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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Unless I am really confused, isn't it just that you start suffocating because you run out of air? Like currently in game
  2. I've interacted with Faye on and off both IC and OOC ever since returning to playing regularly on the server again. In that time, I have had nothing but pleasant interactions both IC and OOC with Faye and their characters. On an OOC level, I have the impression that Faye is incredibly level-headed, and well-versed on the mechanics while being helpful to newer players. While they are level-headed, I also don't think they are a pushover, and stand their ground on topics, which I think is an important trait to have when carrying out moderator responsibilities. Now after reading through Faye's interview, I think it further backs my belief that Faye has a good decision-making process, and at least plans on covering all their bases when dealing with moderator issues. I think that they would be a great fit as a moderator, and hope to see them succeed! Definite +1 from me!
  3. I've never really thought much about the current radio sprites, but seeing the suggestions you put forward I would be happy to see any of the three new ones implemented. C is probably my preferred choice out of them all. Do agree on the need for more shading though
  4. I've played a handful of rounds with Vrow's CMO since they began their trial. I think they are a fairly good member of command as far as that goes. From what I can tell, they have been focused on keeping up communication with the rest of command throughout the round, and generally seems to have an idea of what is going on throughout the station outside of just focusing on their department. Outside of just the review of them playing as CMO, from what I've seen so far Vrow is a good roleplayer and would be a great candidate for a command whitelist. Definite +1 from me.
  5. I completely get the burnout aspect of things, I think we've all experienced that. Maybe there can be another way of incentivizing people from just jumping right back in with the expectations that things are going to be the same as they were when they left here. I think that we could use having some more strict expectations of command players overall--they are most commonly a big part of the driving forces that can make a round tolerable or not. Another solution could just be a streamlined application for people who lose their whitelist that just serves as a check that they are back and up to date on the most essential changes that have happened recently on the server.
  6. My impulse reaction to seeing this was a definitive no at first, given that until the past month or so I would've fallen into this category of having my command whitelist stripped. But thinking about it for a bit longer than that, I think that this would honestly be a beneficial thing to consider. I know that coming back and playing as Captain right off the bat again back at the beginning of December I was a bit out of my depth, and this was still taking place on a relatively normal setting for us. This will be a case for a lot people coming back for the first time in a long time, who seek to reclaim their command roles due to the allure of the NBT, with no real idea of what has changed or how the community expectations have evolved over time. I also feel that as long as there were no problems with these players prior to their extended absence, it would and should be relatively easy for these players to reclaim their whitelist after being back for a little while. My only concern is that we tend to see a lack of command staff in general, and I would hate to see this stagnation continue even as new players return to the game with the launch of the NBT. Outside of that, I think that this may be helpful.
  7. I know that at this point, this topic is over a month old, but I just recently actually read the Visegrad page after hearing about it for so long. I think it is definitely a very interesting concept and I feel that it is one of the rare cases where a planet ties back to the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc as a whole (unless I am missing something, this seems like it should be more common given that they were one of the world superpowers in this timeline). Outside of the general history, I thought that the actual environment of Visegrad was a fresh and unique take. Too often I feel that we are dealing with near-utopian environments in many of the planets that are in our lore. A lot of the major planets tend to be similar to gaia worlds to use Stellaris as a point of reference. I also liked that the lore for Visegrad provides a clear reason why a character may have travelled to Biesel. Given the political turmoil, it is mentioned that it is not uncommon to see many Visegradi colonists be uprooted and travel the galaxy to find better conditions to call home. Given all of that, I am genuinely considering making a new character come from Visegrad (if I ever get around to making a new character). Overall, it was quite an enjoyable read.
  8. This seems like a very common sense suggestion, I don't see any reason why this couldn't work. Definitely support this one +1
  9. I know that you've mentioned that you would not be using any of your existing characters for this, but it would be helpful to list out the character(s) that you've been playing in command positions since you've been on trial.
