board at the time so it was decided to move the Tesla generator somewhere where Alicia couldn’t find it, the bridge bunker. Alicia then screamed ‘No!’ over communications and proceeded to chase after Akela all the way to the bridge which is where Patrick Huey got a glimpse of the obsessive behaviour. It was at this point Akela decided to have Alicia suspended pending further action by medical as this behaviour could be seen as very dangerous. Akela invited Alicia to her office and explained the situation. Alicia denied of course that she needed help. Akela then ordered her to see the head of personnel who was waiting with the suspension papers and radioed ahead to tell him that Alicia was coming. Alicia then decided to go into the engineering sublevel instead. Akela pursued her down there and found her standing next to the particle accelerator console with all emitters on. She attempted to talk her down and radioed command for security assistance. Alicia appeared to want to commit suicide instead of coming with Akela to command. The officers soon arrived and Alicia ran into the Tesla bay, Akela had cut power to the emitters so there was nothing life-ending in the vicinity. The officers asked her to come with them or they’d be forced to detain her. Alicia tried to make a break for it and Akela was forced to flash and detain her, the officers soon handcuffing and taking Alicia away. As she suggested to the head of personnel, the fact that Alicia goes to these lengths to be with or even worship the Tesla is not healthy and Akela would suggest the suspension of Alicia and guidance to seek professional help. Alicia is clearly a danger to herself and engineering if not the station in this current frame of mind. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Patrick Huey (HoP) (unsure of key) Actions taken: Security were forced to detain Alicia and on their way up to engineering the shuttle was called so she is unsure if Alicia made it to the head of personnel's office. Additional notes: She just wants the best for her staff but Alicia is clearly a danger at present.
  17. I've played with a lot of Firstact's characters and can certainly say he is a competent RPer and definitely knows what he's doing. I've seen D'jar in action and I believe he would be a great head of staff. +1 from me.
  18. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: Moltenkore Character Name(s): Too many to list, I think I have 23 in total. Most recently played would be Akela Ha’kim, Kariff Saif’rr, Malika Rajul, Khalid Ar’baq, Spring and Kirel. AI Name(s): Xenos X4 and Centros. Preferred means of contact: Discord would be fine. I am under Aurora as ‘Kore’ PM me on that or forum PM me. Age: 24 Timezone: BST (UK) When are you on Aurora?: Tough question, my answer would probably be ‘a lot’. I am on most days that I have time which can vary from zero to six hours. Experience How long have you played SS13?: As long as I have been playing on Aurora. (See below) How long have you played on Aurora: 3 years~ Give or take some months. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I have in-depth knowledge of Engineering, Medical, Civilian and 60% of science. The only roles I have never played are bartender and xenobiologist. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Not SS13 specifically but I have been an admin of another non-ss13 gaming community since 2012. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I have never been banned as far as I know. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I enjoy leaving the tires of real life and escaping to a virtual place where I can roleplay a character and not have to think about life for a few hours. It is a good escape. Why do you play on Aurora?: Aurora is the first SS13 server I have ever played on and my notes probably reflect that. I have made a few friends on Aurora and I know that there’s always a place for me to have some fun. What do moderators do?: Moderate. They stop the shitters from shitting and ban the grifters. But in all seriousness, a moderator is there to function as mediation if an issue arises as well as solve problems with characters and players. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Lots of log spam on busy rounds but perhaps satisfaction in helping to shape a better community. Upholding the rules and bwoinking the evil-dooers. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I have been told by various people over the years that I would make a good moderator. I wish to take them up on it and see for myself if that is true. I also feel as if I have some good to add to the community. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: Patience: I am a patient person and I tend to see things from multiple angles and perspectives. I always try to have as much information as possible about a situation before expressing my opinion and try to treat others as I would like treated myself. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I am not quick to anger and usually have a lot of patience and understanding with people. My stress tolerance on occasion can be a little low however I do not lash out and I will take a break if I need it. Anything Else You Want to Add: Although I’ve had a bit of a rocky start into learning heavy role-play, I believe I have come a long way in the three years I have played. Everyone has their snowflake days and I believe mine are quite far in the past. My characters currently are quite well balanced (except for a certain old brown engineering Tajaran ). I could go on more however I believe the staff know of my traits and hopefully I’m viewed as good enough in their books. 
  19. Thank you all for your feedback so far, it's rather interesting to see what people think and their current mindsets. I was hoping for a few older players to chime in on this thread and I have asked around but I think it is bold thinking. As I stated in my original post the main attraction to Tajara was this broken unity sense that they had around them but as it stands now they're more of a as you say, stagnant grimdark and they seem to have lost their edge. Their older motif seemed to be self betterment as the new human ideologies worked their way into Tajaran society. However, their current motif is this lingering darkness that seems to hang around their necks. It doesn't appear that the move to human space has changed them much and the fear of what could hit them from the home world, if they got deported and ended up back there. I don't think they strive to better themselves as a whole species anymore. --This is the feeling I get from them personally. I think the main question a Tajara in human space might end up asking themselves: Do I really want to go home? But perhaps, the main question a lot of Tajara ask themselves as a whole: did the war really end?
