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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. Jesus, it's not that bad.
  2. BYOND Key: Jboy2000000 Character name: War-bal Smith Item name: -Kin Wear Why is your character carrying said item to work? She is a Skrell-kin, a Skrell trapped in a human's body. She needs to wear this to feel comfortable in her own body. Item function(s): A O-Clothes and helmet to wear. Item description: The true body of a woman born of the wrong kind. Item appearance: How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? She will wear this, and then lecture everyone who laughs at her for wearing it, and cry and demand someone be arrested whenever they mis-specie her. Additional comments: Thanks to Mofo for the reference picture and idea concept.
  3. 1. Sana Sahira, the holy city, is within the borders of the People's Republic, so they retain cordial relations with them so they don't come into any trouble with them using their land. I once thought the main religion of the NKA would be the God-King cults of yore, since those were a thing, or could be still are depending on how the lore changes given the current transfer of loreheadminship. Aside the point, since that is not the situation, I can only assume that in the NKA there is a significant number of worshipers of the Suns in their society, military and infrastructure, so they would need to not outright say anything bad about the church, so they don't disestablish themselves anymore than they already are. Last, the ALA, they inherently dislike the hierarchy as they keep their land in the Republic's borders, their main enemy in the civil war. 2. Short answer, no. The clergy of the faith keeps on the fence. On one hand, they need to keep relations with the PRA good. They can't outright insult the other factions and dwindle the faith of the people there, which would be a big deal. 3. How about the Parivara, meaning, the "Family," because they're called the Father, the Brothers, and the Sisters. 4. The religious structure as a whole would have little opinion on the faith of Ma'ta'ke, it's just another faith followed by others with similar believes. Im sure, however, that large amounts of people would dislike those who follow Ma'ta'ke, a mere Tajaran over the Goddesses.
  4. Yeah, the point of them being so close to Biesel and the Romnovich(?) cloud is so they could pull in people working on that area, so yeah people would go there for vacation, it's like Disney World pulling in people from all over the Western world, but on a much larger scale. As for how it would affect after shift activities, its a theme park, a money trap for people to sink their paychecks and vacation days on. It's main purpose is to give people something to talk about something that's outside of work that isn't something so grim as civil wars, terrorist attacks and an entire planet starving. For as true to life as it is that bad, fucked up stuff happens all the time, theres also stuff out there that's mundane and fun. Like an amusement park. About the partner with NT thing, that's how this started off, in the Tau Ceti Free Trade Zone, but part way through writing this, it felt kind of odd to have it there, so I moved it to SA territory, for two reasons. I don't think it would pull in many people from the Sol Alliance if it was in the territory of the Republic of Biesel, but I don't think the problem would flow both ways. And two, even with taxes, given the first point, it would be more profitable for a company to be in this position, making their existence more plausible.
  5. Yeah, this has been sitting awhile and since the sing has fallen into obscurity on the server, may as well tuck this away.