  10. Reporting Personnel: Valorallen Vitellia Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Captain Personnel in Question: Buck Thompson Job Title of Personnel in Question: Cargo Technician Reason for Review: [X] - Extended Arrest History [X] - Grievous Infraction on Record [ ] - Other: ____ Notes:
  11. Alright, well, since this was a warning that I issued, I'll provide my point of view on it all. Leading up to me PMing you, I received an ahelp from a player stating that they were killed by your character immediately after being embraced and with no interaction at all besides being beat down and left for dead. While yes, you are in a state of a blood frenzy at the time of you being embraced, you are still considered an antagonist and should not just be killing people for the sake of killing them. You do not need to be bound or loyal to the vampire who embraced you, and at the time of my PMing you, there were no attempts to actually consume blood from this player as well--I essentially considered this to be a case of ganking. I still do not feel that you were justified in your actions during this incident, and to quote the 'Frenzy' section of the Vampire page on the wiki, "You are reverted to a snarling creature who only wants to consume blood until you are able to break out of it, and regain control. This is done by draining blood." From what I was able to gather, you did not attempt to do so, and it only appeared as though you killed this character. Now, to address your specific points: If they were running away, then I find it to be even less justified to go hunt and punch them down and kill them. Removing a player from the round, while necessary at times depending on the situation, is also something that should not be taken lightly. I grant you that on this point, it does make more sense. Though I still find issue in you killing the other player in this situation. As was stated earlier, your character would really only be focused on just getting blood as soon as they possibly could at that point in time. I don't really think there would be a capacity to target someone for revenge for transforming you. Once dropping out of the blood frenzy, I can see how you can justify it then. The decision to revive the player who had been killed was done through an interaction between an admin and the player, I was not a part of the conversation, and simply assume that it was standard procedure on the side of the admins. I cannot recall which admin it was specifically that handled that, but they are welcome to speak on it further. I can understand that even though we are all aware that it is a game, our emotions can still get the best of us. I was not present for your actions leading up to your ban, and am only learning that it was applied through this complaint. In the end, I do believe that in this case, your actions still did warrant the warning that was applied to you. I will of course, defer that confirmation to the admin that reviews this complaint, but in my interpretation of the situation, it was an unnecessary kill, and it only achieved to stifle further interaction throughout the round. Killing as an antagonist is not inherently wrong, obviously, but in this case I find that the manner that it was performed to be problematic. From what I have gathered the player who embraced you attempted to flee and you hunted them down and beat them to death (drinking from them at some point after our interaction already began). We do hold our antagonists to a standard of attempting to craft a larger story throughout the round, and immediately turning and killing the one who embraced you, in my opinion, is poor play OOC.
  12. I've held the opinion that there should be more human languages that can be selected. When I returning into SS13 after a while of being away, I did check out Bay for a bit and was drawn to the number of language options that were present. I recall that some time ago here, we had that suggestion to implement even just variations of Sol Common, though having an Elyran language (some sort of colonial Arabic mixed with other local languages), Scarab religion, etc. Those would all be nice I feel. It helps show the variety in humans, rather than just once unified bloc.
  13. I was just thinking about this a few days ago. I think continuity in time between the rounds would be a great idea.
  14. I think that Brotendo is an excellent roleplayer and has a very realistic character with Imran. I like to think that I am a big influence in pushing this application into creation. Brotendo has played countless rounds as Imran where he was promoted to Interim Chief Engineer. During those rounds, there have been no issues in his behavior or any questionable actions. They are responsible and well respected by those within the departments they play both ICly and OOCly. Without a doubt they have what it takes to hold this whitelist. A definite +1 from me.
  15. Glad to hear that you enjoy our interactions! But yes, it was mainly due to burnout. I was 14 or 15 at the time, and didn't really have good time management skills at all so high school hit me like a truck. At this point though, I'm graduated now though and have plenty of time on my hands so I think that I could invest it into something like this.
  16. I would have no issues in that case then.
  17. Yes. In my mind I consider the NT Liaisons to be a direct successor to the IAA. They should be able to do this. Though, I think there should be a caveat that the Captain or a Captain-level decision can overrule the Liaison's decision in the scenario that they deem it necessary. It could always escalate from there into an IR or whatever, though I doubt that would actually happen.
  18. I would support the ability of NT Liaisons being able to sign off on avowals. As a Captain, I hardly have the time, nor the familiarity with many of the characters to know whether or not they are trustworthy and things. And often times, there is something else that is going on that needs to be attended to. NT Liaisons being able to do it would be a big positive in my mind. I could also see the Head of Personnel having the power to do it as well. I can see the justification for that one. As of now, they seem extremely difficult to get.