  20. Hopefully this is in the right place. I have no idea, feel free to shift it to the right place. ... This is a post outlining my current thoughts on Tajara as a whole and their place in the universe. Most of this is my own thoughts however I do believe a lot of Tajara players share the same incentive. I know that a lot of older Tajara players would agree with me but I would encourage the more silent subset of the race’s players to share their thoughts and feelings on the current state of the lore too. Since the lore change about a year and a bit ago when Hive changed the entire race into his own idea of what they should be, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding them as a whole in an OOC capacity. This is to be expected as it has become a bit of a meme to hate on Tajara and simply cast them off as a ‘furry’ race. This obviously did happen before Hive but it was also enhanced by him too. I would like to think that the louder subset of our community is not bias against Tajara but this is as you would know, is not the case. One of the main things that attracted me to Tajara as a race to play was the sense of broken unity that they cast on themselves. They were slaves that cast off their shackles and were slowly starting to emerge as a presence on the galactic front with a lot of room for expansion of both idealisms and society. They were broken by their old masters yet they still had this sense of wanting to achieve greater things in a unified and accepting way. Yes, the conflict between Tajara and noble existed and this was fine as it gave a reminder to the species of their old past. It seems that now, Tajara are just a completely broken and fragmented species that do not really fit into a galactic society. My main beef with the current lore is this Soviet Russia style of Tajara which in my opinion doesn’t really fit in very well with anything. They seem to have lost the OOC attraction that gave them spirit in the first place and now, a Tajara player can’t do right by the lore or OCCly and they’re being restricted by both. They seem to just be a rip off of humanity in that aspect and less alien ideals. One thing that I have seen is the constant focus on the PRA’s (People’s Republic of Adhomai) action on policing Tajara that are not even present on their planet anymore, they are quite simply light-years away yet somehow, the PRA is able to take Tajara back and punish them for certain aspects. In my mind this doesn’t really make a lot of sense. It is like if someone escaped from North Korea and suddenly they sent to a death camp by the country that is protecting them. How the PRA has the resources to even cope beyond their conflicted planet is curious at best. I have seen a big reluctance by Tajara players to even consider the conflict on their character’s home world as again, it seems light-years away. Why would someone that has escaped from such a system bring conflict from said system into a completely different environment which in a sense is completely ignorant to their previous life? It honestly doesn’t work. I have seen the argument that conflict brings RP but in this case however, such a conflict rarely gets role-played unless it’s some form or event or a random traitor round. This leads into the older lore as a thing that stands out. The noble conflict was actually role-played and there was reason to act on the conflict as the centrepiece. The Tajara’s slave master being directly in front of the Tajara roleplaying gave him/her a better opportunity to decide whether or not their character was a noble hater or not. They were not forced by the lore to hate and they could decide if their character’s upbringing dictated conflict or not. Another thing that I see frequently is Tajara being from only one place. Most seem to only come for the PRA and any mention of the other two factions ALA (Adhomai Liberation Army) and NKA (New Kingdom of Adhomai) seem to be scarce at best. This again (in my opinion), doesn’t give Tajara players a lot of room to work with because they pretty much do not want to lose the character that they have put time and effort in just because the PRA decides to snipe them from half way across the galaxy. The result of this is the same reluctance. I proposed the following changes to the lore: -Make Tajara a more advanced society and drop the soviet Russia thing. Less rip-off humans and more alien. Perhaps having 2 – 3 planets of their own with a small ship capacity to tend to such planets. This would give Tajara players the ability to decide where their Tajara came from without being forced to come from the exact same place with the same story to tell. This three system society could either be governed by a unified body with certain rebel forces within or have segmented planetary factions. Perhaps, two out of the three planets are controlled by one more liberal faction and the other planet is controlled by a more conservative faction. These different factions however could still have trade ties and other diplomatic connections with NT and/or other human companies. The planetary scale also would show that the people behind each fraction are capable of moving outside of their own zone instead of being stuck in one place and dictating the lives of people light-years away from wooden villages. Another result could be Tajara coming from different factions that are still have ties to NT, this could potentially have a lot of RP value. Tajara A from planet A/B might not like the ideas of Tajara B from planet C and vice versa. “She’s hearrrrd rrrumours about them.” -Shift the noble wars back in time again. Having this as a reminder of one’s past instead of a current day war was a lot better in my opinion. A Tajara could hate a noble or they could not, it was up to the player to decide and I think this worked better. -Make the uprisings result from within Tajara society instead of a human catalyst. This could work out a lot better in conjunction with the change above. Tajara society could come to its own conclusion instead of having human ideals dictated then removed by a sniping PRA. In conclusion I believe the suggested changes would give the race back its mojo and allow room for a lot of neat backstories as well as conflict and RP. In my opinion, it would allow the Tajara to fit in to the current state of things instead of being some outcast race that they appear to be now. I would like to say: conflict does create RP but it shouldn’t always define RP, there is more to life than just hate. Wrapping up, I think this post is probably long enough already but I hope that people will share their opinions on my proposed changes as well as my thoughts on the current state of Tajara as a whole. Perhaps they agree, perhaps they do not. I would love to hear what both the older and newer Tajara whitelist holders think, especially the silent ones.