  6. You got some ads there, partner.
  7. Type: Planet and Corporation Founding/Settlement Date: September the Sixth, 2455 Region of Space: Inner Colonies(?) within Biesel space. Controlled by (if not a faction): The Glaudium Other Snapshot information: A planet and moon found near the very near edges of Tau Ceti Free Trade Zone. The whole planet and it's moon has been built up as a gigantic amusement park, still inside the Alliance, but still close enough to it to draw attention and costumers from Republic of Biesel Long Description: Near Tau Ceti, a planet was found, and it would turn out that there would be no phoron on it, or anything else in a high enough quantity to make it look good to anyone in the Alliance, same with it's moon. It wasn't named, and almost forgotten. But someone eventually took interest. Where everyone saw profit losses colonizing it, a few people saw free land to build something. And after the formation of the Tau Ceti Trade Zone, it was put to use. It started with the moon. The Glaudium Corporation build a theme park that took up the entire moon itself with rides and games, enough to entertain a family for years. The goal here was to be a large source of entertainment for the new Republic and it's mass of employees. But the greed on man knows no bounds, and eventually people got bored of the moon sized park, saying there still wasn't enough to do, and that the excitement of having an entire satellite of a planet dedicated to a park faded faster than one might think. So they had to do the same to the planet. And that was a task on a grand, grand scale, and it would take YEARS to finish part of it. But it has been years. In 2458, they announced the planet, now named Glaudium after the company itself, was open for business. The planet wasn't fully covered in rides yet, but an entire continent the size of the North American Confederation was. With the new park that would last years and years and years for park goers before going stale, the moon was... Outdated, useless almost. But instead of abandoning it, it was re-branded and changed around a bit, It was now called the Glaudium Kiddie Zone, a whole moon dedicated to children's amusement attractions. On the planet were the bigger rides, and the more grown up attractions like haunted houses, as well as the 'more grown up' attractions like bars and caberates. It's one of the largest tourist attractions in the inner-colonies, and a huge vacation spot for those who work in the Republic of Nanotrasen Biesel.
  8. http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3506&p=41341&hilit=tuiee#p41341
  9. Yes, because upgrading two machines, and watching them until they die or fill up storage is just... So fun.
  10. I think this is going to be a thing that comes with the new map, which means it is coming "SOONtm"
  11. I feel like in terms of power, the three factions are just as they should be, realistically, and I would change very little, if anything about the amount of power these three nations hold. However, in the balance of publicity, there is a noted lacking of one side, the New Kingdoms. The Republic has their own outlet, the Liberation Army has their own outlet, but the New Kingdom is markedly left in the dust and barely mentioned outside of niche New Kingdom supporters on the station. I don't know how, but Id try to get them at least a little more noticed in the mind of players and the station's crew. There was a bit, and it was always interesting to see that develop. What other sort of campaigns do you have in mind for tajara/player interaction? A lot of people were let down when Taj Talk was ended, and so was I. I feel like the TBN was and is a lost cause, but Im going to try my best to bring Taj Talk back to the best of my abilities. As well as that, I might try to make another IC group for being to be in. My first thought is reforming the religion of S'Rendarr and Messa as described in my lore canonization app, and then start a little fellowship of followers of the religion that work on the station, and train some of them to be Brothers and Suns' Sisters, and make little mini-events where people like that come onto the station at the behest of them, to teach more people about Tajaran lore and the religion, and it's heresies. Speaking of the heresies, if anyone is at least interested, I might do something similar for them, as well as for the worship of Ma'Ta'ke.
  12. -OneTajaran- Oh wow, he forgot this thing existed, and that he had an account. This was an interesting post to remind him. He feels it interesting that they called their network an underground railroad. If he remembers correctly, that was an old Earth term for a network of people who helped slaved escape their taskmasters. Anyone else see the irony? Poslan Kur'yer-Isra
  13. Curel is good, almost to a fault. It's a Curel Warld when she isn't around
  14. Did the chapel mostly up, and even got robotics to build the chapel a private mech as a statue.
  15. Leaving the shield on all shift is considered power gaming.
  16. Setting up the shield from scratch in an emergency takes like 2-3 minutes, running a wire grille around the entire station would take at least 15. WHAT ARE YOU HIGH ON AND WILL YOU PLEASE PASS IT Shush. Im trying to convince the masses. Plus, making a grille around the station doesn't mean you need to either run to the bridge everytime it's needed, and wait for it to power up.
  17. Something that used to be right into the map was a meteor shield before we had shields. A wire grille was around the bridge to protect it, and I wish people would do that, build one around the station. Much better looking, and faster. I remember asking before we shifted code if we were allowed to build it around the whole station, and they said it was fine.
  18. I changed this, for obvious reasons now.
  19. The IR was closed because it was deemed as an OOC problem alongside this complaint.
  20. And what about everything described in the incident report against you?
  21. I don't like the class system with the books, it seems like it'd lock the special role user in and restrict what they can do just as much as it adds. If all the spells were always open for the player to be free to choose, Id fifth for stealing bay wizardry.
