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Everything posted by mirkoloio

  1. Alucard is literally space hitler. I hate security officers going like "If you're under arrest you /must/ be cuffed. Is standard protocol" i /HATE/ officers that stuff you in a cell and rip your clothes from your body just to dress you in orange for 3 minutes. I hate muffins irl
  2. I want to take over the Station as Stamos in a Group-traitor round like cult/rev/Nuke and rule the place like a king. Like, Slaughtering /all/ the heads and security, pileing their corpses up in the bar and building a throne on it. Then rule the Station in the Stamos way. "Sir, He stole a donut" "Execute him" "Sir, It's Roy Wyatt" "Gas him, clone him, Gas him again and repeat"
  3. Mirk approves of this thing. do eet
  4. Sounds perrrrfect. Please make sure to add armor to the jacket. Because a HoS jacket without armor it no HoS Jacket. Thanks a ton, ~mirk
  5. So, Guys. If you want to see this you'd need to give me a guy/girl as captain too. I don't want Jamison to be your captain. Do you want Jamison as captain?
  6. The Item itself is already ingame and spawns on me. This is merely a request for it to be changed. Because atm it is a "NT Navy Coat" and a "Navy beret". But NT Navy was a thing in our old lore. It's non existent anymore. I'd like it to be changed as stated above in my first post.
  7. Hue. I can just Imagine Amy as Pirate: "Y-Yarr.. G-Give me that loot?" "No!" "Okay.... Sorry..." xD
  8. Oh, and be so kind to include the gender of your pirate, There are female pirates ingame too. especially for those tajara/Lizardman names.
  9. Pixel Piracy is a side-scrolling 2d, real time strategy/sandbox/simulation game created by indie developer Vitali Kirpu. In the game, the player controls the crew of a pirate ship. The player must sail the ship over a number of sea zones, each with events procedurally generated in a roguelike fashion, while facing against pirates and other hostile forces, recruiting new crew members, keeping discipline and outfitting and upgrading their ship and many more. Combat takes place in pausable real time. Now, what I want to do here is: I plan on writing stories about this game. Just like Rusty did with FTL and Xenonauts. So, if you want yer chars t' be plunderin' for booty with me, send me a PM with name and occupation OR reply to this post. Occupations are: Boarders, Gunners and ship crew. Captain is available too1. Now, Boarders do board the enemy ships and thus have a rather high risk of dieing. Gunners use the cannons aboard to shoot the enemy to bits untill boarding distance is reached. Ship crew will cook, clean, fish and defend the ship if the boarding crew fails or the enemys boarded us faster then we boarded them. And the captain basically gives the orders and loots the enemy ship after the boarders removed the enemy crew. I will try to upload screenshots here so you can see how good your guy is doing and how he's improving. Now, do tell me if my stories suck. This will be the very first real storyline I ever wrote. So criticism and tips for improvement are welcome.
  10. I am quite sure you mean the unnecessary killings I've done. And about me trying to do the same all the time. Like, most of the time I traitored I tried taking over the station, wich lead to me /always/ ending up dead and/or arrested. I think you mean things like that.
  11. This sounds awesome. I can just imagine all the stuff you can do with this! I'd love to see and use those.
  12. The whole reason why I've been banned goes here: I've been banned due to my repeated powergaming in the past. I. e. Immediately getting stungloves and the like. Due to ganking, EoR Grief violations, repeated self antagging. That's about all the stuff I've done and I'm not quite proud of it. The Changeling>monkey>Sting>Human>absorb thing merely gave me the final push into this ban. As I've said. I'm not proud of my actions and i see that they've been wrong. I think I've improved by now and I'd like a chance to proove it. However, That's up to the admins.
  13. yeah. Fabian is my 99% security 1% Captain char.
  14. Toolio is right there. I mean, how would you feel if I spawned in as assistant with a HoS grade armored coat and would somehow be selected as traitor and then go on killing all the people? ((I wouldn't do that)) You'd have a hard time taking me out then. Wich would be an unfair advantage over people.
