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Everything posted by mirkoloio

  1. BYOND Key: mirkoloio Total Ban Length: Permanent Antag Ban Banning staff member's Key: Doomberg Reason of Ban: Permanent Antag ban due to the Complaint on the Forums. Reason for Appeal: So, I've once again been Banned from Antag Roles due to the Complaint about my "monkey-eating-powergame" on the forums here. It stated that I've been orderin monkey cubes from Cargo, stung em with the transform sting and ate them to aqquire more points and thus more powers to annihilate the humies. Well, It's true I did it. It's mainly due to me sucking at the changeling mode. ((See what I did there? Sucking? changeling mode?)). Also a reason that lead to this ban might've been the one deathsting rampage I went on. However I think that some, not all Mind you, of those stings were justified. I was banned to learn to improve on playing antag jobs and also have ICly aquired minor antag roles while banned, with admin consent, to show or to try and show that I improved. I hope the admins see that I have improved, seeing that they have the final say on this. I would very much love this ban to be lifted completely or at least reduced to a ling-only ban.
  2. NOTE: This wipe is not existent anymore. It is all new now. Join now and play with me!!
  3. Why do all of you people are mad about me avoiding to kick players out of the round? I cleared this with a moderating staff earlier and they stated it is Ok to eat protohumans as long as I do not go on a gankfest with deathsting. Say, Do you want me to shoot you out of the round? Or would you rather have me eat monkeys and let you guys (E)RP in the bar?
  4. oh god.... oh god...
  5. Welp. Then I guess that's it? MirkMod app No. 2 (Or 3) has failed, as I predicted it to happen. Still, Trying doesn't cost anything so I will keep trying.
  6. Eh, Gollee. The /same/ text for deathsting is too used for the blind sting. Just pointing this out. And I agree with 1138
  7. As said. I impaled the warden after I told her to relase me AND after I told her to /not/ implant me wich she continued to do regardless of my warning. And yeah, Would you rather have me kill loads of people and send em to the ghostworld grumbling about their death? Or have me eat some monkeys and let people have their (E)RP? And as far as I know no where it is written that I /have/ to take challenges as a Antag. Because, why hard when you can do it simple and easy? I mean, a challenge would be to rid the station of human life, no? That's what Lings do anyway, eat humans.
  8. Well. IN case you did not notice. I was /gibbed/ shortly after I stinged Mr. Avalon. So, It was not really my fault everyone died. I had some on my card, but by far not all. Still, If you try to incinerate a Changeling you got to count with being stung and eventually killed. The antag description does not say "you are securitys bitch and have to die and may not sting anyone at all even if they are going to incinerate you" Edit: Also, if the sting says "..injects humans with retrovirus..." Why am I allowed to Sting Tajara and Unathi and so on then and not monkeys/farwa/neaera/stok? They are not human last I checked. And the feeding on protohumans was due to my companion Kaipov needing help. I was gathering strength to bust him out wich failed due to him ceasing communications then. ((I know the Edit sounds silly, but hey.))
  9. Good Morning, First off, I do not think that the transformation sting thing is a bug. It is called /transformation/ sting for a reason. 2nd, I used the deathsting, but did not spam it on people close to me. I used it, yes, but within reason. Like, the warden tried to implant me with an implant I did not know what it is. I said no, they continued, so bam, Stinged. Then, As you guys repeadeatedly kept unleashing laserstorms on me it was kinda justified if I had killed /all/ of you. And another time I used the sting was when I escaped from you guys, wich worked with a hilarious end. I hope I explained things good as of now.
  10. sounds good to me. +1 from germany
  11. No one wants to comment anymore?? :C. You guys make me sad. Please tell me how much you want a MirkMod
  12. Response to Tenenza: I am not that often AFK. When I am AFK then I am afk LONG. Response to lord Skull: Modding and killing people are two different things. If I want to kill people in an interesting and RP rich way it may lacka bit from my side. However moderating a server and handling situations is something different and you do not have to think of funny/interesting ways to handle it. You got to handle it with a low-but-not-totally-zero-tolerance-policy and honesty. I was taught that if I have proplems with things I should ask people who have coped with those things to improve myself. If there is a new situation, I will ask or act the way I see it currently fit. I hope this answer answers your question