  22. Someone brought this up again. I still firmly we should have socks like we already have underwear and undershirts.
  23. I just want to bring this up, an incident report towards Xor, as the same character. http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?p=69826#p69815 The short of it is, he was insulting someone and saying he would murder that person with a flamethrower, welding himself into virology when security went to arrest him, attempted to kill himself to avoid being captured by security, and then broke out of the bring before being captured again. I assume since this actually made it to being an IR by a member of staff, we can trust that were never an antag at any point in this ordeal.
  24. Type: Religion Founding/Settlement Date: N/A Region of Space: S'Rand'Marr and anywhere cats Tajarans can be found. Controlled by (if not a faction): Father Walid Al'qat Other Snapshot information: This is an expansion of the religion the wiki says is the main religion for the Tajaran people, the worship of the Suns. Beyond that there isn't much, so Ive made my own, and most of what Ive created has become what is standard as to what most, if not all, Tajaran players use, with very little change to what has already been said. The Afterlife is called Messa's Forever, when someone of the faith dies, their soul becomes one with Messa, and are given unending splendor if they were good in life, and never ending burning if they were bad. Long Description: It is said that Tajarans first began to worship S'Rendarr and Messa when they first began to walk on two feet and speak the first languages of their species. When the first groups started to band together in religious sects, it's said they created the First Prayer, the most ancient prayer ever created in the faith of the Twin Gods and Sister Suns. It's spoken in a dead dialect, so old that even modern day translation technology can't turn it into Basic or Common, or any other language spoken today. From there on, as the religion became standardized and evolved into one, large, proper religion, a religious head was appointed, a Father of the preachers and the truly devoted. The Father is chosen from the Brothers of the Suns, the preachers of the faith. There is a Holy City on the tallest mountain on Adhomai, called Sana Sahira, which roughly translates into the City of the Suns, currently held by the People's Republic of Adhomai, East of Al'Mari and West of Fort Hadii. The First Father of the Twin Gods was said to have made a direct link with the Goddesses, who gave him these laws that all of their faith should follow. Since the day these were declared in Sana Sahira, they have been considered the Law of the Suns, essentially the Ten Commandments for those who follow the Twin Gods. Devoted women of the faith can become Suns' Sisters, who take a vow of silence of silence, like the Goddesses themselves, and live in the Mosques devoted to the worship, tending to them in anyway needed, anything from cleaning to heavy manual labour repairing and replacing glass or furniture, to healing the Brothers, patrons and other Suns' Sisters. To cause harm to a Suns' Sister is said to be one of the most unholy things you can do in a place of worship, as they're meant to emulate the Goddesses themselves, silent, but strong and dependable. There have been cases where people were publicly murdered when they hurt or even insulted a Suns' Sister. The position of being a Suns' Sister in Sana Sahira is considered to be one of the greatest honours in the faith, on par with being the Father himself. Suns' Sisters have also be known to be allowed to leave their place of resident and go elsewhere, lending their aide to others in the name of the faith. Like any religion, there are heresies of the main religion, namely there are worship of only one of the Goddesses instead of both. Those who follow S'Rendarr alone are closer to Christianity, seeing Messa as Christians see Satan, with a Heaven and Hell. Heaven is becoming one with S'Rendarr, and Hell is becoming one with Messa, burning in agony for eternity. Those who follow Messa alone are pretty much small cultist sects for edgy teenagers who praise death and pain in life. Meanwhile, the main worship is like follows. S'Rendarr is the Goddess of Life, and all that is good in it. You pray to S'Rendarr when you want to ask for betterment, of yourself, others, or anything else. Messa is the Goddess of Death. You use her name either in anger and spite, or in plead. To curse one using Messa's name means you wish them pain and death. To pray to Messa is to ask for goodness in her Forever, to please her so she knows she can treat you well in the life after death.
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