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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Trial extended for one week until 29JUL2024. During this time, try to play your command characters as much as reasonably possible. Remember, you can advertise this application in OOC once per round to gather feedback.
  2. Application rescinded per request. Welcome to go at this again whenever you have the time.
  3. Closed due to inactivity. Welcome to reapply at a later date.
  4. On trial until 11 July 2024. Remember you can advertise your application once per round to gather feedback. Try to play your trial character(s) as much as you can during this time. We'll get you server side perms to play them in a little bit.
  5. That's not a problem at all, we can extend it until next Sunday. If something changes, just message me and we can figure something out.
  6. On trial from 10JUN2024 - 17JUN2024. During this time try to play your command character(s) as much as reasonably possible to gather feedback on your application. Remember, you are encouraged to advertise your application in OOC once per round.
  7. On trial from 10JUN2024 - 17JUN2024. During this time try to play your command character(s) as much as reasonably possible to gather feedback on your application. Remember, you are encouraged to advertise your application in OOC once per round.
  8. On trial from 10JUN2024 - 17JUN2024. During this time try to play your command character(s) as much as reasonably possible to gather feedback on your application. Remember, you are encouraged to advertise your application in OOC once per round.
  9. Apologies for the delay, this was unfortunately missed by all of us for over a month. On trial from 10JUN2024 - 17JUN2024. If you are no longer interested in going through with the WL trial, reply here or message me on Discord (owen2139).
  10. Hello. @Noble Row and I have discussed this appeal and will unfortunately be declining it at this time. While you mentioned that you took about a three-month hiatus following the ban and have been attempting to improve your behavior in the month you’ve been back, we are still not uncomfortable with allowing you to antag again. Since you’ve returned, there have been two main incidents, in particular, that give us pause. The first is the round where you joined as a tajara circus clown and arrived to the Horizon unannounced, engaging in incredibly LRP behavior such as lubing the floors and shaving heads. While I was not there to personally witness this, this behavior makes me extremely uncomfortable unbanning you. These sorts of things, whether you are an antagonist or not, should not be happening. Additionally, you were spoken to for asking engineering to construct an unrestricted lathe in the armory at the start of a round, a behavior that borders on, if not outright constitutes, powergaming. While this is relatively minor in the grand scheme of things, it is still very much in line with the behavior that was at issue before.
  11. I imagine it would be how it was back when there was the HoP in control of both. A service and an ops channel. If this were to even happen
  12. As for the change overall? I am generally optimistic about this. I was not entirely sold on the XO being made 2IC back when the poll occurred, but this does seem well thought out. As a person who frequently plays captain characters, I look forward to seeing how a more defined "right-hand man" would work. About the XO position, this is a wholly beneficial change. I think this will lead to less turnover in XO characters with them being given more defined tasks and responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. It honestly makes me want to break out one of my XO characters more, just to try this all out. Seems very neat. With how this leaves the captain position though... I am somewhat concerned that this will leave even less to do for an already rather hands-off role. Although, I'm willing to give it a fair shot with this new dynamic.
  13. How will this be implemented in-game? Are new captain characters expected to first play a period of time as an XO before getting promoted? (If so, that sounds like it could be very interesting).
  14. Alright so, first things first. We (@ReadThisNamePlz & @eddymakaveli) have found that @Fluffy has shown no transphobic/homophobic tendencies in the OOC space. His characters are well within our rules and continue to maintain such. The GitHub conversation was taken out of context, and upon further review of it, we found that it was simply a miscommunication. No one is at fault for this. The Discord interaction provided, as stated, is not enough to warrant any OOC action because Fluffy was simply answering a question that was posted publicly. The mention of the LOOC conversations was deliberated on, but since you both ( @La Villa Strangiato and Fluffy) agreed on Fluffy's recollection of the interaction, we've decided that this was: Not explicit enough to get the point across that you were uncomfortable with the misgendering; and We cannot do much else without solid evidence, which has not been provided. The interaction between Levi Kersaavi and Deshan Baral has been inspected closely and we believe that until the point of this complaint, it was firmly an IC issue as it was not otherwise communicated to Fluffy. However, with the input here from both Fluffy and @Nol4, the IC misgendering/deadnaming of Levi Kersaavi should stop. This was already agreed to so there is no point in going into any more detail here. Overall, we believe that this is an IC issue. However, we'd like to extend the opportunity to LVS to make it clear here and now that you are not comfortable with your characters being deadnamed/misgendered. If you are "fine" with it then it is firmly an IC issue. If you are not fine with it, make it known now. If Fluffy continues, then it would be a violation of the first rule "Don't be a dick." We will be leaving this open to allow time for either LVS or Nol to make clear their preference, otherwise, we consider this resolved.
  15. @Nol4 We would like your input on this as well, please.
  16. It is clear that there are some strong feelings either way here. Just a gentle reminder to keep things reasonable here and try to avoid coming off as overly aggressive with your posts.
  17. Right, apologies for the delay. @ReadThisNamePlz and I have discussed this complaint at length and ultimately have found that @Bear acted entirely reasonably in this instance. There were no actual punishments given out, you were not given a warning, you were not given a ban, etc… You were informed, very politely, that this is not something that we want to see done here. In fact, Bear seems to have gone above and beyond here by keeping the ticket open and trying to answer your questions/give you explanations of why you were being told this, which he had no obligation to do after you started being rude. The bits that Bear cited in his most recent post here are entirely correct, and you should be attempting to maintain a reasonable/believable gimmick. Seeing something like “kill all of X, burn all Y,” etc. is low-effort, even if you are approaching it from a different angle. I will reiterate that you have received zero punishment here and there is nothing to even be reversed. However, to get ahead of a pattern that we are noticing developing here--it is strongly encouraged that you take a long look at how you approach your interactions here with other players. There is no need to be combative and rude, especially to someone when they are being entirely polite to you. We aren’t going to take any action here, but a serious attitude check and self-reflection are needed. No one is out to ruin your time here or make things unenjoyable for you specifically. We will be locking and archiving this within the next day or so.
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