  15. I fucking felt bad at that Despair thing. Holy shit. It almost made me cry
  16. BYOND Key:Mirkoloio Character name:Fabian Goellstein Item name:Conversion Kit - NT APF Armor, Worn Security Beret. Why is your character carrying said items to work?He's working for the APF, since the Nt Navy doesn't exist anymore. This is a CHANGE app. Not for a new item Item function(s):The conversion kit would simply turn a Wardens jacket OR a Security armor suit into Mr Goellsteins NT APF Armor, with armor. Item description: For the Beret: This is a NT Asset Protection Force Beret. It has the NT APF insignia on it as well as the Name "Goellstein" inside. The Jacket after it was converted NT APF Armor This is a NT Asset Protection Force Armor. It is fashioned as a very badass jacket in NT Security Colors. The nameplate carries the Name 'Goellstein'. It Looks very sturdy. Item appearance:. A blue NT Security Jacket with some red trims and livery, designating them as APF Officer. The beret just a blue Beret with red insignia. The jacket should fit with the uniform, please. Additional comments: Thanks a ton? The Beret shall be: NT APF Beret. The Jacket will be: Don't Forget to add the armor. AFterall, It'd be a conversion kit for a Piece of security armor.
  17. I get the point there,Skull. And I'm focusing on it. Just didn't mention it. But I get the point
  18. BYOND Key: mirkoloio Total Ban Length: Banned on: 16.02.2015 So it's a month now Banning staff member's Key: Doomberg Reason of Ban: Banned due to a complaint filed against me. Reason for Appeal: I have been banned quite some time ago. I had quite some time to think about my actions, quite some time to improve. After reading the complaint several times and thinking back into the situation I've realized that what I did there is not quite the thing I should do. Even the part where I justified the Monkey->Sting->Human->Absorb thing with the "noble" cause of not removing players from the round seems like a dumb idea to me now. Over the time I spent banned I think I too improved my general RP with Jamison. And yeah. I hereby once again ask of you to allow me as an antagonist again. ~Mirk
  19. Well. it seems we are somewhat somehow getting no where if we keep argueing about the stuff I did wrong. I admit I fucked up majorly in quite some areas, yes. As requested in my first post I'd be OK if the antag ban would be lowered to a ling-only ban. It would prevent me from fucking up as ling. I think that'd be a realistic thing to do because I see my appeal really close to being declined here. Yes, this is the last, desperate try to avoid it from being declined. However, I think I got no influence on it. Admins, Do your thing!
  20. Well, A stun sting was not available at that time. I had blind, death and transform sting. Note that I was straightjacketet. So, It would have been a hard game absorbing them in time.
  21. Very well. So, After Security found out that I was eating those protohumans, they send officers after me. I deathstung one out of the blue with no valid reason, this is the first non-justified deathsting. Then, an IPC officer, Centurion I think stunned, cuffed and brought me to the brig. I stung them too, wich did not work because IPC. Now, I was brought to the security processing room. The warden wanted to implant me. I told them clearly to not implant me about one or two times. They proceeded regardless. I stung them, avoiding the Implant, imo this was justified sting number 1. Following this, two officers came in, one was already present. For Visualisation: Officer 1 is inside. Officer 2 and Ana came and watched. Officer 1 was deathstinged by me for he has beaten me. Following that, the Officer 2 and Ana shot at me with carbines. I was killed but rejuved a bit later wich made them freak out. Especially the watching CSI. The officers shot me again to death and the CSI dragged me away to space me. I rejuved and stung him too, So imo we got 3 good stings and 2 bad ones there. I managed to escape, hid as monkey untill sec found me along with some scientists. Sec beat me and the scientists fed me a monkeycube wich made me explode and took me permanently out of the game. Note that all persons I killed could have been cloned.
  22. Hold up there. As far as I know I was banned for the monkey powergaming. I know I was wrong doing that. However I think I was /not entirley/ wrong in useing my Death-sting to escape security. Wich worked more or less like intended. It got me out.
  23. Well, Tainavaa. This was well before my first antag ban. If it had bothered you back then you should have brought it up then, no? Not meaning to be rude or something. But I don't think what you pointed out here counts in this appeal.
  24. To that one nuke round. I did not know my teammates were nearby. I really didn't. I triggered the bomb to end my chars already ended life and grab some ERTs with me. To that one cult round. Our efforts to enslave the people in the name of Nar'sie were quickly struck down by Virus causing us to pass out and be unable to use our hands. And the deathstinging is what drove the CSI mad, made him get me out of the brig and try to space me. Wich too failed as I stung him.
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