  21. How about the Cloning Request System? (NanoTrasen TM) This system would consist of a few parts. Icly: >Doctor sends request through their NanoTrasen Cloning request console to Central Command's Cloning repository database. >Doctor receives receives genetic confirmation code. >Doctor types code into cloning machine and bam, clone pops out as before. So how does this differ from the current system? The OOC mechanics. Oocly: >Each clonable body has a randomly generated genetic cloning confirmation string (just a var). >Each round a cloning quota is set possibly dependant on amount of people on the manifest. A captain could request a cloning quota extension to Central command (admin responsed) that will dock all crews wages in some form. >The global clone quota can be adjusted by admins. >A person can set on their character sheet whether they can be cloned or not. (If the person has clone insurance) >After the quota has been reached all further requests are denied and a message sent to the station that the station's cloning quota has been reached. It would take some coding but I think it wouls be a lot more flexible than the current system in terms of round impact etc. (Excuse bad formatting, I typed this on a phone)
  22. I've interacted with a lot of Jauni's characters and they're all very well played and thought out. (Even that well played but annoying as hell squid CE ) I say they are very capable of role-playing an IPC. +1
  23. Reporting Personnel: Akela Ha’kim Rank of Reporting Personnel: Station Engineer Game ID: bQQ-cdhc Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - Eli Thornton (HoS) - Rowan Averill (Security officer?) : Witness - HK-48 : Witness Time of Incident: end of shift Real time: about 16:50 UK time, 06/06/2017 Location of Incident: Departures Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault []Misconduct [x]Other : Death Threat Overview of the Incident: She was waiting in departures for the shuttle back to the Odin with a security robot called HK-48 at the other side of the room; no other personnel were present at the time. Eli Thornton head of security and (she thinks was an officer) Rowan Averill walk into departures and stand at the aft wall whispering to each other. She noticed Mister Thornton point his cane at her and whisper something to Mister Averill but she is not sure what was said. This went on for a few minutes and she simply just peered out into space and didn’t think much of it. Then suddenly Mister Thornton pointed at her and said “You, Kitten.” To which she turned to face him and wonder what he wanted with the peculiar reference. He then demanded that she bring him a black coffee which she thought was odd as it was only a few minutes to go before the shuttle arrived. She replied saying that she would probably miss the shuttle if she was to go and get Mister Thornton a coffee to which he responded that she is quick on her feet and to “get moving.” She then told Mister Thornton that she was an older Tajara and she isn’t as quick as he might think. He then responded in a horrible tone with his exact words being: “Maybe they should put you down then.” The robot then made a buzzing sound and Akela didn’t know what to say in reply so she simply said “If that is what he says mister head of security.” Mister Thornton stared at her for a few moments before coughing loudly as the shuttle arrived. Akela boarded and he then said she was a “Disrespectful cat.” Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: No, it was the end of the shift. Actions taken: N/A Additional notes: She is an old Tajara and has been with Nanotrasen for a long time now and not once has a head of security ever told her that she should be put down. She works very hard to provide for her family and she doesn’t think she deserves threats such as that from heads of staff. It saddens her greatly to write this report and she hopes they do not think less of her for it.
  24. BYOND Key: Moltenkore Character Names: Akela Ha'kim, Tuljun Ne'rezi, KIR-60/40, Fire That Soothes The Sky Species you are applying to play: Snek peplee What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Green snek Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, all the pages. Snek's name: Sssskec Ssnek Snek's role: Sneking, Low Sneking, Midrange Sneking and High Sneking What does your snek man do: Slithers around being all sneklike in a snek kinda way.
  25. Seems a little odd to nuke Xeno shells from orbit instead of dealing with it in a case by case basis. Personally so far I've only seen two Xeno shells: a blue Tajara chemist and a slightly more orange Vaurca. Where is the mass Xeno shell IPC 'meme' that has supposedly cropped up? Anyway, why not just add some code that restricts shells to whatever the user's whitelists are? Or is that the plan in the long run?
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