  13. LeMirk volunteers. Another Stamos comes to you guys.
  14. Basic Information Byond Account: Mirkoloio Character Name(s): Jamison Stamos, Eric McArthur, Joshua Nicholas(AKA: Santa)) AI Name(s):V.O.D.A.P.H.O.N.E Preferred means of contact: Skype possible, Steam on mobile, Hangouts. Whatsapp if everything else fails Age:16 Timezone:GMT+1 When are you on Aurora?:All day when I got time, Even deadhour Experience How long have you played SS13?:Long, about a year and a half now How long have you played on Aurora: About a year I'm sure How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?:Much Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?:Yes, been mod and Admin on Commodore back in the day. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?:I'Ve been banned for Griefing in the past, permanently. Several JobBans and one permanent for Multikeying. Recently an Antag ban, Has been lifted. NOTE: Only the Antag ban is from Aurora Station Personality Why do you play SS13?:Because It is different from all the Ego-shooters and shit literally everyone plays, And because of RP Why do you play on Aurora?:Because the Community is awesome and because I kinda feel at home there What do moderators do?: Mods take care of the players, make sure nobody fucks with the immersion and annihilate griefers and the like What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?:It means I am one step closer to hijacking the server I'm taking responsibility for the people I consider friends and watch after them so they do not get disturbed by griefers. Why do you want to be a moderator?:To help the Staff in maintaining a healthy, friendly and Grief-less atmosphere What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I am able to admit it if I did something wrong and I am reasonable. I am rather Mature for my age ((if I WANT to be)), or at least that is what people tell me. I am able to listen and figure things out so even the sneakiest of griefers will be punished for his terrorism. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Rather good I'd say Anything Else You Want to Add: It sure would be a giant honour to serve in the Aurora Mod team and I would give my best to fullfill the needs and objectives given to me as mod. I also would most definetly start to stop being an asshole most of the time and be Less weird too. Starting now. ((Note that If I wrote something wrong or something sounds odd to you, contact me. My english still is not that good and I am glad about criticism))
  15. :'C :'C
  16. Applying Role:Bouncer Name: Jamison Stamos Date of birth:10.November.2436 Address: Stamos Residence, 8 King's Avenue. Mendell City, Biesel Gender: Male Species/ethnicity: Human Contact Details:E-mail: J.Stamos36@CCmail.Com Noteworthy health issues: None Qualifications/training: Black Belt in Krav Maga. Advanced IT training. Handgun Training Carrying Permit for Handguns Job History: Quartermaster: 1 Year
  17. Yes, I understand what you mean.
  18. For One I could stop playing Nuke Ops. Because I generally suck at them. Maybe I could plan better. Or leave planning to others. Also I will halt conflict towards shuttle transfers. Sorry if I misunderstood your question.
  19. BYOND Key: mirkoloio Total Ban Length: Antag ban. They are permanent AFAIK Banning staff member's Key: TishinaStalker Reason of Ban: Running on the shuttle as syndie agent fully armed and taking a hostage, thus Ignoring the EoR Grief rule. Reason for Appeal: So, I've been jobbaned about a week ago now and I think It's time for me to appeal since I enjoy playing Antags. I am totally aware why I have been banned and The ban was Just and OK. I have made a mistake with running on the shuttle and starting to aim at the captain. This all happened due to a major fuckup in my planning and bad RP from my side. So, Nobody else is at fault but me. I am wholeheartedly asking for appology and would really like to be unbanned. Things like that won't happen again from my side.
  20. +1 from lemirk. You are an awesome RPer and are most definetly fit to play the treemen. I don't be-leaf this will get denied
  21. Somehow... in my oppinion... LordFowl has kinda beaten every counter-arguement of yours with pure logic. It is amusing to read this and I see this as a serious app. And hey, Why not? His points are convincing to me. +1
  22. -@MrAwesomeQm- Blood on my Suit. Party plans trashed. #Shitcurity #PARTYHARD #NSSAurora Jamison Stamos
  23. Good RPer and a nice person too. +1
  24. Lands of Legend is a some kind of Medieval-Fantasy-RPG wich contains monsters, different races, NO classes, loads of weapons, RP, an Inquisition and Ratmen. Oh, did i mention it contains loads of languages to learn and speak? As you join the first time you are promted to create character and you can choose from many races including Humans, Giants, Dwarfes and Ratmen. When you finished creating your char you spawn in your respective spawn area and then are all on your own. There are no quest like in other games such as WoW. You make your own guest. You set yourself a goal and follow it. Annihilate Humanity? Do it. The gameworld is literally never "wiped" wich means your characters save and age up untill the server wipes or you die of old age. It is kinda fun to play with a group and build yourself a gigantic town or maybe an impressive castle. Following some screenshots: Ask me anything you want to know more. Abendroth and Me are already playing! Join us in the Lands Of Legends!
  25. BYOND Key: mirkoloio Player Byond Key: LeEbinSpessman, Reason for complaint: LeEbinSpessman: In todays Nuke round at around 15:30 German time ((dunno the timezone)) the Detective played by LeEbinSpessman metagamed me to Oblivion and back. He's been identifying my antag Items as I infiltrated like He'd own them, I.e. Identified my Military belt as Syndie belt and my Swat gloves, wich are technically only black gloves as "evil". He also dragged me bucklecuffed around literally yelling "He Isn't one of us!" "He has foreign guns. Must be bad. Perma him" He continued to meta even after the admins told him to stop.
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