  19. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: YouJustGotOwened Character Name(s): Main: Valorallen Vitellia Less Frequent/Retired: Auralia-Fedas Ro'Suos Aviel Vierleq'Fedas Sebas-Regluk Vri'Shek Uelish-Mistek Ka'Qelip'Te Railo-Mestoqe Ca'Qelolisp I have a multitude of other characters, though they are hardly ever played, especially recently. AI Name(s): None Discord username + tag: Owen#2139 Age: 18 Timezone: Eastern Daylight Time When are you on Aurora?: Mornings and evenings EDT Experience How long have you played SS13?: ~6 years How long have you played on Aurora: ~6 years How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Fairly experienced in all areas of the game Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: In the past, I was a moderator on this server and have also held the position of CCIA Leader. This was back in the 2016-2017 times from what I can remember. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yes Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No Personality Why do you play SS13?: I find SS13 to be one of the most unique games that I’ve played because of the depth of the mechanics and because of the RP opportunity that it allows. Why do you play on Aurora?: For me at least, Aurora is essentially the only server that I can play. In my opinion, the HRP aspect of the server is my only reason to play the game. I love the stories which can develop naturally over time, and the feelings of playing in what seems like a living and ever-changing setting. What do moderators do?: Moderators are a group of players on the server who have stepped up to take on the task of ensuring that roleplay can continue to happen on the server. Whether this is by making sure that griefers are dealt with, or even making decisions on OOC issues that arise throughout rounds in order to allow for RP to develop. It is not the responsibility of moderators to ensure that rounds go the way that they think would be best, but rather to allow players the ability to play appropriately and develop the story further. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: What I feel separates the moderator position on Aurora when compared to other servers is that on Aurora we are a server that does have High Roleplay standards, and in some cases, we must get involved OOCly if there are issues that arise. While it is important to be welcoming to new players from all different backgrounds of experience with this game, it is an expectation that people do eventually find themselves falling into the general RP standards that we expect on this server. The moderator position both allows for an official way of helping these new individuals acclimate themselves to our style of play and also ensure that these standards are held to the same degree for all players on the server. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I wish to be a moderator because I feel that I am adept at interacting with people and finding solutions to most issues while remaining level-headed. In this position, I feel that I would be providing a service to a community that has provided me endless hours of entertainment. I enjoy helping teach new players and sort of guide them in the right direction, while also dropping hints here and there to even more experienced players. I feel that in this position, I could take my years of experience in the game and use it to help other people. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: What I feel in particular is a quality that is good to have in a moderator is that for the most part, I can remain rather level-headed in stressful situations (I am a Captain main after all lmao). I think that I have good communication skills and do not allow any bias to get involved in my decision-making processes. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I am pretty good in my opinion on keeping myself cool under pressure, and generally just have insults bounce off of me, especially in a setting such as this. I understand that people get fairly heated over things, especially involving OOC administration, and I am capable of not letting it get to me. Anything Else You Want to Add: I just want to touch on the fact that I was both a CCIA Leader and Moderator in the past. Both of these positions I left on amicable terms, and due to no reason outside of my lack of activity at those times. If I am remembering correctly, I left both of those positions due to my entering high school (I know, I was a youngin), and felt that I needed to focus more time towards my schoolwork.
  20. Hi people. It's been about five years since I've last posted asking for character feedback and in that time it seems to have been lost to the void. Since Vitellia is one of my longest played characters on the server, and as I've recently gotten back into the game I figured I'd see what people thought about him. Just to give a little rundown on who he is, Valorallen is an 82-year-old Elyran Captain who has been working with NanoTrasen for many years at this point. Before becoming a Captain he worked his way up through the Medical Department where he served for some length of time as a Chief Medical Officer. He probably has one of the most extensive backstories of all my characters just because I've played him for as long as I have, so if you also have questions about him or anything, I'd gladly explain some of the more general things about him.
