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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. -OneTajaran- Hello everyone, more news about the #TheFamilyOfTheTauCetiFaithful . He won't go into details here, but just follow this link and it will all be explained. http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=7410 . Just know it's extremely important news if you're interested in The Family. Poslan Kur'yer-Isra
  2. Hello everyone reading. He is sure those of you who find this are from his Social Screeching profile, but for those who don't know what The Family of the Tau Ceti Faithful, it started out as a place for the Tajarans in the city of Mendell to come and pray since there are no real places for them to gather and do so. However, it's quickly grown into much more than that. What he thought would be little more than a hangout to pray, discuss and eat has grown into a center of the community, a place where the people and need come for a warm place to sleep, food for the hungry, and childcare for those in need, which surprised him beyond no end. What surprised him even more is that he's somehow managed to gather the eyes of people that actually gave him money to help keep the place running. However, now that he looking at the money, and looking over the expenses again, and, again, and, again, the more he see's even this isn't really enough. He does not, in any way, mean to insult the wonderful, and amazing people who gave him this money, but that doesn't mean it's enough. For safety and monetary concerns, he won't go into exact details about how much this place costs to run, or how much he actually has set aside for The Family, he can safely say that as of right now, this moment that he is type this, there are only five weeks left before the place is forced to close. Whatever little money you people can gather and give would a world of change for not only him, but all the people who've come to rely on this place for their food and family. Beside the good feeling in her heart, he's afraid he can't offer anymore rewards than that. He's sorry, but he hopes that doesn't stop you from donating. Current Collected Funds: 23,800 Credits
  3. -OneTajaran- He needs to make this message to thank Councilor Emma Godswood and the Godwood Foundation as a whole. Emma just recently, in person even, has made a donation to the #TheFamilyofTheTauCetiFaithful , he won't disclose how much for safety reasons, but suffice to say, we won't be running out of food for the foreseeable future, and if he can find the right supplies at the right prices, we might even see it expand, bring something new into one of the currently empty rooms. Poslan Kur'yer-Isra
  4. Did McFluff have the same idea and get laughed off?
  5. Watt do you think this will even accomplish? Sans puns, how would this make things any easier?
  6. Who cares if Trump was elected president and it's November Ninth, it's the Holiday Season!
  7. -OneTajaran- Hello, everyone who see's this. He just wants to advertise the #TheFamilyofTheTauCetiFaithful . He gathered some money together to rent the property for the faithful Tajarans who work in Tau Ceti, where there's not much easy access to proper worship to S'Rendarr and Messa, or safe gathering for us to meet and socialize. He hopes that we can come together here, worship the Suns properly, and meet and make new friends along the way. Any and all are welcome, human, Skrell, Unathi, synthetic, Vaurca. The only thing he asks is that you please remain respectful of all species and religions while you're here. We have rooms for children and food preparation as well, for those who struggle with food and childcare. He'll post a link to a special app below this, it'll give you the address, and directions on how to get there from your current location. [https://discord.gg/8kh6jn9] Poslan Kur'yer-Isra
  8. Who cares if it's November Ninth, it's the Holiday Season!
  10. Who cares if it's November Seventh, it's the Holiday Season.
  11. The whole system seems useless to me. Just something overly complicated for no reason to seem different from the other servers for raisins. I don't even think it's going to see any real use because the speed difference is hardly noticeable, at least I can't notice it, and you tired out and start to take damage at the drop of a hat. All together, this just seems like wasted effort that could have been put towards something more useful, that people were actively interested in.
  12. Who cares if it's November Sixth, it's the Holiday Season.
  13. Another screen flickers to life, a light gray Tajaran wearing a smile on his face. "Look on the bright side Doctorrr. THerrres no corrrporrrrate overrrrlorrrrds holding you back now. You can tell any fib you want, Lyall the time, and nothing can be Donne to you." The Tajaran smacks one of his hands over his mouth, holding back snickers and giggles until the camera turns to black, but a split second before the mic goes dead, his voice chat is nothing but chuckling and snickering.
  14. Who cares if it's November Fourth, it's the Holiday Season!
  15. This one is very GAY if you know what I mean.
  16. Who cares if is November Third, it's the Holiday Season!
  17. Who cares if it's November Second, it's the Christmas season!
  18. Who cares if it's November First, it's the Christmas season!
  19. Reporting Personnel: Poslan Kur'yer-Isra Rank of Reporting Personnel: Counselor Game ID: blLGXf Personnel Involved: - Avery Bell, Detective, Offender. (Serveris6) - Time of Incident: 7:10, 31OCT2458 Real time: 2:06PM Eastern, October 31st Location of Incident: Public Garden Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [X]Harassment []Assault []Misconduct [X]Other: Religious hate crime. Overview of the Incident: He saw Bell while walking through the hall, and he walked in to tell him a joke. He then saw him growing clippings of S'Rendarr's hand. He asked what he was doing, and he was told it was none of his concern. Just then, they grew fully mature, and he harvested them. He tried to tell them how important they were to Tajaran religion, and they dried the clippings, and said he was going to smoke them. He tried to tell them how important that are to the Tajaran religion towards S'Rendarr and Messa, but he just ignored him, and made a passing note 'request noted' like he was going to ignore this, and continue to burn the Sacred plants for his own enjoyment. For the record, what he does is just about on par with burning a cross, or destroying a Star of David, or ripping apart of Quran. He says on par, but these are just examples, what he does is so disrespectful and insulting to the faith, that he cannot even find the words to describe it. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Actions taken: Additional notes:
  20. Dear lord, M1-X looks terrifying. Also, for an angry, old roboticist, he looks pretty young, and rainbowy, and smiley.
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