  21. Wow. Surprised by how many of these names I remember
  22. Hi everyone, this DiscordRP is where I've disappeared to for the past few months. You may remember an advertisement for the Republic of Sol/UNE from a few months ago. This is the next iteration of the game, and have many of the same players as before. A quick overview basically is that this server is the simulation of a government in a game of Stellaris. You can join a social class, government role, and political party and have a direct impact on the fate of our Commonwealth, and how the nation survives the game with roleplay mixed in. Every Saturday we stream for 15 in-game years to see the effect your decisions have on the empire. We have an automated character system. That includes social class, age, and money. After each stream of the game, we all age up by an appropriate amount of time and pay you for your work. After a while, you will die and have your character and stuff reset. You are then free to create a new character, be basically the same as the original, or try something completely different. We started in the year 2200, and have recently reached the year 2290. In those 90 years, there have been coup attempts, political intrigue, and religious strife to go around. Along with a few genocides here and there, but that's not the big deal. This nation is a Timocracy (Basically an elite controlled democracy with legalized slavery) governed by state capitalism and the principles of Machinism (an Industrial Cult that considers machines to be a gift of the divine Aether). Although change has been in the works for decades now. We've had civil wars, and have experienced coups through almost legal means. There are 3 important social classes The Clergy enforces the way of Machinism in Research and Jurisdiction. The Nobility leads the Executive Branch of Government and the Military. The Populus is the lowest of the free classes, but are the only ones who can lead the Legislative Branch. https://discord.gg/FzVuVfS is the link for the discord server. And if you have any questions about this, my discord account is Owen#2139 I'd be glad to help and hope to see you there!
  23. After reading the application, I have found that the backstory is extremely bare bones and could use some work. There is not much too specific, no real details about who Rilumim is. A couple questions that come to mind are: How old is Rilumim? Does she have any family? Are there specific reasons that Rilumim distrusts synthetics? Does Rilumim have any notable experiences throughout her life before the NSS Aurora? How did the environment that she grew up in impact her? (depending on age, could be war-torn recovery, newer generations of skrell, discovery of humanity. There are many notable events that could be incorporated into backstory) Does Rilumim have any living family? Children? Those are just a few questions that I could think of off of the top of my head. You hopefully get the point though that detail is very nice to see in showing that you understand the species. As it is now, it is not a horrible application, but I'd very much like to see more substance. I'd like it to seem like Rilumim is a living character, rather than someone that has been thought up with very little explanation. There were a few more concerns that I had while reading the application. It is important to keep in mind that Skrell do indeed have a wide range of emotions, but many of their social ques are very difficult for non-Skrell to pick up. It can be simple things such as the change of inflection in their voice. They do show their emotion much better when speaking in Nral'Malic (Skrellian), as that is what they are more familiar with generally. It is not that the Skrell are lacking of emotion, or overall arrogant (while some may be), but it is just difficulties in displaying it to Humans. If you want to get an idea about how specific to make your application, I'd recommend looking back at some previous Skrell applications to see how in depth many would go. I look forward to see what you can do!
  24. I like how you explored the situation with teaching the first generations born following Glorsh-Omega. I would've liked to see a bit more to 'X' regarding his upbringing and perhaps his parents and how his childhood experiences drew him towards the scientific fields as you said. I'd also like to know all the fields that 'X' has delved into, as it says here that he went into studying physics, but later on you mention that he has involvement in chemistry, biology, and engineering. Is this something that 'X' is still focusing on? As Bluespace was only discovered in 2413, before that there would've been no "bluespace technology" for 'X' to be researching. What led to 'X' getting up and moving his life to Tau Ceti following the discovery of Humanity. You stated that he was revolted by seeing synthetics used by Humanity, yet he eventually managed to adapt to the environment. I'd appreciate to see a bit more backstory on what led to his change of opinions, as it does go against the general opinion of his peers. Overall, 'X' seems like a fairly basic character with not much to him besides when he was born, and what he does. I'm genuinely interested in learning more about this Skrell though, as he was born in a time where there wasn't much hope for his species. The population was rather unsteady, and he would've definitely been shaped by the emphasis on making a better for himself than those before him. It would be nice to see who 'X' is as a person, get to know what his ambitions are. Just to see that he will actually be a well thought out character, not another Skrell who suffered through their life and now work on a space station in Tau Ceti. Don't be afraid to break out of the mold about, add some creativity and interesting details about his life. Does he value family? Does he have a Quualt'Shirapt? does he have children? I have no doubt that you will be able make this character more alive. I like the base that you have going for it at the moment. I am interested to see what else you have in your head Good luck!
  25. Ooh, the old bar and bridge. You know what's up.
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